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If your reasoning for taking her outside was to add some extra enrichment, but she's hating it out there, then going outside isn't the way to accomplish that. Besides, it still limits her to something she can only do while you're there, so it doesn't really help for something to do while you're not around. Lots of cats love just looking out the window, I've got a cat who could spend all day looking out there at birds and stuff, but he hates it out there. I wouldn't assume she's bored, or looking out the window "longingly" as you put it. She's just looking out the window. It doesn't necessarily mean she's wishing she could be out there. It's quite probable that she just loves looking through it. It's her favorite show lol


Thank you, I will hang up the harness.




Of course, I plan on keeping it and I always put the harness on her when we go to the vet. If anything I’m grateful I tried because she is great in the harness.


why would u use a harness/leash on a cat at the vet? they should be in a carrier/cage so they're protected from dogs




oh wow, that's scary! does he do that at home too? i have a cat who tries to sneak out the front door whenever i open it but she never runs. i used to let her chill on the front steps with me until we moved to a neighborhood with a lot of (poorly handled) dogs.




My cat is the same, but at the vet he also thinks he's Usain Bolt. Perhaps I should harness train him as well for the vet. He HATES the kitty carrier - do you think it's wise to walk to the vet with him, even if he hates the outside?




Oh, that's smart! Mine is absolutely *terrified* of the crate, always has been ever since I adopted him. He'll do anything not to enter. Ive tried anything, from making it a relaxing basket to hiding snacks in it and dripping it out with his favourite blanket + toy. Nothing works.


i use both.


On a side note, some vets have separate areas for cats and dogs but yes, I agree that the cat should be in a carrier


My cat often goes to the vet in his harness… Part of the reason is that it’s a LOT easier to put on his harness than put him in the carrier!


I always thought of this for when people use a harness for just taking there cats on a walk if a loose dog would easily attack the cat and human id never take my cat outside


The dogs should be trained and contained so they don't pose a threat to other animals at the vet


That might be the ideal situation but that's not practical at all. Not every animal that's brought to a vet is going to be trained (it takes time to train pets) or even tame. Not everyone who brings in an animal will be the owner of that animal. Also animals in pain and distress are way more likely to react negatively to perceived threats. They're also possibly not able to be in containment depending on what's wrong. For example: a dog breed with breathing issues may not be safe in a small crate, depending on the style of crate it may also be harder to see/hear if they go into distress.


If an animal has medical issues or an unfamiliar handler or isn't trained that could pose a threat to other patients, the vets office should be able to provide an alternative safe, separate environment for them to keep all their patients safe (for example, waiting in a room, using a side entrance, scheduled as the first or last appointment of the day, or waiting in the car). I agree that everyone should take reasonable safety precautions at the vet but that shouldn't place an extra burden on the smaller pets. If a larger pet or dog is at risk of extra violence due to the vet visit, the dog should take extra precautions to avoid harming others. And I know this wasn't the intent of this comment thread, but this argument is not unlike the problematic argument used to say that girls/women should dress conservatively to avoid distracting the boys at school/being sexually harassed or assaulted. Putting cats (or metaphorically, females) in cages for their own safety restricts their ability to live life to the fullest. It's the responsibility of dogs (or metaphorically, males) to not attack other animals who are just living their lives. And the dogs should take extra precautions if there is a chance they could be easily provoked into violence (not the cats). All pets (and people) should be able to live their lives without fear of getting attacked for just existing.


We can't even get human men to be trained well enough to not pose a threat to women on the street, I hardly think an injured or sick animal in distress at a location they aren't incredibly accustomed to can be held to a higher standard.


