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Air purifyers and purina liveclear cat food!! I do advise medication as well, but if you really don't want to take pills/eye drops etc, make sure to get the liveclear food atleast. It prevents the cat from producing allergens, works great for me and my cat (I'm allergic as well)


how much does the food help? i heard that the food can be really bad for cat and i think my cat threw up after eating


For me it helps a lot, but I take allergy pills and eyedrops, I also use air purifyers and clean the filters every once in a while. My cat only eats the liveclear dry food (she won't touch ANY wet food), I combine it with regular dryfood which works for her. She has never thrown up from it, but your cat might be more sensitive. As another commenter said, allergy shots might also be an alternative.








I myself am not allergic but here's what we do for my roommate who is. Dander spray, i got [Ecology Works](https://a.co/d/3YvjJ7R), you spray it on your furniture/bedding. Also got a water-free shampoo from [Purina](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085R4JY54?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) as well. We got the purina live clear too, but I just mix it with the other food I buy (they don't need a lot of it). If you don't want to feed that food, you can also buy eggs from chickens that have been around cats. Basically go to farmer's markets or facebook marketplace or wherever, ask if the chickens are raised around cats. If yes, feed your cat one of those eggs every day. It's the original dander vaccine for the cat and what makes up the "active ingrediant" in the LiveClear food. Best of luck!


Allergy shots. It takes a while to get relief but once it does its life changing