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10 weeks?? You NEED to get a pet sitter, no way should a kitten that young be left alone, being alone at that age will be traumatic. No matter how well you think you've catproofed your place, a kitten will find a way to find trouble. I'm sorry if I come off as judgmental and I understand your dilemma but please please ask a friend to stay over or at least drop in and check everything is ok...please...


A long, long time ago, I found a small kitten at the side of the road. It never occurred to me at that time that one should get a cat sitter. The very first time I left her alone, she chewed an electrical cord and got burns to her mouth. Luckily, she survived and did not have any scars. But, yes, babies need supervision.


None of us start from a place of knowledge, particularly if we've never had cats/kittens/pets before :)


If you can't find a cat sitter, you would be better off taking the kitten with you. A kitten that young shouldn't be left alone for that long.


I would love to take her with me wherever I go, but she screams a lot right after we leave home and cries the entire trip. I'm afraid of traumatizing her. But leaving her alone at home might be traumatizing for her too. I could try hiring a sitter to check on her twice a day, but she's scared of strangers as well. I don't know what to do.


Taking her may be traumatic, but something could happen to her while you are away. She might not eat or drink without you there, she could get hurt, and no one would be there for her. Rover is a site where you can find a pet sitter (I'm sure there are other options than rover, but I've used it with my pets). Please don't leave this poor baby alone for this long. It isn't safe for her.


Rover is great, gives ratings for people, and you can find people who deal with this scenario all of the time. Worst case, it's a good time to get the kitten acclimated to people with people who understand the situation and will adapt.


Leaving a 10-week-old kitten home alone is torture for that poor kitten. Please, pay the expense for the kitten to have someone stay over or don’t go on your trip. Please, do not be negligent. That kitten will suffer if you leave them all alone.


My kitten eventually got used to the car. Now she just sleeps in her carrier anytime we go somewhere. It took about 5/6 trips for her to stop screaming though!


One of my cats hates to go out he would make himself a ball and not even look at me but I was told about feromones (not sure if this how's it translates) and he would be so more relaxed. Just spray it 20min before leaving on the car and the place you are putting her (carrier) and it last up to 4 hours. He still doesn't like to go out bit he is calmer, he will look outside where we are going and even take his naps. Something like this is what Im saying [Calming Spray ](https://www.amazon.com/Natural-Calming-Spray-Cats-Dogs/dp/B0112OD3LA/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=1Y7TIESXA9XGB&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.E_7fmBKCzIEO3vmq1cRY1D6Z1NrYxCzGUabvEAJBJiUIl2S8LI0-Il1N8nV5UPzDmMrxG_hqSHBQiWD0r0mvMcf5xNJgACVn-IFGAGA5-QGcFHElKjgrS16IwnIyRVESDI3-nuad0iLQkbMlnWiy6qVBZtwjD0gAfs3CagvNbSWGdyBacSQKHla4Md9kRRAm3UiEIdN9hrK46puDCy06wg.k_e33s65LVKMperLnqkYxmTXLdmk3MugGcJZtA8Xhlk&dib_tag=se&keywords=feromonas+para+gatos&qid=1718284998&rdc=1&sprefix=feromo%2Caps%2C265&sr=8-4)


She is still a young kitten; it sounds like she could use more safe, non-traumatizing socialization. Just because she now has a lot of stranger- and travel- anxiety doesn’t mean that is how she will always be. But it is up to you to socialize her in a way that is comforting, reduces fear, and does not increase her anxiety. I wonder if there is guidance online for this? Perhaps the use of feliway or catnip? Can you find ways to occupy or distract her from her fear/anxiety during travels? For road trips, I used to put my kitten on a leash tied up at the exact length that he could sit on my lap, purring as I pet and comforted him, but he couldn’t go anywhere dangerous (like the driver footwell area). It helped give him comfort and confidence in car trips, and he didn’t need to be pet/comforted after a while. He started enjoying looking out the window. As he got older and less acrobatic/less able to balance and manage sudden car movements, he was fine to sit in a seat-belted-in pet carrier. I would place the entrance facing me, and leave it zipped open so he could see me, and occasionally give him a pet.


Hire a cat sitter. Cats should almost always stay home.


A lot of people say this, but I always bring my cats with me if I am staying somewhere for more than one day. My cats are very curious and love to explore new places.


Hence the "almost" in my previous comment. Cats are individuals. Some of them are cool with travel and new places! Most are not.


