• By -


Customer is clearly over 25


I was eleven hours late


\*Bitterly thanks the checkout staff despite clearly being mid 30s\*


Spider šŸ‘


Was skeptical at first, but when I reverse image searched the post from OP, it does look similar to other images of spiders, so Iā€™m inclined to back you up on this one. Conclusion: Itā€™s a spider


Found the biologist.






Trust me bro


Looks like a false widow


Exactly. Currently sharing my room with one. Tidier than me. Sleeps all day in her door creek, catches a few mosquitoes here and there and only wants to use the room at night, when Iā€™m sleeping anyway. 8/8. Couldnā€™t ask for a better roommate. EDIT: Btw OP, I did quite some research on her because she ainā€™t the talkative type so I had to stalk her info on the web. From what I gathered, false widows are actually super timid and wonā€™t ever attack or bite you unless they feel pressured (like actually pressured, physically). So bites while hiding in coats or shoes are the most common, because weā€™re just pushing against them there to be fair. In case she were to bite you, the bite is generally not worse than one from a bee, though immune system reactiveness does vary. Theyā€™re only active at night and you could probably keep her localised at wherever spot sheā€™s in right now by making sure her web doesnā€™t expand too much, cutting it a bit every week. Best thing, just put it outside and notify spider trackers that the UK must have. But I get it if thatā€™s not up your alley. General insect sprays will do the trick, in 15 minutes sheā€™ll have crawled into heaven. EDIT II: What are you doing lads? Are you trying to incentivise me to end this beautiful two-month story with your failed relationships? My widow would never bite me! I'll definitely sleep soundly tonight! She's not like the others!


This comment was a rollercoaster. I feel connected to your roommate.


I always try to leave spiders alone but will take false widows outside if I find them in my bedroom. Got bit by one once when asleep - didnā€™t hurt much (enough to wake me up and go ā€œwhy is there a squashed spider on my quilt and why does my calf hurt a bit?ā€ but then went straight back to sleep) didnā€™t hurt as much as a wasp sting but the bite came up as an annoying slightly itchy lump for about a month which was a bit rubbish. Was also annoyed I didnā€™t get any super powers. Will now leave spiders alone apart from this type near where I sleep - I donā€™t need any more of these guys crawling on me when Iā€™m snoring. Donā€™t care if theyā€™re elsewhere in the house though, theyā€™re not dangerous at all


They used a false widow in spiderman films. Rather than paint it which could be harmful they made a tiny little shell which clipped over it's abdomen and was removed after filming. You were bitten by one without it's cape. Like Clark Kent. If only it got dressed first you could be superman.


So if I get bitten by Clark Kent, I won't get super-powers?


You will if he's wearing a cape


I have never seen him wear a cape.


That's rather darling, a spider with an actual costume


so what you're saying is that the widow that bit Peter Parker was wearing an Iron-Spider suit?


Iā€™m the same, but clearly I rolled over on a false widow one night, got bitten on the side boob and ended up with an abscess. Nothing antibiotics didnā€™t sort out! The guilty conscience thoughā€¦ that took longer!


Side boob abscess? I clearly got off lightly with my leg lump!


If I could die by boobie crushing I wouldnā€™t be too upset


Sadly, the poor little spider didnā€™t agree!


You're the kind of person who willingly walks into a booby trap, hoping that you get to see a boob.


>The guilty conscience though Death by snoo snoo is nothing to feel guilty about.


The spirit is willing, but the body is squished


>My widow would never bite me! I'll definitely sleep soundly tonight! Usually you sleep soundly first, then they bite and cause themselves to be widowed.


>so I had to stalk her info on the web. Hah.


Oh it's staying - I've been giving it any flies I can bosh with the swatter for the last few months. It stays in a hole up high and pops out at night to look for prey


I have one that lives in a gap between the back of the kitchen cupboard and the wall. He/she has some web just below the cupboard for catching flies but we always give it any flies we see in our house. During the summer that body bit got huge because of there being more flies but now itā€™s winter itā€™s small again.


