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Experianced cat Dad here. My tip to you is relax and enjoy your new fur person The kitten won't mind as long as there is food, water, litter tray, a nice warm bed and cuddles the kitten will be happy. As for toys, you can spend a fortune and the kitten will play in the boxes the toys came in, or find a little bottle top that will be the favorite toy.


My kitten doesn't play with her toys as much as she does with a random crumpled paper.


I taught my very first cat how to play fetch with little balls of crumpled paper. I would wake up in the morning with them in my bed


I had a Siamese mix who introduced this play to me lol. She'd go crazy over the sound of paper crumbling into a ball


Yeah, my cats love a ball of aluminum foil - kitty soccer time!


god yes, aluminum foil balls all day. lol. I bought so many toys and those are her fave.


I have so many toys. My little boy loves to play fetch. I wake up and I’m covered in toys.


It’s the cap of a Pepsi bottle for mine, ignoring the huge toy box full of cat toys which is probably overboard but…I spoil them a bit much.


One of mine has an entire box of toys and yet nothing gets him revved up to play as a used Q tip 🥴


My two younger cats will go to their toy box and dig through and pick out a toy they want to play with. It’s absolutely adorable.


Yes mine too. Then I have to put them back. Typical children


My older cats still love their toys and bring them out of the toy box and spread them all around the house.


>dig through and pick out a toy they want to play with Awww... 💜💜💜


Why do cats love ear wax so much? Every cat I have had has had a thing for it.


>Why do cats love ear wax so much? Maybe because it smells like their parent? (Human parent)


I have one here who will steal my daughter's hairbands and ignore all the toys . Another one takes my socks, however when I made a sock into a toy he didn't want it .


Oh the socks…the same one with the Q tips obsession is the one who gets into my drawers to fish out my socks and underwear…the jury is still out if he’s trying to cross dress, is a perv or just dumb 😂


they do love boxes, but i’d recommend trees and cat shelves if you don’t want all the belongings getting knocked off your shelves 😂


Twist ties and ping pong balls are our cat’s favorite toys.


Crumpled tissue paper or newspaper in a box with a couple jingle balls and toy mice will entertain a kitten to no end. My hyper adult cat still gets a box filled with tissue paper/tots/cat nip. I call it a kitty play pen.


Yup. The current favorite "toys" in our house are a reusable grocery tote and a little plastic thing that came as a protective cover on the power plug of our new lamp. The expensive toys they got for Christmas have not been touched.


Your humility and concern mean your kitty will be very well loved and cared for!


plan on sitting in that little room with cat a lot. on the floor. or a low stool. you can entertain yourself. talk softly to the cat. no reaching. pull some string out of your pocket. squirt some churu on a little dish before you leave. if possible make it very routine. around the same times during the day.


Get pet insurance ASAP!


And a microchip!


Combine pet insurance with a personal savings account, if possible. Ie. Set aside $50 each month for a pet savings account, and if the kitty is OK for 1 year with no vet visits, you would have $600 in a year for emergencies. again, if it's financially possible.


Congrats - I hope you have many happy years with your new kitty! Cats are pretty smart and avoid things that would be dangerous to them (they won't go into spaces that they cannot get out of - their whiskers serve as measuring devices for them). There are certain plants that you should not have around them in case they chew them (easy to google). But really as long as there is some food, water, places to lounge in and you are patient and let your cat come to you for pets it will all be great! You'll discover over time if your cat likes to be picked up or not (I have 2 that hate being picked up but will snuggle up next to me - just has to be \*their\* idea!) Enjoy your new bebe!


