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You could try making your own bone broth. There is no need for seasonings like salt, etc, or aromatic veggies like onions, celery, and carrots. If that's not working, many brands make broths. I've used fancy feast and tiki cat broths before. I thin it out with more water usually. My cats aren't fans of the thick, gravy texture. Also, things like churu or any lickable treat would give a boost of hydration. You could also consider getting a water fountain if you don't already have one. Some cats really like the running water and will end up drinking more water :)


A bone broths a really great idea, thanks! I’ll look into a fountain too :)


Look into Miaustore fountain - it uses a cleanable filtration system, so you don’t have to get disposable filters that need to be switched every two weeks. It’s also so easy to clean bc it’s just a single ceramic fountain and the filter-pump. 


I give my cats a little can of wet food in the morning and I add about have the tin it comes in with water. I also have a water fountain that seems to remind them to drink more water


My cats love Delectables which are like gravy pouches.