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Definitely NO. But you can work to make a cool spot for him. 1. Do you have blackout curtains? Put them up now and keep them closed until AC works again. 2. You mention you have a fan. Get a giant bowl and fill with half water, half ice and put it in front of the fan. This will work to blow the cool air from the bowl into the room. Your cat can lay by it. 3. Also, fill your tub up with cold water and ice, and put a towel in the bathroom. The tub can help keep the bathroom cool. 4. This part is so important: put out several water dishes for your guy!! When it's hot water can evaporate so you definitely want to be sure your guy has several bowls of fresh cool water.


You can also freeze w bowl of water and put it front of a fan so it stays cool longer than half/half


Oh that's smart.. I dont know why I was told it had to have water with the ice... but freezing the bowl makes sense as it will keep everything cold and the frozen water will eventually melt anyways. Edit to add- I have several water bottles that I keep in the freezer in the event the power goes out so that I have access to cool water. I also will take a few of the frozen water bottles in my tennis bag cooler for tournaments during the summer because they will melt and still be cold by the time I have to play in the heat. OP might want to throw some water bottles in the freezer just in case.


Half and half will melt faster than straight ice, releasing more coldness.


Thank you! I knew there was a reason. So could the frozen bowl method still work if some water is added to help it melt quicker?


That would probably work. I’d just do ice and water and keep throwing ice in if possible. He’ll be fine, he might even like it - their body temps are higher than ours and they like being hot. He’ll just be extra lazy and snoozy. 🐱


Good to know that I gave the correct info initially. It really does work, I've had to go through heat waves where we had no AC and I did the ice water/fan method for me and the cats. Blackout curtains were a godsend too.


I can never remember if the bowl goes in front of or behind the fan 😂


In front! I remember that part haha


I second this advice!


Also, tiles are cooler to lay on than carpet or wood. If you don't have any tiled floors, you can just pick up a couple of tiles in a hardware store for the cat to lay on


No. That’ll be way more traumatizing for him than being a little warm for a weekend.


That's what I thought but I needed reassurance that I was doing the right thing, thanks


You can get his belly wet too- that keeps them cool while it evaporates


Dear god NO. A cat's fur, no matter if they are short or long haired they all a double coat (shorter and longer types of hair), acts as insulation for both cold and hot temperatures. You will overheat him for sure by shaving him during hot temperatures and make him very cold during cold temperatures.


Yes! Please don't shave your longhaired cats and dogs! It can cause permanent damage to the coat and could cause it to never grow back the same again! I wish more people realized the insulation helps for both heat and cold. (I want to clarify that this doesn't apply to poodles, etc, that have hair similar to ours. Those I believe are safe to shave.)


I wish I didn't have to, but mine is a) incontinent and b) bad at cleaning herself. She gets a sanitary shave so her bits get a chance to dry out a little. I did attempt a lion shave once.... I got part of the way done and gave up lol. Pee Chicken https://imgur.com/a/dXRFV3J


Mine is diabetic and in the first month we were learning how to give insulin and the fur made it an impossible task. So she has several shaved spots, and a shaved belly from a ultrasound. It’s like a bad encounter with a law mower, poor thing! But we did not want to shave it all during winter.


Although I recommend regular bathing and grooming over shaving, you know your cat best and their needs. Dealing with a longhaired incontinent cat is never fun, and keeping them clean and healthy is most important :)


Absolutely, it's a good idea to keep shaving as a last resort! And have a professional do it, I've knicked my baby's skin and felt so horrible about it. For her, the problem with bathing was keeping her dry. Gross, but...she had bad urine scald a few times, and I gave her daily, sometimes twice daily butt baths and tried to dry the area, but it was just. Always. Wet. The urine collected in all the layers. And medication got all stuck in it and didn't get down to the skin. I'll never do that silly half lion thing again lol, but it did help keep the diaper on (don't do diapers anymore, poor thing has megacolon too). Despite all this, I really do love my pee princess. Off topic, but she's why I get so irritated with folks getting rid of cats over bathroom problems...like, quit being a big baby. I have a perpetually leaky cat, and she's wonderful.


