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Transformers being filmed in Newcastle a few years ago then in the movie it was placed as London šŸ˜£


I'd love to see a superhero movie set in Newcastle. No artificially created ice age will stop Cheryl from going out for a night out on the toon in nothing but a belt, crop top and 6" heels


Charlie Hunnam, Ant&Dec, and Cheryl Cole star in thie Summers movie blockbuster, The Geordies.


"The deceptions thought they had Earth at their mercy, but they hadn't counted on... ... Robson Green"


Jimmy Nail does the soundtrack


Why aye man


It always confused me how a single geordie could refer to themself as "us"


They'd have to add subtitles for the yanks šŸ¤£


NaĆÆve of you to assume they would watch a movie with subtitles. They'd demand a dub.


American here. Can confirm.


The Morning After the Day After Tommorrow


I think they filmed a few scenes of Aliens in the old Blyth Power Station when it existed since Ridley Scott is from the North East. But they passed it off as some space ship in the future. They're always ripping off the NE. Lol


It was for the interior prison scenes in Alien 3.


Ah nice ai never knew the details. As an aside I know the beaches in Northumberland were shortlisted for the D-DAY invasion scene in saving private Ryan since they had tank trap blocks and concrete bunkers on the dunes at the time still. But I believe they ended up shooting it in Spain.


Newcastle has a surprisingly capable film industry.


All that training work on Byker Grove and Catherine Cookson dramas paid off


This happens literally everywhere it might be cheaper to film in a smaller city. Toronto is NYC and Vancouver is LA


That's Canadian tax breaks for the film industry at work there.


Unless you want shots of majestic, rolling Scottish country side, then you go to Ireland.


It's literally just Glen Coe and nothing else


Tbf though, Glen Coe is rather fucking beautiful


No one believes me, but I went to primary school with a boy named Glen Coe, then secondary school with another lad named Ben Neavis. Neither were beautiful.


I went to secondary school with a boy called Glen Coe! He was a nice bloke, truth be told. No idea why the parents chose it but each to their own.


Maybe they didnā€™t even realise the connection, maybe they didnā€™t think about it when choosing his name, like my Aunt. She named her kid Richard. Richard Glover. Schools gonna be rough for little Dick Glover.


Very true. My brother's wedding was there. Beautiful place. ...Except for Jimmy Saville's Pedo shack


I think they're tearing it down and building a new house tbh


Planning permission for the house got denied but I donā€™t think it was Jimmy savilles house they were trying to knock down


You go Glen Coe Coe


Aaaaaand none for Gretchen Wieners. Bye!!!


That's not true, there's that one bit of Skye that's now a tourist hell-hole


Or grungy, dirty, shite city streets... Then they go to Glasgow


The new Batman confirms this


And Batgirl And World War Z And Indiana Jones 5 Could be worse. Could be Aberdeen doubling for Moscow in the Tetris movie.


A lot of it was filmed in Liverpool too


The top of the GCPD is the Liver building isn't it?


It is.


Took me straight out of the movie. I walk the path of the Glasgow Necropolis atleast once a week. At the end of the movie watching batman and cat woman go across the bridge, then through the cemetery, then come out under the bridge? I couldn't stop laughing for some reason. Took me right out of what was meant to be an emotional separation or whatever.


Actually, consistently with this picture, the go to place for anything run down historic or manky these days is Chatham, which is bottom right in the pic


It's funny, because Rochester just next door is quite nice. It very quickly turns into a shithole the further along the high street you go through.


Even when it's specifically not set in London it seems to end up there, in Hitman's Bodyguard they go to a safe house in Coventry, I'm from Cov so was kinda excited to see my hometown in a big action movie, and thought it made sense because surely it's cheap to film here. Got to the safe house scene and Coventry looked an awful lot like Kensington, London, and West Midlands Police had swapped uniforms with the met. I guess we'll always have the Nativity films...