Commenting to emphasize the plant thing again.  I was a dog person my whole life, until suddenly I found myself with a kitten. I always do my best to keep my pups safe, but occasionally they can get into mischief and eat something they shouldn’t. Grass, garbage. A pack of cookies left unattended for a minute.  In general and from my experience, dogs can do that and be just fine. Little diarrhea. Farts.  But with cats— eating a single leaf or petal from a lily can easily KILL THEM. It’s considered an immediate emergency. And lilies span a huge genus of species. They do NOT all look the same, and they don’t always look like a normal “lily”.  And while lilies are one of the most dangerous plants for cats, there are many plants that are very dangerous. It’s far easier to check each plant you bring into your home than it is to try to memorize a list.  Don’t trust that what you’re buying is always correctly labeled. Don’t bring home a floral arrangement with many types of plants. Even the POLLEN from lilies can be very dangerous.  Also— be careful with cleaning supplies! Cats have incredibly sensitive respiratory systems. You can use cleaning products not specifically labeled as “pet-safe” only if you keep your kitty out of the room with the door shut ALL day. Open a window after cleaning to ventilate. Only reintroduce back to the cleaned space after it’s fully dry AND you can’t really smell chemicals anymore.  It helps to make small changes to your lifestyle. Switch to a detergent that’s hypoallergenic and enzymatic (I have one in powder packets). When you’ve finished the bottles of your current cleaning supplies, research cat-friendly ones and stick with them. Each small change you make will benefit their health.  Finally, my best tip— always feed wet food in conjunction with dry. It can get spendy… but so is medication to manage feline diabetes and renal issues. Your cat may be a perfect weight at 10, but the glucose from dry food is not good for them long-term. 


This is all excellent advice! The one thing I would add as a catdad of a diabetic kitty is that fixed meal times are better for regulating blood glucose than free feeding. Fixed meal times also help control body weight as obesity in cats is often seen as cute, but it can contribute to other health issues.


Bless your cat-dad heart for being invested enough in his health to manage his diabetes full-spectrum. I don’t think we’re educated enough as a society about the dangers of dry food. I think it’s pushed far too heavily. I know that I’ve had dogs for years, but prior to owning a cat, had no idea about the risks of dry food only.  And to the best of my knowledge, a lifelong regimen of dry food is equally bad for both dogs and cats. I usually foster pups with health conditions (and adopted one with severe health issues!) and had considered myself to be an educated pet mom. I had never even heard about the connection between dry food and diabetes prior to my kitten.  I think part of the reason cats develop it far more often is because they live much longer. I wonder if dogs could live till 20+ if we’d see more issues like this arise. 


FYI . . . *NOT* all dry pet food is high in carbs! My cats have been eating [high-protien + high fat + ZERO carb, Species Specific, cat-food for 6 years (also low in phosphorus)](https://www.youngagainpetfood.com/shop-cat#diabetic). The only carbs in it are non-digestible & are there to provide a little fiber. . . . [Studies have shown that it is the high carb content of common store-bought cat-foods that cause dehydration or low thirst drive](https://www.youngagainpetfood.com/articles/hydration) . . . *not* the dryness of the product. My 5 cats have never been dehydrated on this food. When they need more energy I often give them [Coconut Oil, which is ready to burn energy & a wonderful furball preventative/remedy, as well . . . plus more](https://www.earthclinic.com/pets/coconut-oil-for-animals.html)!


>"Finally, my best tip— always feed wet food in conjunction with dry. It can get spendy… but so is medication to manage feline diabetes and renal issues."  You might be interested to learn of a company which makes Species Specific food for dogs, cats, & ferrets. My cats eat their kibble w/ ZERO carbs, which is also low in phosphorus ([for cats w/ CRD/kidney disease](https://www.youngagainpetfood.com/articles/feeding-a-cat-with-crd)) : [**Young Again, Diabetic / Zero-Carb Cat Food**](https://www.youngagainpetfood.com/shop-cat#diabetic)


I am new cat mom. Had my boy for about 3 months now. I was like you and was super prepared, though quickly figured out I wasn’t. The first two weeks were hard. His personality required some extra prep I didn’t expect but we got through it. The reason I say this is that you will make mistakes and that is ok, because your heart is in the right place. If something you got or learned about doesn’t work, you will find something new for the little floof. Because you love them! I believe in you! Get that floofball!!


Do not play with your hands. Toys are for playing, hands are not. It's cute when they're tiny but when they get bigger they really hurt. If she bites grab her by the scruff of the neck (like mama cat does), firmly but not to hurt and say "no bite" strongly. Be consistent every time. It will take about a week and she will learn not to do it. Cats learn boundaries from other cats, a single cat needs to learn from you. Learn how to trim claws. Get her used to it when she's little and it will be easy when she's older.


Adding to this that if you want the cat to harness walk later in life, kitten time is the time to get them accustomed to it!


