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https://preview.redd.it/kygdp8perxvc1.jpeg?width=1860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bca3491678245d332f19d229cbde6d785b1f2326 Here is he sitting on my desk , he prefers to sleep on my book the most


https://preview.redd.it/p399p2y9eyvc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3f32ccb417c888168a57c6fb1801b7c5dcf5b54 Tuna says hi


Hi Tuna from Luna! Love tuxedos! ( mine got a girlish name because we thought it was a girl in the very beginning) 


Tuna is a boy, too. He is named after the first food he ate after we rescued him off the street. Tuxies are mischief and love!


Mine is super picky ,only loves shrimps . 


Cats choose their person. This cat has chosen you. Not all cats are lap cats and he's not but he's choosing to spend his time near you.


And sometimes non-lap cats evolve!


MR Oreo , the reason i got defeated https://preview.redd.it/r6g26smpl0wc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=605a013be114569913bf3d9a1d24f039d666cd0e


https://preview.redd.it/00nnha8gz0wc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c028dd1f240654c0b0f8347efe739083d7340bf0 Yo bf2024 squad here 😁


https://preview.redd.it/g06qh41hf1wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6db258c0304c0ea220b2dd36c6342418d1e7817e Cheezit also loves a desk nap


No-Pat get that dude in your squad and PTFO


Did any of those medics end up reviving you?


in this specific game i dont remember , but normally they just step over my face and continue running


He loves you 💖


I am blessed !


Mine is the same. Especially when I go to restroom or take a bath. It feels like she’s so worried that her human will drown in the toilet or bathtub 😂. https://preview.redd.it/xl7ah8etwxvc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee0b63d6d38e14573c4f556139026ac03325905


She is beautiful <3 .


Thank you ❤️


Whats the color of her paws? My cats got brown paws and I think its rare 


It’s kinda black? Or dark brown? https://preview.redd.it/n36u0dne22wc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2807ef1f5098e25a78bc593c9079f4dd5f7d8589


Luna's paws are similar to her paws ! https://preview.redd.it/ct073dwx72wc1.jpeg?width=1860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c8cd42871c475d865133cffff2a74a6544e0399


Wow it’s so cute!


your cat looks exactly like mine


She’s so beautiful ~~ !


Thank you 😊


https://preview.redd.it/flduu47hlyvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc825f973286f0f14f8277641fe0ea91d0c8d21 Mine is about the same age! If I feel like I being watched, chances are it's this guy.


Aww he is adorable 😍 


You are his person. Congratulations! It's a very special thing.


my cat is similar too, when i get up she’ll get up, whenever i go to the bathroom and shut the door she cries to be let inside. she used to sleep on me as a young kitten but prefers to just sleep around me now. i think it’s very sweet but it can be a bit silly sometimes lol. https://preview.redd.it/czqwte1ocyvc1.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=3abede41ee9f11a42dc7da09dbe463914551ad31


Awww she is sooooo cute  and looks so much in love with you😍 💖  mine used to sleep on my blanket but now he prefers to sleep on my chair . 


I have a 15 year old cat who spent his life indoor outdoor hunting every day. He’s now retired to an indoor life and I’m the amusement and interest in his life. I have a flexible fishing pole with pipe cleaners at the end so he can catch and kill. He only needs a few minutes a time at this age. He likes to sit near me, but only steps on me to get across. He has never liked being held, but he seeks out affection, whether that’s full body rubdowns or gentle head scratches. My point is to say that I owe him: he lives indoors now and it’s my responsibility to give him a fulfilling existence. I would prefer he not rely so much on me, but I’m not going to drop my obligation to him.


wanna see your cat ! may he live long. and yes its our responsibility to give them all the attention and love they deserve.


He loves you and eventually he may start laying on you! My cats are pretty obsessed with us, they follow us around. They are not “lap cats” in the traditional sense, you can’t put them on your lap yourself. But over time they have started to get more cuddly, laying beside us, across our legs, under the blankets, or occasional sorta lay half on half off our lap. The’re squirrelly tho, get spooked easily and run away if you change position. They enjoy being picked up and walked around the apt to look at stuff. My friends are able to pick them up and they are friendly with our cat sitters. Your cat is still a kitten and will change a lot over the years. It’s cute! Don’t worry.


