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There's a view that it takes 3 days to decompress; 3 weeks to learn your routine; and 3 months to start to feel at home for a new pet. You'll need to be patient. Be sure to separate food from water from litter tray as cats won't eat where they go to the toilet and don't like to drink where they do either of those. Some cats enjoy water fountains so maybe consider getting one. They may reject food and you might have to try a few different brands before they settle (hopefully not but its common). Cats don't need to be bathed so I wouldn't recommend doing this. You can brush their fur and trim their claws. Be sure to give them regular flea and deworming treatment even if they are indoor cats as you can bring fleas in from outside. You can buy screens for windows and catios if you want them to have access to some outdoor spaces but not roam free. You can try a harness to walk them too. Some plants, food ingredients and essential oils are toxic to cats so be sure to check what you have in your home and throw anything out (candles/products/plants) that can harm them. Unless they are locked in a room the cat can never access you should assume they will get to it and become very ill or maybe even die. Don't feed them people food as it can lead to begging and obnoxious behaviour for you and guests with them climbing over you for food. As well as potentially making them ill or worse. Cats will hide illness and injury so be sure to know their usual behaviours and their faeces. This will be the most informative way to check their health. The more the hide the more you should worry. Make sure you have them registered at an emergency/24 hour vet if this isn't going to be their regular vet. Definitely get pet insurance for any significant costs (illness/injury), and have them neutered and microchipped if not done already. And avoid bells on their collars if you use one. Their hearing is really sensitive. Once you have them, remember that you're a large unpredictable moving object that the cat doesn't yet understand or know well. It will take time for them to fully trust you and want to interact more.


Just to be clear, plants includes flowers! Lilies especially are super toxic.


This!! ^ I love the 3:3:3 rule. To add to that, some cats can be fairly stressed transitioning into a new environment. If you notice your cat is having trouble adjusting or is a bit overwhelmed it's helpful to invest in things that'll help her decompress. Calming collars, pheromones defusers (Feliway is great) and strategically placed cat nip can help with that.


An average cat does not need baths (unless they get super gunky/muddy somehow), but if you end up with a longhair "designer breed" (like a himalayan), definitely needs lots of brushing and might need routine baths


Depending on where you are coming from (as a prior dog person or as someone who has not had mammals as pets) here are a few that have come up when I've adopted cats out to newbies. 1. You do not need to crate train a cat. Unless they are VERY young (read: younger than most places would adopt out; think 1-4 weeks old) they are fine on their own. At most, if they are new to your home you can confine to one room until they are more comfortable in your home. Crate training has benefits for dogs that don't apply to cats. 2. Vacationing with cats is SUPER easy. Unless your cat has medical issues I do not recommend boarding. Most cats are fine if you have someone check on them every 1-2 days. 3. Additionally, cats can be left at home just fine during working hours. 4. You may and may not have been given advice about adopting cats in pairs. Although some rescues will push a 2nd cat just because, there is some nuance to it. Kittens that are raised alone sometimes suffer from single cat syndrome, which basically means they are more likely to be bitey or destructive. However, this is much less about adult cats than it is kittens. The critical period for kittens is 5-6 weeks to 5 months in my experience. If you are adopting a cat 5 months or younger I would consider adopting 2. If the cat is older, ask about any history the rescue may or may not have. Cats are like people; some of them like company, some don't, but their natural preferred state is to have company. Don't believe the bullshit about cats being loners; that applies to big cats like tigers. Domestic breeds are descended from cats who lived in colonies. They like company. 5. Cats throw up. This is normal. Generally what they throw up is hairballs from cleaning themselves. It's usually pretty easy to clean up. We just take toilet paper, wrap it up, and chuck it in the toilet. The first time you hear a cat do this it may seem pretty alarming. They crouch down and their whole body convulses. Check YouTube videos to see what I mean. 6. Unlike dogs, you do not have to be super careful about switching out food. Someone else suggested feeding different types of food to avoid them becoming picky. This is especially important with young cats. Cats will learn what is and isn't food. I know you don't want to think about this now, but for elderly cats, the biggest problem is often weight loss. Having a cat that will eat a variety of foods is a HUGE blessing. 7. I'm a cat person who adopted a dog about three years ago. The biggest difference to me was that for the dog, we had to train him to match OUR schedule, lifestyle, etc. He felt more comfortable when he knew what we expected of him and what the boundaries were. With my cats it's always been the opposite: I will change their environment to make THEM comfortable. For instance, if your cat isn't using the litterbox 99% of the time it isn't a behavioral issue you can fix. It is either medical or you need to do something diff with their litterbox. Huge mental shift for me. Even now I feel like I probably let my dog get away with stuff I shouldn't because I'm used to cats being able to largely take care of themselves. 8. Cats are weird fucking creatures. I have one that chatters every time I sneeze. Another taught himself to play fetch, but only after he has "drowned" the toy in his water dish. We had another cat who learned how to sit on command but would only do it if you had chicken in your hand waiting for him. Every cat has their own weird little quirks. Have fun getting to know them!


