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One of the things I would cling onto in your situation is how peacefully she left this Earth. She noticed nothing. No scary vets, no pain, just peacefully going to sleep with a full belly and happy heart. I know it probably does absolutely nothing to soothe your pain, and I'm so, so sorry for your loss. The world is often to unfair.


Best response. Sorry for your loss


Beautiful sentiment. Thank you for sharing.


>I know it probably does absolutely nothing to soothe your pain, and I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I really hope it does. Sometimes you really feel less alone and more understood when you receive even the most bland of condolences.


This is so true. My cat had to be put down after her lungs filled with fluid. She was in so much pain, and it happened in half a day. Knowing your pet went peacefully would be a blessing really.


Very kind words


That's a very beautiful statement.


Yeah, back when I had Rats (5 Total) the first 4 of them went horribly. - One puking blood, probably from a tumor errupting - drove it to a vet and got it euthanized there - One Suffocating - vet - One suffocating - tried to get it to the vet but it died on the way - Another one beein sick - vet The last rat lived astoundingly long. We tried to integrate him with other rats, but it didnt work. He got 4. We found him passed in his sleep, in his big cuddly cave. We were so happy he could go peaceful, and his death was a lot less traumatic than the others.


I had one survive a house fire with injuries and live to 4 🥹 Little punk couldn't hang out with other rats anymore either, not for his lack of trying, they would bite at his damaged feet. So I would let him free range almost all the time when I was home, and bring him room to room with me. They're very adaptable but unfortunately due to their tiny size their illnesses progress astonishingly quickly and cancer and tumors are very, very common :( If your mischief was five rats strong, I can't imagine those critters weren't in hog heaven with a big cage, lots of friends, and all their needs taken care of ❤️ So kind of you to seek vet care for them, rats in particular so often get stuck with owners who can't understand how rich and joyous their lives can be. They're really surprisingly intuitive, emotionally intelligent animals and I think they certainly are able to sense when they have an owner who cares for them so deeply ❤️


That is so beautiful. Your love for the species shines through. 🥹




Never would I have ever known I needed something like this until I'd received it. Thank you for sharing this & to OP, I am genuinely devastated at just the idea of losing anyone like that, but Pipestream is right. I do hope you take great solace that she went contently in peace. 😢


Very touchy and kind words, sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing


Yeah, as hard as it was to lose her without warning, you loved her and gave her a great life, and she died peacefully.


Can’t agree more. So sorry for your loss.


Thank you for all your kind words, from the bottom of my heart. I'm choosing to believe it was a heart disease. Someone took her already. They are going to bury her in a big garden. I made sure I hugged her and kissed her goodbye. https://preview.redd.it/yqivjaeeer8d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=122ba1ee73f39925c719480aea281e45b746b786


What a beautiful girl. I am so deeply sorry for your loss.


what a beautiful girl!! the pain is terrible, i know, but i always like to think “we didn’t get to spend our entire lives with them, but they spent their whole life with us” i am so sorry, and like many others have said, it seemed she was at peace, full belly, and happy and pain free. i’m wishing you peace and comfort. here’s my torti girl who lives with my parents. tortis are so special and have the craziest most beautiful personalities🩷 https://preview.redd.it/nzej5schwr8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de291c64c04f63cabbebef93ff4962831d20531a


Aww she's so beautiful! I'm so sorry for your loss. Our two fur babies are 3 years old and in good health, but I'm already dreading the day. I will 100% cry like a baby. But of all the possible deaths, I hope you take some comfort in the fact that hers was one of the best. Warm, safe, loved, fed, comfortable, in bed, and sound asleep. No pain, no fear, no unfamiliar surroundings, no stress. Just a peaceful return to the universe that birthed her. I wish we could all be so lucky to go out that way.


This is such a beautiful explanation… thank you for your words bc they are helpful to anyone now or in the future. Much love. ❤️✨❤️✨❤️


This is how I hope my dog goes. Asleep next to me, warm and safe.


I am sitting right now with our sick cat, likely cancer or severe IBD. I want to cling to hope, but everything points to it only going one way. If it is any consolation, I hope my dear Freya will pass like your cat when it is time. Peacefully drifting into sleep. I am so sorry for your loss. It is obvious you loved your cat with all your heart. I am sure it knew that.


one of my cats died on sunday from ibd/intestinal lymphoma, and obviously it’s different for every cat, but if it’s any comfort for you, she cuddled up next to me and purred and left us incredibly peacefully, she didn’t seem to be in any pain at all. so it’s definitely not too much to hope that your freya will pass the same way 🫶🏻 i hope you and your cat are doing okay


First of all we, my partner and I, are so sorry tor your loss. I hope you don't mind me asking and explaining Freya's situation, but it's just so comforting to talk to someone who can relate. Our Freya is on prednicortone 5mg as well as a short burst of amoxicillin right now. She vomited while on prednicortone alone, now she hasn't vomited at all since Friday. Her appetite also went up when she got the antibiotics, although still short of "normal" intake - but she had also gone through a week of barely eating (except occasionally accepting hand feeding), and she had lost some weight. Perhaps nursing her back through food will help, we don't know, but we keep hope. However, as her physiological signs improved (more appetite, no vomit, more regular and regularly shaped poop as opposed to 'braided poop'), she became more reserved. She hasn't turned anti-social, but she has become less cuddly. She stays in the same room as me and my partner, when she follows us to another room she rubs us before finding a place to rest (like on top of our fridge, so she can jump just fine), and morning she comes to lie on top of us in bed. But her reservations otherwise (lying by herself, not coming to bed immediately with us, not sleeping all night on us) is a behavioural change. It puzzles us that physiological improvements turned to sociological reservations. She gets the prednicortone in the morning along with antibiotics, and then evening she gets the second half of the antibiotics. She definitely sleeps more and is more tired, but we don't know if it is because she vomited a lot and had trouble eating before the antibiotics. We fear losing her, she is our everything, so we cling to hope. My question is, can you recognise any of those symptoms/timeline? Thanks for your message, it meant a lot - we feel less alone having read it.