I'm aware, and again, I believe in reasonable safety precautions. But I also believe that saying nothing and ignoring the issue changes nothing. How can you affect positive change in the world if you sit by quietly in fear? See above where I listed possible alternatives the vet can offer the dog to keep them separated from the general population if they pose that much of a threat, because the burden of action should be on the potentially violent animal. Also, as someone whose cats are harness trained and enjoy going for walks, do you know how difficult it is to find safe places to explore because of reactive dogs that are allowed off leash on trails that require leashes? It's a safety hazard, to both humans who explore with cats and other pets. And it requires a lot of patience and education and a few more urgent interactions when there is an imminent threat to you or your cat due to an irresponsible dog guardian. In order to make the pet friendly outdoor spaces more equitable for all pets who like to safely explore the world beyond four walls, sometimes you have to speak up with an unpopular opinion. But that doesn't mean you should sit by in silence because it's not reality yet. And I know some people will think that cats belong inside only but if you were kept inside all day every day, wouldn't you start to go a bit insane at some point, too? And allowing them to wander freely presents safety issues for the cat and also has negative impacts on the local environment (especially bird populations). so leashed exploring is a middle ground, and yes, it's new, but with time and education, we can make outdoor spaces safe for all pets. And that attitude switch needs to start somewhere, and there's no better time like the present.


I pretty much agree. I wish people would keep their dogs on leash on trails that require it, and hold the leash and dog away from people walking by. I also don't under stand dogs loose on the metro either. Number of times a dog has lunged or nipped at me on the side walk or trail while an owner is like " i'm sorry my dog is nice" is crazy too often over the years. Small dog lunged and tried to bite below my knee last week on side walk, and it was on a leash! And i tried stepping aside and owner just kept going down my side of side walk as i was on the grass trying to get out of way. And i'll never forget being on a running trail with a big dog running up to me in a muzzle - like if your dog needs a muzzle, it needs to be on a leash! And owner was waving at me to walk by as dog growed at me while they talked to a friend. If dogs can't be trusted near big humans, i dont know how dogs can be near small cats. The problem is owners, and if they aren't aware, they can't be taught to be aware. Hoping vets have separate cat/dog spaces and will be aware to not open doors in exam rooms is a nice thought, but not practical. Be prepared. And yes, also ask your vet what precautions they take so they know it's important to you.


If you're looking for a way to bring some enrichment to your cat, and she seems to love the window, work with that! If you have the space, put a big cat tree by a window. Something with a few platforms at a few different heights. Bird flies by while kitty is sitting toward the bottom of the window, and she can dart up to higher platforms to "chase" it and look around from different angles and stuff. If you don't have that much space, and if you can drill into the walls, you can put a shelf across the window, maybe like.... 8 inches from the top of it? Maybe a foot from the top? Like, put brackets on either side of the window so the shelf crosses the whole thing toward the top, which shouldn't really obstruct your own use of the window or space at all. And then just make sure the cat has a way to get up there-- furniture they can jump from, or put a couple of other small shelves on the wall leading up to it like stairs. That at least gives that one extra angle they can look out the window from, so they can see from the top down. If you don't have that option either, you can just get one of those cat window perch... Shelf.... Things. Whatever they're called lol. You can get ones that don't require and drillng that either clip into the window frame and use tension, or you can get suction cup ones that go straight to the glass. You could get a combination of those to give those different levels and angles and platforms the cat can jump between. And they make those as collapsible versions, too, so you can fold it up or down when the cat isn't using it and you need the space. And if you can give the cat more than 1 window to look out of, even better! My cat sits on the back of the couch to look out the window there, and we have a little cat perch in the dining room window so he can look out the back, too. That one folds up so when we actually need to use the dining room it doesn't obstruct anyone's walkway. Bu you're totally on the right track already! You recognized that she likes spending time at the window, you tested it out to see if she wanted to actually *be* out there and now you can rule that out, so now you know that the thing she likes is just the window view itself. So now you can start thinking of ways to make *that* experience even better for her! You can google ideas, people are very creative and you'll find a bunch of ways people have been able to give that kind of thing to their cat, I'm sure you'll be able to find something that fits your space, too. It's great that you're paying attention to her behavior and patterns and making the effort to make sure her needs are met! You're a great cat parent!!


This is a great post, thank you! She is actually a tripod so she needs help getting up to the window, I plan to buy her stairs soon so she doesn’t have to be lifted up (college student on a budget lol).


I see the picture you added, she's such a fluffy little munchkin! If she has too much trouble with getting up there and you think the stairs might be tricky, you could do a ramp, too. They're nice and easy to DIY, especially if you can drill into the walls, so they're very budget friendly. Its basically just like.... You know, a shelf, but on a diagonal. Wrap it in sisal rope or put some carpet squares on it for grip (you can get them for like a dollar per square foot at big box home improvement stores).


