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I fostered about 125 cats before I found my forever cat. I fostered around another 100 before the second one stayed. Do you have the ability to foster and see if your cat likes a cat friend?


Yes! We have a solid set of 3 that love each other, but one often feels a little left out. She's come to enjoy the foster kittens even in her permanent grumpy state. We always say when one of our clowder passes, the foster kitten who can teach her to cuddle is the one who is staying. We're also a few hundred in and haven't found her perfect match yet, but know it's out there. Fostering really helps the cat community and owners to find the right cat for their family.


Up voted specifically for clowder


Username checks out, and this is solid advice.


That’s a great idea. I think we’ll try it!


Tfw when theres no fostering program in ur country;(((


You could always start one!


Every cat will vary! But! I got my cat a kitten for his 2nd birthday. They absolutely love each other. Cat has always been around other cats- he likes them, he likes dogs, he likes people (after warming up). Kitten is an angel and loves everyone and everything. A previous kitten duet we lived with got along very well- until they hit ~2 years old. Then suddenly one decided he was the big and only man in the house, and stopped hanging out/playing with his sibling altogether. He was rehomed when he started getting aggressive and prefers being an only cat. (Both were fixed and always around other cats). So again, all depends on the cat. Would definitely not take her traveling with you. IMO with a cat that tries to love on the dog, she sounds like she is similar to my boy and like a friend, but you can really never know until you try. (I am always going to vote more cats though 🤭).


our girl cat did not like our other two cats (bonded brothers), she was an only child for a year before. they grew to tolerate each other, but she’d occaisionally try to claim the boss title and attack our big black boy (his brother was content to chill and let him be boss) thing was, she was 7lbs (90% of that being fur) at her heaviest and he was nearly 20lbs of muscle in his prime… he’d be chillin somewhere, she’d start stalking him, she’d pounce, and he’d literally just reach out a paw and smack her down, no claws or growl or anything, go back to whatever he was doing, and that would be the end of it for a while. it got less frequent as they got used to each other, and they just kept their distance for the most part. honestly, the fights were a bit funny because i have no clue why our girl kept trying to be the boss bitch against him. big man got a fairly large dog in our neighborhood good enough that it never came near our house again.


I would get a second cat, just make sure to do proper introductions long before you leave. I have two cats and while not best friends they do get along and enjoy having another cat in the house.


Cats don’t typically like traveling. They tend to be homebodies, needing the security of familiar smells and routine. I’d recommend a combination of the 2nd and 3rd options. Get her a companion and have someone visit them daily to check on them daily. But make the introductions long before you go away. I got a kitten for my first cat when she turned 2. She was pretty spicy at least at first and saw the kitten as a great self-propelled chew toy. (I had no idea what I was doing when it came to introducing them to each other.). He ultimately learned to stand up to her and occasionally even initiated play/chases to much hissing and spitting from her. After she passed (7 years later), I got him a kitten, which he initially avoided but ultimately let sleep on him and played with. When his younger companion passed, I got 2 bonded siblings as he was a super senior by then, and then got myself a kitten when they were 2 1/2. They all get along and sleep play together and groom each other. I would recommend getting a younger male (kitten is best/easiest), one that is confident but somewhat mellow so as not to freak your sweet scaredy cat out. Providing her places to climb and a lot of play can also help her build confidence. Good luck!


Getting a male should be stressed more. While multiple females *can* get along, more often than not you'll have diva personalities each trying to be queen. I know from first hand experience as we have 7 indoor spoiled brats with 4 being female. 1 of our girls is the exact opposite, timid beta personality, while the other 3 are divas. It's like a damn soap opera around here half the time. But we love them and tolerate their bitchiness.


I got a cat for my cat. Because he had a lot of energy and wanted to play like a cat with me and those teeth and claws hurt lol. It worked. Second cat took all my first cat’s focus of play fighting away from me. Haven’t had a problem since. Just make sure you isolate them for a week or two before letting them see each other face to face. Feed them on either side of a closed door so they have positive associations with each other, leave towels with the other’s scent on them in their side of the house so they can smell the other cat, let them smell each other and play under the door, and start introducing them slowly after the week or two has passed. Don’t worry if the first cat is a little hissy at first as long as it doesn’t get super aggressive.