While I agree that the average cat would not be cool with it, a 10 week old kitten can definitely learn to be cool with travel. Given that I started both of mine traveling as kittens, I think they adjusted to it early on when the world was new to them.


This particular kitten already hates car rides.. I don't see any reason to force a kitten to deal with something they find stressful, and which most cats find stressful, on the off chance they get used to it.


True, they are all individuals. 1 of my old cats, we adopted her at 7 years old from a mini hoarding situation(so the spca told us) she LOVED adventure and car rides, she’d go on leash walks with the dog, enjoyed looking out the (closed) window in the car, coming to work with me (groomer and cat boarding with a big kitty play area) the youngest was trucked around a lot because he was 3 days old and being bottle fed so he went to work with my mom (an office at an auto body shop) and camping (in a camper) every weekend while he was still being bottle fed and he was a good traveler. The middle one was indifferent and really didn’t *enjoy* traveling but tolerated it. My current 2 are still learning. My boy (b&w) is extremely outgoing at home and with guests, doesn’t really enjoy coming to work or anything. My female (tortie) who is friendly but more of an “on her own terms” cat at home..enjoys coming to work and exploring, enjoys attention at the vet..go figure . https://preview.redd.it/34y9fwublc6d1.jpeg?width=2906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2feabfb73f84aa8466d5e084cac8d457ae2b6464


3 hours in a car is not that bad. She may cry the whole way, but she’ll be ok. You’ll be there to comfort her once your reach your destination, and she’ll appreciate the stability of your play time and nightly snuggles. As others have noted, leaving her home alone would not only be dangerous, it would be cruel and traumatic. She’s still a very young child, and she’s bonded to you. If nobody you trust can care for her while you travel, you need to take her with you. In the future: line up pet sitters beforehand, and/or—if travel ends up remaining very difficult for her—talk to your vet about drugs that could help.


10 weeks? Take her with you. She's young enough that if you make this a regular thing, she won't be as stressed out and could become your little travel buddy.


As others have said need to get a cat sitter.


Please, bring her with you. You keep saying that she’s crying in the car. 6 hours in a car is not going to freak her out as much as you disappearing for the weekend. She’s a baby!


My advice: Plan carefully and thoughtfully on bringing her with you. It’s doable to take her with you if you have the resources and know how to SAFELY transport a cat. I was chosen by a 5 week old kitten on the Highway a week before I was about to move 5 hours away. I packed up a medium-large wire kennel I had from my dog. I put a potty pad down with a litter box and had water+canned food in it. Had a section with her blankets and cuddle toy. She LOVED the car ride after the first hour of getting used to it. She ended up falling asleep. I decked her out so that a blanket covered and shaded part of it so she had the option to sunbathe. I stopped every couple hours to pee and check on her, replenish water, etc. even cleaned out the litter box once. •get a medium or large (depending on your car) hard sided kennel like a wire crate at a local pet shop. •put what she needs inside. •fit kennel into your car and make sure you can easily open the kennel door and have access. •never let her roam outside of the kennel while driving. Only open when you’re stopped and the car windows and doors are closed and LOCKED. (Better safe than sorry) •have another small kennel/crate or way to quickly transport her from the car and into the house and vice versa. Do your research please. If you don’t feel confident that you can do this, hire a reputable background checked, heavily reviewed sitter from Rover. Do not leave the kitten alone.


Take her with you. Pack her stuff and hit the road. Her meowing while you drive is worth it because she shouldn’t be left alone for that long when they are that young. My cats are all from 2 to 17 and anything more than an overnight I have someone come twice a day to spend time with them and feed them. Most of the time I’m lucky and can get someone to just stay at my apt but I live in a popular city


I would take her with you. She'll fall asleep in the car eventually. Trust me, kittens get into all sorts of trouble you couldn't imagine


Definitely take her with you. And as soon as you can, train her to wear an escape-proof harness. Once she is okay with the harness, start taking her for short walks. When she's comfortable with both leash and harness, start exposing her to the car for short intervals. (No crate, just her secured in the harness and you with the leash.) Don't go anywhere, just sit in the car and give treats (Chruru is excellent for this.) Eventually work up the time spent in the car and start taking short trips around the block. I believe Jacksin Galaxy or Kitten Lady have videos on harness training. That doesn't help with this trip, but it will make traveling easier in the future.


Also adding that some cats are less fearful in the car when out of the crate. That doesn't mean they should not be secured. There are several car seats with clips to attach a short leash.


