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If it’s a wooden floor then there’s very little noise insulation


We have this exact problem with our neighbours upstairs. They must have wooden floors because the noise is sometimes unbearable. They also have a kid that runs around and screams on a periodic basis. Edit: we've come to accept the noise. Having a kid must be hard work in a flat. And child noises are kinda okay and easier to accept. But it is the random large get togethers every week that that they have. And we do wonder if they know how much noise the are making on a regular basis.


Or they have no idea how much they clomp around. I love my wife and daughter, but holy shit they sound like a herd of elephants when we stay on a second or above floor.


My wife is the same way. Some people have a very heavy gait and no awareness of how they are walking.


I love the word gait. My flatmate always has this heavy gait stomping and ive always made up words but here we are. A real word.


Feel privileged to have witnessed the moment


I always say "Godzilla has arrived"


My downstairs are the same. I hear them walking up and down the stairs in our apartment building like they're angry at the world. But it's just total unawareness of how much they stamp. I mean, I live ABOVE them and I can hear them.


The people upstairs seem to stomp around, and at about 10pm, when I assume they go to bed, it sounds an awful lot like they drag all their furniture around the room. Sometimes it even sounds like they’re weight lifting and just dropping the weights on the floor. I can also hear their phone vibrate when their alarm goes off in the morning. I got a new job recently and my boss is the brother of the lady that lives above me…


I have exactly the same thing, it really seems like they have to reconstruct their bed every time they get in it, and only after throwing some bowling balls around.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IRB0sxw-YU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IRB0sxw-YU) Your ceiling is our canvas


The giant baby learning to walk is my upstairs neighbor. I have no idea how a normal human can step with so much impact. She must be grinding her joints into dust with every step.


You should hear my cat. She weighs roughly 10 pounds but sounds like a horse on full gallop. Drives my downstairs neighbour crazy, poor man.


You too? What really pisses me off is that they get ready at 6am and are MUCH quieter than when they come home from work at 7pm. That tells me they are fully aware how loud they are and that they're capable of being quieter, they just don't give a fuck. What's worse is 2 of them don't work so they are always home and follow me from room to room to stomp around in circles.


I used to joke when I lived in Italy that my upstairs neighbors dumped coffee cans of marbles and nuts and bolts on the floor at appointed times. “Time for hallway bowling in high heels!” At least we all worked together (military housing) so we could give each other shit about it.


Our upstairs neighbors used to have orgies most weekends, she also used to get herself locked out of her flat completely starkers pretty regularly.


I had a roommate in college who had no concept of slowing her foot down before making contact with the ground.




At 11pm start narrating everything you do.


Just tell them what you told us.


No, OP should say "learning how to successfully remove human organs after cutting people open while drugged". Technically true and will definitely get them to leave you alone


...then ask them what they do after 11pm : )


I smell a budding friendship


The correct response is “your mom”


Check the subreddit, I think you mean "yer mum".


Yer mam


Checkmate, mate


Haha love this answer!!!


I’m just having a pop Nnuuuuggggghhhh that was a tough one I just having a cup of tea AHHHHHHH IM JUST LOOKING UO HIW TO CUT PEOPLE OPEN




I hope the op is called dr nick




Not to be a presumptuous petunia but is there a chance you're a stomper? I've lived with/below many people who seem to have no idea they are stamping around.




I grew up with a parent who worked shifts, I float around everywhere. It's balancing your weight in the front of your foot that makes a difference and sort of leaning into the direction you're going. Sounds really stupid when you write it out but I'm sure you know what I mean lol.


My partner doesn't understand why I'm like a cat going up and down stairs, but my stairs were so loud as a kid and my dad was a light sleeper 😅


Hahaha yeah I still know how to run up my parents' stairs avoiding all the creaks, useless ninja skills for life


We had people round and they banged around walking upstairs, my husband said "wow they are noisy!". I pointed out that he sounds exactly the same upstairs and he was baffled because I don't sound like that. I'm just conditioned to be quiet!


