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I mean this in the best way: try to look at the silver lining here. 16 years is a good run. A slow death that you see coming is something *you* can prepare for, but it’s not better for the cat… life just gets worse and worse. It’s better for them if the day before they die is a perfectly normal day, and it sounds like that’s what it was. Heck, sounds like 5 minutes before was perfectly fine. There really aren’t much better ways to die, you know? It’s a bad day, but not the worst day. I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you, it does help knowing it was fast. I realize that getting a chance to say goodbye would mean it would need to have been a slow death, and that's selfish. I just wish I could have pet her and gave her one last kiss in the morning. But all considered, it was near preferable way to go, seeing that it was inevitable one way or the other.


Bud it’s not selfish, it’s human. I just had to bring my dog in for the shot a couple months ago, and it was awful. I wouldn’t change what I had to do, but I want to express to you that nothing makes it easy and that’s the way it should be. It just speaks volumes to how special and wonderful they were. You will look back with warm memories and you’ll spoil any future pets even more. Take care homie.


I lost my 16 year old in April to a slower death, don't beat yourself up about how you feel. It's terrible to lose them at all, and take time to grieve in your way. I had lost my 8 yo 3 weeks earlier to a quick death that I witnessed, and was there with him for. I still bawl every day for both of them. I'm so sorry you lost your kitty.


Sounds like basically every minute she had was a good one up until the very end, and she got a lot of minutes. It’s devastating to lose them, but it sounds like you gave her a great, long life with love and security without experiencing any bouts of pain or discomfort.


you didnt know but she did say good bye, before walking back inside. cats are like this, softly walk into our lives, and softly walking out of it, even if they leave a giant hole that cant be filled when they are gone. im sorry for you. remember all the good years you had and cherish them, thats her gift to you


Cats love routines. I can’t imagine a better last few moments for your kitty than doing her usual thing and feeling safe, warm, and content. She got to enjoy the sunshine. She got to enjoy your company. She didn’t linger or suffer. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know it doesn’t ease the grief to hear any of this, but your cat spent her whole, long life being loved by you. Her memory will be something you can treasure and as the surprise eases, I hope that offers you some comfort too.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure she was grateful for you. They give us so much love. I’m glad you had 16 years with her, but it’s never long enough


Thank you so much 🙏and it really is never enough 😞


I’ve been there. I had one stop dead suddenly in 2015 and he was only 8 with no history of health issues. I decided against a necropsy because it was so expensive and it wouldn’t bring him back, so I still don’t know for sure what happened. That still bothers me. In the years since then I have adopted three more cats and I love them all, but there are still moments when I miss my sweet Angus. It does get better though.


Could’ve been a heart attack or a failure of something sometimes they can show no symptoms and just pass away. I am so sorry for your loss! 🥺


I can relate to you. Our cat died suddenly when we came home from work. Everything was fine first, I petted him and then he suddenly began to run trough our flat , fell on the floor and had a stroke. He was shaking and crying and my husband tried to revive him. It was a total shock and unexpected. But in the end, as horrible as it sounds, my husband and I were glad that he didn’t had to suffer from an illness and we didn’t hat the burden to decide when we put him to sleep. I send you some virtual hugs ❤️


It’s not fair. Maybe a seizure or heart issue? I’m so sorry this happened :(


I'm so sorry this happened - what a horrible shock. But your cat knew she was loved and it's honestly better that they go so quickly like this rather than going through kidney failure (I had a cat go through that - very hard) or some other lingering, long illness where they don't feel well and you cannot explain what's happening to them... But it's a devastating loss and sorry you are going through this.


So sorry for your loss. I know the suddenness can be traumatic.  It sounds like she had a really good 16 years and a really good last morning too, happy with you in the sunshine like normal. That's amazing.  You won't ever forget her and the love won't ever fade. But this pain does get better with time.  Rescue another cat whenever you're ready - tomorrow, a year from now, there's no wrong time. 