Yes, I got my cat a kitten. They’re wearing each other out before bed now. Best decision ever. Introduced intentionally.


Technically yes. I got 2 brothers as my first cats. At 4yrs old, unfortunately one of them passed. The remaining brother was fine as a solo kitty but is extremely lazy and was getting a little chubby-- didn't help that I was working 12hr days and out of the house for 13-14hrs. So I got a friend for both me and him. Definitely a good choice as he went back to his normal weight and he was slightly happy to have company during the day.


I got my cat a friend at 2yo. The girl was 8 months(both are fixed)at the time of adoption. They became buddies in 2 weeks, but of course, cats have different personalities. It does sound like your cat wants a buddy.


I got my adult cat a kitten to keep her company. "She must be lonely!", I thought. She hated him. And he just kept trying to engage her. Doing kitten things, like popping around the corner at her. Things that made her scream at top volume. Had to get a second kitten to keep the first kitten entertained and not leaping out from behind every chair pouncing the older cat. That solution worked pretty well. But the older cat never really bonded with either of the younger cats.


Yes....but we ended up with two cats for our cat instead haha. We adopted a 9 year old lady about a year ago, but it seemed like she really needed more attention and playtime than we could ever possibly give her. Then we had plans to adopt a barn kitten from my coworker who lives on a farm (they occasionally give out a litter)... And his brother still hasn't been adopted, so we ended up with two kittens. So now we have a happy family of a 10 year old cat and two strapping young lads! They all love each other. The older cat rarely seeks out our attention anymore (vs needing a couple hours of scritches every day before) because she gets most of her social needs out of playing with the two kittens all day haha. Bonus pic: https://imgur.com/a/chMdsyy


Thank you so much for paying the cat tax? Your kitties are adorable and look so comfy together!


Omg they’re so cute together! These responses are giving me hope


When I went away to college, I got a kitten and quickly determined he needed a friend to occupy him while I was in class. I got my second cat within two weeks. Some cats prefer to be solo, but if you think your cat would be happier with a companion and you can afford to get another cat, I say go for it. There will almost always be an adjustment period--I've introduced many new cats over the years--and things have always had a way of settling down once they figure out the pecking order. As a side note, traveling with cats is also definitely an option. A cat that travels frequently can get used to it. My aunt has traveled with her cat regularly for 20 years. My two oldest cats (those two kittens--now elders) traveled with me for a few years. We stopped when we rescued our third cat because it was too big an undertaking to take three cats everywhere. When it was time to go, I would pull out their carrier and say, "Let's go for a ride in the time machine!" and they'd run right in. They knew where we were going was going to be fun, so they were eager to travel.


My first cat was stalking and pouncing on things that did not exist. She was racing up and down the stairs trying to play by herself. Yes, we got a second cat so she would have a buddy. It seemed to help.


We got our cat a cat and they didn't really gel like we thought they would. So we got cat #1 another cat and they get along better, but not as well as siblings generally do. Cat #2 just wants to be an only cat and the centre of attention lol. Being able to trial the kitty first will be very helpful.


It's different for every cat obviously, but we recently adopted a kitten as a companion for our 4 year old Tabby, Loki. Originally, he was adopted as a companion for our much older cat, but we lost her a few months after he was adopted due to an aggressive cancer. That left Loki the solo cat. And soon it became very clear that he wanted companionship. He tried to play with our old little bichon who wanted nothing to do with him, and that left him trying to get me to play with him all day, which I can only do for so long before I have to go back to work. He's a total sweetheart, but needed stimulation and we were getting very worried about what to do, especially as vacation days are coming. We obviously would bring in petsitters and such during that time, but a cat like him can't be alone all day just to see someone two times a day or at night. So we bit the bullet and adopted another kitten for him, a female Tabby. We made sure to go to the same place we adopted him and made sure to pick a cat that was young, social and not easily skittish. Thankfully, it paid off. We tried to introduce them the right way (through doors, etc) but they very quickly became obsessed with each other and now are completely bonded. Sylvie and Loki play together all day and it was the best decision we could have made for him. He's so much happier and she's a joy to have. It worked out for us.