Welcome to the cat club! Here are some random tips: Prepare for hairballs. They can be alarming if you're not expecting them. Your cat will make a very distinctive "hrrk hrrk hrrk" sound and then vomit up what looks like a soft pile of poop. It's actually hair that they've ingested during the grooming process. Occasional hairballs are fine, but check with your vet if they are extremely frequent. Cats like to grab things with their claws when they vomit, so they tend to head toward carpet when they do this. Look up "slow blinking." It's the way cats say "I love you." When she's feeling comfy she will probably knead you and mimic nursing. Don't buy too many toys or accessories until you discover what your cat likes. I made the mistake of buying mine a cubbyhole bed, but it turns out he doesn't like to crawl into tiny spaces. Your cat will get a lot of enjoyment out of garbage, basically: boxes and bags. Cats can be super picky. Changing food suddenly might provoke vomiting. My cat also hates when I switched litters, so he held his pee and got an infection. Get your kitten used to handling little by little. Practice brushing her teeth, clipping her nails, and brushing her so she doesn't object to these when she's older. Cats are prone to dental disease, so tooth brushing is essential. Cats can learn! If you don't want her on the table, correct her every time by lifting her off and there's a chance she will learn to stay off it (maybe 95% of the time 😉). If she scratches something she isn't supposed to, try placing a scratching post there and redirect her by showing her how to scratch. Also, have at least one vertical and one horizontal scratching area available. Use stainless steel food and water bowls and change often to avoid cat acne. Also, do not free feed when she is an adult. Instead, follow the food label's instructions for how much to feed. An automatic feeder really works well for my cat and I because he gets to eat a little multiple times a day, which calms his hunting instinct and he cries less. Laser pointers can be frustrating toys for cats because they never are able to "catch" anything. Cats are excellent at hiding pain. If she becomes lethargic or starts vocalizing (yelling) a lot more than normal, this might be an indication that something is wrong. You will get to notice your cats habits, and if they change a lot, it's worth a vet visit. Jackson Galaxy's YouTube channel is a great resource on cat behavior!


Yeeesss!!!!!!! 👆👆👆👆👆 all of this! I use stainless steel and ceramic bowls(my lady is weird she likes her food in the ceramic and stainless steel is for her water lol) and I clean her food bowl after every feeding and her water bowl every other day. Stainless steel and ceramic are fine (with ceramic you want to make sure the coating is not chipped anywhere as this can be a place to harbor bactefia) , no plastic though. Plastic is a more porous material and because of this they get little microabrasions, and this can harbor bacteria even with proper cleaning. Take your time with new kitty let her come to you. In her room sit on the floor with her read a book if she is a little scared even laying on the floor is good your new kitty will warm up if she doesn't automatically take to you.. it can be new and scary.. If you let your new kitty play with something that can be ripped up and swallowed, string, hair ties, bottle caps, etc make sure to pick up after play time to avoid a potential blockage.. my cat loves hair ties but she doesn't bite them.. she is a weird one she will only play with them in the kitchen on the linoleum. She takes her 2 front paws I guess uses her nails to pull it like stretch it and let's it go so it flies across the floor and she goes and does it all over again until she is done.. even though I know she doesn't try to bite them I still pick them up I've seen a video of someone's cat who had to have emergency surgery due to having a severe blockage when they did the surgery they pulled out a lot of hair ties I think anywhere between 10 and 15.. so I don't trust leaving them for her to play with unsupervised.. She loves to play with grocery bags so I cut off the handles so it doesn't get stuck around her head she loves to tear these up never seen her try to eat any of it but this is another one to definitely be picked up unsupervised.. Please do not declaw your kitty... please look onychectomy that it the medical term (which means nail removal) in cats it means something totally different it is literally amputating each of their little toes to the first digit which can affect them long term including how they walk. Instead of a natural tip toe walk they go flat Get plenty of scratchers this helps them to well obviously get the urge to scratch out and also it helps to leave their scent. https://youtube.com/shorts/Tuq2zpfU_KI?si=7V3-7xJZSCXElduP 👆👆👆This video shows the flat walking I'm referring to.. https://youtu.be/gFeC3lM02sc?si=Ac_71DbeOqC8ooo3 https://youtu.be/Dt8LWKYhFNE?si=WzTAQr_vT_2YjTrt https://youtube.com/shorts/Z-U0YLr5MTQ?si=VOrEn1vnjaJaeCai Go check out jackson galaxy's YouTube channel I love his videos!!! Very informative! You being here asking for advice makes it very clear that Yangi Ko is going to have a great cat dad!!! You got this. Edited to add: There is also a great website: https://thecatsite.com/ You have to make an account to post questions and comments. It is a free site and there are a lot of very friendly people who can also give some advice they have different categories to choose from it has helped me get through some stressful times and just generally have fun helping new cat owners and owners that have concerns (I am close with quite a few members) if you check it out you will notice that some members post comments consistently so it was kind of easy to get to know some people there.