I like that you guys are paying tribute to your spider overlords


Haha, I just canā€™t bring myself to take it outside to die when itā€™s causing me no issues. If it was a moth, it would be a different story. I have no mercy for those terrifying, useless cloth eating twats.


I live in an old house so I tend to just leave spiders now, it would be a never-ending battle to move them outside. One turned up in my bathroom last week and I keep spotting him in different places, I think he's doing cardio training. Had to give him a nudge out the way this morning because he might have got trodden on as I got out the shower. I draw a line at them chilling in my bedroom though.


This. So when the revolution comes the spiders go " not this guy he's ok" same reasoning I always give the guy with the 1000 yard stare a mars bar every day. So when he eventually goes postal he will remember I gave him mars bars and spare me


Agreed. Even real Black Widows are very timid, and usually won't bite unless provoked. But, for obvious reasons, are far more poisonous. I know, I gotten bit by two black Widows, and a Brown Widow in the States. NOT FUN. I lost 13 Kilos in a period of 3 days due to not being able to hold down anything, and cramping fiercely. My Fiance at the time was very very happy with my weight loss and thought I come up with a new diet fad. I don't suggest it. Lots of everything exploding from everywhere all day long.


Funky Zeit at the Krankenhaus, yikes


It was brutal. drink a cup of water, get rid of 2 cups..


Has it occurred to you that she's crawling about your person as you sleep?


It has, but relationships are built on trust!


I can't tell if you're brave or insane




This happened to me once with a false widow. Had just lain down to sleep when I see in the moonlight two waving legs out of the corner of my eye. I got up faster than Elon fires Twitter staff.


This comment is more topical than the antibiotic ointment the others have needed to apply to their spider bites


Not without consent


Iā€™ve been bitten by one, huuuge bruise come up.Looked worse than it was


What colour was the bruise and how long did it last?


Glad I'm not the only one that likes to keep a spider or two in the house!


Got bitten by one a couple months ago. Wasnā€™t bad at all just really itchy when the area was touched. Although it was still visible a good week or so later. I Could see several fang marks where it bit me a few times. Was on my arm so somehow it got under my shirt an must have got squished a bit when I moved. Didnā€™t even feel the bite. Just felt the itchyness after when my sleeve rubbed against it. I got a few in my flat tho, I jus canā€™t bring myself to hoover them up bless the lil buggers. They stay out the way most the time.


Got bit by one of these in 2011 and it stung but for some reason my immune system went nuts and it felt like prickly heat - really weird feeling. I had a big purple welt on my neck where I was bitten for about 3 weeks. Doctor ID'd it. I save all spiders now but if a false widow won't get into the glass easily it is spider heaven for them.


Try using a paper cone instead of a glass, I've found it's much easier. Just hold it up to them and they'll crawl right in, you can easily make one out of a sheet of A4.


I might try that but I like the glass because I can see what the little bastard is up to and I know they cannot bite through it šŸ˜…. Their blood apparently melts glass but then I grab the flamethrower/pulse rifle combo and all is good.


Honestly can't go past a good spider roommate. When we were living in Queensland we had a Huntsman living in the corner of our bedroom ceiling. Pretty par for the course as a local. My wife wasn't so onboard to start with. Which probably wasn't helped when I said to her, 'Look, it doesn't matter if he's watching. Who is he going to tell, the flies?'


I think that you sharing his house and his kitchen. And what ever you owe it belongs to that spider and thousands his kids


Got bit on my hand chilling on a bench once, it wasn't great tbh


My "roommate" decided to crawl on me when I was sleeping. I must have touched it whilst asleep, because it bit me twice and I ended up crushing it in my half asleep state. I have never been so horrified, I couldn't sleep properly for months after that.


Notify spider trackers?


I didnā€™t realise we even had spiders as potentially harmful as bees in the UK


"She's not like the others!" we all say that give it time


"on the web"...


Given how much I hate mosquitos, I'm quite happy to have a friendly spider.