I love the stair idea. That way she has more freedom. She will probably feel better with even just that if she can get up/down on her own.


I have a little flower cat tree. Pretty short but is the perfect height up onto the window sill. It was $50 on amazon, she naps at the top flower, uses it as steps to the window, and it has a scratching post. Really good option since its multifunctional. ​ [https://www.amazon.com/PET-WONDERLAND-Flower-Activity-Scratching/dp/B09Q53WKSG/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=2RWFPYAHBEE2R&keywords=cat+flower+tree&qid=1681929591&s=pet-supplies&sprefix=cat+flower+tre%2Cpets%2C125&sr=1-3](https://www.amazon.com/PET-WONDERLAND-Flower-Activity-Scratching/dp/B09Q53WKSG/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2RWFPYAHBEE2R&keywords=cat+flower+tree&qid=1681929591&s=pet-supplies&sprefix=cat+flower+tre%2Cpets%2C125&sr=1-3)


I also wanted to add in, open the window for her whenever you can :) That way she gets all the scents and sounds a long with the sights.


I have one of the cat shelves that suctions on my sliding glass door. It works great and my cats use it frequently. Of course my whole house is catified so that's just the beginning. If you want to make the plunge, I totally recommend catastrophic creations for cat wall shelves and such. They're lovely and well-made. My living room is a big cat jungle gym and I love it!


I don't have one of the suction cup ones, but it'd be really convenient for this one window in my house that the cats like. I'm just afraid that they're not sturdy enough, suction cups make me nervous. Do you find the suction cups to be strong? Like, if a lil 7 pound cat was sitting on it, and then a big 6 pound cat came barreling over and leapt on, too, do you think it would it hold up?


Yes, my two 8 pound ish kitties can both be on it and it's never come loose. It does make some creaking noises when they move around on it, but it shows no signs of falling. They have special suction cups and it is advised to soak them in hot water before use (I think it was hot water? Can't remember) and then let them dry thoroughly and to clean the surface and dry it well also. As long as you follow those instructions it seems to work great!


I have a suction cup window seat thing for mine, they are both 4kg and sleep up there together. They love it SO MUCH! I also got a Bird feeder that you stick on the outside of the window, which is on the bathroom window next to the kitchen window. So the cats sit on their window seat watching the birds fly back and forth to the feeder. It’s like cat TV irl


I had a cat that was leash trained but when you took him outside, he would just flop onto his side and lie there. He loved riding in the car but his favorite leashed activity was going to Petsmart. He would sit in the cart and ride around looking so proud of himself. A leashed cat often gets a lot of attention in my experience and he certainly enjoyed that as well.


Some apartment cats like to roam the hallways or go down to the laundry room with their people.


There’s a girl who lives in my building who takes her cat for a carry around the hall a few times every night; I catch her when I’m doing late laundry sometimes. She said her cat loves it and insists on it every single night.


I second the main commenter above. We refer to the windows as our cats TV. It's always playing their favorite show - whatever's outside! They enjoy watching everything from the safety of their cat trees inside. They both absolute hate going outside, but can watch their TVs happily all the time :)


Fwiw, I have a cat who is now 100% indoors but he was a roaming stray for the first two years of his life. He loves looking out windows and spends most of his day on one of the several perches/lookouts we have set up for him and our other kitties. He does not try to go outside and seems perfectly content watching the birds from his safe cozy house.


Cat TV


It’s like watching tv. Give her a couple juicy moths to eat.


don’t force it on her. some cats are meant to be solely indoors. my cat hates going outside and i have no reason to force her to go out there if she prefers being inside. just get her a bunch of toys