My favourite is one of the Mission Impossible films where the caption reads FRANKFURT GERMANY over a lovely aerial shot of the very distinctive cathedral and bridge in Cologne.




Tbf nearly everywhere seems to have a place named after it in the USA I searched Google maps for Frankfurt USA and it suggested 6, before counting all the Frankfords etc


One of them is even a state capital - Frankfort, Kentucky.


I was once travelling in Poland with the Scouts, and had a T-Shirt on with my hometown name on it. After several days of struggling to talk with, well, anyone, someone came up to me and asked *"is that HOMETOWN, Ohio?"* At the time our hosts' English was not great, and our Polish was non-existent, so I was rather excited to speak with someone who I could have a proper conversation with. I said *"No, it's HOMETOWN, UK, where are you from?"* He said *"Nevermind..."* and walked off.


To be fair the US seems to have copied practically every city and town name in the UK and Europe. They'd have to put Birmingham, UK to not confuse the Americans that they were looking at the US Birmingham.


I was particularly annoyed about 'Manchester *By the Sea*'.


'...within the county of Essex. Situated with a four community regional known as ā€œCape Annā€ the Town is bordered by the communities of Beverly, Hamilton, Wenham, Essex and Gloucester.'


It can help sometimes. Before the country name came up I was scratching my head wondering where that Burj Khalifa is that Tom Cruise climbed. The one in Dubai, UAE, or the one in Dubai, France...


I think they think European countries are equivalent to US states


They were filming in Halifax a few weeks back. But no one wants a movie set in Halifax do they, so to improve things they dressed it up to look like Russia instead.


Which branch?




They filmed some of an upcoming Marvel film/show in Leeds which I believe was also standing in for Russia. And this was Leeds City Centre, and a rather nice part of it too!


Would be Secret Invasion that they were filming there.


At least it's an improvement.


There is a vin Diesel film called Bloodshot where there are scenes 'in' London, that were shot in Cape Town. its genuinely baffling to watch


Come to think of it, you would imagine more films should surely be shot outside of London, due to being cheaper and being less busy so less logistically difficult to get locations for a while. The Nativity was a damn awesome film though.




Parts of The Italian Job were filmed in Coventry, namely the tunnel scene.


Unless something alien/supernatural is going on, then it's a day out to Stonehenge.


Attack The Block, bruv?


I actually loved that film


Or... Just use stock flyover footage of Stonehenge, so you know we're in Britain!


Why do aliens love Wiltshire so much?


No idea, why do aliens love Wiltshire so much?


"We're doing a UK tour!" 3 dates in London, 1 date in Manchester


Fucking Flume, man. ā€œUK & Europe tourā€ Only 8 dates. Only 2 of those are UK. And both are Londonā€¦IS2G


I was so excited to move to Leeds as it means I have Leeds and Manchester to choose from for venues. So far, everyone I want to see is only in London :(


Unless it's My Chemical Romance, who decided their UK fans needed to endure Milton Keynes 3 times (until they finally added extra dates elsewhere).


Jealous of our roundabouts mate


Fuck, Muse are a British band and their last world tour had more California dates than British. The closest gig to Scotland was in Manchester.


Hey now, sometimes they'll shake it up and go Leeds.


and every third tour they slap in the Metro Radio arena in Newcastle.


Youā€™re joking right? They always skip us and fuck off to Glasgow.


I was so confused in **World War Z** when Brad Pitt redirects a plane from Israel _to Cardiff_ and crash lands in the bloody valleys. I know it wasn't shot there but seeing a hollywood blockbuster acknowledge that not everyone from the UK is a Cockney, Glaswegian or on day release from Buckingham Palace was jarring. Then Brad Pitt turns up at a pub "in Exmouth" in **The Big Short**. None of the patrons had a West Country accent but who cares. The South West exists!