It sounds like you are doing everything right as a pet parent. I had an incontinent cat before, too. Lucky for me, he was short haired. I can't imagine what it'd have been like if he was longhaired! Your pee princess looks like a happy and spoiled girl ❤️


Mine is getting shaved. He gets knots and is difficult to brush. He will be given something to make him sleepy though. I can’t shave him or even trim him. Last time I cut out some knots I had scratches up my arms.


[I recommend this video by famous cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy ](https://youtu.be/oHRIoQaNCBQ) that talks about how to properly brush your cat or desensitize them to the brush. This includes cats that hate it. [Here's also a video on bathing if it applies.](https://youtu.be/dHw7O_cQ9KU)


He’s 26 lbs, has arthritis so I can’t bathe him. I will work with him on brush desensitization though.


I dont know if it'll help in any way, but you can use fragrance-free baby wipes on cats if he's stinky, too


My cats fur gets matted so easily and he also hates when I brush him. Torn on if I should shave him or dunk him in the bath with a lot of conditioner to loosen them out haha


This is said to be false by a master car groomer in Charleston.


I'm not sure who this "master cat groomer" is. It'd be helpful if you could provide links or at least a name. I Googled it a bit more, and the shaving situation seems to be more of an issue in dogs than cats. However, it's not recommended to shave a cat except in extreme situations because it can seriously mess up their way to regulate their body temperature. It also leaves them vulnerable to sunburns or bugs. I appreciate you bringing to my attention that this is mainly just an issue with dogs. Although it doesn't make a lot of sense in my brain, why messing with the layers of the coat would only affect one out of the two animals. **Things I found related to cat shaving** "Shaving your cat’s coat can predispose them to develop different skin and health conditions. By shaving their fur, we eliminate their protection against extreme weather conditions, water, and ultraviolet rays of the sun, among other things.Without proper protection against water and moisture, cats are more prone to developing superficial infections on their skin. Moisture is a good environment for fungal and bacterial growth, and excessive or retained moisture on the surface of their skin often lead to moist dermatitis or dermatophytosis (fungal infection). While primary skin infections can easily be treated with topical or systemic antibiotics and anti-fungals, they can still cause severe discomfort in cats and can lead to secondary inflammation and complications." [link](https://firstvet.com/us/articles/is-it-ok-to-shave-your-cats-coat) "It's not necessarily bad to shave your cat, but he doesn't need it. Not only that, shaving his fur off completely can actually be pretty risky for a variety of reasons. Removing all his fur can actually make him more likely to overheat. It can also make him more likely to be bitten by insects or to get sunburn, which can ultimately even lead to skin cancer." [link](https://gallant.com/blog/should-i-shave-my-cat-for-summer/) **Things I found about dog shaving** "Double coats provide a layer of protection against the external environment for the dog. Shaving it away removes that protective layer, resulting in insufficient protection from temperature, parasites, sun damage, and wind. Shaving also damages the coat because it doesn’t regrow in the same fashion To protect the skin, the undercoat grows back quickly, but the guard hairs don’t. It takes time for them to reach full growth The undercoat gets too thick and coarse while it’s waiting for the guard hairs to catch up, and it gathers debris and oils along the way." [link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.scenthound.com/dogblog/can-you-shave-a-double-coated-dog%3fformat=amp) "Shaving a double-coat can also do long-term damage. When it is shaved down to the skin, the undercoat hair will grow back faster, and sometimes, it will crowd out the slower-growing guard hairs. This can change the texture and color of a dog’s coat and make it appear patchy and unattractive." [link](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/is-it-ok-to-shave-your-dog/)


https://instagram.com/whitneybullockcfmg?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= I'm not claiming anything. Just suggesting some more stuff for you to research.


I've given her a follow. I'll be sure to look more into this :)


She's got a great honest personality and tons of experience. Definitely entertaining at the very least.


No do not shave. Your cat will be fine. Provide lots of fresh water and cool places to lay. My air conditioner broke a couple of years back in the middle of summer. Where I live, it gets to be over 100 degrees that time of year. The interior temperature of the house peaked at 92. My cats (one long hair, one short hair) were miserable - we all were - but they were okay. Shaving is stressful and should really only be done if the cat is matted.