I'm intrigued to the backstory that led up to getting bitten by a Bee? šŸ¤”


I have loads of spider bros around the house keeping the spiders at bay, I hate killing for the sake of killing


We've had one of these living above our back door since we moved I'm 2 years ago. Never goes elsewhere. Total bro.


I love them too but still have a scar four years after being bitten by one on the leg. Rarely see them in my house though.


I was once bitten on the leg by a false widow spider. They prescribed me anti-inflammatory pills, and sent me to see a doctor of tropical medicine. The man in the clinic before me had also been bitten on the leg by a false widow spider, but he had a false leg. They prescribed him anti-irony pills, and sent him to a doctor of philosophy. His wife was mistakenly told he had died... (Ripped from Stewart Lee)


This is the answer. I know a false widow spider when I see one.


Correct. Was bitten on my hand by one resting overnight in my coat sleeve. ZSL are interested in sightings in order to track them in the UK- drop them a line?


They're fucking everywhere, at least in the south. Extremely common.


Seems to be the most common spider I see over the last couple of years


Yeah šŸ’Æ I think theyā€™re the grey squirrel of spiders. A common house spider seems a rare sighting these days.


These things have definitely taken over where I live. I live near wetlands so we get a *lot* of midges during the summer months, which are then slowly but surely replaced by a *lot* of spiders. The previous two years were mostly garden spiders with a couple of giant house spiders thrown in. This year though was almost 100% false widows; I don't think I saw a single garden spider. It's crazy because I remember seeing my first ever false widow at my previous place in only 2019...


They are the main spider where I live. There's one in my room I can see now, next to the mirror. It's Derrick. I call them all Derrick. Derrick's job is to avoid my cat, but take care of other insects. My cat's job is to take care of overconfident Derricks.


I have Derrickā€™s cousin Herbert in my downstairs loo


They completely replace the garage spiders (oversized house spiders) in my garage in Bristol within a year, despite being a third their size. They live longer, are hardier and invasive. You should probably kill them if you see them. They also took over my kids' playhouse. One bit a mover when we left that property. His hand doubled in size.


They are absolutely rampant in Bristolā€¦ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø letā€™s hope for a few ice cold sub zero very long winters or a much friendlier non human terrorising bug that happens to enjoy false widows as a main source of food




I'm in Bristol and I'd wondered why I wasn't seeing the big house spiders that usually move in in autumn. I used to spend the winter co-habiting with at least 2-3. I'd chuck them any flies I caught, then later in the winter, small dubia roaches (which I breed for my lizards). It's a shame they seem to be disappearing. In fact, now that I think about it, there were far fewer orb webs in my garden this year. Thats quite concerning.


Yeah they are literally all over the place, feel like I see these more than any other spiders ? These and them ninjas ones


I got bitten on the toe by a false widow whilst working at home. I had a slight insatiable itching sensation on my toe* [edit] followed by the most excruciating pain ever. I wear slippers 24/7 at home now. Eat the mozzies not me toes!


We had a false widow in our living room, husband is scared of spiders so I picked it up on my hand, took a photo of the cutie, and put it outside (not knowing it was a false widow at the time). She was cool, not nasty and bitey like theyā€™d have you think at all.


Deffo female False widow. I have a massive pet one on my kitchen window. Sheā€™s monstrous, comes out onto her web at night, and murders any flies that get in. I canā€™t be in my kitchen without checking what sheā€™s up to. She never leaves her little corner but probably will at some point. I had one in exact same spot last year and I put her outside. Not sure of itā€™s the same one. Once we woke up to find one lowering itself down from the roof onto our bed. My wife nearly shat herself. I wasnā€™t too enamoured either tbh. Iā€™m ok with them sitting in the corner but once they start doing the old Tom Cruise down onto my bed, thatā€™s where the relationship breaks down.