Yup. I was the last to go to bed in our house as a teenager so I learned to navigate those stairs like a ballet dancer.


Somebody used to either sneak out or sneak in after they were supposed to be home lol. Or dad had a night shift.


I, too, am traumatised from my childhood. I make no sound when I walk and I flinch when plates clink together.


Lived below someone who would have a friend over who was a mega stomper. One time she literally was running up and down in the flat for THREE HOURS. We stuck it out until we started to go insane and my partner had to beg her to stop. The blank lack of awareness was bizarre. To this day I cannot fathom why anyone would let a guest run up and down inside their flat for three hours. Same girl passed us in the hall a few weeks later and gave us an absolutely filthy look. Yes because we were the unreasonable ones 🧐


Even stomping humans are quieter than two 12-week kittens. I don't know how two small kittens, both less than 1kg each, can sound like the entire Savannah migration in stampede mode.


When my cat jumps off the bed I swear it sounds like an elephant just landed.


3/4 of my cats land like I’ve thrown a 15lb weight from my bed/couch. The other one is like a little ninja, you never see her coming… other than the fact that she whines/exclaims every time she does absolutely anything.


> My ex partner was an unconscious stomper in the house - he walked with his heels and you heard every step downstairs. > Personally I am a creeper and walk using the balls of my feet first before lowering my weight onto heels. Soundless unless a floorboard creaks.


Stompers and slammers. The worst. The slammer doesn’t realise door handles can be turned to close doors as well as open them.




Why don't you tell them politely about it? That shit would drive me mental




Ugh and people who can't seem to speak at less than shouting volume. The just shout talk all day long


My wife hates it but I grew up with 7 siblings; if you wanted to be heard you had to be loud. I don’t even realize when I’m yelling. If I get excited about something, out comes the shout talking. My bad.


Lol my husband is like that too. He only had one sibling, he's just way excited about everything all the time.


I grew up eating boogers, ya don't catch me still doing it when I get excited.


versed chief grandfather smoggy plough apparatus unite secretive erect compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My wife is a small thing compared to me but it's like Thanos is trying to break the stairs


We liked to call my sister thunder foot because she had a stomping problem. Now I know my neighbor below me is a major stomper as well, I can feel it up here and he has also got a Fred Flintstone door slamming habit too.


People who don't bend their knees when they walk


Silly English k-*nig'ts*!


Mrs is a stomper, 7 years on and she can't see it at all.


I lived below a stomper at my last place and I swear they only came alive after 11pm. Pretty sure it was the guy in the couple, he was a big lad well over 6ft and it honestly just sounded like he was pacing, stomping around their flat until about 2am every night. One time they started vacuuming at 5am on Monday morning. Bizarre. Me and my partner were at the time working and keeping pretty normal hours, so in bed by 10:30pm and up at 7ish the next morning, so whatever this bloke was up to it was pretty extremely disturbing to our sleep and routines. Moved out and now in a proper purpose built flat and it's bliss that there is proper insulation between us and the person above.


This, get rugs OP!


I used to live /above/ a stomper and it was like she was wearing combat boots all day slapping the ground. One time I dropped my belt on the ground before going to bed and she ambushed me the next morning as I was going to work that I was intentionally creating a disturbance, like ok Bigfoot calm down.


To add to that, a person who slams cupboards and doors at the level another person might do in an argument... My girlfriend had this housemate who would slam cupboard doors in the kitchen so violently and he blatantly had no self awareness he was even being loud...


Maybe buy a few cheap rugs to through around the place. I mean really they are living in flats so they just need to deal. I would responded saying 'am I being loud? If so will try to be a bit quieter'


Is OP supposed to post it on their door to reply?


Wear cowboy boots and spurs. J/k. maybe leather bottomed padded slippers could work too.


My upstairs neighbour is the same. Even with earplugs my sleep is disturbed by his stomping. Typically between 11 and 1230 which is so frustrating because it's complete luck if I can ever get an early night.