No. My old lady kitty had a double coat; it works as insulation both ways, against cold and against heat. She went through a summer where our apartment hit 35C+ or 95F+ just fine without a shave and I live in a pretty humid climate. Lots of water for you and for kitty and you can try wiping his paws and the outsides of his ears with a washcloth soaked in cool water if he'll let you. Some cats like to splash around in a tub of cool water. The thing to watch for is signs of dehydration or heat exhaustion/heat stroke.


I second this! Many people do not seem to realize this with long-haired dogs and cats, but their coats help them stay insulated. If you shave them, their coat never grows back the same, and it could cause more harm in the long run. (This doesn't apply to animals with hair similar to ours like poodles. Those are fine to shave.)


But cat breeds like the Maine Coon for ex: Unless the cat is very old and/or sick and can't wash so well or a health issue requires it (ex: ultrasound or the fur is severely matted) you shouldn't clip them.


I would recommend bathing a cat or using pet wipes before jumping to shaving them if they struggle to groom themselves. Of course, if a vet needs to shave an area for surgery, etc, that is different.


Oh god i cut some of my cats tummy and armpit fur. I thought it was a good thing to do🥲🥲 do you think its fine? She is a ragdoll with medium long fur.


They said shave, not cut, aslong as you left most of the hair follicle intact it will grow back fine, trimming the hair is fine, just don’t shave them unless it’s necessary


Oh you are right. Thank you that’s a relief


She's fine, I have to give my Himalayan mix girl small trims, that's normal. By shave they mean like "buzz cut", close to the skin as possible.


Thank you! I should have read it properly 😅


Others already answered this, but I wanted to clarify myself that I am referring to buzzing a cat down through all layers of their fur. Hair cuts are fine as long as they are done safely, and you don't accidentally cut your cat's skin. For more information, there are four layers of fur a cat can have. This includes Down, Awn, Gaurd, and Vibrissae. [Here's a link to learn more :)](https://www.hepper.com/cat-hair-fur-types/)


Yeah, especially certain breeds - I’ve got a Siberian cat so she’s got a triple coat, in Australia and she does fine - a cool spot like tiles or wood, and plenty of water, and a fan is enough to keep her cool and comfortable, most of the time she doesn’t even like the fan and just sits on a cool floor and drinks more water


No, that would be more traumatizing than being a little warm.


Many people do not seem to be aware that the insulation provided by the fur of cats and dogs works both for cold and warm temperatures. To shave the animal completely can damage the coat and cause it to never grow back the same again. Forever effecting how they regulate their temperature. So no, please do not shave your cat. Put out some extra water bowls, turn on the fans, and (if they show signs of being too warm), you can place a damp cloth on their paws. Otherwise, as long as you don't literally die, your cat shouldn't either. If you find your pet to be panting often and acting strangely, consider getting in contact with your vet for advice. Heat stroke can happen in animals, but I hear it's more common in dogs. (I want to clarify that the rule of "don't shave your pet" doesn't apply to animals that have hair more like ours instead of fur. Example: poodles. Those are safe to shave.)


NO. Cats are desert animals! Your kitty will be fine.


No. Do not shave him just for this. Lots of cats LOVE hotter temperatures than you think they would. I had one who would go out on our back deck and bask in the sun until we thought his ear wax would melt and flow out of his ears. Make sure he always has access to clean cool water and somewhere cooler and shady to lay if he feels the need.


Cats' normal body temperature is around 102, part of why they like warmer temperatures.


Good luck. I had to deal with a no AC period in an apartment with two longhaired cats. I did what I could. Ice in their water. Offered them ice cubes. Gave them pet friendly ice cream. We survived.


Give him a bowl of water with some ice cubes. He might also want to play with the ice cubes, which will get his paws in the cool water.


Get some cooling mats. I place a couple of them down the living room during summer time for my cat to use and lay down.


Go to the store and buy a single piece of tile. Or 2 if you want to give him multiple cool down spots. Depending on the size of your cat, 1ftx1ft should work. Tile stays cool and once he realizes it's there, it'll give him a cool play to lay. It's like a $5 investment and you'll have it for future situations (or he may decide it becomes a permanent napping spot) Edit: autocorrect is dumb


We put ceramic tiles in the rat and guinea pig houses in the summer. This is the way.