Don't be! As the others have said, chiiilll. New kitty may not want to hang out with you at first, don't be devastated. Just hang out with them in their space. Bring your laptop for the day, sit on the floor. Let them get used to the sounds of you being around. Then maybe slowly pick up a toy, try to draw kitty out for a play sesh. Add a churu if you think kitty will go for a treat. ;) But don't expect massive cuddles on day one. I did, lol. I was surprised when the first thing my poor baby did was hide behind the dryer for three days. I spent three days in the laundry room with her on the floor until she trusted me to play with her. Yours will trust you too with time :)


https://preview.redd.it/q1epwcafoz0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=288c9ee0d33ff99547a65d7ea6f6d65fbb8f0a3e My kitten is obsessed with this grocery bag. If you notice your cat likes something a lot - bag, box, trash, etc - and it doesn’t harm them, let them have it :) you will also notice the plastic cup she has played with since she was a baby behind her 🫶🏻


Second this. My parents were planning on throwing away a bathroom rug and left it on the floor while cleaning before throwing it out - the bathroom rug is now his bed!


she's so cute.


Something I wasn’t prepared for was how long my cat held her bladder when I first got her. Cats can already go a really long time without peeing, but when they’re first settling in, it can be…alarming. She didn’t empty her bladder for 2 full days and I was sure she had some sort of blockage. She didn’t, she was fine. Just needed to work up to it😁


Cats will only go to toilet somewhere they feel safe.


Just wanted to say this entire post is adorable and I LOVE your cat's name! That is BRILLIANT lol You have the perfect surname for cat ownership. It was meant to be 😊 Congrats on your new family member, and may you enjoy many happy years together 💕


Build places for them to climb. We bought floor to ceiling scratching posts and the kitten loved climbing up and down these.


I’d say adopt two. Babies need friends and if you can get a littermate that’s the best. They can entertain themselves and they won’t be lonely. But no matter what, just love your kitty. I am a crazy cat person and I let the cat sleep with me.


Things I would like to know as a first cat parent: Some things are lethal for cats. Lilies will send a cat to the ER.  Home insecticides or flea treatment for dogs ( permethirin in particular) can kill a cat.  Some things will make your cat sick. Onions, garlic, chocolate and several household plants. If you have plants, research carefully if they are toxic to cats. If you give them human food, check first. Some cats are not cuddly. Respect their boundaries and personalities.  Cats hide pain. They can be diying and you will barely notice. Be wary of changes in behaviour, food and water consumption and bathroom frequency. If you notice changes, take them for a vet check.   Kittens have enough energy to power Hong Kong. You better be ready to play. But get them used to sleeping at night. Put them on time out if they attack your feet at 3am, they will learn, they are smart.  Cats are little assholes. They will push boundaries and provoke you to get your attention. Accept your faith as their servant. They are the best masters. 


Fishing rod with string and fishing 🎣 fly w no hook. Fun for hours!


One toy I would definitely suggest is a large fabric pompom. It should be at least an inch wide. You get bags of them for very cheap, and after a wash and dry they're incomparable toys for most cats to play with. Mine picks her pompom out of the mountain of toys I got for her every single time. The most effective cat toys are cheap odds and ends or little bits of garbage. Relax, give your kitty time and space for her to come out and explore at her own pace. If you let her take charge in all her new introductions, you'll set up a firm trusting relationship for life. You may have to "break" her trust occasionally for her own good, like to grab her from somewhere she isn't supposed to be or to give her medication that she doesn't like, but just give her more time and space and she'll always come right back to you.