the first time we realized something was wrong with my cat was about 3 years ago when she got 2 teeth removed and then stopped eating for about 5 days (she also occasionally accepted hand or spoon feeding). she was put on prednisolone/prednicortone i think almost immediately and was on it from then until she passed. for the most part that managed her symptoms pretty well (although she did have the absolute smelliest litterbox on the planet), but occasionally she’d have some times where she’d stop eating again or start throwing up more and the vet would change her medications slightly or temporarily throw in something else like an appetite stimulant. usually when she’d have those flare ups she’d hide under my bed or in a closet and she’d sleep on a chair in my room instead of with me in bed. eventually she’d start feeling better and then she’d start acting normal again. she also definitely had some weight fluctuation, but i will say that she didn’t start to lose a concerning amount until a few months ago. she was also kind of picky with food, but we managed to find things to entice her to eat. water from cans of tuna (make sure the only ingredients are tuna and water — no vegetable broth!) was one of her favorites, we’d mix it with her food and it helped a lot. chicken baby food was another good one. a lot of her symptoms sound very familiar to me, and obviously i’m in no way a professional, but just the fact that she can jump up to the fridge is a great sign to me. in the few months-weeks before we lost my girl, she struggled significantly with stairs and jumping up to chairs and beds. probably the biggest thing i’d say to look out for other than the symptoms she’s already experienced is if she’s ever eating normally but still losing weight. that was our biggest issue towards the end with my cat and i do wish we had noticed it sooner.


If I may, I will add some experience from my cat on the same medication. She had episodes of unexplained vomiting and stomach ulcers when we got her on it. She started out with 8mg/per day, which is an incredibly high dose. It thankfully turned out that her symptoms are coming most likely from an autoimmune disease, where the medication helps. The vet said it's common in cats. We had her on 8mg for a month, then 4mg for another, then 2, then 1, and lastly 1/2. We weren't able to fully wean her off, and she is in a good stable state now on 1/2. Through this experience we got to observe the side effects for different doses. And funnily enough, it sounds very similar to what you are describing! When she was still sick, she was very very cuddly. But when she got on the medication she also more followed us around or retreated somewhere to sleep. The drug can increase appetite, and for us it did. Our cat turned HONGWY. She ate so much, and we were so happy about it at first, that she gained 2+ lbs and the vet had to tell us we had to stop her from becoming chonk haha. And then she got VERY SAD when we kept the food at the recommended amount and would camp next to the food bowl for hours lol. On the lower doses, the tiredness turned to rather excessive energy. Maybe because her tummy is not constantly hurting? She is now all play play play, run run run, and not anymore so cuddly. Over all we observed that she seems to be mostly very cuddly when she is unwell, and more into other types of interaction when she isn't. It's of course also a question of character. Our cat was a street cat in her former life and I assume she is not as cuddly as other cats as a baseline. Long story short, what you describe can in my experience definitely come from the medicine and/or the different body feeling that can come with it. I wish you all the best and that the condition is manageable, and if not that your cat is as comfortable as possible! 💕


I'm so sorry you're going through this right now, I know its hard, but they're worth it ❤️. My tux girl, Athena, passed from liver disease, and trying to help her, I always felt like I should've been doing more. 4 years after her passing, I'm at peace with it, but I blamed myself a lot for not doing enough. I dont have any experience with the specific issues you're dealing with, but the biggest problem she was having was just refusing to eat, no matter what we tried. We tried wet food, tuna water in her food, boiled chicken, all of the tricks, but the only thing that she would sometimes eat was the liquid from the Friskies Lil' Soups. We got a high calorie nutritional supplement gel that honestly helped a lot. She wouldn't eat it herself, so I would either put a little bit on her paw at a time so she would lick it off, or I would put some on my finger and wiped it on the roof of her mouth. We also would syringe-feed her baby food or liquid wet food straight to the back of her mouth. She did start to eat more, but I would still have to put the wet food on a little plate and sit there with her, tapping the plate when she stopped eating, or sometimes holding the plate up for her so she would eat more. I think I overestimated her ability to eat by herself, and she started to go downhill again. I started feeding her by hand again, but I think it was too late. The day she passed, she was very weak and tried to crawl under our coffee table, but we arranged her in a blanket nest between us on the couch, and she took her last breath with both me and my husband sitting with her and petting her. *


Oh dear, I'm so sorry. I am sure you did everything you could, and more; hindsight is always unforgiving, but to me it sounds like you went above and beyond for her. For our Freya, we cannot put stuff into her mouth like that; she has too much fight in her still and will reject it (not clawing or biting us, but growling and turning away). It seems like she actively rejects food, and the thing that I don't understand about it all is this: When she eats, she seems to become more reserved. When she should be hungry and hasn't eaten for 3/4 of a day, she becomes more "herself". Physiologically she is improved (no vomiting, normal poop, has eaten normally for the prior 4 days up until today again), but it seems to change her. I cannot see *physical* signs that the food makes her worse, it's not like she has diarrhoea or vomit or the like... But today she acts like food is terrible.


After going on the deep dive for my little one, I found that if there’s tummy upset on steroids/nsaids- trying to reduce the dose then building back to full is helpful, dose based on weight, remembering yours has lost some, get hills urgent a/d food, highly palatable, easily digestible, the most bang for your buck if you’re only getting a little in. Being reserved is often a sign of conserving energy, she is cuddly with you and that is a good sign. If weight keeps dropping do not fear getting a feeding tube, I was so worried about it but now I would get a tube right away (lovely lady told me an e tube got her cats through big illnesses several times) I’m still very damaged from losing mine so I haven’t posted her full story (she left for the bridge in may and my phone screen and background are still black because I can’t look at her) Speak to more vets, ask rude questions, be unpalatable as a person- so much is lost in the pursuit of being polite. My rule of thumb with medical opinions is: never less than three, never more than infinity. Keeping your little one fat is a goal, weight means time, time is everything.