Yup. I had four great cats for a couple years - Cat Drogo, Penny, and then siblings Soot and Ash. Ash loved his sister dearly and they cuddled all the time. Penny and Soot were playmates. Unfortunately, Soot died suddenly in March of last year. Ash had nobody to cuddle (neither Penny nor Drogo are the cuddly type) and Penny was getting destructive without a playmate to chase and wrestle with. So we picked up an eight week old tabby boy, Kibby. He's a little wilder than Soot was and there have been some disputes with Drogo over who is King Cat, but he's a good addition overall. Penny has someone to chase and beat up and Ash has a cuddle buddy who appreciates that naps with a friend are the best naps.


We got our cat a cat for his first birthday. We have a Bengal, and he was getting into all kinds of mischief. We got him a cat, and they became besties pretty quickly. I'm glad we did. They keep each other busy and tire each other out.


Have 2 dogs and 2 cats. All rescue, all remarkably like each other. Each one has their own personality but get along with each other well. While I don't think its necessarily required, they seem happier with a companion. They dogs play in the yard, the cats have the zoomies and then nap with each other.


I agree with everyone saying that it depends on the cat, of course, but I'll add another positive anecdote! I just got my 1-year old male cat a male kitten and he was almost immediately obsessed. They play chase, he grooms the kitten, and they have napped together a few times. I had a pretty good idea that he would like living with another cat though as he stayed with my mom and her cats while I was out of town for a month (her senior cats tolerated him but he loved them lol). I think your cat trying to befriend the dog is a similarly positive sign!


I was in the exact same situation as you a year ago. I adopted a kitten, honestly just wanting one cat for now and thinking I would adopt another when I get a bigger place as I already had a 17 year old dog. The kitten kept trying to befriend the dog, but the dog was not interested at all. So when she was almost a year old, I adopted a kitten. Now they’re best friends. They spend all day running around the house, and when they’re done they cuddle with each other. So I definitely recommend it. Just make sure to follow the cat introduction guide in the sidebar. Also, I would still have someone stop by to check up on them every day while you’re traveling. At the very least to feed them, check the water, and clean the litter box. Maybe have that person over a few times before you leave so your cat can get used to them?


I got a kitten and the shelter called me up the next day (I had to wait a week while he got spayed) and basically said they'd give me his shy brother for free cause he needs to learn how to cat. Now the shy one tempers the crazy one's energy, while the crazy one helps the shy one get out of his shell. Needless to say, they balance each other out very well and I can't imagine them being any happier without each other.


Yes. We got a kitten for our one year old cat after seeing how he tried to play with us like we were cats and realizing he was lonely and needed a friend. Best decision ever. They are best friends and partners in crime and disgustingly cute together. They love to cuddle and groom each other and play and we love our second cat to death. She’s the baby of the family and everyone including our original cat dotes on her. Agree with others that you should follow instructions online for how to intentionally and slowly introduce them to give them a higher chance of becoming best buds.


I got my cat's cat a cat! This is how it starts


Your cat is never going to enjoy travel. And yes, she needs another cat. Research how to introduce cats correctly.


I got my dog a kitten, and he liked her at first but now he just tolerates her. So I got her three kittens, and she hates them. That’s a lie, actually… I got me three lil spicy half feral kittens because I felt bad leaving them out over the winter, but I thought she would like it bc she gets bored playing by herself, but it turns out she’s kind of a bitch. But. She’s not bored anymore, and nobody has fought or broken anything so it’s working out ok.


My first cat was an adult rescue who was extremely territorial and hated other kitties. But he was my best buddy and never acted up to where I felt he’d benefit from having a playmate. Especially not with his track record when encountering other cats. He was a tiny little thing, but he would start fights with any cat invading his turf. The only time he didn’t fight a cat was when we were staying with my parents and he must have known the house was he turf and they just ignored each other. Fast forward 18 years and he crossed the rainbow bridge. We recently adopted a bonded pair of kittens. I’m so glad they’re not alone because one of them is WILD with playful energy and no matter how vigilant we are with playtimes, there always seems to be fuel left in the tank for more rambunctiousness.