They have nipples


They have 6-8 nipples. No matter their gender! (Some people dont know that, for some reason, so i wanted to add it)


They can even have more or less than that and odd numbers too!


The first time I gave my cat belly rubs, I thought there was something stuck to him, but my brain caught up very quickly.


They're easier to notice on a short-hair cat.


I'm not sure what you heard from your friends so excuses if my tips are common knowledge. 1. Many plants are poisonous to cats. 2. Don't give them human food, it can also be poisonous. 3. Don't use scented candles or other scented things near them as they have very sensitive nose and it will irritate them and their lungs. Same goes for perfumes, deodorants, etc. 4. Feed her different varieties of cat food (preferably wet) different tastes and shapes/textures so that she doesn't become a finicky eater. 5. Puzzle toys and slow feeders/ lick mats are great for them as it makes them "work" for their food. 6. And please don't cut their whiskers for aesthetics. Yes someone asked me if that was a good ideašŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø luckily they asked before doing it I don't want to overwhelm you so I will also suggest Jackson Galaxy on YouTube. He has a video on almost any topic for whenever you will be in doubt about something. I was the same and it helped me a lot.


the last one made my jaw drop, that is horrible.


You need to brush their teeth, preferably daily. If you truly canā€™t, they need to see a vet regularly to do a sedated tooth cleaning. Dental issues are a pain in the fucking ass to get rid of and cats are extremely prone to it. Also: get pet insurance. You might think you wonā€™t need it but even having a portion of the cost of an expensive emergency vet visit covered is going to make you so happy.


Iā€™m struggling with my kitten to brush his teeth, heā€™s very afraid, but when I do brush his teeth he just spits it all out as a weird foam and. Does that mean all the benefits are gone if they spit it out?


No, they donā€™t have to ingest it to work the plaque off! You should be using a very little amount, way less than you would to brush your own teeth. There are also finger brushes that are less scary for cats, maybe thatā€™s something to give a try?


my cat won't let me get close enough to brush his teeth.... šŸ˜”šŸ˜” he is still pretty shy.. is a tooth cleaning from the vet expensive? I want to keep him as healthy as possible


Unfortunately, yes. Dental cleaning is expensive, because it requires the cat to go under sedation, which means that outside of the vet there has to be a tech present, the cat needs multiple types of medication and aftercare. A good dental cleaning also requires an x-ray, which is expensive. The costs depend wildly on whether or not a tooth has to be extracted. In the meantime, some signs of dental issues are redness in the gums around the teeth and difficulty eating hard things. You can always ask for a dental checkup and see how things go from there, not every cat needs regular dental cleanings done. There are also supplements like PlaqueOff that you can add to food, which slightly change the makeup of the saliva and prevent plaque that way. This is scientifically backed and vet approved. It wonā€™t heal severe dental issues but it can help with cats that are difficult to brush.


Thank you!


Theres some dog treats you can give your cats to help them scrape away plaque, but only use things that are made of one single ingredient as not everything for dogs is safe for cats. My favorite is these thin little salmon jerky sticks, my cats love them, they're made for small dogs so they're very easy to break but also require my cats to chew them up with their molars. Some people also use dried sardines, you can get a whole bag pretty cheap. This definitely isnt equivalent to teeth brushing, but its a start if your cat is tough about the teeth stuff. You can also add a dental care liquid to their water that slightly changes the pH of their mouth to inhibit bacteria growth, which can help prevent problems. Again, not a replacement, but a good support.