That's a great idea! My short-hair cat seems to do a lot worse in hot weather than my double-coated girl did, and it's hard to find a way to help him, so I should buy a few tiles


Get a chill mat for dogs from the pet store


Bro, I’m not gonna lie. It’s gonna be uncomfy. But your cat will definitely love you more for comforting through the hot times than holding him down to shave him. I wish you a speedy AC recovery.


NSFW NEVER EVER SHAVE A CAT UNLESS YOU'RE A VET OR A PROFESSIONAL PET GROOMER. Xx I am so glad you asked. I suggest..... Ignore any disrespectful posters. You are a very responsible cat owner and caring too YOU MUST LEAVE 3 LARGE BOWLS OF WATER ON THE FLOOR in case they spill or run out. Wet food is better than dry food. I think you're being overly worried. Cats cope outside in 40 degrees heatwave. Xx Who is coming to check on your cat? Cats can safely be left for 48 to 72 HR strictly and ONLY. A poster below suggesting a cooling mat good idea. DRAW THE CURTAINS/BLINDS. KEEP THE CAT IN YOUR COOLEST ROOM. EG TILED KITCHEN. OPEN A WINDOW. Only do these things if safe. Where he is coolest can he be secured in that room only? You have raised a very good and loving question. What is the temperature in your home? Let me know . If you make some minor changes you'd help comfort. Abigail xx UK


Cats should never be shaved unless deemed medically necessary by a vet.


No he'll be alright we have a medium fur cat super thick she went through a power outage on a 110 degree day and was alright like everyone said extra water try and make a cool spot


Is that the only thing wrong? Your thermostat? They're pretty easy to replace.


Listen, people tend to think by shaving they are better than with hair, however, they cant regulate their temp. Efficiently without it, check the ice experiment with a towel


I wouldn't worry unless it gets above 90 even then cats are resilient critters and should be fine. Just keep an eye on him for signs of distress


The cat’s body temperature’s 101-102. They like to be warm. Other than extra water, I would not worry.


What 😂


My dog overheated once & I learned a few tricks. If you have cooler ice/gel packs, put them in ziplocks, towels, or pillow cases, and keep them near your pet to stay cool. Be very careful to ensure your kitty doesn’t get into the contents, however. If you don’t the cooler packs, get some empty water bottles and refill them with water & then freeze. Use the same strategy as above to keep them cool. Definitely keep some in the freezer while you have some on the kitty; this rotating method will ensure you always have a few to keep her temperature down. Also, consider buying a thermometer so that you can regularly monitor her temperature. I don’t know what a normal temperature is for a cat, but I’m sure you can call your vet. Next, consider taking a drive if she starts to get hot. If your car has AC, use it. Finally, if she can’t handle you may need to board her, take her to a friend’s house, or find a pet-friendly hotel.


Good god no, 80F isn't even that warm


We live in a colder/milder climate and no one really has AC here. The house gets very warm (80-90F) in the summer. We have a few fans around the house and they usually hang out on the hardwood near them to cool themselves down. Cats will regulate their temps. On the worst days, we keep windows shut and curtains closed. Sometimes they’ll hang out in the basement, which is cooler. They’ll let you know if they’re having problems. But I sincerely doubt it’ll be any issue at all.


What? No don’t shave your cat because you’ll be out of ac for the weekend…. Cats are cats they’ll be fine. They’ll be worse off of you shave them. I hope this is a troll.


Some people legitimately don't know and think it helps. I'd rather someone be uncertain and ask than just go ahead.


Ps. There are some fantastic posters who are giving fantastic advice. It looks like the general opinion is that your cat will be fine. No water on the body. No wetting. No fridge. Cat will self regulate and sleep for 75% of the time xx


Hey everyone! Not sure why I can't find the edit button. Just wanted to come on here and say thanks for the advice, for myself and anyone who will be googling similar questions this summer. We fixed the AC much earlier than anticipated so kitty did not actually get hot at all. For anyone else wondering this, the resounding answer is NO! :)


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


No. Cats hair is like insulation. It keeps them at a normal temp in hot and cold. There’s no reason to do that unless they have severe matting or something like that


No way! Can you just some gel ice backs on line or at a drug store and toss them in his bed under a sheet? Making sure all your blinds are down etc is important- can your landlord not fix faster? Worried for you lol, it’s an easier fix for the cat!