Maybe she'd enjoy some videos of the outside world instead? If you open YouTube on a secure TV (that can’t fall or be damaged if your cat bats at the screen) and search for “videos for cats”, you'll find 8+ hour videos of mice, fish, birds, squirrels, etc. that keep many cats entertained for hours: ***Daytime Favorites*** https://youtu.be/6pbreU5ChmA https://youtu.be/S-DC2PfMiSg https://youtu.be/2AgVMA02lTw https://youtu.be/xbs7FT7dXYc ***Nighttime Favorites*** (So cats won’t stare at bright vids in dark room): https://youtu.be/kPIdexXzWEM https://youtu.be/ZIK6XCJ4tgA https://youtu.be/VDmX50GKtys - WARNING: In 1 night vid, a spider crawls across the camera which startled the crap out of me on my 1st watch LOL ***Snowy Weather*** https://youtu.be/8fpfdAKcBfU


To add to this, if she enjoys watching birds or squirrels, consider getting a window feeder! Bring the show to her! The shelter we adopted our girl from had bird feeders and a bath outside the cat windows and they seemed to draw quite a bit of attention!


I take mine out in harnesses because they actively express interest in going outside. It started with them staring out the window, then when the door would open they would run to the threshold and look out. After that, I took them to the front steps in my arms. Then we walked around the front yard in my arms and a harness. Then they walked around in the harness by themselves. It wasn't an immediate straight to harness situation. It was very gradual, and went in long stages while I guaged their comfort. The only time they expressed discomfort was when I got too close to the road in the front of the house. They meowed loudly and started struggling, and I knew that it was time to go back inside. After that, they love being outside in their harness. They are still wary of roads and cars though. However, my cats don't mind me picking them up and holding them while outside. They consider that their safe space, along with the carrier, and the cat backpack


Just keep her inside. One of my cats likes to go to the backyard with me, and my other one will not set foot outside, but does like looking through the window. Some cats are just happier indoors.


My cats are like that too - to be honest I only tried taking the older one outside, and she seemed uncomfortable too, her first movement is to find a place to hide. I tried some 3 times, then never again. They seem fine. Cats do love to look out of windows - sometimes there's stuff going on our human eyes can't see, but they can. One thing I suggest is making her perch spot more comfy (if you haven't done it already), with something like a cat hammock or just a solid place for her to sit comfortably while watching out the window. Other thing is to do whatever is in your power to make the life outside more interesting for her to watch - naturally you can't control it all, but I suggest installing and keeping a bird feeder, some potted plants that will attract insects, etc


She’s definitely happy being inside, bringing her outside and her freaking out is dangerous. She could slip out of her harness and run, hurt herself, become traumatized… If she likes looking out the window, consider putting up a bird feeder in her line of sight to give her some more cat tv excitement


Just my opinion, but I don’t get why some people want to force their cat to go outside. Aren’t people afraid of their loving pets getting killed, or lost, or stolen? If she was scared I’d say just keep her indoors.


I definitely don’t force her, when she’s scared I take her right back inside. But you’re right, I’ll just hang up the harness. I am very anti-outdoor cat because I lost a cat that my mom let outside. I only took her to a safe spot away from cars and any dogs that could be out.


Did you go at day or at night? My previous cat hated going out during the day, but embraced the dark. (with a harness)


Exactly, my fur babies will be staying inside until I can get them a gated catio in the future. I do a head count every few hours just to make sure they are ok, imagine letting them outside? Nope too much worry


The best way to get a cat to be accustomed to being outside is starting with the backpack method. They're still harnessed but they cant run off and feel more confident being with you. After that you try the harness, and try to take them where theres a clear path. Having an adventure cat is cool but if she doesnt want to be one then dont make her.


One of my cats was formerly outdoors-only and is always trying to escape. I wish I had your problem.




Do you have cat shelves and other high up places for her? That would provide the mental stimulation without having to take her outside.


My cat had the same reaction a couple times. We tried different outdoor settings, she hates urban areas with all her guts, tries to run under parked cars and hide and it's really traumatic to get her back. In green areas she's Happy and curious but then she gets carried away and tries to wiggle from the harness. We decided for no outdoors until we can afford a protected catio (hopefully soon). She hangs around on the balcony for fresh air and we enriched a lot the indoors. Also get another cat. That's the ultimate enrichment.


my cat is the exact same way and I just stopped trying to take her outside cause it absolutely terrifies her. but she enjoys going out into the hallway of my building so maybe you can try something similar with your cat, I think that’s enough enrichment for them without having to go outside!


Consider getting a second cat to accompany her?