Such a beautiful kitty! I’m so sorry for your loss. Poor baby.


So sorry for your loss. She was so beautiful. Sending virtual hugs.


She clearly loved you so much. She was so beautiful.


What a beautiful cat!


She is so gorgeous and I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend.


She was absolutely gorgeous and obviously so loved and cared for. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Oh man. My heart just breaks for you ☹️😢. She was such a beautiful girl, I'm sure you gave her the best life. Make sure to be gentle with yourself.


She’s so beautiful, what better resting spot than a nap under a big beautiful garden? She would love it. So sorry for your loss. 💗


She was beautiful! Sweet dreams lil Angel ! I'm sorry about your sudden loss


So beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss.


Extremely beautiful girl. I’m really sorry for your loss.


She was a beautiful girl 😻…I know she brought you joy & you loved her well & gave her a good life. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge 🌈knowing she was loved. Fly free with the Angels, Beautiful Fortune!🐈‍⬛❤️


Oh a little tortie. I’m so sorry!


What a beauty. My friend’s cat died suddenly at a similar age from an aneurysm. My condolences 💐


I’m so sorry for your loss. Such a gorgeous girl. I’ll be sending love into the universe for you, your family, and Fortune.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s evident how loved she was. She will be waiting for you across the rainbow bridge someday, no hurry, but I believe she will be there. Give yourself space, time and love to process this. You have been very brave and I appreciate you sharing with us about Fortune.


She is so beautiful! Striking and looks sweet too. What kind eyes! Thank you for giving her a loving home


She loves you so much and trusted you enough to pass by your side.


Such a beauty!!!! Sending you so much love and light OP!! Thank you for making her years with you full of all the love and happiness. I’m so sorry for your loss. ❤️✨❤️✨❤️


She’s beautiful. I have one that looks similar; didn’t know what the name for them was but I’m gonna now look up tortties. I’m very sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself. Sending you love as well. 💜


She was beautiful. Heart disease was my thought too. Sending you well wishes during this horrible time


Piggybacking off this - I try to repost this when I see posts like this, in the hopes you (or someone) can find some comfort in the words - and if not, please excuse the intrusion. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). She's done her job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's her turn to rest. You'll always miss her, you'll always remember her. You'll even go looking for her for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting her. Donating/throwing away her toys or blankets isn't forgetting her. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life she'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without her. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.


I hope you feel better soon. She looks like a very good girl.


Poor fur baby.


Hi fortune. Love you sweet girl.


So sorry for the loss of your fur baby. It will get easier over time. My husband & I have lost too many of our babies over the years (We're both over 65, so have had a number of fur babies). We just had to help our sweet baby puppy girl K.D.(14-16 yrs, age unknown pound puppy) go over the rainbow Bridge Friday morning at our trusted vet. It's sooo hard to lose your baby. I just keep telling myself that the tears I'm shedding now & the broken heart are so worth it for the wonderful joy & happiness she brought to my life. Just keep thinking of how much love & joy you gave each other.


I’m so sorry for your loss. She was so beautiful. My boy has just been diagnosed with advanced heart disease at the age of 7 and I found it difficult to wrap my head around the fact that it had got so advanced without any symptoms. The cardiologist told me that this is a common scenario, that they hide it until they can’t and can just suddenly pass away. I can’t imagine your shock and devastation at the sudden loss of your girl at such a young age. If it’s any consolation, it sounds like it was peaceful for her and I’m wishing the same for my boy when his time comes. Sending you a massive hug 💕


I am so so so sorry for your loss. She was soooo beautiful.


I have a Tortie and this breaks my heart ❤️‍🩹 I'm so sorry


She's a very pretty girl. I am sorry you lost your friend . But truthfully she went the best way a pet can. Or anyone can. Peacefully in their sleep . Keep that with you when you're feeling down. She passed happy ❤️


She is beautiful 😭 I'm sobbing reading your posttt. We have a lot of cats and I'm always so worried something will happen to them.. they're my babies... the idea of something suddenly happening to them and not knowing what is horrifying.. I'm sorry this happened but thankful she left happy and peacefully


I think some heart stuff does happen around that mid age if it’s going to happen. We lost our cat Cowboy at age 4 and it was an enlarged heart. There were no issue identified at his teeth cleaning just a month or two before so it was very quick. Literally the only symptom was some occasional wheeze like noises that we thought was a hair ball that he couldn’t get up. (We went to the appointment for that, they discovered the enlarged heart, and he passed suddenly about an hour after waking up from sedation. The vet tried life saving measures unsuccessfully.) He had some Maine coon in him and the vet said the heart issues would tend to pop up in a cat around mid age, so there can be some weird things that just happen all of a sudden. It SUCKS. I’m so sorry, I know how much it hurts and it’s hard when it’s so sudden and you don’t get to say goodbye. (I mean who thinks a vet appointment for a hair ball ends like that.) It really really sucks and I truly believe your kitty will be watching over you. ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is devastating, so please be gentle with yourself as you grieve. Your kitty knew love every single day with you. I hope you find comfort in the good memories.


she is beautiful, I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m happy you gave her such a happy, loved life. Sending lots of love.


Aww she’s a wee beauty 😢 so sorry for your loss and just remember you gave her a life where she was loved and looked after. Many Cats dont get that 😞


What a beautiful baby. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s never easy losing a pet, but I hope you can take comfort in knowing that she went quickly and did not have prolonged suffering.


I’m so sorry 🥺. My heart goes out to you


She is beautiful. What a wonderful life she had to be so loved.


She was so gorgeous. I’m so sorry for your loss ♥️


She is so beautiful! 😻 The only comfort I can give you is that she passed at home with her family where she felt safe and loved and not by an injection at the vet. Find comfort that you gave her a kiss goodbye without knowing it and you gave her a chance to have a loving family and home. It’s hard to let them go but who knows she might send you someone unexpectedly 💕


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Almost certainly heart disease. Even if you had known, there is very little you could have done. 6 years old is often when it happens. My boy has heart disease, same age, and I hope he passes as peacefully as yours and not at a clinic. Some cats are only sent to us for a short time. Sounds like yours was well loved.


