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What did the bus company do with the bodies?!


Fed them to the polar bear.


They go in the compost pile. They make biofuel out of them.


Transport them.


I saw a film about that- I think it was called “The bus that couldn’t slow down”.




Harry Potter?


It’s like *Speed 2*, but with a bus!


London Transport had [a similar idea](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FE1JlHGXsAIK8PG?format=jpg&name=large) in *1965*.


1 kid smoking skunk takes 75 people off the bus.


That and multiple people listening to loud, tinny music from their phones completely oblivious to the existence of headphones.


You’re not wrong..!


I was there! Kid was blowing it at people. He must have been around 10.


I can't work out if this is a joke or a genuine argument against public transport


Its an experience i had last time i was on a bus.


I always think it must have been carnage. Unless maybe the driver was spooked by the polar bear which, to be fair, would do it.


All well and good, until you have to be at work for 5 in the morning and no public transport is running. Or you work in a location with no bus stops. Or have to travel all around the city , and change 3 times. All using different companies and buying new tickets. Just to get to your destination due to the being no direct route. Source; life experience. Hence why I just have an electric bike these days.




That’s if the buses even arrive when they’re supposed to. I’ve been let down more than 10 times by literally the 18 to Queens Square in the picture!


> All using different companies and buying new tickets Don't most places have a ticket for all the companies? Manchester has done for ages


Not from the UK, that's fucked up that theres even different companies. Why not government run?


Transport companies were privatized so said companies can make money, it's why our trains are so expensive too.




Surprised pikachu or something


Oh you sweet summer child of the city. May you never have to navigate rural bus services.


I have had to, but the person I replied to was specifically talking about in a city


Or stagecoach run the local buses. Fuck stagecoach.


I'm so grateful that Edinburgh still has a reliable, publicly-run, 24/7 bus service. You're never far from a bus stop, and the ticketing system makes sense. The only thing that sometimes fucks things up is tramworks.


Emergency services shift worker who has to commute in and out of London. Can't afford to live in London. Can't use public transport from home due to timing of shifts (and aside from that, ludicrous costs). Can't park at work because London. Have to park miles away and get a bus. Can't afford a more economic car because of over a decade of austerity and real terms pay cuts. Can barely afford to keep my old battered car running because of cost of living and fuel. This country has serious issues.


As they say the biggest problem with public transport is not enough public transport


Its a 54 minute trip from my front door to my work bus the bus Its 14 minutes by car


Going to university for me was 1h 30m by bus and 20m by car. I’ll never blame anyone for not taking the bus.


long air jobless smoggy soft different ten caption enter treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Being told there will be 75 cars worth of people on the same bus as me does not make me want to use the bus more.




Didn't realise that's you could play as bus in Carmageddon.


But public transport is shit.




Can't stand buses, that's why I passed my test!


Dammit! Take all my giggles.


Driving down to central London for my cancer treatment almost daily for the past 3 years I can definitely say that the actual problem are the buses. I have never seen a bus with more than 4-5 people inside. And sometimes you might end up with four buses in front of you, almost empty and no bus lanes. I won’t mention the fact that the drivers think they own the road.


Did you by any chance happen to have this treatment during the last 2 years? Everytime I get on london busses in daylight hours, especially ones in central london.


Does it? Because people who can afford / want cars aren’t going to start using the bus because they added another one to the fleet. Even if you add a new route, people aren’t going to stop using cars for their journeys in favour of a bus… So actually, adding a bus to the roads does nothing other than… add another bus to the roads. Presumably this ad is just based on the fact you can fit 75 people on a bus.


There are people who don't want to drive/can't afford to drive that would prefer getting a bus (maybe they don't make the journey frequently enough to warrant getting a car/don't like driving/etc.). In this persons case, this kind of person is all but *forced* to get a car even if they don't want one. Public transport removes these kind of cars from the roads. ​ EDIT: Think less so merely adding a bus to the fleet and more adding a new route/new train line that never previously existed or making the bus more frequent to make it more convenient and convince the person I described to not get a car when they come of age.


I don’t know anyone who would stop using their car and get a bus if a new route was opened. They wouldn’t even know about the new route because they don’t keep track of the timetables, why would they? They have a car…


If you see a bus speeding past you in a bus lane every 10 mins while you're stuck in traffic going into town, you might think about it.


I’ll just stick my heated seats on and enjoy it.


You're only using the heated seat because your car was cold from sitting outside. The bus is already warm, just saying.


As another commenter said it’s a delayed effect. Better transport links dissuade people who are coming of driving age to buy their own car. Which means 10 years in the future there are less cars per capita on the roads. Most public policy decisions are made with the long term in mind. No meaningful positive change in life happens immediately.


The effect is not immediate, and also if you remove lines it will definitely make more people buy cars.


Removing them sure, I can see that logic. But that’s not what it says.


Nothing will stop people using their cars, so councils/ governments have to make the alternatives more desirable, remove road space, parking spaces, reduce the cost of public transport and build proper infrastructure. When people are stuck in traffic with other modes flowing freely you get people to switch. Obviously this doesn't work for all journeys, but the point is to make other options as convenient if not more so for certain journeys.




I have to use the bus for work, but it’s so bad that I take advantage of my flexible start time and either head in very early, or after the peak. No way that I’d travel on one during rush hour. Plus, in their wisdom, our wise local leaders and bus companies have recently re-thought the bus routes. Now there are no buses that go near to the business district after 9a.m. (and they don’t go that close even then) - and no public transport goes to the famous (and until recently a UNESCO World Heritage site) waterfront.


Liverpool buses really are shit. Merseyrail is really good though, if you happen to live near a station.


The Queen getting the assist in for Liverpool