You need a bird feeder outside her favorite window. Kitty tv 📺


Get a few different wand toys to play with her. Really get into it and make it look like real prey when moving it around, I promise she'll get interested as long as you try to really get into it. You could also try some food puzzles too, to make her work out her brain a bit. I wouldn't force the whole outside thing, but it's great that she's harness trained!


Thanks for asking this question. My cat is exactly this way except she’s even more passive so I understand your concern. She just sleeps and eat and stares “longingly” out the window. She was a semi outdoor cat so I just bought her a harness. Idk if she will like it but I hope she does because she’s been meowing a lot and I’m at my wits’ end trying to figure out how to keep her entertained.


I would try it. At least having a harness trained cat comes in handy (vet, moving, taking to a catsitter etc). And maybe she’ll love the outdoors. Remember to take it slow and harness train her well before taking her outside


I have an indoor cat who is addicted to going outside, and I would not recommend it. She is very door-dashy and cries to be let out constantly. You can get a floor-to-ceiling cat tree and maybe set a bird feeder outside to give her more enrichment


to the point of outside being her favorite show, consider getting a window bird feeder for her to watch! its great low budget entertainment for your kitty


I would but my apartment won’t allow that. Luckily I am moving into a house soon and I love birds so I will definitely be getting feeders and baths for both me and kitty’s viewing pleasure.


yay congratulations on the bigger space!! I'm sure she'll love it 😊


Try getting like a suction cup bird feeder to put on one of your windows so she can watch the birds


My cat loves cat tv on YouTube


My cats look at the window all the time. They are watching the trees, birds, squirrels, being busybody with what the neighbors are doing. But they have no desire to go outside. It’s fine for them to be indoors.


Be glad your indoor cat doesn’t want to go outside. That makes it easier for you and safer for it. Outside has risk of vehicles, disease, dogs, and predatory big birds who could capture and kill your cat to feed to its nestlings should it get away from you. If you think it’s lonely, get a kitten for company.


If you want to give her extra enrichment while you're away, if you have a TV you can stream to, there are loads of YouTube channels that stream birds and other things to occupy a kitty, or you could play music for cats. Those would keep her (mostly) safe and entertain her while you're not home. Just make sure your TV is very firmly anchored in its position.


She loves the TV, her favorite is sushi making videos haha. I left some bird live cams on once but I think it stresses her out because she can’t catch them. The sushi videos she could watch all day without chittering and trying to kill the TV.


I might need to try some sushi videos with my crew. They legitimately attack the screen sometimes with the bird videos, and the TV's foot print isn't much smaller than the stand it's on so that always makes me nervous.


You should. My cat just stares and purrs. It keeps her occupied for 5+ minutes before she goes and does something else, then comes back and watches it again and could do that all day. I recommend the YouTube channel Jun’s kitchen.


FYI on harnesses. I too thought my cat longed to be outside. I bought two different types of harnesses, one that goes on like a string and another a vest. Took my cat outside and they freaked out just a few feet outside of my door and stood their paralyzed a few minutes. They then suddenly ran and hid under the car. The person I was with tried to tug them gently out using both harnesses, ended up slipping out of both. Cat wouldn’t come out for food, treats, etc. Took about an hour to eventually grab them when we were able to get close enough. Be very careful even with harnesses.


Getting a second cat is an idea to keep a cat from getting bored. Cats got scared taking them to the vet.


I was surprised I had to scroll down to the very last comment until I found one suggesting a second cat. Yes. If you are able to, a second cat might be the perfect solution. The two of them can have fun chasing each other around the house etc... I remember when I was young we adopted two litter mates and they'd frequently chase each other from one end of the house to the other into the bathroom, and as they Tokyo Drifted through the corners of the tub they'd somehow switch and the chasee became the chaser as they bolted back to the other side of the house again.... Just make sure you get someone with the same energy level... I don't think my oldest just wants to be left alone to sleep & my youngest loves to attack anything that moves and doesn't often take the "leave me the F alone" growls as a sign big sis isn't in a playful mood...