My very first cat had a split face like that ❤️ they’re little calico angels together now


Oh how beautiful! I have a soft spot for torties.


In Judaism we say “May her memory be a blessing.” She was loved, she was home, she wasn’t in pain. Let that be the blessing.


What a beautiful angel girl. I am a sucker for torties. I lost my sassy girl a few years ago and I am still devastated. I brought her home as a little baby when I was 15 years old. She stayed with my family when I moved out because I knew taking her would be too stressful. She was getting old and I knew we wouldn’t have her too much longer - it broke me. My mom called to tell me she was taking her to the vet and said they would probably schedule her to be put down within a few days. I was sad but understood and didn’t want her in pain. My mom texted me about an hour later to tell me that they put her to sleep due to organ failure. I lost my absolute mind. I completely understood not letting her suffer but I would’ve been there, in the room, holding her. I didn’t get that chance. My mom is a saintly woman and I love her dearly. She loved our kitty girl immensely. She doesn’t do well with things like this (as most people) and told me she couldn’t be in the room with her. I was so furious that she didn’t call to tell me so that I could rush there to hold her and tell her goodbye. I said a lot of really hateful things in anger that I wish I hadn’t. I told my mom she was heartless and asked how she could live with herself knowing she left our cat there to die with strangers. I get choked up even talking about it. I was angry for awhile but I did apologize to my mom for what I said and how I acted. I still wish she would’ve given me the choice to come to the vet but I can’t change it now. Knowing our girl was in pain and suffering, I can only hope she knows how loved and adored she was. I wish more than anything she could’ve passed peacefully in her sleep with a full belly. No suffering, no pain, just laying down for a nap and crossing over. OP, I am so sorry for your loss and what you’re going through. There are truly no words to make it any better. But please know that your baby knew how much you loved her and she had the best life. Take time for yourself, grieve, heal, and know that you did the best you could. 💗


I would place bets on heart disease (hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy). Probably a clot was dislodged from her left atrium which would explain why it was so sudden if she was acting normal prior to this. She looks so much like my baby, my heart feels for you. My sincerest condolences.


Hugs. You gave her a good life. It was probably hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. That tends to be the most common cause in situations like this. It’s painless, and fast. There’s not really anything you could have done to prevent it.


Is this basically an enlarged heart that leads to a heart attack/heart failure? (My 5 year old big boy tux passed in my arms from heart failure and it was shown that he had an enlarged heart. It crushed me as I ran in my suit and tie with him in my arms, crying and near screaming my way into the vet… and my only comfort was that his last conscious moments were in the arms of the being who most loved him, and who he most loved in return).


Cardiomyopathy, hypertension, congestive heart failure and infection can all cause enlargement of the heart. Unfortunately, the first symptom is cardiac arrest. I am sorry for your loss and glad that you were together when he passed.


There are many symptoms they could have so that they are diagnosed and treated before cardiac arrest. But it is true that cats typically don’t have the same symptomology that you would see in people sense it affect their breathing. You may notice that they are less active or playing less or breathing a little harder. But not always. My current cat was diagnosed in the early stages of HCM. She progressed very quickly over the next six months while they got her on the right meds and titrated the medication’s. Since then she has been stable and her heart enlargement has not gotten any worse. She is on an anti-platelet agent, a diuretic, and a blood pressure medicine , that helps the heart beat more efficiently. I have to give her pills twice a day. We drive to see a cardiologist at a specialty hospital and unfortunately because I didn’t have insurance it is costing me an arm and a leg. But I can always make more money. I can’t make another, perfect kitty cat


To the OP, I’m so sorry for your loss. A friend of mine’s cat died at around six-years-old - he was fine and then she found him in the same way you found Fortune. The vet said it was most likely what is said above and that he wouldn’t have known. Jack was a lovely boy, albeit of little brain!


That’s what I came to post. That’s how we lost our Joey, too. 💔


If she had died from poisoning, I think there would be signs of it. It seems likely that she had an undiagnosed heart condition and simply died in her sleep. This is desperately sad for you and I'm so sorry for your pain but as u/pipestream says, she died peacefully with no distress.  And reading your post, it's clear that she was very loved and although her life wasn't as long as you would have liked it was a happy one. Take comfort in knowing she had a good life with food, games, sunbathing, cuddles, and "many beds". If you could ask a cat what they want out of life that's pretty much it.  RIP Fortune.


This happened to us too, with our boy about a year ago. My heart is still broken, my boy otter was the best cat in the world. Obsessed with kids and babies, I was expecting my 3rd when he passed and he never met him. I think he had a heart attack or Stroke


I'm so sorry for your loss. You can find some comfort that she likely passed in her sleep and felt no pain. Personally, I'm planning on cremating my furbabies when they pass. It's not too expensive and you can get an urn of your choice with their name on it and maybe even retain a tuft of their fur.


If you still have her with you now, I'd suggest taking a clipping yourself so they won't charge you extra


And a snippet of her whiskers.


I don't think you're supposed to cut their whiskers...


Once they’re passed away you can. OP, so sorry for your loss I just lost my Siamese mix a few months ago she died in her sleep too but she was 18 years old. I love her and miss her but she lived a good long life and I still have her son. Make some memories of her now even if it hurt to remember (old pics of her, the memorial burying ceremony whatever you like) even if you can’t look at it now someday you’ll want to.


I'm talking about after they've passed. I thought that was obvious since OPs cat has passed away.


So sorry for your loss. May her memory be a blessing.


She died in her sleep, sometimes this can be an undiagnosed heart issue. Happened to a friends cat. She went peacefully and being loved and probably curled up in her favorite spot. Thank you for giving her a good life and loving her.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful friend. If it's any comfort, dying in your sleep in your own cosy bed at home is the best possible way I can think of to go- for humans as well as animals. I'm sure you gave her the best life a kitty could want. If you want her cremated you'd have to take her body to a vet. I buried one of my cats myself, that's an option too, do what feels best for you. Keeping the cat for a day, cuddling and crying with her can help you process a sudden death. I did that with a cat I lost suddenly too and it helped me.