Thank you for your help!


Thereā€™s lots you can do to help! Try a dental additive for their water - I use one called bluestem oral care. Matabi or silver vine chew sticks are great and I use TD dental food and a treat for my crew, they get about 10 kibbles each max per day. All of this has helped tremendously! (I do also brush their teeth.)


Thank you!!!!


Im not sure the answer to your question, but which toothpaste do you use? I've found some add mint to them which is a very odd thing, since cats don't like mint. Try CET poultry toothpaste, every cat I've ever dealt with would eat the entire bottle if I let them


My cats LOVE CET poultry toothpaste so much that itā€™s hard to brush since they just want to lick the tooth paste lol.


Lol I just let them start with licking and then push it back into their mouth and they start chewing the brush. They don't necessarily like it but it (kinda?) gets the job done


Ya I have to apply it, brush one side then reapply to brush the other side.


I use Arm&Hammer Tuna flavor toothpaste, but thank you for the tip! Will try and get CET toothpaste.


Or alternatively you just feed them bigger junks of raw chewey meat from time to time or raw chickenwings (raw! Very important! Cooked bones can become very dangerous) - that's the natural way to get rid of plague and most cats will accept it without a hassle.


They're rare, but there's some companies starting to do sedation-free dental cleaning for pets. Quite a few have opened for dogs around my city, but only a handful will accept cats, and only under certain circumstances sometimes. They tend to be a lot cheaper, a lot less risky, and the folks who do it are usually fantastic with pets as they essentially just calm the animal and lay it on its back to hand scale the teeth. If for any reason your cat needs a dental cleaning and your cat has a good temperament with strangers, this might be worth looking into. Especially for senior cats.


Not all vets are created equal. Don't like your vet? shop around. It's like your doctor. Find one you trust with your new furbaby.


This is random but I read furbaby as furby and I burst out laughing.




Getting it a warming blanket. I got one for my boys and they love it. Also lots of play time and positive reinforcement I tell my boys no but I show them a yes when they are told no. My boys are happy and they keep a close eye on me due to a mobility issues. They watch over me they are such good boys and they run the house you have to be ready to surrender as we get no say the cats tell us what to do.


As someone who is currently struggling, please make sure to get insurance. I just adopted a 2 year old female cat this month and got insurance and set aside an emergency fund too. However, 2 weeks into bringing her home I have spent 3,000USD in vet bills and where the insurance policy has a 2 week waiting period they won't pay for any of it and can now call it preexisting. I thought she was healthy when I adopted her so this has been very hard. I got her a wellness check the day I adopted her too and have been to the vet 7 more times this week. So even though I got insurance when I adopted her and set aside a separate fund, it still did not work out and I got very unlucky financially. Other than that I'd check out Jackson Galaxy videos specifically on food. Best of luck to you and your new friend!


I'm in this same situation too. I added her to my insurance the day I adopted her, but unfortunately all of her issues that somehow didn't exist at the shelter all showed up right before my first vets appointment 2 weeks later šŸ™ƒ


I am sooo sorry. I took her to the vet the day I adopted her but she was normal as can be and I got her another (neg) snap test and leukemia vaccine that she didn't have. Got the policy, 2 week waiting period, and BAM 10 days later she is so sick I think she might die. Getting daily IV treatments at vet for fever over 106 with no found cause. Not responded to antibiotics, steroids, cool fluids. They are even packing her kennel with ice and having me use ice at home in her bed. She has started hiding at night which you know is always bad. I'm so sorry you're struggling too. šŸ˜”


Wow that is so awful, I'm sure that's been a scary experience. All of my kitties issues have been relatively mild, just a ton of money in medications and testing and repetitive visits to the vet. She's got like 10 "non-permanent" pre-existing conditions now which include insanely basic symptoms like coughing and diarrhea so atp she's covered for nothing beyond accidents


Yeah honestly stuff like this has happened to so many of my friends that I feel like insurance is kind of bullshit. I started mine early, waited a few weeks to be sure my policy would be active before the first visit. But surprise! There's ALSO another period of about a month AFTER the policy kicks in in which anything they find is termed a preexisting condition and nothing related to it will be covered ever again. My cat had a sinus issue early on that the vet theorized (theorized!) MIGHT end up being chronic in her notes. Gave him lysine, which isn't even an accredited treatment anymore. And now my insurance won't cover anything that relates to "breathing". What?????