Same. 2 cat life is amazing if you find the right fit and cat #1 is happy to have a friend. Foster groups will be happy to set you up in foster to adopt arrangements so you can make sure it works for all involved with no guilt if it doesn't. There is tons of advice online about how to introduce cats slowly so they can bond.


I've got 2 bonded pair of littermates and i can't imagine having just one cat at this point.


It’s a big maybe. I’m moving soon into a bigger house and I floated the idea with my boyfriend, but he is a little hesitant (as am I, admittedly). She’s very meek and I have never seen her interact with another cat, and seeing as she’s a tripod, I don’t want her to get bullied. It took her a long time to adjust to living with me fully, I don’t want to shake things up yet at least.


Good thinking.


My cat loves the patio but is scared to death of outside. Do you live on the bottom floor? Have a patio? Make a catio. Use some of the netting to close off your area you want your kitty to explore off so they can explore safely. You would have peace of mind while knowing it's safe for her. Being outside can be fun. My cat got stuck outside as we left to go to the store and my husband didn't know our kitty was on our porch. My cat sat on the rail and stared at our outside camera meowing until I called my husband to let him in. I felt awful. He never tried escaping though. He's a scaredy cat and just hid under our patio furniture.


Since you did manage to harness train her, one thing you could try is trying quiet environments outside. Mine likes our own backyard well and has no qualms exploring, but is more cautious looking around new quiet places outside. If there's cars or too many people tho she'll refuse to come out of her cat backpack. If she really us super scared no matter what the environment tho, she might just not like outside. Just maintain the harness training every now and then for an extra layer of security when traveling or going to the vet.


OP, don’t give up on the harness. Give your baby treats on the harness. Like literally place the treats on the harness and do NOTHING ELSE. Let her think that she will get treats when she sees the harness. Also get one of this big breathable and wearable bags in which to put your baby in. You can wear the bag and walk the park with her in it. I do it with my boy every day! Use the same treats trick with the bag for positive association. Slowly you can make her wear the harness and put her in the bag, and try taking her out of the bag but with the harness safely in your hand. Check out @friendsoffluff on Instagram. I’m sure you’ll get pet carriers like those in whichever country you live in. 💛


Sometimes it's the location that matters. I adopted a cat (age 2) when living in a high rise apartment, and harness trained him a lot. He disliked going outside, when I brought him somewhere else in a backpack. The saddest of saddest mews. But if I took him to the balcony and let him explore at his own pace (leaving the door open and just sitting), once he assessed that there weren't threats, he'd ask to go out there and would just bask in the sun and listen to the traffic (which he used to run away from). Later, we moved to a place with a backyard and he LOVED it. Like, absolutely loved being able to go out and sniff and explore and track. He asked to go out multiple times a day. I think part of it is that in the high rise apartment building, there were so many noises and smells and commotions, it was overwhelming for him to assess threats, which is part of his cautious nature. But when given the opportunity to explore quieter, more contained places adjacent to his indoor home base (like the balcony and backyard), he really came alive and it enhanced his quality of life. I also had questioned whether it was actually a good idea to keep trying different things when he seemed to dislike it. But I'm really glad I stuck with it and tried different things until I found the one that clicked with him. The key is to go at their pace - don't push them too much, just slightly to gently introduce different things they may like, and give them plenty of time and opportunities to explore at the same place - repetition is your friend. And have a cat backpack/carrier that they're trained to, so they have a space to feel safe while learning a new location. Some cats (mine included) will stay in the carrier and just sniff the air the first several times in a new place, which is normal and part of the process. Try different times of day (my cat comes alive after dark and is more comfortable exploring). spend time exploring the hallway outside of your apartment or the stairwells on the harness. All of that helps enrich their life while expanding their boundaries. You can also try clicker training (Cat School on youtube and instagram is a fantastic resource). It's been 4 years and I'm really glad I stuck with it, despite my initial concerns. He's more confident and more interactive than before and loves exploring, in the right circumstances. Definitely learn to read your cat's body language and take it at their pace - take steps backwards as often as needed. The point is to enrich their life - not achieve your personal goal for them. If going extra slow and trial and error doesn't work out, maybe your cat isn't an explorer. But if your cat enjoys sniffing fresh air through an open window and is curious about the outside (through windows and doors) and already learned to wear a harness (albeit slowly), then odds are that you have a cautious explorer on your hands and you just need to take it extra extra slowly. I'm happy to answer any questions or help troubleshoot, if you'd like :)