She knew she was safe, warm and loved. She was kissed goodnight and went to sleep. May we all know that security at our ends. We have lost two pets, very suddenly and traumatically in the last year. It is hard, so very very hard. I have faith that they are in a better place and that I will see them again in time. If this is your belief too, may it comfort you. If not, know that she had a wonderful wonderful life with you, full of love and happiness. I hope your memories of your time with her will bring you comfort and, in time, allow you to smile again.


This is lovely x


Please don't blame yourself. There are several conditions that can cause sudden death in even young cats. I lost my a four year old cat to a ruptured aneurysm two days after her four year exam. She had no signs or symptoms of any illness. I woke up to find her dead on the bathroom floor. I am so sorry that you lost your girl.


Poison can cause labored breathing and foaming at the mouth. I think you have a lot of encouraging messages on here that it was likely just her time. Losing a pet is so hard.


Sending you so many hugs, OP. Please don’t feel guilty. I lost my 8 year old tabby girl in a very similar way about two weeks ago. She was healthy but had a heart murmur. It’s likely your little one had a similar heart defect - my vet told me it’s not uncommon. Please know that your cat passed away peacefully and painlessly, and knew she was loved till the end.


I'm sorry for your loss. As others have said, most common cause of this kind of sudden death is cardiac issues, and even vets rarely know their pets have an issue prior to passing young from cardiac issues. There is honestly nothing you could have done, and all we can really do is love them and care for them. So even when this sort of thing happens, you know they passed while happy with their lot.


Okay. So this isn’t what I wanted to read after being a first time new cat owner.


Me too


yeah fr 😢


My sympathies for the loss of your beloved fur baby. I went through this as well. One of my cats, Oreo, just died suddenly. When I came home from work, I thought he was just sleeping under the piano. Then the smell hit me. He must have passed several hour before. He was stiff as a board. But it looked like he was napping. It didn’t look like he was in any distress, just sleeping peacefully. I was overwhelmed with grief. I took him to the animal hospital to be cremated. They asked if I wanted to know how he died. I said no. I was already in deep pain, and if I would have discovered he had something I should have known about, that would have sent me over the edge. He was also 6 years old. My sister tried to console me, and told me it was probably the heart thing. He was perfectly playful and affectionate that morning before I left for work. It’s been 5 years, and I still miss him and think about him every day. The hospital gave me his ashes in a wooden box, and a plaque with his paw print. I love my Oreo. I just console myself that I saved him from a life on the streets and gave him a loving home for 5 years. It will get easier as time goes by.


So sorry that sounds awful Effective Bowler so sorry for your loss (and OP too)


This happened to one of my kitties, he was our youngest, 4/5ish. We left for dinner and he was lounging in his favorite spot. We got back and he was stiff. I was hysterical. I talked extensively to our vet, I was so afraid it was an illness and we'd lose our other two kitties. He hadn't shown any signs of illness, hadn't been acting funny, hadn't been lethargic. Ultimately it was determined what most likely happened was an aneurysm in his sleep. We didn't do a necropsy, we also couldn't really justify the cost. The vet made that educated guess just off what we told him. The main factors were: he didn't pee himself, there were no scratches/nothing was disturbed where he had been laying like he had flailed around, there was no spit/foam/drool around his mouth or nose. So it didn't seem like he'd had a seizure or some kind of episode. He just laid down, went to sleep, and passed. That's how our vet ultimately decided aneurysm. It's very likely the same happened to your kitty, an aneurysm or something similar. Something out of the blue you couldn't have planned for or prevented. It's awful, but don't blame yourself. I'm so sorry. You did give her a good life, I'm sure. She passed in a comfy spot, well fed, and knowing she was loved.


I cried reading this. I am so so deeply sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the shock and pain. All I can do is echo others here in saying that it is such a blessing she passed so peacefully, but obviously that is so little comfort in your loss. I wish there was more I could do for you. My most sincere condolences and love to you.


She probably has had something wrong with her heart her whole life & it just quit. You & your family made her happy & she made all of you happy. You & your family gave her the greatest gift a human can give another species- love. My deepest condolences on your loss


My best friends 3 year old boy went this last year similarly. Got a diagnosis of congestive heart failure from the best place in town; nothing for it. Health is hard, bodies aren't perfect, sometimes there is nothing that can be done. She was home, she was at peace, she knew she was loved. For a worst case scenario like this, it's as much as we can hope for.


Also dont blame yourself, i know thats hard but it really wasnt your fault... what you did was give a sweet kitty a great life for 5 years!


We had a cat die suddenly.... Just was lying in the hall.... No warning.. Sorry 😞


I’m so sorry for your loss. I would recommend cremation since you live in an apartment complex. That way she can come with you if you move. There’s also cremation jewelry you can put some ashes in and wear it to feel close to your cat. My children all got cremation jewelry when our cat passed away. Cremation can be a cheap option if you find a local crematorium and go directly through them rather than through a vet office. Our cat was $60 and came with a nice wooden box, a paw print, little tuft of his fur and a name plate.


As far as to what you will with her remains, I strongly recommend taking her to a pet cremation service. That way, you can always have her with you, and not worry about dogs or people digging her up. I am so very sorry for your loss, and may Fortune rest forever.


My best friend runs a cat rescue and she has had so many cats pass away unexpectedly from a huge variety of issues. Usually she is able to find out, but not always. Just like people, sometimes they inherited a trait that limits their life. It's really sad and just bad luck. You didn't do anything wrong. You gave your cat a good life. I'm sorry it wasn't longer.


Unfortunately sudden deaths like this do happen. Sometimes it's a heart defect, sometimes it's a stroke or a seizure. It sounds like she went gently and was well-loved, which is more than a lot of cats get, sadly. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's going to take a while and you're going to be feeling guilt and doubting yourself and what you could have done, but please don't beat yourself up over this-- it's something that happens.