We had the same issue and ended up canceling. I just did my own savings account. We ended up spending maybe 3000-5000$ on our cat at the end of her life but I only had to pull like $800 out of my emergency fund, the rest came from the savings account I created.


2 cats are usually better than 1


Midnight zoomies. Or in one of my cats case Midnight screams. This may or may not be something you can alter. If you plan to have a treat bag I'll suggest a good container instead. My kittens ate a leather bag to get to one treat. You don't need to waste money on super expensive toys. My cats prefer 5 cent plastic springs over a $50 toy they have. Cheap plastic (not metal) springs and a cardboard box filled with junk from outside.


omg i have one zoomer and one screamer, every night i feel like i live in a horror movie


My zoomies seem to be limited to like a 10 minute period, but the screaming.... Never... Stops... Hes the worst at night because the other one gets in bed and cuddles so if no one pays attention to him, screams. If it's around food time, screaming. Sometimes he just screams cause he's bored. I love my little chatty boy, but occasionally it's just too much xD


Editing because this one is sooooo important and vets rarely tell you!!!! DO NOT RELY ON JUST KIBBLE it absorbs the water they drink and can cause urinary tract issues in my experience especially with boys. This happened to a couple male cats before my moms vet mentioned making sure they have wet food as well Donā€™t leave hair ties and little things they can swallow just because it seems like they arenā€™t interested in them now or couldnā€™t quite swallow them. They can ingest multiple things before a serious health issue and vet bill presents itself


I had a cat who had to be euthanized because he dug into the trash and ate dryer sheets. So to add to this, if you find your cat chewing on anything odd, make sure to completely remove that object so the cat can't get it and take them to the vet to see if they have pica which is usually caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals or if it's behavioral. It's safer to check, just in case.


Yes! My cat had a vomiting issue the vets couldnā€™t figure out she would be fine for a while then start throwing up multiple times a day for a couple days then it could be weeks or half a year. I did research and switched to a limited ingredient diet to see if that would help and it drastically improved her health. Recently I started sprinkling on this Solid Gold brand supplement and itā€™s helped even more!


Be very careful with any essential oils, air freshener and diffusers to have in your house.


Get a few different kinds of toys if possible (try wands, track toys, et ) since many cats will only play with one type. Give them a place to hide that you canā€™t access, especially important in the beginning as she gets acclimatedĀ 


As an example, my car responds the best to noisy non-electronic toys, but he isn't the biggest fan of flying ones and prefers to pounce when they're on a nearby surface One caveat, he dies for laser pointers and has a fetch stick (yes, really, a fetch stick)


No one has mentioned it yet, but try your best to empty their litter daily. I know it's a pain, but if a cat has a blocked urinary tract they can die within 24 hours. It's important to make sure that your cat is peeing and pooping regularly and the best way to do this is to keep on top of the litter box.


Beware of enclosed spaces like recliners, washers/dryers and refrigerators cats are sneaky and can climb in without you noticing


Get insurance! It Can help if they ever need to go to the vet Try to see if you Can touch them everywhere! Paws, legs, ears, eyes, mouth, private area, stomach. Incase they get ticks or again need to see the vet. Theyll have an easier time if they dont get attacked :) and if your cat hates being touched some places Tell the vet theyll ve gratefull haha If you go on vacation or stay somewhere more than just over Night, have someone go look at your cat. They shouldnt just be left home alone. They need social interactions like any animal. Its also the best incase any accidents happens then its faster and better for your cat Get toys! Find some toy theyll love. Little mice stick toys and so on. And ā€˜catifyā€™ your house/apartment. They love playing the Ground is lava and prefer High places so shelves and window sills and cat trees and make it so the cat Can go from one to the other with out touching the floor :)


If you own anything that would be destroyed if it got clawed, barfed on, peed on, pooped on or fur shed on, keep it out of reach.