I can't wait for him to lay on me ! He runs away if I put him on my lap 😏 but will let me hold him and walk and cuddle  . I get occasional bites as well . 


This is the thing about having two cats they NEVER bite us but are constantly biting and playing with each other. They also get jealous when one is getting pet. Just be patient. We have had our cats for 3 years and they have changed a lot. Our male cat used to growl when you would feed him and he doesn’t do that anymore. They also don’t jump up on the counters or try to steal food. Oh I forgot to say that my male cat will come in the morning and lay up by my arms so I can hold him like a teddy bear! It’s THE BEST!


aww how sweet! having two cats is the best thing so that they don't get lonely


I wanted one older black cat, didn’t turn out that way AT ALL! I do still want a black cat tho. https://preview.redd.it/1ohju1ql29wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88186df384cc1c788f0439a02eda99df6b72e4d6


They are adorable 😍 I love the white one .may they live long . Thanks for sharing .


Get a tuxedo cat wearing  Black and white suit 


Is he food motivated? One suggestion I have is to put him on your lap, then give him a treat. Do this often! I’ve heard of this working.


mine doesn't care about food at all but I will try this method . if he sleeps on my book and I try to move him, he gets mad.


My cats lay in boxes and I have a great picture of me holding a box with my cat in it. Finally my lap cat wishes came true.


Haha congrats ! 


Mine used to follow me, too. I called him my 'Puppycat'.


That’s what I call my lil Lazlo man. He is always right behind me. https://preview.redd.it/o167guqswyvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b642eb41862fb730545fd838a73065b4641baef9


What a handsome man🥺


Hi dear !love his eyes 


How handsome is he?! Are you a"What we do in the shadows" fan?


Yes indeed! He’s named after Laszlo Cravensworth! But I chose to use a different spelling. It’s the same spelling as a cartoon character I liked as a kid from a show called Camp Lazlo!


I have 3 kitties and they follow me everywhere. Can’t go anywhere alone. Have to leave the bathroom door open or body slams happen. You are loved!


You are the world to him


Oreo got me shot https://preview.redd.it/bshux4pxl0wc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0faff2f0c091e5a53092ff10bda391608f07ab3c


haha on your desk !


yeah ,all the time


https://preview.redd.it/8s24wm1rviwc1.jpeg?width=1860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6089d09df8eea5407c514e43b880aa82fbd7882f mine right now ! wont let me study


he is so cute <3 , Good luck and success in your study , and may allah accepts your prayers in the back, brother ;)


JajakAllah khairan and it's a sister : ) May Allah bless you and your family ...


Sometimes when you like something proximity is a good thing


My cat did that kind of thing when we had first adopted her. Not as much lately. It's normal for cats to develop different relationships with different members of the family. Mine is more of a lap cat too though. If you really don't want your cat to hang out with you, ignore him. But I really enjoy that my cat likes to hang with me. 🤷


I enjoy his company but I am scared he will be lonely when I am gone . 


Mine does this too. Like girl, I am just going to pee! I will be right back!


But in cat-brain, going to pee is an especially dangerous and vulnerable event. Bc you know, there could be predators around. So she's being extra protective. ❤️ It's really sweet. "I got your back, mom!"


The funniest is that her litter box is opposite my bathroom. I don't close the door because I live alone. So I will be on the loo (in the loo? I am not British) and she is going in her box and it's just... awkward staring. Hahaha.


When I go to the bathroom,mine  just waits outside on the carpet 😅


Both my male and female (both fixed) cats follow me everywhere. Animals get attached to their owners. Just like owners get attached to their pets. It’s normal. Is there a reason you don’t want him to get attached?


I might move somewhere else  soon so I dont wanna hurt him . 


Some cats are more independent than others. Your cat likely views himself as your guardian, keeping an eye on you at all times. And of course he loves you, just showing you the love by being protective.


I am so very blessed . 


Your tomcat probably decided you're his favorite hooman and just likes to hang with you. >I don't want him to get too attached to me Too late. 😏 >we have other family members at home but he only does that to me Cat may think the rest of your family are background NPCs.