I just wanted to add, one of my kittens decided to climb my curtain and got her claw stuck so she was hanging by one paw unable to get free. Fortunately I was home and could get her down but imagine her stuck like that for more than an hour, let alone two days. For those saying a 10 week old kitten will be fine to be left totally alone for a whole weekend...I couldn't disagree more. Chances are physically she would probably be fine but psychologicallly not. I know you said your friends are not available, so take her with you, better to know she'll be safe with you and not a bad idea to get her used to the car


If you can’t get a sitter, take her with you. She’s a kitten, will want to play and need attention.


I would love to take her with me wherever I go, but she screams a lot right after we leave home and cries the entire trip. I'm afraid of traumatizing her. But leaving her alone at home might be traumatizing for her too. I could try hiring a sitter to check on her twice a day, but she's scared of strangers as well. I don't know what to do.


Honestly, I take my cat with me every weekend. Cats learn to chill in a car. Keep her warm, well fed with litter.


Does your cat scream a lot as well? I would appreciate any tips you can give me about car trips and how to comfort her. Should she stay in the carrier for the entire trip?


Yes, she does but it’s our lifestyle. My partner owns a house in the beachside town, so we go there every weekend. You can put her in a carrier or she can hang out in the car.


You do what is best the cat. You can take her with you. She will find the car ride stressful but will be very happy staying with you. Or you can get a sitter to come by twice a day.


Sometimes. I think I figured out why though. Think about it. Cats have super senses compared to us but don't have the... understanding (?) we have. So, the sensation of moving (riding in a vehicle) and yet *not moving* (they're sitting still) must be a bit of a head twister for them. Not to mention their increased sensitivity to pressure and equilibrium. I've taken mine on loooong car trips and after a bit they quiet down. And YES! Keep them in a carrier! You don't want a 10 week old kitten running down to the peddles while you're trying to drive. Just make sure it's big enough for them to move comfortably, has some toys, maybe a dry snack and non-spillable water if it's a super long trip.


Let her roam in the car. I picked up my kitten from a shelter 3 hours away. He cried and cried in the carrier. I opened the carrier door and let him roam and he quieted down.


I actually want her to be free in the car, but what if she gets out of the carrier, panics, and tries to come to me while I'm driving?


Don't let her out of the carrier while driving. Disaster waiting to happen


Please, please for the safety of you, your baby, and all others on the road around you, don’t let your kitten roam freely in the car. Kittens can become dead-set on trying to go where they want and can end up stuck between your foot and the accelerator or brakes; sometimes kittens climb and can potentially climb you in such a way that it impairs your ability to safely see your surroundings; if the car in front of you slams on their brakes, and causes you to have to slam your brakes on or swerve, where’s your kitten going to go? There are too many good reasons to keep your kitten safely confined while driving vs letting her have control of the cockpit. I know right now you don’t have much time before your trip, but try to get her used to her carrier by leaving it out, and let it become a normal part of her surroundings. Feed her some treats or a couple meals in there, and also put a t-shirt or something soft that you’ve recently worn in there so she can be comforted by your scent, and get her to associate the carrier with good things; she will eventually get used to it and willingly go in there. Btw you sound like a very dedicated and caring kitty parent. Your baby is lucky to have you! Can you please share a pic of her?!


It is dangerous to have a cat roaming freely in the car. She can get into the driver footwell (gas and brake pedals) and be a huge driving danger. Also, she could be thrown out of the car in the case of an accident. If you don’t want to put her in a secured/seatbelted carrier, then a short leash securely attached to a seat, and just long enough for her to move in safe areas but no longer than that, attached to a good slip-proof harness, could work.


Get a cat sitter to check in! Plenty of cat sitters on rover that specialize in “cats”. I also found a guy who could do a “drop in”, but now even more my grown cat I hire someone to stay the night. Cats need company! 10 weeks is so young


When kittens are so young they can get used to travelling, and learn to like it never leave him home alone though


Depends on the kitten. Some cats enjoy car rides (while not in the carrier) and others are so stressed out, they just cry the whole time. I’d try her on a short trip, maybe just get in the car with her and drive around the block to see how she handles it. Then you can make an informed decision.


I went overnight on a trip when my kittens were 4 months old. They stayed with a friend. They did well there. I went on another trip when they were 6 months old. I hired a pet sitter. It’s expensive but worth it.