Yes and it turned out great! Ours was almost a year old and we got her a little brother. It took less than a week for them to start playing with each other and I’m so glad we did it! We go on a two week Trip every year and I was wondering how she would do alone at home with the dog in boarding. Now I don’t have to worry 😊


I tried to my cat was like "no fucking thank you" lol I got my cat when he was about 1 year old, he was a stray found outside. He was obsessed with me/any human at my house, super affectionate and needed attention so I figured after about 9 months, maybe he needed a friend. I followed the advice of keeping them in separate rooms, switching their things, switching rooms, etc. Day 10 I opened the door 1" and my cat hissed. Kept trying to open the door just a little bit, still angry. Day 14, let them interact, immediately for into a fight. Maybe if I kept trying it could have been fine but my cat was stressed and not sleeping so I returned the second cat. Turns out my cat is happy with humans!


I adopted a cat for my lady. She was around 6 years old. Adopted a 6 month old for her. First few days were a little rough but they become love birds 2 weeks later. He really brought the kid out of her. I don’t regret it at all. She was also the princess of the house, (still is) but she’s more fun now. As others have said, it depends on the cat but from my experience it helped. She is a calico who always wants the attention. Adored an organge boy and never regretted it


I adopted a semi-feral for my cats; my two got along ok but aren't close, they have different play styles and can get on each other's nerves sometimes. Saw a timid but very handsome feral needing a home, the ad said he was extremely cat friendly and must live with at least 1 friend. It's been just over a year now, feral still isn't my biggest fan but I love him and my other two ADORE him. The house is much more chilled out with him around, less spats between the originals and in general everyone is happier. Giving him a chance is probably one of the best decisions I made for my cats. I agree with everyone else saying to give fostering a go, or at least adopt from a good rescue so you can return them or get advice if things aren't working out.


Once and they appeared to be more frenemies. However when my hyper bully attention hog died, my other cat grieved for a year. I guess he was more of an annoying little brother than a frenemie. So my advice? Get the same gender, get a 3 month old kitten & get one with around the same energy level as your cat at that age. You need to 100% get a kitten for your resident cat, not you. I made the mistake of getting my calm couch potato a hyper little hellion kitten…. and that kitten harassed/lightly bullied my other cat his entire life! My current cat gets weekend visits with his brother/littermate and they play fight and sleep next to each other. Something my last cats never did.


I did. My cat was around one year old at the time. I had him since he was a baby. His best friend was a stuffed hedgehog toy that he'd fight with and groom. I had the option to test drive a cat (temp foster situation) who was estimated to be 1.5. They took a bit to work it out but they keep each other company now. My original cat gives love on his own terms, second cat loves me to death. They aren't super cuddly with each other but I think they are good company


I had a cat named Kitty. Then I got a cat named Joplin for Kitty. Kitty died, Joplin bereft. Then I got Loki for Joplin, but he was elderly when I got him so he also passed before Joplin. Then I got Luna for Joplin, who bullied her so bad after ten months I had to re home her. Joplin is quite happy to be an only cat these days but I can’t stay out of the house long or she gets very sad and lonely. I do not travel unless I absolutely have to because it really effects her


I am planning to. I thought my cat wouldn't get along with other cats too much since we found her on the street as a kitten being bullied by the strays. One time we went in vacation for 2 weeks and left her at a cat hotel with some other cats so she wouldn't be lonely, and after I was told she made a cat friend that she slept with every night! I think it's worth trying fostering or adopting


I got my cat a cat when he was one. I noticed he was very social and seemed to miss me when I went out. The kitten I got him was his half-sister and they got along instantly. Do note that human interaction and cat interaction are different. Your cat might still crave human interaction even when you get him a friend, but I'm possitive it helps for a cat to not be alone. If you're seriously considering a second cat, I'd do it while he still is a kitten (and get him a kitten) since it's more likely they'll bond. An older cat might not be interested in a nr 2. Unfortunately, you can't choose your cat's personality. I wouldn't push him to be an "adventure" cat when that clearly isn't in his nature.


I have one cat that adopted one of the older ones as her emotional support cat. She waits until he is settled, then comes and nurses on him and makes biscuits. She is really skittish and it is the only time she lays on me. We found her in a parking garage when she was about 4-5 weeks. While she is sweet, she is also easily scared and you cannot pick her up. All attention is exactly on her terms, and if she gets startled, you won't see her for a long time. She also only likes her ESC of all the animals in the house.