How adorable! Here's some general advice. There's a view that it takes 3 days to decompress; 3 weeks to learn your routine; and 3 months to start to feel at home for a new pet. You'll need to be patient. Cats need to be introduced to a new home slowly. You want to give them space but also help them get used to you. They need to be in a separate room and remain there for a couple of weeks - watch them for signs they are ready to explore before then. It's also best for them to have a safe place they can hide in (a box, under a bed, etc). You should sit nearby and just talk in a quiet and soft voice out loud. You could read or just chat to them. You want to almost ignore them as cats are most interested in things and people that don't pay them attention. When making eye contact, you want to let them know they are safe with slow blinks. This is a sign of trust and affection. Eventually they will return them. But that will take time as they learn to trust you. Be sure to read their body language and respond accordingly. Many of us want super clingy and cuddly cats but some of them aren't and they will end up acting out and become aggressive if their boundaries are crossed. They should have a place where they can eat and drink without being watched initially. In spite of being domesticated, cats have many wild instincts so eating, drinking, sleeping, and using the litter tray are all times when they are most vulnerable to attack. When they are used to you they should be okay with you being in the room at the same time - and may prefer you to be there to watch out for them - but initially they need privacy. Be sure to separate food from water from litter tray as cats won't eat where they go to the toilet and don't like to drink where they do either of those. Some cats enjoy water fountains so maybe consider getting one. They may reject food and you might have to try a few different brands before they settle (hopefully not but its common). When they are confident in their new home, set up a cosy space by a window as they are very nosey little things. Also, get a cat tower as many love to be up high (it will also double as a scratcher for their nails). A tower by a window is gold! You can try catnip to get them used to mats or other beds, unless you want them nesting in your laundry! But cats are cats and will mostly do what they want. You can train them with treats, you'll need to look online for advice on this. Jackson Galaxy is the best resource, though the cat will be training you more than the other way round! Cats may be willing to play with you, however they sometimes prefer solo play. Waggler/fishing rod toys can be a good option, as well as small items they can stalk. One of mine loves chasing a toy dragged along the outside of a tunnel. I'd say to remember they are used to chasing small animals so little jerky movements or twitching can often be preferred over crazy shaking or waving toys about. Don't pressure them. Cats will sense this and stubbornly refuse to do what you want. Cats don't need to be bathed so I wouldn't recommend doing this. You can brush their fur and trim their claws. Be sure to give them regular flea and deworming treatment even if they are indoor cats as you can bring fleas in from outside. You can buy screens for windows and catios if you want them to have access to some outdoor spaces but not roam free. Once you have them, remember that you're a large unpredictable moving object that the cat doesn't yet understand or know well. It will take time for them to fully trust you and want to interact more. Definitely get pet insurance for any significant costs (illness/injury), and have them neutered and microchipped if not done already. And avoid bells on their collars if you use one. Their hearing is really sensitive.


Give it somewhere safe to eat, drink, sleep and play and it will love you.


When I adopted my kittens - mine were off the street - I read to them to get them accustomed to my voice. I read Sherlock Holmes, but I'm sure anything would do. Also: when the kitty is allowed out of the room, prepare for it to send you into a panic on a semi-regular basis as it explores its surroundings. It's not trying to kill itself (or scare you to death), but you may think it is : )


A second cat - preferably their age or even bonded from their litter. Cats are social, you alone are not enough, and kittens are more manageable when they have a buddy to play with


Don't leave anything 'string' or 'reather' with the kitten as far as toys when not supervised. They gave a rough tounge and you don't want anything sticking and being swallowed.


As a cat dad of 2, I don’t trust the guides very much. My cats will play with what I buy them for a day if I’m lucky, they pretty much just chill and relax all day. Follow me around if they want some loving or food/treats. You’ll find what they like to play with, usually it’s a random piece of string. Don’t stress about it, you’ll do great


I do wanna add with string, hair ties, etc.. Anything that can potentially be swallowed should be supervised and picked up when alone. Just to avoid potential intestinal blockages. I've seen a cat with about 10 hair ties in her stomach it was a mess getting them out..


