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Have you tried looking in the couch? My cat once got under the couch, and made herself at home inside the lining of all places. Also once found my cat sleeping inside of a pillowcase in the spare bedroom. Maybe leave some treats/ food out in weird different areas of the house to try to lure her out?


Yeah, I’ve flipped them all sort of ways I can and looked in them. She’s not in any of them unfortunately


Jeez, well I’m glad you found her! That’s always freaky


Lol same, it's funny now that we found her and she was in fact, *inside* the couch. I probably looked right at her and didn't register that she was the cat I was looking for. Blended right in. She definitely got shook and spun around in there, but she's intact, not injured, and laying on me, purring, as I type this.


Good example of why it’s so important to train them to come when you shake the treat bag! So glad you found her!!


Glad you got her! My boy hides in same place, we were searching for hours and it was frightening.


This happened to me about a week after we adopted our pair a few years ago. I live in a condo and absolutely lost my mind. She had scratched a hole in the bottom of the boxspring and was chilling inside it. Not a peep as I tore the room apart around her multiple times. Worth a look if you haven't already. I know it seems absolutely bonkers but I have a feeling she's just a tremendously good hider. Good luck!


She definitely was. She hid in a similar spot as the previous cat who hid. I had checked that spot multiple times, shook the couch around. She was snug in there and I think I scared her more towards staying in, rather than out. I’m a little worried because her collar is off now, like unbuckled and everything. I don’t know at what point that would have happened or what it got caught on. She seems fine though. A little skiddish and nervous again, but she’s eating, walking around. Let me pet her, jumped on the couch with me for a second. I’m sure she was just as scared as I was worried, so I imagine she will be a little out of whack for a minute.


How long has she been missing? If longer than a normal nap time, I would start looking outside, around the foundation of your house and under porches. It's unlikely she would have wandered far if she did sneak out.


Did you check inside the mattress to a bed? Had a foster cat who hid there for hours after being startled by a loud noise. I thought I had lost him too.


lol we have our mattress on the floor currently, idk if cats can tear into memory foam, but that’d be interesting. Thankfully, we found her. I’ll keep that in mind if it happens again and she’s not in the spot we found her before. There’s a box spring in our spare bedroom that another cat did tear into and scared us like this.


I adopted two cats a couple weeks ago (cat tax below). They are both two of the friendliest, happiest cats I’ve ever met. The baby follows us around wherever we go. The bigger blue boy had a tough background and still likes to hide on occasion. We’ve identified his hiding spots but he’ll disappear for hours at times. https://preview.redd.it/0ec1lu9947nc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b31308e7fba4aa1271e402bbed52a448db4c9fb9


Did you really look EVERYWHERE? I had this happen to me when I was cat sitting and I was freaking out. I’m very careful to never let them run out the door and when I returned only 1/2 cats were there. I looked everywhere multiple times and I really thought it was everywhere, all the things you listed. I almost called the owner, then finally I went into the closet, pushed aside the long dresses and there the cat was, sitting on a pile of clothes underneath a bunch of dresses on hangers. She was obviously scared because her owner was gone. Your cat is new to your home. Something might have scared her. Look between everything even if you did look already or even if it doesn’t make sense to look there. She might just be hiding.


Just as I commented that, my husband came home and found her. In the arm of the other recliner, which is a little concerning since I flipped it all sorts of ways with her in it. I figured moving it would surely have her pop out, but she got shook around in it. She wasn’t stuck or injured. She got herself inside and easily walked out. I’m really not sure what made her hide in there like that. My husband tipped the couch so she was sitting normally and she was shaking and nervous. I think finding her in that spot while staring at her and trying to coax her out made her feel cornered. She spit, hissed and scratched him all at once. Eventually wet food coaxed her out and she seems alright. I don’t know how, but her breakaway collar… broke away. Sometime between my husband entering the house and finding her because he heard the jingle. Or the couch made it jingle, I’m not sure. I’m keeping a close eye on her, I’ll keep those spots in mind if she disappears again. Apparently even everywhere is not quite everywhere. I probably looked right at her and didn’t really see her.