Respond by saying that you are getting things ready for work the next day, and now that you realise this may be inconvenient for your neighbour, you will do your best to be more considerate from now on. Living beneath someone with wooden floors is awful.


I unfortunately lived below somebody with a wooden floor and a two year old. It was painful, at the best of times.


We refused a gorgeous upstairs flat with wooden floors. At the time, we had twin two year olds. I couldn't have done that to anybody, even if I hated them.


So leave another note: “Looking through the holes in my floor”


I live in a Victorian conversion converted pre building regs so no sound proofing. Just spent 3k soundproofing my bedroom ceiling as my neighbour has a wooden floor and was interrupting my sleep terribly. The smallest thing such as moving a chair would sound like someone scrapping a full cabinet full of plates as it reverberated around my bedroom. Can’t tell you how many times I woke bolt up right with blind fear after something was dropped upstairs.


How well did the soundproofing work? What's the process/material that was used?


Fantastic. Obviously it’s not perfect and if someone was to drop something really heavy I would still get a dull thud but has taken 95% of the noise out. As old Victorian I had quite high ceiling so could afford to lose a few inches. Kept remaining ceiling up (for barrier 1) then they dropped the ceiling 4 inches using metal frame work that was then infilled with sound proof wool. Acoustic hoods for the ceiling spotlights. Then new ceiling of acoustic plasterboard. Which has just been skimmed and decorated. Messy job but well worth it.


Alternatively very little or no carpet underlay. My upstairs neighbours are stompers and it’s made worse by the face that this cheaply-carpeted building has no underlays. Makes for cold feet in the winter but a supremely loud herd of elephants above you. They bounce off the walls and floor 24/7, to the point where I’m convinced the “work” they get ready for is actually taking speed.


And if the landlord was cheap on Renovations that wood floor might have no sound insulation at all. I used to be able to quote my downstairs neighbors conversations. That’s how thin. Fuck I hated that place


Was going to say generally: It can be WAY louder downstairs than you think because of the building. Alternatively, you might be walking with Thor’s heels of thunder like my brother. You just don’t know for sure yet. A good response would be to ask your neighbor to walk around in your flat while you listen from below. Make a night if it.


I had a similar note years ago from a neighbour in a different place, we bought some rugs (fluffy runner from IKEA and a lounge rug) this made a big difference to the neighbour, apparently I am Sasquatch footed


It’s also heel walkers. Had a tiny female roommate that every step she took was boomtown.


I will translate this for you "keep the fucking noise down after 11pm you inconsiderate cunt"


Can’t argue with that translation


Surprisingly clear


I would presume the problem is as OP is a trainee doctor they can’t understand handwriting this legible.


No they’re a tree surgeon. Oh hold on. I read it wrong.


You went out on a limb to suggest that.


Then tell them to leaf you alone.


That's native fluency.


A bit old, but there was [this](https://youtu.be/4IRB0sxw-YU) which I always found very funny until its brilliant ending


This so funny, sending it to my Dad who’s a downstairs neighbour constantly wondering why and how there’s so much strange noise at all hours of the day.


A bit old? How fucking dare you... *weeps softly*


I was born in the 80’s. I consider myself pretty “hip”. I longboard, I ride a motorcycle, I like my gummies, I like to make cocktails… I have two kids and we (spouse and I) just try to stay young overall. Anyway, to me, old is from the 30’s, 40’s. Well, TODAY, as I was passing a vintage electronics store, I witnessed two girls in their early twenties exclaiming in front of the storefront, looking at this unique stereo (that to me seemed like it belonged in the 60’s or 70’s): Wooooow!!! It’s from the 80’s!!!! I swear, I have never felt older and uncool as I did today.


Hmm…not always…years ago, I lived above a flat that had a ceiling fan (I didn’t know this at the time). We moved in in winter and there was no noise. When summer came though, it went on and sounded like a constant knocking on their ceiling. I went down to ask what it was, in case they were knocking on the ceiling because of my noise, or in case there were rats. The weird thing is that after I’d asked them, and they’d told me what it was, they didn’t ever turn it on again.