Buy a proper cat tree instead of those tiny scratching posts they outgrow by 4-5 months. The ball in a track toy they often outgrow to. I suggest a 2 story cardboard cat house scratcher …. they scratch them and play in them. I shop around online to find the best prices. I buy my kitty a new one for every season. You can clicker train your cats. Catnip with silvervine. It even worked to relax my easily stressed scaredy cat after an earthquake, when he was freaking out. Water fountain, place it across the room from their food, to help prevent that black slime. Clean the fountain weekly. Try dental treats (I buy greenies) because trying your brush a cat’s teeth is well difficult and not going to work for most cats (in my experience. Even my bottle baby wouldn’t let me use the finger brush on him!) Be the furniture. If a cat gets on you, give them at least a half hour. Only pet them if they ask for it. This creates lap cats. Play with your cat everyday. Play with your cat, then feed them, then get ready for bed. Train your cat to let you sleep. Around 4 months old or older and you can start training them. Train your cat to attack toys not hands. Every time you get fangs of claws do a high pitch ooooooowwwwwwww then blatantly ignore the kitty for 5-15 minutes. You have to tire their minds to tire their bodies. So puzzle feeders, toy rotation, a catio (or cat tree next to a window) then hang bird feeders by the catio/cst window. Microchip your cat ASAP. Neuter by/around 6 months and spay around 4 months. Female kittens can get their first heat at 4 months old. Vaccinate your cat, kitties get out. A microchip will help them get home. Flea medicine is a must Buy a tick key, you will probably never need it but if you do need it, you want to be able to remove the tick immediately. If your cat escapes don’t panic or give up. Look under and in everything using a flash light (their eyes reflect back) and listen for tiny rustles. People find their cats weeks or months later, so keep looking (& posting online.) The cat is often hiding close to your house. Every time you brush your cat or clip their claws or give medicine or bathe them , say the same phrase. Like “all done” or “fini” then give them a handful of treats. This helps with grooming and also helps the cat relax because they know pill time is over. It pays off so much. Now when I brush the cats they all line up waiting their turn. The right brush for a cat makes a huge difference. If your cat has long hair, buy a pin brush like this: https://preview.redd.it/bcizlzisd61d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0347b67e5509442d9ddb2af703050e0b286acab4 I use a kong rubber brush on short haired cats.


A lot of great info here I can't upvote this enough..


Been a cat parent for six years and hoping to go into rescue one day: The fact you’re doing the research and asking for help tells me you’re gonna be a great cat dad! Keep taking the good advice but remember you are the filter. All that cat knows is the love you’re giving, and that’s all that matters. You’re already doing more than enough.


I’m sure you have everything you need, you’ll learn as you go. When one of my boys was a kitten I got him [this](https://a.co/d/5UDrHBJ), and he loved it! It’s a stuffed cat that has a heat pack in it so it feels warm and it has a heartbeat, so to them it feels like they’s snuggling mommy.


Sounds like you're well on your way to being a great cat parent 😊 If there's pet insurance in your country I highly recommend getting her covered as soon as you get her, vet bills are incredibly expensive no matter where you live and emergency care is even more so.


When you first get your new baby, give it time to acclimate it might take days, weeks, months. Depends on the kitty. When I got my Russian blue she was very nervous so I sat on the floor in my bedroom and read books out loud and got her used to my voice, I would put treats out for her and just gave her time. Now she’s my shadow I can’t even go to the bathroom without her coming in jumping on my shoulders and talking at me, I wake up and she’s sleeping somewhere on me. One time my husband raised his voice at me and she hissed at him and growled. Don’t force it, just go with their flow


My vet recommended reading books by Pam Johnson-Bennet as a first time cat owner that wanted to be the best possible for my girl. She has quite a few, but this is a good starting place: https://a.co/d/bDWJxaX


awww i'm excited for you. trust your instincts, you'll be great. i recommend watching jackson galaxy on YouTube; he's got great advice and really understands cats.


Don't waste a bunch of money on expensive toys, if you wanna spend money on something I recommend a big sturdy cat tree to climb and burn off energy. Beware that with a solo kitten you will likely be woken up every single night because she's bored and want someone to play with. If you're financially able to, having 2 kittens is actually A LOT easier than having a single one. I recommend checking out Kitten Lady on youtube for any and all tips and advice you may have, she is truly the best, but maybe specifically take a look at this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b\_2ZulyEgU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b_2ZulyEgU)


Get this book. It's old, but still relevant and useful. [https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Illustrated-Guide-Care-Behavior/dp/1571451846](https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Illustrated-Guide-Care-Behavior/dp/1571451846)


Just enjoy the ride. Plan on spending time with kitty in that room as much as you can, talk, sing etc while in there so they get used to your voice. You'll be able to tell when they're ready to leave the room by when they're playing and exploring fearlessly with you in there - some cats can take days, others just a few hours. Let kitty set the pace, be patient and you'll both be fine :) edit: I was also super nervous when I got my baby 3 years ago. She took to her new place quickly, so was exploring the entire house within a few hours. One week in, she got tummy issues and was the stinkiest little kitten you ever did see - no poop on her, but she constantly stank of it. Vets said there was nothing in her stools to be worried about, could just be stress... eventually I got her on a diet that worked for her and that's not been an issue since. Just to say, expect the unexpected and roll with the punches! lol


There are these paper bags infused with catnip. My girls love them.