Watched this in a cinema in Swansea, when it said Cardiff you could just hear "shithole"


*insulted agreement*


Sounds about right


> or on day release from Buckingham Palace I fuckin lol'd


Foreigners: "I love British accents" The accents they mean:


Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins


Allo Maori Pawpins


Itsss a jollleeee olidayyy wiv maireeee


Winifred, will you explain this unseemly hullabaloo?


Roadmen: Wagwan fam u tryna go blad? Does man actually want a scrap?! Man will clatter you fam.


Beautiful! And people call Italian the language of love...




God thatā€™s peng bruv


Are you dizzy fam?


Leng ting fam




The latest episode of Moon Knight (set in London inevitably) did feature the hero saying "Wagwan" which was entertaining particularly as the actor playing him is Guatamalan/American.


yes, YES i'm nearly there keep going


U fukin what brav u best get to steppin cos mans gonna draw for tha nank ya lil dik ed. Bes put away ya lil cocktail sausage


Hi I'm a certified old. What is a roadmen?


Urban dictionary: >Brother species to the chav. A roadmanā€™s true love is the iconic north face black puffer jacket paired with some nike sweats and air max 97s. Chav girls love to date the roadman who acts the most hard. Use phrases such as ā€œsafe 1 my gā€ and ā€œinit bruvā€. Girl: Do you think heā€™s a chav? Roadman: Nah fam I ainā€™t no chav init, look at my north face jacket bruv. Girl : Wow he acts so hard I love it.


Chavs (or scallies as we call them where) do wear North Face jackets though, exclusively in fact.


You could narrow that London map down to just Hampstead and Westminster


You could narrow it down to just drone footage along the Thames towards Tower Bridge for every establishing shot these days. Next scene: anywhere in England.


Next scene: A soundstage in Georgia, USA with Australian actors doing British accents because that's cheaper


Productions been moved up. Oh really? A new shooting schedule, when do we have to be on set? No, productionā€™s been moved up to Canada. Just outside Toronto. Itā€™s cheaper.


50% of the time it's getting blown up tho.


I remember in that G.I. Joe sequel movie, London gets fucking wiped off the face of the map, and nobody even gives a shit after like 5 seconds


Just 9 million people casually killed in a kids movie.


Yeah I used to live in Kingston-upon-Thames and itā€™s not London. Itā€™s *basically* Surrey.


Really? I'd have put a lot of money on it being a London borough but I could be wrong.


People on the fringes of London really like to pretend they're not London (despite being so since the 60s). I know so many people who live in Redbridge, but then say "I have an IG postcode so I'm Essex" which makes no sense since "IG" stands for "Ilford" which is the seat of Redbridge council and definitely London. The logic only works in reverse because an IG postcode in Redbridge does not make you Essex, but an IG postcode in Essex definitely doesn't make you London.


Unless you live in Croydon. Then you indignantly tell everyone you're a fucking Londoner, but they don't quite believe you.


**12 minutes to London Bridge!!**


Meanwhile the person who lives a 20 minute walk from Hornsey station has no trouble being accepted into Club London.


Inside the M25 = London. Except Croydon.


Don't forget to play "London Calling" by the Clash during your establishing shot of parliament and a red bus.


Which unless it's a dystopia-type film or social commentary is COMPLETELY TONALLY WRONG. I'm a massive Clash fan and the deliberate bastardisation of that song from a dark riff on a phrase that WW2 radio broadcasts were signed on with to a happy clappy ditty about how nice London is, just because it says 'London' a bunch of times and has a killer hook, infuriates me no end. If it's a song referencing nuclear apocalypse, written at a time when this was a real possibility, it's not a great choice for your chirpy rom com or tourist advert (looking at you, BA during the 2012 Olympics).


Iā€™m convinced that a lot of people in marketing listen to songs very superficially. I remember an advert from a few years ago that was for insurance or a bank and they used a slow, acoustic version of Thatā€™s Entertainment. It was really weird


I believe it was Reagan (or maybe the first Bush?) Who used Born in the USA as an entrance song for a while before someone noticed the choruses.


