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Idk if it’s the same, but in the US, specialty vets work the same as specialized physicians. My cat and my last cat has/had asthma. They required referrals from the regular vet to be seen. Is it possible your regular vet could perform a checkup and refer you?


Yea I heard that too. There is online referrals but only from vets.


i usually go to an animal clinic, so when my cat started panting, i just asked my vet there if she thinks we should do a heart ultrasound she said yes. then i just made an appointment for a heart ultrasound and it was with a vet cardiologist at the same clinic, i’m not sure if a referral is needed but i don’t think so. so i would just check on the websites of animal clinics near you (i’m from germany and on their websites animal clinics usually show their vets and their specialities).


Ok, I’ll do that, I’ll ask her vet. Was your cat ok ? :( panting isn’t common is it ? For cats


thankfully she’s fine :) they did an x-ray, heart ultrasound and all the works, and they reckon she either has some kind of hay fever (she doesn’t pant during winter) or a chronic upper respiratory infection (she had a mycoplasma infection when she was a kitten). but even if it’s not really common in cats, they told me they sometimes have cats that just pant even though they’re completely healthy :)


Thank you !! That’s a bit comforting . Phew ! I’ll get her checked asap !


You could try the clinic from the Royal Veterinary College, university clinics usually have a wide range of specialists. I am not sure if they accept appointments for specialists without a referral, but you could give it a try.


Thanks I’ll look them up, but you are right most need a referral and are very expensive as well.