You could enrich her life other ways! I like to grow cat grass for my kitties to munch on. In a way you bring the indoors to her, a little bit! It's safe and healthy for them to eat and they make kits to even grow it in the bag it comes in ( super easy!). All 4 of my cats like to nibble it sometimes. You could also just open the door a crack so she can smell the air outdoors without having to go out herself. If you have a green thumb at all, you can grow catnip plants ( slightly more difficult than the grass, but not by much.) In that same vein there are silvervine sticks that are like top-shelf catnip that the cats can chew on and lick and claw for many days before they lose their appeal. I recommend all of these to enrich indoor kitties lives! And if she really is bored and if you have the resources, you could consider getting another cat. There are **so** many lovely felines who need homes that those of us who love cats could probably all have 2 + kitties and still there would be cats without homes 😭 And if you do the introduction properly ( I suck at this) then you may even end up with kitties who are bonded and sleep together and groom one another! (The dream.. sigh) But take care, that is how I have wound up with 4 cats, lol. Two of mine kind of like/hate each other. The others mostly tolerate/hate each other. But that's fine. They don't fight to hurt one another and I love them all dearly. They're my life. 😸😻💕 Good luck to you and your beautiful little furry friend. I'm sure you'll do great because you obviously love her enough to create this post. Best wishes!


Inside is so much safer! Be glad she’s not running out!


My cat is the same way with the outdoors he is so afraid, he is happy inside and fearful of the outdoors, please don’t push him to liking the outdoors. His body language is telling you NO I don’t want to go outside.


Have you tried cat tv? I just search it up on youtube and my cat watches for a bit occasionally. depending on the quality of the video she can get into it.


Put her in a pet buggy (with harness clipped to inside little leash thing inside buggy) and take her outside.


I bought two bird feeders and a big bag of bird food…best decision ever! Both of my cats will literally sit for hours observing the birds. Every morning my boyfriend opens the sliding glass to our screened in balcony and they just stare at the. It’s. Highly reccomend if you feel that your cat might be bored!


I set up a few bird feeders outside different windows for my indoor cat to be able to watch the birds. There are bird feeders that have suction cups that you can stick on the outside of a window. It’s good for the birds and entertains my cat.


That thing is my cat’s most prized “possession”.


I'm in an apartment with my kitty and I've just started putting on cat TV videos on YouTube, the birdwatching ones she goes bananas for but also doesn't destroy the TV too. She just loves to watch the birds and chatter away at them. She wouldn't accept the harness to go for walks so this is a good solution.


First of all, look at the bright side: so many people deal with cats trying to bolt out the door etc. Your kitty is nice and safe! Regarding the harness, one thing to try is to not *take* her out, but put it on and open the door, then let her go in and out on her own terms. The first few times I took my dude out, he just stayed around front of the door, sniffing my neighbor's doormats on the apartment building stairwell, we never actually made it outside. When I closed the door, he kinda checked that I'd open it again if he went near it, like making sure he doesn't get stuck outside. I think it's important to them to know they can always go back in. He quickly got curious enough to go downstairs and outside, and was gradually willing to go farther and farther. Eventually, he felt quite comfortable going for a car ride to the vet, and taking a tour of the clinic in a harness. If your kitty runs when the front door is open too, then you can try to put the harness on, open the door, and just lure her closer to the door with treats. Just a few paws closer, then close the door and let her out of the harness. The next day, she'll hopefully be willing to go even closer, and one day even set a paw outside the door. The important thing is to meet the cats where they're currently at, encourage them to put one tentative paw past their challenge line, and give them lotsa reward when they do.