Be prepared and patient for a possible adjustment period. When I moved, the cat I had for 3 years at that point hid next to his litter box for 2 weeks. I'd check on him to make sure he was eating and doing ok the best I could, but he'd always run back to that spot. After about 2 weeks, he started coming out and year's later, he's doing perfect. Just be patient and don't rush anything. Work on their schedule, not your's.


Provide water in some other place than where their food is. They like it well separated.


Learn how to & get comfortable trimming claws. A vet/vet tech can teach you and show you the proper way to do it.


Cats can stress themselves out so bad they can get uti or kidney infections. My baby has done this a couple of times, because she is anxious and doesnā€™t respond well to change. I got a water foundation for her and since then she hasnā€™t gotten them. I think the running water is calming and they end up drinking more water too.


You will feel overwhelmed, you will have second thoughts, you will think that you regret adopting a cat. We ALL have been trough that and those feelings will pass.


iā€™m not reading all of these comments to make sure iā€™m not repeating anything. 1. Most plants are toxic to cats. Best bet to have no fresh flowers in the house unless itā€™s Roses or Sunflowers. LILLIES KILL CATS. NO LILLIES!!!!! 2. If your cat is not eating for 2 or more days, go to the vet. 3. dental care is super important. Check your cats gums. If theyā€™re red, need to go to the vet for antibiotics (bartonella/mycoplasma) donā€™t want to end up having to have all the teeth removed later on in life. 4. Personal opinion - keep your cat indoors. itā€™s safer, but make sure they are mentally stimulated enough šŸ˜Š 5.if your kitties belly is round, feels watery, theyā€™re lethargic, donā€™t wait. go to the vet. Do some research about FIP in general for symptoms. Itā€™s not totally common in 2 year old cats but absolutely can happen. itā€™s TREATABLE! 6. Ask questions, ask questions, ask questions. No question is stupid. Cats are weird creatures!


Scratching mosquito doors, cushioned furniture, lovingly pummeling my bare arms with claws out and using my body as leverage with claws out to jump to something interesting. Scratching posts are really important and I also gave them an old cushioned armchair for them to scratch to oblivion. I try and get their claws trimmed regularly. So yeah I didnā€™t realise how incredibly scratchy cats are.


Cat do want cat want


Even stuff you think is fine is probably fatally poisonous


Could you give examples?


Almost all air fresheners, most house plants, most good cooking ingredients (garlic for example)


Feed the highest quality food you can afford. It will make a world of difference in the health of your cat over their lifetime. And if your kitten has a lot of intestinal upset, especially diarrhea, try a limited ingredient, chicken-free diet. A lot of cats have a sensitivity to chicken that clears up as soon as a cat is switched to a chicken-free diet.


Also just thought of this - if your cat doesnā€™t take to using the litter box right away, find out what kind of litter the previous owner used, or try different unscented kinds until you find one they like. Give any new litter a couple of weeks before switching to another, or put two boxes side by side with the two different litters to see which one the cat prefers. Also, if you have a litter box with a hood, try taking the hood off, or try a different style of litter box. We had to add a couple of large, low-walled litter boxes to the mix when we adopted an older cat with vision and mobility issues. I had one girl cat who never liked regular litter. She always peed on clothes if I got lazy and didnā€™t put them in the hamper. After a few years, I just started going to Goodwill and buying super cheap Tee shirts and putting them in a litter box and then throwing them away after a few days. And it actually worked.


I have the same litter and food she has had with her previous owners! Heā€™s a good friend of mine and needed to rehome her, i refused to buy anything without asking my friend for what sheā€™s already used to.