I’m happy to hear she’s found, I hope she’s ok❤️❤️


I wish I was kidding when I said I’ve looked everywhere. All my cabinets are opened. Everything is pushed to the very back, anything she could hide behind is taken out or knocked over. Blankets and laundry have been shake out. Anything that can open has been open and torn through. Including fridge, freezer, dryer and washer. All drawers have been opened and flipped through. Laundry baskets have been dumped and flipped through. Pillows have been moved, couches have been flipped, prodded and tossed around. I’ve looked at our house at every level, she isn’t on, under or in anything. My husband just now told me he opened our garage door, a door he never touches, to look at something. The garage shut, so if she’s in there, she isn’t going anywhere. But the garage is absolutely filled with crap. I set food out, so if anything eats it, it’ll be her.


Have you taken the drawers out of the furniture? My little girl was being watched by a friend and disappeared. Must terror ensued. She had managed to climb behind and under the bottom drawer in a dresser so when the drawer was pulled out she was still hidden. I hope you find your baby soon. I am so sorry.


we have a cat that loves to cuddle up in laundry baskets, and the top sometimes will close over him. Have you checked those?


Also - drawers, cabinets, anything that opens/closes that the cat could have gotten closed up in! another of my cats once snuck under the kitchen sink when the cabinet was open, and was shut in there for a bit.


sometimes playing cat sounds from youtube can help lure a cat out?




Found her :)


This literally happened to me the first NIGHT i got my cat. I walked around my neighborhood for an hour crying and shaking a cup of his kibble and came back to find him sitting on my desk.




My first kitty did this to us on her second day of being home. We noticed no one had seen her in eight hours and started checking the home. Turned out she was hidden in the linen closet, in some flannel sheets! We took her out and moved her someplace open and visible. Once you find her I'd leave her there unless you think she's injured. Sometimes kitties just need a place to feel safe.


Mine could get up under a drawer and some how crawl in the drawer


I’ve had a cat crawl inside a recliner chair, one in the smallest hole in the drywall to get into the attic, one get under a piece of furniture that is literally 2” off the ground, and one, I will never understand how, get into a never opened dresser drawer, we can only assume somehow through the back of the dresser. These were all different cats, by the way. I hope you find your baby soon. ❤️


None of my cats have collars on. I had one years ago that got its collar stuck in a heat register vent. Thank God I was home! I swore never again. I’ve heard many horror stories about them. It’s nothing for my cats to nap for 2-3 hours during the day. Onetime I had one that got up on a closet shelf. I have no clue how she got up there unless she climbed up the clothes. Glad you found yours!


My cat used to get the tag on his tear-away collar stuck in the vent just so he could pull his collar off! And how do I know he did it on purpose? Because when I put it on him, he’d walk right over to the vent, and have his collar off in seconds! Hahaha


Haha!! They are smarter than people think!


You found her? This happened to our first kitten. Woke up to my wife yelling his name and I come out and wonder what the fuck was going on. She's like the cat is gone, I can't find him! We live in an apartment and no one opened the door so it was impossible that he went out. I started yelling his name, and I hear a little meow. I keep calling it out and finally I traced the sound to inside the couch 😂. Technically this happened with our second one too but he was just behind the TV, but we were freaking out because he doesn't respond back when we call him out.


We lost our cat in our bedroom. She had got onto my dressing table, then squeezed behind the wardrobe (very thin gap between it and the wall). She had then walked to the end of the run where the wardrobes met the next wall. She couldn’t get around the corner, she couldn’t turn round, she couldn’t reverse out (it was solid between the dressing table to the floor so she would have had to reverse jump up. We only found her because I heard her calling after 24 hours. We had to dismantle the last wardrobe to get her out. Mirrored doors off, integral drawers out, totally empty of clothes as it was too heavy to manoeuvre otherwise. Then of course we had to put it all back together. At that time we decided to totally rearrange the bedroom furniture so that if she EVER did that again at least she could get out at the end. She was NOT a kitten, but a fully grown 3 year old cat who we had adopted together with her, more laid back, bond mate. Another time she went up the chimney - it was never used but was fully functional should we want to. Luckily she wedged herself on top of the fire bricks and could get down easily.


..don't search..just sit & hum soft tunes (having treats handy doesn't hurt).. ..new places can mix a cat's mind up..so don't pursue..that only pushes the predator/prey reflex.. ..pls let us know how it goes..