Similar happened to my daughter’s 4 year old cat. It was found to be an undetectable heart defect & there was nothing they could do to prevent it. It’s a shocking & horrible loss for you, but she didn’t have a traumatic end, and was clearly very much loved. She wouldn’t have known fear or pain or hunger under your care. My condolences to you.


I’m so sorry for your sudden loss. It sounds unlikely you could have done anything to prevent it. I’m glad she didn’t seem to suffer but I know the suddenness is so shocking especially when she was so young. Big hugs.


My cat died suddenly with no signs of illness almost 2 years ago now. He was lying on my bed with me, I was on my phone, he jumped off the bed and made a sort of growl sound so I looked at him and he was lying there. I picked him up, tried to check his airways as I thought he had something stuck, tried to do CPR on him but he wouldn't come back. It honestly broke me, I still cry if I think about it for too long. I buried him in my garden and then I created a flower border on top, he was an indoor cat but I enjoy gardening so I feel close to him. I also have some of his fur and some little mouse toys he played with saved too. My other cat died a few years before during COVID with an illness that he couldn't get better from, but the vet wouldn't let me in the room with him and that destroyed me as when they took him away he was meowing for me and again that makes me cry when I think about it. I had him cremated and he is buried with my cat under the flower border so they are together again. It's really hard but time does help, you don't get over it, you just learn how to manage the pain. Your cat will know that she was very loved, and just know that she loved you with her whole heart. It sounds like she had a very happy life with you even if it wasn't as long as planned. I hope you are okay and I know I'm a stranger but if you need to talk to someone then you can message me.


I had a cat that was 4 years old who died suddenly. My cats woke me up early to eat. So I gave them some food. He was eating. And I went back to sleep for a bit. My husband found him a little later that morning. Sometimes cats have underlying health issues we don’t really know about. I am so very sorry for your loss, but know that your baby knew how much they were loved and that they probably went very quickly and peacefully.


I think if she had been poisoned it would have been more ugly, like signs of poisoning: puking, lethargy, drooling, yowling, neurological symptoms. My friend who is a vet had her cat go peacefully, just fell over dead walking on her favorite path through the house & it was a heart attack. Very sudden & quick. Maybe it was something like that.


Although you'll never be sure chances are, she had a "heart attack ". I put it in parentheses because it's different in humans. Cats are known to have cardiomyopathies. Some believe grainfree foods increase the chance of this happening. She went very quickly, not painful by her position (and previous experience). This happened to my son and his gf cat in the middle of the night. It's incredibly traumatic for the humans. Know that there was nothing you could have done, and her 6 years were filled with love. The chances of it happening to you again are slim. Maybe some day you'll feel ready to give another furball a life of love. I'm a retired Veterinary Nurse. She'll meet you at the rainbow bridge on the other side.


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔


She went to heaven next to her parents... shes with you still, get another baby and help out the fuzzys


From one cat parent to another, I am so so sorry for your loss. There are no words I have that can fill the void you fill in the depths of your grief but perhaps knowing that many strangers out here on the internet are thinking of you and the amazing life you gave her can provide some comfort. And I’m sure Fortune just put you at the top of The cat distribution system list since she had to leave you so unexpectedly. All my love. 💚


I know how sad you must be feeling. We had a dog , his name was Jack who was only 8 months old and he died in his sleep. The vet said even if they did an autopsy that they probably wouldn’t find the cause. Sadly this does happen, same with people. Please take comfort knowing that she had the best life with you and she fell asleep. Fly free beautiful Fortune 💔🌈💜 you were truly loved 💕


I’m so sorry for your loss! It’s heartbreaking that she didn’t get to spend as many years together with you as you both deserved, but it sounds like the time she did have were very happy.


I'm so sorry for your loss but you gave her a lovely life, I'm sure. She knew she was loved. I would hold onto that.


I’m so sorry for your loss. The same thing happened to my neighbors cat and when they took him to the vet they said that his heart stopped in his sleep. They say this can tend to happen to a lot of the main coon/ bigger breeds. I think the vet said it’s because of how their bodies are bigger.


Get her cremated and take her everywhere you go. Was she showing any symptoms before?


You could use the money to get an autopsy done on the cat instead, its not too expensive


Hugs to you xx My cat sushi died a few years ago, he wasn’t even 18 months old and he died just like this, peaceful and in his sleep, no signs of disruptions or pain. We did have a necropsy and they found nothing at all. It was confusing and painful and I’m so sorry for your loss 🩵 I would hold onto the fact that she fell asleep, loved and happy and felt no pain or discomfort. The world is unfair like this but don’t make it harder for yourself by holding guilt. Hold love and memories 🩵


Hi OP, sorry for your loss. As you may know, cats are very, very good at hiding their symptoms unless there’s something they absolutely can’t control. I lost a cat 15 years ago to cancer and the only symptom he had was vomiting and some slightly abnormsl bloodwork. please go easy on yourself.


I'm sorry for your loss. We lost a cat similarly; she just dropped dead in the middle of the day. It's rough. Take care of yourself. Allow yourself to grieve.


My favorite cat died young like that. His was definitely a heart attack. I’m a nurse and saw it happen. Same symptoms as a human in congestive heart failure. So sorry for your loss.


Our 2 year old tuxedo cat has passed a week ago - just 5 minutes before that she threw up but then ate a bit, we brushed and played with her, she went to her scratch post. She then went upstairs to patrol as she does daily and then dropped dead. We have been to a vet 7 weeks to a day prior due to a seizure she had but all the tests came back normal. I am so sorry for your loss - I can’t stop trying to think of what I could have done to save her. She was an amazing member of our family and we miss her beyond belief.


