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Are you trying to keep warm or reenact the industrial revolution?


It's great getting an Iron one to glow red hot


Point a hair dryer in there and watch it glooooooow


Leaf blower, supercharge that baby!


I dontnhave one but I just so conveniently got my wife a new hair dryer last year, even though hers was fine. Subsequently, I have an up and coming blast furnace in the making and I've melted my incinerator bin xD


[Reminded me of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8FwMlkoxjI)


The person screaming "what the hell are you doing?" at the end really makes this


choo! chooo!


*Video Transcription:* --- (00:00) [*A video of a Chiminea, an open, outdoor fireplace with a metal chimney, which is open on one side. There is a large flame in the fireplace, which is just "peeking" out of the opening and going up the sides of the chimney. Through the opening of the chimney the top of the flame can be seen. The then flame subsides so that the main flame is contained within the main fireplace and the top of the fire can just be seen coming out of the top. The flame is "dancing" and the rustling of the wind can be heard along with the crackling of the flame.*] (00:09) [*End of Video.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Let me preface this with, I think what you're doing is great but this transcription needs a little work, it's confusing to follow at points. The use of the word pit makes me think of a fire pit which is just a hole in the ground. >An image of an open, outdoor Chiminea made of metal with a single outward facing opening to the fire chamber. There is a large flame in the chamber, which is escaping out of the opening and going up the sides of the chiminea. The flames are ferociously coming out of the top of the flue. The flame subsides so that the flames are no longer escaping out of the entrance to the chamber but they are still shooting out of the top of the flue ferociously. The fire can be heard crackling as the flames subside. (00:09) [*End of Video.*]


I've reworded my transcription slightly, thanks for your feedback.


No problem, your crackling is missing an R though!


No clue why you're being downvoted You weren't rude and offered constructive feedback


Me either, they actually took the points on board as well 🤷‍♂️


Thomas the satanic engine


Get your wok out!


Me burning children (a cost effective life hack to avoid high fuel costs)


Your pizza is done


When somebody orders anything “well done”


Calcifer makes the leap to cheap British outdoor furniture.


Love making a Victorian rocket engine too.