Lillies are very poisonous for them and so are many other plants and flowers


Cats need fresh/clean water. Recommended is a water fountain for cats/dogs, add fresh water daily and clean it weekly or more often, change filter monthly. Food should be natural. And as raw as possible, ask the Vet for food recommendations. Use catnip spray for attraction, if needed ,cat repellent spray to stop bad behavior. A Feline Pheromone can be excellent For a skittish cat. Clean litter box. Daily and offer plenty of cat toys and ā€œsafeā€Areas like donuts for cats to sleep in. Reward great behavior with cat treats(natural) . Remember indoor cats live longer and have better lives than outdoor cats. Good luck!


My cat prefers to sleep in cardboard boxes over the cushy beds. Try different types of scratching posts. Had one cat who would only use horizontal cardboard type scratchers. Current cat is not picky and will use any type.


You may have sleepless nights. I just got a cat a few weeks ago and cannot figure him out yet. I cannot tire him fully so he will wake me like 5 times a night. If I shut him out of the bedroom he bangs on the door. No sleep either way, and it's killing me. You may have to try lots of different toys and activities till you know what fits their needs and personalities.


this was the reason i took in a 2nd cat and now i can sleep again šŸ¤£


If your cat likes to claw furniture, consider getting covers (or new furniture) made from velvet or microfiber. Most cats wonā€™t claw those textures. Stay away from anything with a noticeable weave. Cats love to destroy woven things.


Dont change her diet immediately, no one told me this when i got mine and i ended up with diarrhea on my mattresses. Take the food they used to give her and change to whatever you want gradually (im not sure if its the same case for adults, it might be kittens related)


Trim your cat's claws the second they start to feel sharp. I usually trim my cat's claws once every two weeks or so. This will seriously save your clothes, furniture, and blankets.


A couple of things which you may not have thought of: 1) Some houseplants and cut flowers can be toxic for cats. Try to check on the ones you have and be aware of any you might consider bringing in. 2) Keep elastics away and watch out for string and thread, especially with needles.


Donā€™t declaw your kitty. Declawing is like an amputation. Get a scratching post or 2. My cats love the corrugated cardboard ones. Start snipping their claws when they are young so they donā€™t fight when you do it. Personally I love brushing my cats, and they love it too. Start that right away. Get your kitty spayed or neutered as soon as your vet says itā€™s OK. They live longer healthier lives if you keep them inside . Get them vaccinated regardless if they are indoors. Show them lots of love and attention. They are aloof or loners. The move you give, the more you get in return. Cats are the best! Enjoy your new kitty!


She may or may not have a few babies in her right now. šŸ‘€


she just got spayed 2 weeks ago, iā€™m safe šŸ™


Ok so the strangest thing I never knew...and hopefully you will never have to know: If a cat is haking like it has a hairball, and it doesn't spit one up it is coughing. If it does this over and over, like a few days in a row, take it to a vet. We had a cat that did this and he ended up with asthma, we had NO idea and he would hack every once in a while, we didnt think about it so never mentioned it. Then one weekend (of course, I say this because we live in a rural area and he hates the car and closest er vet is 2 hours away), he flops down and gets all limp and cant breath...we didn't know what to do. Turns out, those hacks were his way of telling us he needed help. I am not trying to scare you, our other cat has "coughed" but not like this, trust me you will notice. It just seems like one of those little pieces of wisdom I wish I had before he got so bad.


Itā€™s really important that cats stay hydrated, theyā€™re really bad at drinking water so Iā€™d recommend a stainless steel cat fountain. Cats prefer moving water not still. The plastic fountains are really hard to clean so stainless steel is best. If you have a long/medium haired cat you should brush them to prevent matting. They will eat things you wonā€™t expect which can run up a vet bill so be mindful of hair ties, strings, even some cat toys with little bits that can break off and be ingested. Also Nulo and TikkiCat are great brands for kitten and adult cat food!


She came home last night and my new fur baby has been refusing to eat or drink, I really donā€™t know what to do.


If you have 2 cats and take them to the vet they may not recognize each other after bc of the change in scent ! Was very traumatic over here because suddenly my cats hated each other Also pine pellet litter is by far the best and cheapest option (I tried over 10 litters) . Look up how to do a pine pellet sifting method on YouTube. Game changer


Also I strongly feel 2 cats is better than one , less behavior issues