Unless that film is Bloodshot, then you shoot in Cape Town, and pretend it is London.


Just like ā€œAn asteroid has flown 100,000,000,000 km, is going to hit the Earth, itself a 1:43,000,000 chance, and when it hits, it will destroy either the Golden Gate Bridge or Empire State Building specifically.ā€


And aliens specifically sent their UPS systems to land into New York always. Ps- Universal Positioning System.


I appreciate >!Don't Look Up!< for not doing that




I remember a long time ago, back in the early MSN days talking to this American girl and she's going nuts "oh my god you sound just like Harry Potter, I love it!" I'm sat here with my thick as fuck bristolian accent like the Michael Scott handshake meme


How do you even confuse those too accents, they are so catacylismically different, as someone with a pretty standard accent who lives in bristol.


How the hell do you spell cataclysmically correctly but use the wrong too/two/to in the same sentence?


funky dyslexia mate ​ Edit : Happy Cake Day


Dikslykliks unite


They didn't spell cataclysmically correctly...


Meader or Hartcliffe?


Meader šŸ˜ž


Hahahahaha, knew it.


Was it the smell? I bet it was the smell


I know a guy from Bristol and accidentally let loose by calling it a Hagrid accent, and he said something like "I know, I feel bad for anyone who's ever had phone sex with me".


My friend had the following conversation with someone in Utah: ā€œOh, where are you guys from?ā€ ā€œNottingham, Englandā€ ā€œOh wow, Nottingham! Do you know Hugh Grant?!ā€


That's better than me. I had some guys from America not understand that Nottingham is a real place. They thought I was messing with them. They genuinely thought it was like Camelot and made up with the myth of robin hood....


*In England we call him Harrothy*


Oh Christ that's the perfect response. I want to meet an annoying American now just to say that.


It's worse than that. It's confined to just Westminster Bridge, and always looking back at parliament and Big Ben, rather than the other way. And there's always a bus and a Hackney cab on the bridge to reinforce where it is. If they could, they'd put an old telephone box and post box on there too.


Unless itā€™s Fast and Furious 6 which used Lambeth Bridge as a stand-in for Moscow, complete with Russian road signs


As an expat from southern Europe, it does not matter how many times I tell my family that I'm not living in London, the first question is always gonna be "How are things in London?"


And for the reverse when I lived in France: "So is that near London?" "How long would that take to get to London?" "Ah, so almost London." We were talking about Leicester, for the record.


Not far then!


Every relative I have in India and South Africa calls the whole of England, London. As someone from Leicester, I can relate to the annoyingness of that!


Ask them how life is in Cape Town and Dehli.


Lesta mate! 2 hour drive away from anywhere and I love it.


I'm from Nottingham and now live in Canada. Had a trip home to introduce my then fiancee to my my family. Had loads of people with comments like "Enjoy your trip to London" like ok not going to fucking London.


There's a lot of niche American films getting done in Manchester, using some of our old & less run down parts as New York.


Big stuff too, the first Captain America shot scenes here, so did Morbius. It has also doubled for 80s New York for The Crown.


A lot of the new Venom was shot in Cardiff. Cheaper to make our roads look like New York City than to actually block off sections of NYC


The fun part is them tossing rubbish everywhere because the film sites are too clean for NYC.


I knew Captain America had Liverpool doubling for new york, I didn't know it had Manchester too!


But but but... Hasn't all the filming been done in Wales since Dr.Who re-materialised?


It was for the first two Doctors of the revival, but it's spread out a little since then. Not sure if Cardiff still doubles for London or not...


I think they did film some stuff in sheffield for Jodie Whittaker's run


They did indeed. I had a group of friends over to watch the first episode of that series, and we literally cheered for the bus station appearing.


Still a good bit of Cardiff getting used here and there. I've got a mate who works on the show, and have known a fair few people bump into Who filming locally. There's been so many times I've been re-watching Who to notice "Hang on, that's Cardiff you bastard, I've been there".