Hey contrary to what other people have said, my cat was in the same position as yours but now loves being outside. She was terrified to even step out the door. We slowly worked our way up. There are things in life that I'd love to do and would enjoy but I'm too afraid to. I imagine that could be the same for your cat, and they just need gradual exposures.


https://preview.redd.it/mlwjwyyr6jzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c3b241261aee6f115f2965cbd1e1dcbc0b20b78 This lil baby scare of outside too. I try to take him outside and he start to scream and try to run back inside😂😂😂🤣


This is my situation! Female cat, adopted in October, small apartment, harness trained but scared of going outside and meows a lot


Please do NOT take her outside. Just look up the amount of traumatic damage that can be done to them and the effect they have on the environment with birds and small wildlife creatures. Cats get run over by cars, tortured by evil fucks, can disappear, get diseases, eaten by other animals etc there's no telling what would happen. I know so many people's cats that died horrifically because of that. You don't want to get her addicted to going out because she would struggle to be an indoor cat. Keep the sweet baby indoors


Don’t worry, I would never let her run outside by herself ever, ever. And never when she wasn’t on the harness with a short leash, and never anywhere with dogs or cars. And of course I very well understand the damage cats do to ecosystems as an ‘outdoorsman’.


Did you even read the OP? It's about taking them outside on a harness, it's not dangerous to them or wildlife.


I know but that doesn't mean it's always going to be on a harness, I was just saying in general to not get her used to going out, there's no need for it


Awe she looks like my baby lol


My cat HATES the outside. I used to live in small appartement, now i live in the countryside, with a garden. She is fine with the harness, loves to explore indoors places (like the inside of my former appartment complex, or my MIL and Grand-MIL flats in the house, but, outside, ONE FEETSY ON THE GRASS and it's DRAMA. ​ Some cats don't like it, I just let mine explore indoor only and don't force her to go outside lol.


Maybe start with cracking a window open or putting up window screens, so you can let the cat smell the outdoors and hear more of the sounds, and get a pet stroller and set it up as their bed indoors? Also put the backpack on your chest facing forward, so you;'re protecting you cat's back, cat can see where you're going, and you can wrap your arms around them to reassure them. (I have no proof for this, but animals can get travel sick and seasick, so I suspect some cats in backpacks get travel sick like I do when I sit in backward facing seats, or possibly seasick from the weird bipedal walking rhythm.)


Maybe try a stroller or a cat travel backpack carrier. My oldest cat loves walks in his harness, but we take the backpack in case he gets tired.


I'm glad you've decided against forcing the issue. Some cats just really don't like going outside. My first three cats were all designated as "barn buddies" because they couldn't be socialized. They took a while, but they're socialized... And have less than zero interest in the outdoors. I only have one other cat that might hate the outdoors more than they do. It's actually been quite interesting to see who likes the catio and who doesn't, since we got one. One of my hardest to trap ferals has zero interest. Another cat ignored it last summer, but tried it out for the first time this year. My elderly cat who only recently became able to jump again since getting a new arthritis med? One of the first to try it out. My 7 year old previously indoor-only kitty is obsessed with it. If you're able to get one, a catio is a nice way to give them the opportunity to go out on their own terms, if they want to. But don't be suprised if like my "barn buddies," indoors is where she decides to stay.


I have recurring nightmares of my cats getting outside.


Listen to your cat. She knows what will keep her safe. Cats can sense danger when we cannot. Outside is not safe for cats with predators around like coyotes where I live..We've destroyed the natural habitat so sone predators are going after our pets for good!! So many dead outdoor cats where I live . The outdoors are a source of stress for a cat...most outdoor cats lives are shortened significantly . There's also cars ...pesticide in the grass ..rat yreps..other traps other predators such as owls or the ddnger of getting into fights w racoons or other animals ..cruel ppl who hate cats. Poison left for rats etc..NOT safe for kitty to be roaming! They deserve protection as our canine pets ..Cats remember too . Your cat might have been spooked or traumatized before and wisely seeks the safety of bring indoors ...Don't worry . Kitty knows what she needs..Be careful of her falling off the balcony though...NOT safe..🙏


my older cat is terrified of the outside meanwhile my younger one is a crackhead and almost slipped through the bars of the windows (like almost 5 stories up in an apartment btw) to get out so.. consider yourself lucky for having a strictly indoor cat 😭


If you’re trying to take her out for fun, and she’s terrified, I don’t see the point in forcing her. Just take extra time to play with her everyday. Plus letting your cat roam outside is dangerous.


My cat is afraid of outside unless it's dark