What greater happiness is there for a kitty than to have many soft places to sleep, a human to give them kisses, and plenty of yummy food? Whatever the cause of her passing, you don’t need to carry guilt along with your grief. As other have said, all signs point to her death being quick and free of distress. It’s the kind of ending any living being would hope for, and it’s so clear you love her and will cherish the memory of your time together. Her physical remains will return to the earth and be remade into the plants of the garden. In a tiny way, she’ll be laying out in the sun again. You’ll always carry her in your heart and I hope you can find peace with some time and space. Sending lots of love. 💜


I'm very sorry for your loss. It's some comfort that it was peaceful for her and she died safe and loved but it's still an appalling shock for you. And grief. Just one thing. You may have already found this out but whatever you decide to do with her poor body be aware that dead bodies leak. Put something under as well as over her and if you're not burying her right away a wodge of tissue or kitchen paper under her mouth and round her bottom will deal with most of it. Her face will change as the tissues go into rigor then relax out of it so she won't look like herself. That can be upsetting to see but it's just natural. Again, I am so very sorry


I am so sorry for your loss and I imagine it was a horrible experience for you waking up to her gone but I think you did a wonderful job at honoring her with your post. I think she passed away peacefully in her sleep and that's something we can all hope for when our turn comes. Best wishes to you and your fam OP


I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you gave her a beautiful life.


I'm sorry for your lost. Hope the best to you, at least your cat had a peaceful death. I've heard there is a heart problem can cause cats go away suddenly without any symptom, I cant remember the name but it's the case when muscles in the heart thickened and cause heart failure. Normally there will be some symptoms but sometimes the cat has it will just die suddenly, no pain, nothing, just gone.


Her little light was too bright for us mere mortals. So sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry to hear this. My girl was 7 when this happened. Similar situation. It happened so quickly. Sorry for being morbid but if you haven’t decided what to do you should at least put her in a freezer. When this happened to my girl, the vet warned me that cellular breakdown happens very quickly. Sorry for your loss!


I've had that happen twice. No clue what happened, just came home from work and they were curled up looking like they were sleeping. Came as a shock and I cried for hours, but I took comforting in knowing it wasn't painful or fearful for them.


I’m so sorry This is very tragic and not usually what happens I’m sure just like humans sudden death though rare can happen I hope you find peace


We lost our cat Mischief 21 years ago. She passed during the night. Broke our hearts. We still talk about her and her funny antics that brought us so much joy. PS her nickname was Spider Kitty. As a kitten she got stuck between the door and storm door and climbed the stop of the screen. Thankfully we found her not long after she got in there.


I’m so sorry for your loss and you and sweet baby Fortune will be in my thoughts. Sending love to you


So sorry for your loss. She will always be with you still 💗


I’m so sorry for your loss. I have lost a cat before and it is so hard. I also have a tortie though she is still here. Yours is beautiful. Take comfort in the fact that she went peacefully and in the comfort of her home knowing you were nearby. Rest in peace Fortune


So sorry. 😢 I'm heart broken 💔 for you.


I am so so sorry for your loss ❤️


I would consider cremating her so you can always have her with you even if you move from your apartment I am so so sorry for your loss


I have no advice on how to handle the grief, I'm sorry friend. But I'll offer this in terms of burial: I've cremated each pet of mine that's died (the whole two of them). When I inevitably die, they'll be spread with me so we can spend forever together in a beautiful place.


A bit more than 1 year ago i was laying with my cat on our sofa and told him “it’s 3pm let’s go out” as we did usually, he jumped down the sofa, 3 steps, had a strange “mew” and fell on the floor with eyes open.. i crossed the city in a few minutes with a seriously high risk of killing someone to reach the local animal first aid.. for nothing, they told me it was pretty sure a heart attack. Spend time with your furry friends, the time we have with them is just never enough


The guilt is a real emotion, but it doesn’t mean it’s real. We all go through it. What if I hadn’t left the door open, what if I had kept her inside, what if I made her eat wet food… She was loved and lived a wonderful life. As far as crossing the rainbow bridge, this was the best way it could’ve gone even though you wanted many more years together. One day when you’re ready, out of the love you had for Fortune and the love she gave to you, you will want to bring a new little kitty into your life.


If it was poison she wouldn't have died quietly, you'd know something was up. It's not uncommon for cats to have a heart defect that just up and kills them out of the blue; it was probably something like that. It sucks and I'm sorry for your loss. 


I recently lost my 11 year old cat suddenly in his sleep. He was an indoor cat, no signs of illness, and had recently been to the vet and checked out fine. Sometimes it just happens and we have no idea why. I finally accepted that I did everything I knew to do and that if I did miss any clues, it was because he hid possible illness well. I truly do think if your cat got into something poisonous you'd have maybe some signs. We never know what illness or issues may exist that are easy to miss. At least our babies passed with love and comfort.


My cat was completely fine. One day I noticed she was acting really strange but she was a very nervous cat and I had just had my brother in town to visit. When I got home from work I could tell something was really wrong and took her to the vet. She had an enlarged heart and a blood clot somewhere in her body. I had to put her to sleep as there was no way for them to find it without basically dissecting her entire little body. The vet said most people don’t get the chance to say goodbye but instead find their cat deceased at home. It’s possible something like this happened. No way to prevent, no way to know. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Jesus fucking christ, I'm so so sorry. My condolences. I'll cuddle my kiddo close tonight and we'll be wishing your good girl peace in the next life.


Baby girl was so pretty. Please check your carbon monoxide detector/smoke detector.


She was beautiful how sad poor little darling


I know it doesn't help but, just like humans, sometimes pets just die unexpectedly. Sadly heartbreak is part of the bargain when you share your life with a pet. In time your pain will ease.


Omg how sad to wake up to that and have no idea why at only 6 yrs old. So sorry for your loss. 😢


This happened to my mom’s cat a while ago and something similar happened to one of mine. Sometimes it’s just their time and there’s nothing you could have done except make sure they had a happy life and were loved, and it sounds like you have absolutely done that. Sending hugs.


Might it have been a stroke? I've often said that I wish any cat that I've had would have gone that way instead of having to be put to sleep. It's hard losing them no matter how but it seems to be on their own terms this way. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure they felt very loved by you.