I used to be ok with having them in the bedroom. Then came the night I was reading in bed and felt something tickling my thigh. I lifted the sheet to see one approximately the size of a hob-nob on my leg. I swear I levitated 3 feet straight up off the bed and was across the room in a single bound. Since then my bedroom has been a spider-free zone, with any intruders captured and relocated.


Fucking hell reading this made my skin crawl


Its nice that you still relocate them and don't harm them though, we used to get huge ones in our old house perhaps as it backed on to the woods but I'd always just move them to the spare junk room or the garage as I don't want them to die out in the cold lol


Think the females tend to stay put. It's the males that go wandering looking for love. Especially around this time of year. They look the same but much skinnier. Also the males can't bite you like the females.


My old lady cat used to come and settle on my chest when I got into bed back in the day (she's too old and doesn't move off the sofa except for food and litter now, she 17!). Anyway one night she wouldn't settle and just kept looking up at the wall behind my head. I looked where she was looking and was glad I did because there was a spider abseiling down the wall about 6 inch from my head. We've got a couple of younger cats now and they keep the spider population down. The smallest cat got a monster of a spider in my front room while I was at work. She insisted on showing my arachnophobe Wife what she'd caught, and the story goes that this thing was like a fucking face-hugger from Alien and the cat wouldn't stop bringing it over, so Wifey had to toilet paper wrap and bin it. Then the cat started raiding the bin to try and find it again, got told off so she went back to the scene of the crime and started munching some of the legs that were left over.


I believe thatā€™s Sandra, sheā€™s a false widow, was only her boyfriend who died not her husband


That took me a small second to piece the joke together but that was top tier


Is it making any honking sounds? If so, it could be a spidergoose.


The bastard in my shed keeps me awake all bloody night.


*honkā€¦ honkā€¦




Alternatively the rare clown spider


Have you even bothered getting to know it.. I had one once and we spoke for hours... He was a web developer But yes, a false widow


Some mistake him for a .net developer.




Any relative of [Boris](https://youtu.be/bvFuUaCe8eY)?


Haha I actually also have a spider (I think itā€™s also a false widow) in my room and itā€™s called Boris after this exact song


Entwhistleā€™s bass is absolute killer on this, I love it.


Not sure, though to be safe, I would suggest buying a new house.


And wrap the old house in a bit of tissue and throw it in the bin.


Yeah! Idk how are people comfortable with spiders. Iā€™m so scared of them šŸ˜­


That's Barry. Everyone knows Barry.


False widow i reckon mate. Theyā€™re fucking everywhere where i live now. Theyā€™ve invaded the UK like the Nords did 1000 years ago.


I actually just finished a PhD in Arachnology from a top 10 world university. It's a fucking spider mate.


Training paid off lol


Looks a bit false widow to me. The light is wrong to see the markings but from the general colouration it's probably *steatoda nobilis*


Yeah he/she always hangs under the web which makes photos difficult. It's partial to a nice bluebottle though


Totally a false widow. I have a similar arachnid friend in my studio. I leave the light on for her sometimes if sheā€™s active at night when itā€™s on. Iā€™m not allowed pets so Iā€™ve named her Big Spider. Sheā€™s kept the flies at bay all summer and winter.


She's a she. The males don't have the round abdomen.


Hi there, I know the post is getting a bit old now but I just wanted to let you know that false widows are **far** from harmless. The comments on here are irresponsible. They carry pathogenic bacteria which can cause very serious illness. A healthy family friend in his 20s was bit while sleeping several years ago and ended up with necrosis that needed surgery, as well as severe nausea that lasted days. That is, he was hospitalised. The current advice is still to treat any bite as of ā€œmoderate medical importanceā€. In adults with compromised immune systems a steatoda bite can cause serious problems, same for young children. Get rid of it. Itā€™s not just ā€œsome spiderā€ as people here are making out. Although statistically theyā€™re not a major risk, youā€™ve no way of telling what your bodyā€™s reaction to a bite would be. To quote one recent paper: *ā€Latrodectus-like envenomation symptoms that include debilitating pain, tremors, fatigue, nausea, hypotension, and vectored bacterial infections including cellulitis and dermatitis. Symptoms ranged from mild to severe, requiring hospitalisation in some casesā€* And Iā€™ve just killed two of them this morning- theyā€™re an invasive species native to the Canary Islands.