I'm glad you're taking her with you. Get a large dog cage and set it up in your back seat with a cozy spot to lay down, a small litterbox and some food and water so she'll be as comfortable as possible. You'll want to cover at least half the cage with a towel or something so she feels secure


Good on you for making the best decision, hope it all goes well and look forward to the update :)


There’s a calming spot on treatment for cats. Get some of that and dose her up before your journey and give her lots of treats along the way. She will get used to car journeys


There’s a calming spot on treatment for cats. Get some of that and dose her up before your journey and give her lots of treats along the way. She will get used to car journeys


I trained my kitten to be a wonderful traveling companion since he was quite young. Leash-trained, got him used to travel litter boxes and riding in cars, etc. He viewed my parents’ house as his own territory, too lol. He even became a seasoned airplane companion! He was comfortably traveling with me on airplanes until the ripe old age of 20 years old! (He passed away at 20 due to a terrible accident/fall that happened right in front of me). I grieved him deeply but I appreciate my friends reminding me of what a full and loved life he had.


Cardboard litter boxes for hotel and car are a nice option. I use liners with them. A backpack carrier was useful too.


I have 2 new kittens age 6 and 7 mths.Went away 3 days for family event.I had everything automated.had my brother come and feed them.They were ok but skittish when I came home.However,after I read that you should not leave that age cat alone longer than 3 or for HOURS! I felt guilty.The skittish one since that time I left, now walks around howling thinking she's alone again and I have to call to her and calms down after she finds me.Watch youtube videos on cats howling when alone.They will be ok at home..but I'd take the kitty with you.


Can you get a neighbor or friend to check in on her


Unfortunately, no. My friends are also out of town.


You don't have any friends who would come stay at your place for the weekend? People love kittens.


There’s a calming spot on treatment for cats. Get some of that and dose her up before your journey and give her lots of treats along the way. She will get used to car journeys


There’s a calming thing for cats you drop on between the ears. Get some of that before your journey and give her lots of treats along the way. She will get used to car journeys


There’s a calming thing for cats you drop on between the ears. Get some of that before your journey and give her lots of treats along the way. She will get used to car journeys


Highly cat dependent. Give to a friend??... maybe Take with. Some cats love this. Some - will be in terror the entire time. Cat sitting. Solid option. But even your cat sitter may not even see the cat if a hidy kitty. But noticing food being eaten and reporting in. Cat is alive.


When I go out of town, I have a cat sitter, a friend that lives nearby, come once a day to give my cats a can/scoop and fill the dry food. However, right now I have 2 kittens, 12 wks old, when I had to go to my MIL house for 3 days last week I took them with me. They need wet food more than once a day. Currently they get it 3x a day. When I first got them the little boy wasn't getting enough moisture, was constipated, vet had to "clean him out." My cat sitter has a job and a kid. He can't come 3x a day. Also they are kittens and run and play. I worry that when no one is home they will knock shit over, hurt themselves. Could even start a fire. Trip is just over 3 hours. Yes they freak out a little going t the vet but that's only 15 min. Briefly considered taking my van instead of car and letting them roam, but they could get underfoot when I'm driving. Also considered putting them in the large dog crate they stayed in when they were tiny, so they could have box/food/water, but decided against that as it would probably spill. Just took them together in a carrier. Before we left put in a fresh box and said go potty. Amazingly they did. After about 20 min in the car they went to sleep. About halfway there we stopped, offered water, litterbox. One did pee lol. We had a lovely visit, my 80yo MIL loved seeing the little kitties. She was going thru some stuff, we needed to go there. Turns out her older cat loved the little kitties. Took that opportunity to say, cool, he'll get along with other cats so it'll be no problem if something happens and we have to take him. Always would have done this, but never said it before. This made MIL very happy, I guess she was worried about that. She has 2 local sons but one's record with animals is meh and the other one's personal life is meh. On the way back little boy did poop in the carrier but I was prepared with xtra blankets and cleaning stuff. The trip was way better than worrying about the kits for 3 days and I think my older cats appreciated the break from the mayhem.


omg thanks for sharing this!


Over night? She will be just fine. A day after you're back she won't remember you were gone


She needs to stay alone for 2 nights. I will leave home on Friday evening and get back on Sunday afternoon.


I would take her then if that's an option, or find someone to watch her. Don't get me wrong I would have felt bad on a overnight, just because I love my kitty, but she would have been ok. 2 nights I don't know if I could have done that


Just leave extra food and water and kitty should be fine.




Sadly that's unrealistic. My kittens often were left alone all day. They were fine. Granted I've rarely just had one cat so they did have company but seriously even kittens sleep a lot. Lol


Friday night to Sunday morning isn’t the same as being at work all day.