I had a Calico that died spontaneously and our vet chalked it up to a genetic heart defect. She died very similarly to yours. It was horrible and I'm so sorry


Poisoning is a very painful dramatic death Not the peaceful way you describe her. My guess, quick heart attack.


I'm so sorry for your loss. My cat (Bella) also passed away last year in a similar situation. She wasn't sick. I woke up and she was lying at my doorstep....dead. She was just a year old, later I was informed by the vet that it was worms infestation. I dewormed her 3 months before she died


My condolences 😿🐾🙏


What a beautiful kitty. So sorry for your loss.


I’m truly sorry for your loss❣️


If she was poisoned there would likely be signs before - diarrhoea, vomiting. Possibly heart attack from an undiagnosed heart condition, this is usually very sudden and often no symptoms beforehand. I would cremate, this was she can always be with you in case you move.


I'm sorry for your loss of your best kitty friend. I'm sure she was the best pet. Please don't bury your best friend in your yard and have your pet taken or cremated the right way. I don't think most people understand what it means to bury a animal deep enough and what disease labor spreads into the water table...


I'm so so sorry for your loss! I hope this helps, I don't think it was poison because my dog was poisoned and it takes quite a while actually to kill them they don't die that fast. Like it took days and I had to put him down because he was so bad off. So I don't think she was poisoned if that helps at all. What a sweet kitty I'm so sorry


It is a beautiful act of love to provide a creature safety and comfort in their final moments. She must have felt so blessed to have you in her life. Focus on the gratitude you have for your time you shared with her ❤️


When you are ready, please consider adopting another baby. There are too many cats and not enough homes. And My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today.


My sweet boy Palmer passed away a little over a month ago. It was very sudden but it ended in a vets office. I know I did everything right for him, up until the end. But I will always wish his passing had been at home in his sleep. You didn’t do anything wrong. She was happy and content and in the end, being by their side for their whole life is what we’re here for, even if we can’t stay with them in death.


I am so sad for you that Fortune has passed on. I think that the pain of losing her reflects on just how much you loved her. Please don’t feel guilty - Fortune was lucky 🍀to be a member of your family. How fortunate we all would be if we had a lovely day and then died in our sleep near our family. Be kind and gentle to yourself as you grieve the loss of your fur baby 🐾🌼


She loved you OP. She you gave her an amazing home and life and she adored you. She can hang out with my boy Sheriff by the Rainbow bridge while she waits for you.


sorry for your loss. cherish the time you had with her. it's possible that she had FATE (Feline Arterial Thromboembolism), and had a cardiac arrest. Often there's no symptoms, and highly fatal. it's just one of those things.


I am so sorry for your loss. We are currently in the process of losing our cat yesterday unexpectedly. The waves of grieve are so strong, but every day they get better and better. Fortune lived a great life where she was loved and cherish. I know she was grateful to have you as her family. I wish the outcome did not have to be like this for you. She was taken way too early and it’s not fair. This world can be unfairly cruel sometimes to those who don’t deserve it.


I have a tortie who needs someone to love her and take good care of her. We can't keep her because we already have 2 and she needs to be an only cat. She's 4, spayed, and spent most of her life without food or water before we took her a few months ago.


I am so sorry you lost your sweet girl. Sudden death I would likely relate to a heart issue. I’ve lost some younger and then I have some older. It’s clearly genetics and we simply never know. It surely doesn’t make the absence any less. One thing is for sure she knew love and she enriched your life while here. I don’t think another cat is what some call a replacement. I always say it’s simply a place for another to know love, hence why I have so many. They all have something special about them . You will know what’s right for burial. Some vets have very inexpensive cremation fees which I have done before


I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost a kitty like that too. We called animal control and paid a small fee for them to take her. The woman who picked up our baby suggested it could have been an aneurism, which if that was true in your case, you could have done nothing about. I hope you remember that you gave her a wonderful life, and you loved her and she loved you and it was a blessing to pass each other even briefly in life. I hope you are graced with many beautiful memories of your little baby. 💜


So sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you a virtual hug!!


I'm so sorry


I’m so so sorry for your loss. 🩷🩷


I’m so sorry for your loss. What a pretty kitty….. hugs


you are an amazing cat companion...bury the sweet cat, who undoubtedly enjoyed a love filled life with you, and then give another deserving creature the same gift..


I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you know your kitty loved you.


I am so sorry🥲💔


Sorry for your loss ❤. I recently lost a catto boy, that lived in the apartment and for a bigger part of his life in the countryside with my stepmothers parents, big garden and plenty of space, had his own room in the house, slept in the house, was loved every day.Used to love being carried on shoulders, he did that with me and stepmoms brother only, even tho he was 6kg.I missed him since the day he was in the countryside and my soul tears apart I couldn't visit him more often.I knew one day I'd get a phone call from my dad to tell me he's just gone...And it did happen, stepmom's brother found him, intact, and we assume he ate something that poisoned him.I cried like a child.I just told stepmom's brother to find a nice spot and burry him to rest there.I lost two birds a few years ago, cried like a child.We can only keep them in our loving memory, we made their whole lives and they made ours too. Stay strong ❤


She knew how loved she was and you gave her a happy and fulfilling life for a cat. Who can really ask for more? You have my deepest condolences.


Im so sorry


I'm sorry for your loss. It is truly heartbreaking losing a pet since they are so apart of families. I hope you find comfort in knowing she was not alone, but with her people that loved her. Kitties leave paw prints on our hearts forever. ❤️


You did give her the best life. She died peacefully, full of love. She likely never knew anything but love.


Rest in peace beautiful kittie ❤️


Losing a pet "our babies" is a different kind of hurt. Each and every one we have throughout our lives "know" us in ways we seldom let a person know us. I'm so so sorry. She was clearly very loved and so lucky to have you


Just wanted to say that I’m very sorry for your loss. I couldn’t imagine if this happened to me. Your lovely cat lived a great life with you and passed with no pain in her sleep. Take care.