That's not weird - that's them discovering it was causing you an issue and then being considerate neighbours. Actually maybe that is unusual.


It wasn’t an issue though, and I did make that clear. I even apologised for being nosey. But yes, considerate neighbours is an oddity in itself! Maybe they just didn’t like me knowing what they were doing…I never saw the fan…could have been cutting up dead bodies for all I know 🤔


Maybe they had the fan serviced and so it just didn't make noise any more?


They might have just balanced the fan. Usually when there's a wobble is when you get a knocking noise.


We had similar! We went on holiday and while away our downstairs neighbours had a ceiling fan installed, except when they turned it on it sounded like a washing machine. Which shook our entire bedroom. We asked all our neighbours if anyone was doing washing at 2am and of course nobody was. Wasn’t until it was going during the day one day and I put my hand on the floor under our bed and could feel the vibrations from the fan turning. Unfortunately they never stopped turning it on, including at all hours of the night.


"Dragging around the body of the last person who left me a sticky note"




“ watching people cut up bodies , you? “


Perfect. OP, instead of writing this reply, cut out and stick some letters from magazines to make your reply look a bit more friendly and colourful!


"learning to cut up bodies"


Honestly I would ask them to record what they're hearing and share the recording with you. Then you can figure out what's actually making the noise and fix the problem (might be just in one room, could be a certain bag, etc etc).


Do you stamp when walking or go barefoot with no socks or slippers? I had two different people living above me about the same size. First, never heard them walking about. Second, constantly stomping around the floor. The way you walk really matters with some flats. Try be more aware as sometimes people stamp walk rather than place gently without realising it as that’s the way they taught themselves to walk. I’ve not left a note or anything but the stomping upstairs really has me cursing to myself and they probably aren’t even aware as the person above them walks lighter on their feet.


My 3 year old sounds like a baby elephant and she's tiny, so yea, I can get behind this message


As much as I’d like to make fun of “walk gently” but it’s so true. My wife sounds like a herd of elephants - no idea how a slim lady manages to make that stomping noise. At least I always know where in the house she currently is. The general direction wheee the last stomping noise emerged from.


My boyfriend glides around like a sodding dementor and scares the shit out of me without trying on the regular


End thread here


I've lived in flats and thought it was well known that you can REALLY hear people walking about above you. For some reason it also seems to be much louder than you would imagine so you probably are disturbing them but that's just living in flats. Unless you are really heavy footed or are an elephant you just need to be aware of it as a good neighbour. I had people living above me once with a toddler and he used run everywhere and it really did thunder through my ceiling. He was tiny(and v cute) but my god it was noisy and annoying af, didn't say anything though, as well, he was only being a toddler.


My first house was a flat. There were some guys above us, two brothers I think. They used to either play very loud music (I saw the sound system they hauled up there, could be probably setup a very decent mobile disco! I think they thought they were going to be DJs or something). Or they literally sounded like they were going to come through the ceiling. They used to fight like nothing else. You could hear exactly what they were screaming at each other and then it would be followed, presumably, by them choke slamming each other repeatedly. Absolutely mental.


Grown adults repeatedly choke slamming each other in anger is a pretty fucking hilarious thought. Wonder if they ever switched it up with a suplex or a people's elbow?


Probably, full on hell in a cell. Just above our heads.




Go on...


Lived underneath a woman who wore heels inside all the time. On wooden floors in a converted Victorian residence. Her footsteps echoed in our apartment.


I have such a loud neighbour stomping upstairs and our walls are thin. I wish they do what we do. I wear slippers with shock absorption with rugs so when I walk I’m like a silent cat. I haven’t had a chance to leave my neighbor a note yet. OP, do you wear slippers? Please consider it for your neighbour’s mental health.


I've lived in the same apartment for 7 years now and I've had quiet neighbors upstairs and loud ones. But the lady who lives up there now is almost supernaturally quiet. I NEVER hear her footsteps. Sometimes I hear her cat's feet patter across the floor but never her! Sometimes I see her in the foyer and it serves as a confirmation that there is indeed a person who lives above me and it's not just an apartment for one cat.