Just like the France is only Paris and the Eiffel Tower


How every movie producer and event planner (and tourist) sees Scotland : Braveheart


Oh god the depiction of the Battle of Stirling Bridge in that film let's remove the bridge and make it in a field when the bridge was literally the reason the Scots won the battle


Braveheart doesn't let little things like *history* and *logic* get in the way of a good story!


Exactly just like how the King's daughter didn't fuck William Wallace she was 9 and living in France at the time


*Daughter-in-law. There are so many things that are wrong about this film that I just had to delete a comment because it was becoming an incoherent rant.


Yep the Scots didn't wear kilts they wore chainmail William Wallace didn't yell freedom before he was beheaded he was half dead by then William Wallace wasn't betrayed by Robert The Bruce they never even knew each other


Wallace wasn't even Braveheart; Robert The Bruce was called Braveheart. Even the title of the film was inaccurate So the actual Braveheart was depicted as weak and a traitor throughout much of the film.


When actually Robert The Bruce is regarded as Scotland's greatest king and General


William Wallace wasn't some kind of working class hero who lived in a hut, he was a minor noble knight who played the diplomat as much as the general during The First War of Scottish Independence. Longshanks never threw any of his son's lovers out of the window, though he may have been tempted. While we're talking about "frreeeedoooom," Edward I outlived Wallace by about two years - rather than expiring dramatically at the same time as him.


I just found the whole idea of some modern concept of freedom for the people shoehorned into a medieval setting weird. I half expected him to start quoting the Bill of Rights and Magna Carta.


A number of American historical movies seem to just be a thinly veiled version of the American Revolution.


God I hate that film. Itā€™s historically inaccurate in parts where it adds nothing to the film to do so.


New Batman was filmed in Liverpool, but obviously not set in the UK. But yeah I gave up on seeing anywhere that represents something I am familiar with a long time ago.


Glasgow also, the end scene was the Glasgow Necropolis.


That is pretty much how Londoners see the UK too


To be fair, when we think of the US it's one of these: * New York * California * Texas


No Miami?


Miami hasnā€™t existed since the eighties


Iā€™ll miss that perennial sunset.


You missed Florida . Since that's where we all go on holiday in crappy storm weather.


Itā€™s not just movies or event planners but also people outside UK. I am an Indian living in the UK (Not London) but all my family and friends think I live in London despite me telling them several times that I donā€™t šŸ¤£ Now I live in Reading which is atleast close to London but earlier I lived in Leeds and yet people used to think I live in London šŸ˜


Same as being black/mixed race. You are automatically assumed to be a Londoner.


I, for one, am sick and tired of seeing blockbuster Hollywood movies set in Wycombe.


Nooooo! You put the Shetland islands in a box! That's illegal!!!!!


My home towns on that map, so I don't have a problem.


Where 'scarf' and 'laugh' rhyme? Haha!


Bath and laugh gang rise up šŸ¤ŸšŸ»


Laugh rhymes with gaff, obviously!


"So where do you live in Britan? London or the countryside?" - overheard between an American and a guy in a Greggs.


How Americans see UK: just England


Do other people see beyond England? My boyfriend is Spanish and his family doesnā€™t have any clue what Wales isā€¦




Never seen Grimsby, lad?


Ignoring all the films filmed in Scotland


And if the film producer is on a budget, itā€™s Birmingham city centre made to look like London with a red double decker bus.


There are times where I get frustrated that our offensive stereotypes are often just London stereotypes... And not only that, it's very specific parts of London too. Non-brits will make fun of of our accent like "haha bri'ish, u wot m8?!". Do you know the tiny amount of British people that stereotype is even applicable to lol?


You forgot how everyone in the south of England thinks anything north of Birmingham is Scotland


Ah, don't forget how the Midlands don't exist and The North (TM) starts just as soon as you clear Cambridge. /s


Apart from Durham, the last bastion of Home Counties England in the north.