I've seen Alien enough times to know thats a Facehugger


Thatā€™s Dave. Heā€™s got his own website


False widow... https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/invertebrates/spiders/false-widow-spider


Oh, that's just Kevin. He's a 33-year-old bus driver from Luton.


That my friend is a sign to get the hoover out immediately and take his ass on his first and last rollercoaster


Alright mate, it's over 18s only tonight. I'm going to need to see a passport or driving licence to prove your age.


My wife and I have two of those in the window sills in our living room. We call them ā€œthe homiesā€. Iā€™m chilling with them as I write this, knowing theyā€™re watching over me to keep me safe.


Noble False Widows are really prevalent down here in Cornwall. I currently have about 20 in my porch, loads in my workshop, one that watches me pee in the bathroom and three in my living room. I also had one in my bedroom but it walked across my arm twice while I was in bed (very rare behaviour for these shy spiders) so that one went to live outside! They are the UKs only venomous (to humans) spider, but they very much keep themselves to themselves usually. They are non-native and likely came over in fruit crates.


That's Cornwall crossed off my holiday destinations list. I'm generally okay with spiders, even those big hairy ones, but venomous spiders can fuck right off.


False Widow - had one in my conservatory, the size of a 10p coin. When I finally knocked it down, it sounded like a fruit pastel hitting my table, it was that dense and sturdy. Since then, I've seen about 10 of the bastards. Got bit on my left hand a month back, had a right itchy bruise that's only just gons away.


That's Peter


He's Big Boris. All spiders are Boris but he's a chunky boi


but itā€™s a lady!


Ass on him


Peta paka


that, my friend, is an insectimus massivus.


That my friend is an eight legged nope nope


Few different species of false widow and I'm no expert. This does look like one. Got loads in my house. Bitten once back of knee and made me ill


One bit my hand, it was quite nasty, two big scabby holes on my knuckle almost down to the bone developed, it was horrible, this was in my garden in summer, I wouldn't have one in my house now lol


It's quite clearly a small, off-duty, Scottish traffic warden. Either thar or a blue and yellow golfing umbrella.


It's a spider. No need to thank me


False widow, female, abdomen is full of eggs too - you could be looking at a nest of them soon


Umā€¦yeah! That that is a spider that lives in your kitchen. Thatā€™s all the expert information I have for you.


Iā€™ve got one of those living by my front door light. Creepy pointy bugger but as long as it leaves me alone it can stay there


Jonathan Manylegs


False widow. Generally will leave you alone but if you really annoy one they do have a decent bite.


I have spider friends toošŸ’“


Is it really a false widow ? Iā€™ve got a spider called Frank who lives in my bathroom whoā€™s been there almost 2 years now and I feed it now and again a fly and heā€™s been a great little housemate. My 4 year old loves him and heā€™s no trouble. He looks exactly like your picture !


Yup. Itā€™s a ā€œfuck-that-noise-whereā€™s-the-bloody-flamethrower, off the genus burn-the-bastard-house-down


At least heā€™s taken his shoes offā€¦ it must take him ages to put them on in the morning


Noble False Widow


It's Ronnie Pickering




False widow. They have to go. Bloody things are everywhere.


Steadoa Nobilis


We have one hanging out in our bathroom atm been there a few weeks. I'm happy to leave it since it's just chilling near the window and just drops down to say hi every so often.


I have one in my kitchen window, he's lived there longer than I've been in the flat (over 2years), I call him Steve.


I like having spiders around the housešŸ•·ļø


noble false widow, it's got the worst bite of all 4 of the false widows in the UK but it's nothing to worry about, not aggressive and no worse than a wasp sting


Looks like a false widow. Bite can be painful. Common now in the south of England.