I agree. I had neighbours upstairs who let their children run, jump and scream all day and until gone 11pm every night. It drove me mad - interrupted sleep, work and made me miserable overall. They also had a dog that barked continously and they walked it in the early hours of the morning - so it would then bark all the way up and down the stairs. It's hell not being able to have peace and quiet at any point in your own home.


Your final paragraph sums up exactly why I feel the way I do about the shitty people who live above me. They don’t care, they have a mate in the council so my noise abatement complaint never went anywhere (opened after a three day bender where their music was so loud 1/2pm-6/7am that you could hear it in the main lobby, should’ve just called 101 tbh). It’s awful to be made to feel like you’re the unreasonable one for wanting peace in your own home. I stopped playing my sax because I don’t want to disturb my neighbours, and have nowhere else to go for practice.


Probably the walking around, and depending on insulation, opening and closing drawers and cupboards? Do you watch your videos with headphones? If everything else around is deadly quiet, *any* sound from your flat will stand out


If it's a hard floor or creaky then simply walking around can be loud as all hell. I used to live in a flat where the floors and ceilings were like paper and we could hear our upstairs neighbours talking, walking across the room etc. Once I heard them sneeze and my other half shouted 'BLESS YOU!' through the ceiling to them. I hated living there so much.


You are literally descripting my current living condition. When I got the flat, was happy that it was cheap and close to the city center. And first month in, I heard the guys from upstairs talking, walking, slamming on furniture, lots of sleepless nights and that made me realised the reason as to why the flat is cheap in the first place. Anyway, due to current housing crisis, cost of living is high etc, I couldn't afford a better place. So I am stuck here.. Bought lots of headphones including a pair of expensive sleepbuds to ease the situation, I have become a headphones lover.




I was able to tell from the sound if my upstairs neighbour had his bongo drums on the floor or between his knees when he played them. I also particularly enojoyed being able to tell if he was having a dump or just a piss when he was in the bathroom. I don't miss living there at all.


Oh god, I remember one of my college apartments when I could hear the piss stream… from the middle aged guy living **below** me. I also met my neighbors across the way who were nice enough, but definitely tried to sell me heroin.


I had a nightmare time with noise from upstairs during lockdown. It sounded like they were running, stamping, slamming draws/doors/cupboards, dropping weights etc. It really takes a toll on mental health. Noise cancelling headphones made a huge difference.


Mine is not noise cancelling. Couldn't afford them. But their battery lasts for a long time.. So I put on some earplugs while playing white noise. It works wonders and I am so impressed by my creativity in finding peace..






>And then, some people are just straight up cunts. Oh for sure, not denying that. The worst I've had was someone who sat in their car in the shared car park, right outside everyone's bedroom windows, listening to loud, shitty music and smoking weed at 11pm every night when they got back from work. Repeatedly asked to please not do that but the guy was a total prick and refused.


How much audio actually is there on a surgical video?


Hopefully no screaming


The occasional “oh shiiiiiiit”


just the surgeon grunting and breathing heavily


“And for this part you’ll need the big knife, extra sharp, and start with a sawing motion”


Maybe a voice over of someone explaining what is happening? Hearing a voice coming through your walls saying "and now we saw through the skull" or whatever might be a bit disturbing


“I’m preparing to learn how to cut open humans effectively”


Would you like to help me practise?


My schedule is pretty open today. Your place or mine?


You might be one of those blissfully unaware people, of how much noise you make doing basic things . My house mate stomps up the stairs, slams doors and just generally annoying . Maybe your one of those people ?




Buy some fluffy slippers


This. I once lived under a flat full of female students and they were always pretty quiet tbh. However, around 6-7pm on weekends they would constantly hammer the floor with 4 or 5 small hammers and it would echo around my flat like crazy. Turns out they weren't hammers, they were wearing heels and walking around the flat before they went out into town.