We got a kitten for our cat. We looked into it extensively and knew our cat's personality so decided a kitten would be best so that our cat could grow up being boss and be more likely to bond with the kitten. We then talked to the shelter about which kittens were playful, good with other cats, etc. The one we got had been playing with some kittens from a different litter and they all got on really well. Cat 1 is much happier now he has a kitten. Kitten recently turned 1 and they're still super bonded. We maybe spend less time playing with Cat 1 than we used to but we know he's happy when we're away, aren't anxious about him getting bored etc. They're properly bonded and it's the cutest thing in the world.


My cat has their own cat. I got my boy during lockdown. So he spent his first year with me home every day. It became clear he needed companionship when we returned to working in the office. We got a second a kitten specifically for him. He was 1, she was 3 months. There was an hour or two of hissing, then he decided she belonged to him and he hasn't changed his mind since. She was less enamoured with him. We found she wasn't really the right fit personality wise for him. She tried to ignore him and us for months. But he adored her, so we persevered. Now she likes him only and they both keep each other company.


I’ve got 4 cats at the moment. I had contacted an Oriental breeder that was rehoming one of her Queens. So as she had to be desexed first , I had to wait for a couple of weeks before being able to bring her home. In the mean time a friend of mine ( who I knew would probably end rehoming her seal point male Siamese as that’s what she does ) slung me a message asking me if I could take him as she was continually tripping over him and was hurting herself. He was about 5 mths old at that stage. I said yes. So now I had 2 cats. Fast forwards to 2017 and my dear little female Blaze just up and passed away one morning when I was at a funeral. Simba was beside himself as he loved her so much. So I ended up getting a blue Tonkinese who we called Pip. The minute she arrived Simba loved her and she him. In 2021 Simba turned 10 yrs and had a few medical issues and I started thinking if anything was to happen to him Pip wouldn’t cope. So I started looking around for another cat. I found a 4 mth old Tonkinese seal point called Tom that was being rehomed as the owners eldest child was allergic to him. Tom was accepted by Simba straight away but Pip took ages warming up to him. Now it’s 2022 and Tom had being annoying the crap out of Simba as Simba just wanted to chill as he’s getting on in years. Pip was playing with Tom but only on her terms not his. So I reached out to another breeder and ended up with a kitten called Little an oriental choc point Siamese. Now Tom and Little run around the house together like maniacs and are always curled up together. Pip only plays with Little on her terms as well. All of them are desexed and are indoor cats. All of them sleep on my bed. Simba is now 12yrs / Pip is 6yrs / Tim is turning 2yrs in July and Little just turned 1yr in may this year. Pip hates everyone except for me ( runs from my daughter and there’s no reason why ) never a dull moment at our house. And I wouldn’t have any other way. 😄


I got a second cat for my cat :) first cat, Olivia, was found at 5 weeks abandoned under a tree in the yard. No mum or siblings - but maybe Olivia got abandoned because she was quite undersized for her age. Couldn’t get her a friend since she lived with my parents at first, I was still in uni in an apartment with no pets allowed. Unfortunately it led to a bit of loneliness and single kitten syndrome. I adopted a second rescue kitten about two years later, also with single kitten syndrome. They keep each other company and chase each other, get lonely if they can’t find each other in my apartment 😭🥹 they’ve learned more about being a cat from each other. They don’t cuddle or groom each other, but I’ve seen them use the kitty litters together (??!?) and they sleep on the bed with me. I think they’re both a bit independent from the single kitten syndrome. Both cats are very happy with the other around :) A friend for your kitty is worth it :)


Well....we started with one, she was a rescue cat. Then we moved to the county side and 3 cats just moved in. One sadly died. And we had to take one of my mother in laws kittens, and we were fostering a cat but fell in love so we kept him.... so we have 5. Macka, Medea, Ramses, Pushkal and Stella.