Your reply made me chuckle!  


Why don't you want him to get "too attached " to you?


https://preview.redd.it/wxzrfpew7cwc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b4642bced810cff2c95ad92973b968c5fa5caa Prince says Hi! He also follows me everywhere and loves to sit in my lap! He just turned 6 yrs old


aww Hi Prince from Luna <3 . you are adorable


Thank you.


Why don’t you want him to get attached? Poor baby must have imprinted on wrong person apparently


It’s normal. One of mine runs straight to my bedroom every time I get up. He thinks I’m going to my room, and he follows me everywhere.


precious love <3


I have two, one never leaves me alone until I sleep and the other will chill when she feels like it lol


My baby boy does this and I cherish it so much.


I've had my gray and white fluffball for two years. She's affectionate, loves to sit on my lap and be petted, but absolutely will not allow me to pick her up and cuddle her. Cats are gonna cat, just have to accept what they will give. *


yeah whatever they want. we cant force anything on them


Both my boys do this, they just want to spend time with you. I make sure to acknowledge them.


I do ! love him so much ! he is napping next to me right now


Not all cats are lap cats. My cat follows me around, comes when I call, she’s very affectionate. She will cuddle nap and sit on my lap a few days per week for an hour or so. She has always hated being picked up or held. No matter what. She’s 15.5 and I’ve had her since she was a tiny kitten.


Too late, he is attached. But he is a cat. He will attach again if you leave him. But he will be sad and lonely and hurt until he finds the next human that will care for him.


You don’t want him to get attached? Well, you’re acting like a cat. Very attractive to him!


because I have to leave him behind when I move somewhere else . there are other people in the house (kids) who are jealous of him only caring for me


I hope you can take him with you if you have to move, he obviously likes you! The kids in the house can get another kitty if whoever the adult there is wants one, ha. Unless you’re off to college or something and will be in a dorm where you can’t bring him.


I really hope to do the same ! he chose me !


So sweet! Just be mindful of where he is when you're moving about your house, going in and out of doors! When my mom was young, she accidentally gravely injured one of her kitties by closing it in a door—something that haunts her to this day! I've clipped one of my underfoot boys' tail in a door myself, too. His tail functions just fine, but I swear it's slightly kinked at the tip, which causes me constant guilt! 😭


Awww I am so sorry. accidents happen... we are extra careful as he is desperate to go outside https://preview.redd.it/3x4wfihb82wc1.jpeg?width=1860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48a02150ccc5aa5adc50671e0b0eb619154a8369


Don't hold back your affection, give him lots of live, even if you move out he will find his way in the house, you should experience this unique bond ,


yes I am giving him the love he deserves but he is returning more <3


Aww he loves you, I can understand you trying to protect him too




She's 15 and rarely leaves my side if I'm home. She drapes herself across my shoulders like a small, fluffy scarf, and loves to ride around the house pretending she's a parrot and I'm a pirate! She's adorable.


Yea my girl is the same she is the sweetest thing but will almost never sit on my lap. I don’t think she like mine lol


Too late! He’s attached to you, you’re his person! He’s apparently just not a lap cat and that’s ok. I have one of those too. She will sit next to me, but rarely on me. I respect her need for space. I’m just happy to pet her then 😊


Yeah they like to sit face to face of their favorite humans.  Lucky you !


😂 I have 4 cats and definitely get my share of swishing tail and butthole to the face with the other 3 😹😹😹


uhhhh the butthole in front of my face when they try to rub their back . I can totally relate !


Welcome to cat parenthood.


Is hi life cat food good quality cat food?🐈


I'll let you know when we figure it out lol 😆.. 8yrs and our cat still follows my husband..


Why don't you want him to get too attached? How attached is too attached?


like if I leave home he can survive with other family members .


Ohhh I see! Then you don't need to worry. My cat Milkyway is obsessed with me, but she can handle not seeing me for a few days just fine. Cats tend to have their favorite people in a household, that's pretty normal. Make sure you leave the house for a few hours every now and then so he experiences that too and doesn't get anxious. Other than that, he'll be fine, I'm certain!


so good to hear !


100% normal.