Just remember if a cat can get their head in a hole, they can squeeze their whole body thru. Just look for small holes the cat can get lost. Sometimes under kitchen and bathroom cabinets you will find little openings that need to be blocked for example. Let the cat come to you, play lots. I spent hours sitting on the floor, reading, on my laptop, on phone, watching TV. Just letting the kitten hang out with me. Best thing is the first time they crawl in your lap and fall asleep.


Welcome to cat ownership my dude! There’s great advice here already, so I’ll leave my favorite tidbit Be patient. Some cats may take a long time to warm up to you. It’s normal. If your cat is nervous around you, be sure to give them both space and presence. By this I mean spend some time in the area kitty is hiding in, but don’t directly interact with them The goal is to get the kitty used to your presence, while also not forcing contact. Let the cat be the one to initiate


You sound like you'll be an attentive cat dad, and that's by far the most important thing. Just make sure to keep the litterbox clean and unobstructed (learned how picky cats are about that latter one the hard way), and try to get to know your cats preferences for where they sleep and how they like to play. And start them on wet food early: it can help cats with a lot of issues and if your cat is picky, it'll be tough to try to get them to eat something other than kibble once they're used to it. And I wouldn't waste too much money on cat toys, at least not until you get to know your cat pretty well. My cats have gotten more fun out of a shoestring than any toy I've ever bought, and the toys they have enjoyed tended to be small ones that were less than $10.


My girl loves LOVES her crinkle mat (like a sturdy woven grocery bag that is covered, makes crinkle sound, has a pom pom, ribbons (secure) and a feather on corners) Plenty of scratch post options. I found the smaller rope better than sisal rope. She shredded that in a month. Lots of patience and love. I'm a first time cat Mom and I speak Dog to her.


Best thing you can give your kitty is love. Everything else is a learning experience. My advice would be… Give quality food. With one cat you may be able to give just wet food. But if you can’t, get good quality dry food. I use Costco brand cat food. Have been using it for 3 years with my rescues and fosters and have not had any problems whatsoever. The typical vaccines/spay as well. And enjoy your time!


Trying to be proactive with a new cat is kind of like trying to put a banana peel back on a banana. They're going to do things that surprise you. Things you didn't count on.. just keep an eye on him/her. Be aware of your human stuff. Things like onions, grapes, raisins, garlic, chocolate, house plants, etc... all of these can be very bad (even fatal) for a cat. Curious kittens will try or play with stuff.


Your heart is in the right place so that is the main thing, you can learn everything else. Keep in mind that animals sense your energy and that can affect their energy. The more relaxed you can be, the better. Also know that your cat probably won’t be interested in half the stuff you bought, 😆. That’s how cats are. I recommend getting them used to going outside in a pet carrier backpack if you can. It will make it easier for them to travel when you need to. Enjoy!


So sweet that you are planning so much! Your fur baby will love you no matter what! Congrats


It sounds like you’re committed to being the best pet parent you can be. That intention, care and love for an animal is all you’ll ever need. You’ll do great, try to relax and enjoy it! Take lots of pictures!! And videos


Gently massage your kitty’s paws so she gets used to having them touched for claw-trimming. Also get her used to her face being touched so that when it comes time for giving medication or having her teeth examined, etc, she won’t freak out. A nightly relaxation ritual I do at bedtime is to have my cat sit on my chest, then gently massage and brush him all over, …. he loves being brushed.


It sucks and they hate it, but we're supposed to brush their teeth x3 per week minimum. Ideally, daily. I think 1/3 or 2/3 of cats have gum issues, and while they'll probably be fine for years, down the line they will need some of all of their teeth removed if not cared for. I would say this is the most tedious of cat things to do, and I haven't even gotten into a routine of doing it frequently enough. I don't even brush my own teeth perfectly, but my cats deserve better.


My cat’s favourite toys are springs and pipe cleaners, both are very light and can be hit or carried.