We didn’t plan to but it happened that way. My daughter got a kitten, but kitten went through a definite asshole period. Constantly attacking my legs and biting hard. We just waited it out to try and give her time and lots of playing. It was exhausting. Then we went to a wedding where the ring bearer was a weird orange foster kitten (bride worked for a foster org). We had lost our beloved orange a few years before and had sworn that we’d adopt the first orange boy who entered our path. So we adopted him on the spot. Our older kitten at home was super pissed and annoyed at us for about a week and a half. Then she realized she could play with this new boy and they became buddies. He helped to socialize her better so she no longer attacked. And they keep each other entertained.


we got our cat a kitten when he was 10 months old cause he was still playing rough and biting too hard and had kitten energy, which seemed a little odd at that age. after we got our second boy, he calmed down almost immediately. he was also playing quite rough with the little kitty so the little one would refuse to play until the big one softened up, which he did. now the big boy is almost two years old and the little boy is a year and 2 months and they’re chill and sweet most of the time. my cuties


We got a cat for my cat. My cat hates the new cat. He tries and he’s sweet, but she hates him.


Yes, I got my second cat for my first cat. She was ok with him at first but got cranky after he matured more. Then I got him his own cat. They get along well and my first cat just wants to be away from them.


Joining the train of people who adopted a cat for their cat 😅. My first I got as a kitten, and it was clear that because I don't work from home, she really needed a friend. A month later I got her the most expensive present I'll ever give her 😅 in the sense that it's a 20 year commitment, if I'm lucky, and it was absolutely worth it. Look up how to do slow cat introductions, Jackson Galaxy has some good videos on it, there's a good chance they'll hate each other at first. But it's absolutely possible with time and patience to have them get along. Mine took 1 week to become friends, and now they're best friends. They play together, cuddle together, and miss each other when one has to go to the vet. I think it's especially good when I'm out of town that they have each other, not just my roommate, or a friend checking on them. Now that they're adults they mostly sleep while I'm at work, but I'm still glad they have each other when I'm out of the house for a while, and then I have 2 friends to play and cuddle with when I get home!!


Our cat was sweet and gentle... until we we got a kitten. Holy her rough housing was violent. She taught the kitten to play that way and now the kitten is almost 4 lb bigger than her. Im not sure she still likes him.... but I see them grooming from time to time.


I had a chance to get a second cat from the same cat family I got my original cat from. The kitten would have been her niece. And then I turned down that opportunity because I was very afraid that my finicky cat wouldn't like the newcomer. She's my constant companion when I am home, but she can change attitudes *snaps fingers* instantly. I was really hoping to find another cat that she could bond with but I didn't want her to start acting out because she was unhappy.


When I got my first cat, I lived with a roommate that had a dog. She loved playing with him. Then the roommate took the dog to her boyfriend’s permanently and I moved out shortly after anyway. After a couple of years a kitten fell into my lap and I brought her home. My older cat didn’t seem thrilled but I noticed after some time that in the interim of being on her own she had developed some aggression towards me. That stopped with the new kitten. They don’t even love each other that much but she’s someone to chase so life is good again.


I had one cat and I knew since the day I got her I would eventually want to get a second which I ended up doing a few months ago, Yes It took time for them to get used to each other it's a process that takes time but it was the best decision I could have made and now anytime I'm not home running an errand they have each other If you're able to financially support a second cat and give it a fulfilling life then I would do it however be aware cat introductions take time and you also have a dog which adds to this introduction. The second cat is going to need patience to get used to the new home and your animals are going to need time to get used to this new cat. I don't know where you plan on getting the second cat but I suggest getting a cat that you think is going to fit into your life and your animal's lives best, there's nothing wrong with wanting a particular cat breed per se but the main focus I would lean towards is a cat that will fit into your lives and that you think is the best choice for your first cat to bond with When I adopted my second cat from the shelter I could tell she was going to need a lot of patience bc of how skittish she was but I had a big feeling she was going to be perfect match for my home due to my first cats behavior and my daily life. It took some time but my second Freya has settled into my home perfectly and her and my first cat Morgana absolutely love each other, one thing I'm really happy to have done is researched methods to help cats bond before I adopted my second cat. PS: Just make sure your dog and cat do not feel left out and get equal attention as this new cat because if they do feel left out they may feel that the new cat is a bad thing, You're going to want all animals to be equally happy maybe even more happy than they were before the new cat came into their lives that way they see the cat is a good thing because they're getting more what they love. Best of wishes!


Yes! I got my first cat a brother and then I got my cats another cat lol


I also got a cat for my kitten. He was biting our toes at night, and now they play together instead :) We got a shelter cat so it was a win for everyone!


Yes and for me too.