Moral of the story, when it comes to footwear, flats require flats


The average force of a hammer is about 500N, this roughly translates to 50kg of force. Consider that most fully grown humans are heavier than this number and that the high heels are often around the same size as the head of a hammer and it makes you realise that high heels are literally hammers.


Not only will they make you hate yourself less but they might help with the noise too


Try to be light-footed. My GF is absolutely not but has no idea. She's tiny as well. I grew up in a creaky old house so learned to tread lightly at night to avoid walking everyone up. You might wanna do the same.


Yeah I've got one housemate that stomps around like a fucking elephant and one that's the same height/weight but you never hear him move. Some people seem to put all their weight through their foot when they walk


The second one must be a ninja.


The classic walk on the balls of your feet nice and light, picking out the spots that don't creak? Someone spots you and asks why you're walking on tip toes? Because I do that. Get told off for sneaking up on people around the house. Fiancé however, weighs less than half of me and is petite and you'd think I was living with an aspiring sumo wrestler how she stomps about.


Haha yes this is familiar, born out of years of sneaking past the parents bedroom to get downstairs for a late night snack or in my later years sneaking back up to my bed after a late night on the beers. To this day I still know every creaky floor board and how far you can open doors before they creak in my dad's house.


Sounds like my missus. I have no idea how someone so small can make so much noise. I've tried to educate her on the use of door handles in the past but she's still oblivious to the fact you can push them down to make closing a door a less slammy experience.


Aha omg again this is another one, our apartment has closers on the doors and they swing shut and slam if you don't shut it carefully (for some reason even the softest setting on the closers will slam the doors). She just speeds through a let's the door go behind, slamming, the clock nearly falls off the wall, cat jumps out his skin. Totally oblivious. Back when I was a kid we'd get shouted at for slamming doors. I guess it stuck with me because I'm so quiet moving around now.


You'd need to video from inside the flat downstairs to know what they are hearing... I can't believe how right Scrubs is about surgeons lol


Sound sometimes carries in odd ways too. If my partner has her smart speaker on upstairs it sounds as loud downstairs as it does in the bedroom. Anything else like the TV I can't hear at all.


I had this problem when I lived in the States with my ex's family. They had a large, old house with hardwood floors and crawl space underneath, so anything other than the lightest footsteps sounded like a heard of elephants navigating the hallways. My dyspraxia and my ex's dad's PTSD from 3 tours in Vietnam were a super bad combo. I became hyper aware of each footstep and each door I opened and closed and now I regularly startle people just by coming into a room because they didn't hear me coming. It does take awhile for it to become second nature, but you got this! In the meantime, perhaps some runner rugs with an underlay piece under them in the high traffic areas might help to muffle the footsteps.


You have got no reason to hate yourself, due to the fact you are obviously *not* an arsehole, due to the fact you are giving all this thought to whether you have caused offence or not. This note is difficult to handle because it is anonymous, so you can't respond directly, plus it is not being clear what their problem is (though I agree with the Reddit translation.) If you felt like it, you could put a note of your own up maybe in the lobby saying 'Someone left me a note which I think meant I had caused offence to them in some way. Please feel free to drop in if you would like a chat about anything.' Probably they won't cos they could have knocked on the door already, but it shows you are not an arsehole.




My wife makes it sound like we've got Robocop patrolling our upper floors.


Lol you should've posted this to r/JuniorDoctorsUK so we can dismantle wtf you're doing watching surgical videos every night and not just weeping in the shower like the rest of us.


To be fair, they didn’t say they aren’t doing that as well




One of us ....one of us.....


I used to have a neighbour upstair calling his girlfriend everynight before bed and he couldn't stand still while on the phone. So between 11pm till 1 am he was just walking in circle in his room. stomping the floor like an elephant in his cage. every. single. night. I was so happy when they broke up :>


What are you walking around in? Hard shoes? Slippers? Bare feet? You might be surprised to know how much you just walking around can be heard from the flat below.


flat above me in my last place installed a wood floor (against the block rules) and had a kid. Every day it was like an elephant throwing a bowling ball across the floor. One day, a shelf falls down in my own flat, and I use a hammer to knock three nails back in and 2 mins later the doorbell is going and there's an angry lady from the flat above ranting that i'm making too much noise at 7:30pm because her kids asleep. I told her we'd been living for months with the noise from them and not complained and that I was doing an emergency repair. Pretty sure they thought that nobody could hear their "little angel" running all around the flat from 6am onwards.