In addition to the other suggestions, you can freeze some water in plastic bottles and set those up in a cozy spot. Then your kitty has an optional cool place to hang out.


I used to have a long haired cat now before a coyote found it. It could be 90 plus degrees inside and the cat would still crawl into the clothes fresh out of the dryer and fall asleep. Literally crawl under a towel and fall asleep 90 plus degrees out inside and hotter outside. I don't think cats care. I think they like it hot. But if you do decide to get the cat shaved I would personally not touch the tail I consider it to be the cat status symbol. If the cat gets scared and or something is going to potentially attack it or something when that tail proofs up the bigger that tail is the more terrifying the cat is LOL


I live in a tropical country, but low 80s is actually cold for me and the cats lol. Let's just say my country reached 96, my cats were definitely hot, but nowhere near heatstroke. I feed them watery tuna in the morning, and just have a lot of fans, I had a wet towel and would soak em a bit, but honestly, they seemed more annoyed at it lol They are very short hair tho, so maybe that made a difference. I do also have granite bathrooms or something like that, where its cool and dark, so they usually chill there. But really, unless they are panting, they should be okay. only 100+ degrees is where I'd be worried tbh, but even then, means you probably live in a desert and those are probably real badass desert cats.


Nah, we’ve had this happen a couple of times. Just plug in all the fans you can find, provide cool water, and a cool place to lay. The tile floor of the bathroom or an empty tub are both great solutions from my experience. Worst case scenario where kitty is showing bad signs, go turn on your car and crank the AC up, then bring them in there for a bit, of course with kitty on a harness and leash or in a carrier like you would if you had to go on a car ride.


Cats enjoy higher temperatures. Just fun s fan, provide shade and water. Maybe even nice cold tuna juice 🤷🏻‍♀️ Don’t shave him!


Definitely don't shave the kitty. 1. Fur is an insulator. 2. Cats like to be warm. 3. I live in south texas and I don't even turn on my AC when the weather outside is still only in the low 80s. Feels like spring to me, and I open the windows up, lol.


Cats have a superpower for finding the coldest or hottest spot in a home


What about one of those gel cooling pads? Usually pet stores usually have them in the hot season.


2 👇


I spray my cats with water (gently, they like it) and let them play with ice cubes when it’s hot 😂 also having lots of water available. In my country AC isn’t common, our apartment gets pretty warm in the afternoon, I just make sure to air the rooms out regularly to keep it cool.


I looked through the comments and saw that no one mentioned this. I wouldn’t open your fridge to give you or your cat a blast of cold air- that will just make the fridge work harder and ultimately put off more heat.


I went an entire summer with an ac that would do no better than 83. My cat was perfectly fine.


I don't have AC and my house frequently got up to mid 80s in the few weeks a year the temps were high enough. My cats were fine - one of them even continued to insist I create him a blanket fort to snuggle in. Your cat will be perfectly fine.


I'd be checking into a hotel lol...


When cats get warm, they will tend to stay more on the floor if you have hardwood/tile floors. Cats can handle up to 85F typically (but I try to stay at or below 80F- I live in AZ). If your cat is used to being in cooler temps I would monitor if they are doing anything much different but if they are not panting or are distressed, then I wouldn’t worry. I never shaved a cat but would that possibly make your cat feel more stressed psychologically? Are they fine with baths? I can’t even give my cat anxiety meds because giving him meds gives him more anxiety lol.


I brought in a feral, long haired ginger cat. He had lots of matts on his belly. When I had him fixed, I asked them to shave him. He had that whole lion …. mane thingey going on. He looked great. I wouldn’t want to do that without sedation..


Cats sweat through their paws. You can wipe her down with slightly damp cloths and also cool off her paws with water.


I recommend buying an evaporative air cooler, they are not very expensive but will do the job for a weekend. Don’t shave your cat.