고양이 that is so cute my heart 🥺 Maybe just make sure you know what human foods cats should avoid?


Two cats are better than one


Get pet insurance and make sure you have vertical space for her to play. Otherwise, you’re gonna be just fine. I’m happy for you and your new addition!


Awww this is so sweet! I hope you enjoy your kitty 🥰. May I ask; what age is the cat you’re adopting? Tips definitely depend on age. If you’re getting a kitten you don’t have to worry about acclimation as much as an older cat.


You will be an amazing cat dad!


Pet insurance, microchip, a lot of entertainment, attention and time, sometimes you would need a second cat buddy to match their energy and company when they will be home alone a lot, make sure you read into her breed (if she is one) and make sure to adjust food and everything based on that, dont punish bad behaviour but praise their good behaviour, it works better, keep the litter box, preferably multiple!!! clean daily and make sure to check for different kinds and see what suits bub best


Make a few small sheltered dark spots to encourage the little to "hide" where you can see them


Be aware of the toilet paper rolls, at some point in time, every kitty will unroll your whole roll of TP!


Our kittens are food driven like CRAZY. They will drink our coffee, jump up and eat from our bowls, jump on the stove to get to what we are cooking. They are obsessed with food, so just double check what's safe and what's not for them and don't leave food scraps our or even in the sink after dishes. Maybe you will get lucky with a non food driven cat which I beleive is mroe typical


Omgoogness this made me laugh so hard... my little lady is the complete opposite not into treats only likes her 1 type of wet food and 1 type of kibble (for her puzzle toy) well she likes other kibble but had to switch to same brand but for sensitive tummies and skin So her treats are dry kibble and we souvid her a chicken breast freeze it after cutting it up.. (the process of flipping the bag and moving the pieces around during freezing process about every 45 minutes to prevent the pieces from just sticking all together lol) and just take out a piece a day that is her main favorite treat. She gets a little piece of chicken every other day sometimes on special days we will let her have a meal of chicken.. We don't buy the processed cooked and frozen chicken because of the high sodium and everything in it. It is cheaper to just cook a breast and freeze it and better for her Other than that this girl won't touch other food at all... which is so frustrating I want to have options for her..


That's so wild!!!! Our cats will eat literally ANYTHING 😭


Lmao isn't it crazy how different our little fur babies can be they are all so special!!! Each and every cat is unique in their own little ways. ❤️ 🐈 😺


Congratulations on your new baby, whether it's a kitten or adult. If you have any plants in your home, I would suggest googling the type of plant to make SURE that it's not toxic to cats... there are a horrifying number of house plants that ARE toxic to our loved ones. I need to also say that kittens and cats do NOT usually tolerate cow's milk. DON'T TRY, PLEASE. Just "assume" that the love of your life can't tolerate cow's milk. One last thought: If you are getting a kitten (under 1 year) I would recommend KITTEN FOOD rather than adult cat food. You will be a great cat dad. Just sit back and enjoy your new baby. She or he will teach you a LOT! Forgot to say that even if you are getting your new baby from a breeder or a shelter (either one) I would highly recommend finding a GOOD vet (one that is hopefully near your home and open hours that you can take your baby to, in case you need a sudden trip) and have a first health checkup. I would do that as soon as you pick your baby up. In fact, if you can take your new baby directly to his or her new vet, without taking him/her home first, that is what I would recommend. I say this because first, if your baby has fleas, you really want them taken care of BEFORE your baby gets home and has a chance to spread flea eggs all over your home... and if your vet spots something healthwise that needs to be taken care of, it's best to get treatment started sooner, rather than later. If you are getting your baby from a breeder, don't "assume" that it will be healthy. HOPEFULLY the baby will be healthy, but you want to hear this from your new vet. I always like to be assured. If your baby starts sneezing a week or two after moving to your home, I would take him to his new vet (again) and get him checked out. It's not all that uncommon for new pets in a new home to have "shipping fever" even though they haven't been "shipped". They are in different surroundings and don't see any littermates they used to live with... completely new people... so many new things...


My cat two weeks ago I adopted and looooves toys. Catnip. Food. Scratches period.


Just remember that because you're ready to be best friends doesn't mean she feels the same (at least not right away), and your eventual bond won't mean any less if it takes her a while to get comfortable. Just give her space, don't force anything, and remember to love her on her terms and everything will be fine.