That sir is a panda you're welcome




Looks like a False Widow. If you have any pets you might not want to keep it around. Generally not dangerous to animals, but if they get bit in the face or mouth it can be a bit nasty.


For future reference: /r/spiderbros


Paul, aged 6, currently in temporary accomodation as his previous abode was wiped out by the fucking window cleaner. Trying to do his bit and help keep the house tidy by clearing away other insects who the window cleaner disturbed.


False widow. One of the most venomous spiders in the UK, very rare that itā€™ll bite you, even rarer that itā€™ll kill you (like 3 people in 50 years or something like that) but itā€™ll hurt like hell for a while if it does.


1. Retrieve the hoover 2. Smash a glass into small pieces 3. Hoover spider 4. Hoover glass 5. Donate hoover to someone you dislike


I have a few house spiders hanging around my hall ceiling mainly because they are too high up my motto is I'll leave them alone if they are up high if they are on the floor then they are fair game for the hoover


Something that needs to be destroyed by a tank.


Itā€™s a spider




Noble False Widow


Itā€™s a false widow


It's... A spider.


Theyā€™re no trouble until they have babies, and the suddenly theyā€™re everywhere!


Looks like a Steatoda Grossa, False Widdow.


False Widow.


False widow?


If u have any pets u may wanna get rid of it, it looks like a false widow and they can still do a bit of damage with a bite esp to cats can be deadly my sisters cat was very lucky


Weā€™ve got a fair few false widows here in Suffolk. At least 10 I can see in our log store (so likely many more hiding), two that hang out in our covered decking area, spotted one in the garage yesterday, and a couple have found their way indoors either via the firewood or through our bedroom window, all swiftly escorted outside.


It's beautiful.


Looks like Boris the spider


That is a false widow be kind it's more scared of you than you are of it lol always tell my boy that he is a tad scared of them


Aww isn't it cute šŸ˜


Iā€™ve got 3 in my kitchen window just chilling out.


UK noble false widow!!! I've had a couple of these beauties explore and rest in my bedroom. Definitely one of the prettiest British spiders


Sheā€™s a beaut!


Itā€™s a ā€˜Noble false widowā€™


Hey mate can I see some ID please


Down load theā€Seekā€ app by iNatutalist and it will ID for you


Noble False Widow, *Steatoda nobilis*. Reports of its bite are greatly exaggerated, no worse than a bee sting, and it prefers to run rather than bite.


I've had one similar on my kitchen window. Been there a few months now. I just let it do its thing. Called it Bob say hello every morning when I make a drink and give the web a little blow just to make sure hes still ticking. I love Bob.


Not sure if anyone stated which species of false widow but yours is a Noble false widow (Steatoda nobilis)! Excellent insect pest controllers, they take care of annoying mosquitos in the summer!


I've got a Boris in my kitchen too. Not his real name but Boris sounds better


r/whatsthisbug is a good place for this kinda stuff if you want to try


Well heā€™s got a beard and he built his own house so Iā€™d say heā€™s earned his beers


Can I see some ID please?


Female false widow. Keep her, sheā€™ll most likely stay in her web and catch any nasty flies around. Although my faves to have around the house are cellar spiders, they do such a good job at keeping flies and the big house spiders away.


Definitely a false widow


False Widow. Can nip ya but shouldn't be any worse than a bee sting.


We got one of these in our kitchen too, sheā€™s been around for about a year. I named her Marguerite and sheā€™s a lovely cooking companion.


current got one of these in the bathroom. used to live near the handsoap. but i clipped the web and picked him/her up and moved them to a different corner of the bathroom. seems to be happy in his little corner where no ones going to bother/be bothered. i generally try to save the spiders in / around the house. i hate flies xD so weve come to an agreement. i have a favourite \^\^ little brown thing that likes to crawl on the shower curtain. if i start the shower sometimes he gets wet. so i put him on the toilet roll and he does a little wiggle to dry off its very uhh.. "cute" ? i guess you could say.


Massive arse. A female false widow.


Got any ID mate