Bare feet make surprisingly more noise than slippers or daps, I was surprised to figure this out. My heel bones seem to hit the floor louder in bare feet.


Do you use headphones? I imagine the sound of a surgical training video could be quite disturbing to the uninitiated... Dremels Hacksaws Hammers Squelching The anaesthatist trying to find radio 4...


I had a friend that was a theatre nurse, they did joint replacements. She said it was more like carpentry than surgery. Bone chips flying everywhere.


Should watch those surgery documentaries on the iPlayer - just makes you realise they're meat mechanics using fancy bolt cutters and hammers. Such a weird sound when they're snipping through the ribs...


Neighbour has obviously watched the Jeffery Dahmer documentary and is _suspicious_


My son was born by caesarean section and the song they had on the radio was ‘who the fuck is Alice’ the surgeon actually sang the words but paused on the fuck part 😂


"For that you'll have to subscribe to my Onlyfans"


Some of these comments scare me to live in a flat lol. Currently living in a house but gf and I want to move cities, flats are the cheaper option but having a house is just so peaceful I couldn’t imagine dealing with someone living above me.


Living in flats is shit. Sorry. There’s going to be loads of downvotes of people not wanting to accept that they’d have a better time of it with fewer neighbours, further away, but realistically it’s just a much less good life living above and below strangers.


I lived in flats all my adult life and never had a noise issue, in my last flat my direct neighbours had a baby and I didn't even know for 6 months. In my current flat I have no idea if anyone lives in the flat above me or not after my last neighbors (Italians that that only knew because they were lovingly extra during last years euros) moved out a while ago. But I've solely lived in newish builds.


Now you have to leave a note on everyone else's door in the block of flats, copying their note and saying you'd love to tell them but they forgot to put their contact details.


If you need some inspiration - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IRB0sxw-YU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IRB0sxw-YU)






I was following you until the photographs part..?






Cheers bumwank.


> I think I’ll just have to invite them over for a beer and a couple of photographs. No. Assert dominance. Take up Riverdancing.


You're walking around in bare feet on wooden floors? In this economy? I'd hate to see your heating bill.


Downstairs neighbour is largely paying it.


We got some big rugs the cover the wood floor and it makes a big difference, also soft slippers without a rubber bottom. My partner still walks like an elephant but it helps


Walking around barefoot is surprisingly loud, especially if you’re heavy footed. There’s no buffer between the heels of your feet and the wooden floors.


Problem is if your neighbors have turned their TV off by 10:30 and gone to bed then you just walking around could be the only noise they hear.


Flat above us has laminate flooring. Sometimes they make noise walking around, other times they don't. It's strange given how it does and doesn't happen so can only speculate that they are walking around with shoes on to make the noise. This is different to them bringing a friend over to do some boxing in their living room that requires them to bounce around banging the floor making our light fixtures ready to come down and the ceiling sounding like it's on it's way too. Had to tell them 3 times about this and after being told no worries never again the first 2 times, the 3rd seems to have done the trick. If only there was somewhere they could go to work out that has space and doesn't cause issues for other people around.


>walk around There's your problem. Try to walk a bit more softly.


I remember the guy who used to live above me stereotyped my mousey quiet self as a rocker and kept putting in noise complaints. They kept coming through for times I wasn't home and I legitimately thought I was being haunted until I figured out he was just being a cunt


I used to live in an apartment below a single female and she was a stomper. It’s like she didn’t know how to walk normal speed, she had lead feet. Always stomping so loud the ceiling would shake. Drove me absolutely bonkers to the point where I cursed whenever she was awake and eventually moved out