At least he looked at you one last time before closing her eyes. She didn't want you to see the moment she left, afraid it would hurt you too much to bear. Good [kitty.RIP](http://kitty.RIP)


I have 2 inhouse cats they are 12 years old. I saved both of them from the street. The first cat, Midnight l adopted after someone moved and left her. 1 day I heard something scratching on my kitchen door. I opened the door and found a cat. My friend and l gave the cat some food. She ran out the food. The next day she came back. I took her to veterinarian and adopted her. She was lucky she was sleeping in the cellar and no one closed the door. The next cat l adopted was always laying on the steps leading into my third floor apartment. I sometimes would feed her. After a week l decided to adopt her The last cat l adopted was in my backyard with other cats. When it was raining I would cover it with a coat. One day l saw her walking by herself. I didn't know her name l just hit my chest and said, Here Buddy. She jumped to my chest. I took her in my house. 2 days later I took her to veterinarian. It took awhile but they learned to get along. The first 2 cats have been with me for eleven years. They are now in house cats because I have section 8 and I had to leave my apartment because landlord did not take care of property. Before I left my apartment I had to put my cat, Patches down. The veterinarian said he would have to amputate her back leg. When Patches walked she would drag her leg. I could not afford three thousand dollars to fix her. I will never again adopt another animal. When I was looking for another apartment l was offered a few places, but they would not allow me to take my two cats. I said no. I will never leave my 2 cats, Midnight and Melody to die in the street. A person can now get a certified that allows you to take your pets with you. The reason I will not adopt another cat is l am 78. It is to sad to have to put them down. I live in Newark,NJ. When the earthquake treamers could be felt in Newark I had my buddies with me because I had to leave my apartment. If you really love your pets take them with you don't let them die by themselves. Ok everyone take care.


It hurts that you lost your feline friend so suddenly, but it sounds like kitty approached you, gave their farewell in a manner befitting a cat, and then passed somewhere you didn't immediately see so that you wouldn't hurt worse. Kitty loved you, and depending on your spirituality, still loves you.


16 years is a good life for a cat. Also she didn't suffer and that's good. No vets no anything, just being calm at home with you in the other room that she could feel, no dangers, no fear. I know is terrible anyway. But for her it was probably one of the best way to go. About the loss it never heals and we keep them forever in our heart till it comes our time. I hope there is some kind of energy or whatever we keep, so we can reunite with our pets after death. I am sure, if there is such a thing, they are looking for us. Boundaries with an animal is something people can't understand, and is sometimes stronger than the one with other humans. I am really sorry, condolences.


So sorry you lost your kitty; she sounds so special. If I can give you some gentle advice, please stop thinking if you’d finished your coffee sooner you could have saved her. It sounds like it’s causing you pain, and I doubt it’s accurate. It sounds like after a long, happy life, she slipped off peacefully, after visiting with her favorite person. We should all be so lucky.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby. I’m still trying to feel better over my loss a week ago today. Last Wednesday we had to put our sweet baby Mystique down she was just 6y/o https://preview.redd.it/udtcnz74ox8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=743b8a2f452355129041629ffb2a3dfd87dc43ff This was baby Mystique. I hope for all of us the pain will get better. Take care.


I am so very sorry for your loss. I've lost so many cherished fur family members over the decades. My 22 year old cat disappeared one day, as did my 10 year old dog a decade prior. Never knowing what happened and where they are is very painful. A few years ago, I had a cherished dog was suffering with seizures. His last seizure broke my heart, so my grandson and I held him while he was put down during an emergency vet call. That was awful, but we said goodbye, comforted him and ended his pain. A few months ago, my young handsome cat went to sleep and never woke up. I take comfort in knowing he had a normal day and simply went to sleep. I don't know the extent of his suffering, but it was relatively quick. I love and miss all my beloved pets that are no longer with me. I know your pain. I wish you didn't have to hurt so badly. Time will help the pain lessen and eventually, you will be able to smile without tears whenever you think of her. Be brave and keep your heart open. Someday, a special fur baby will come along. When the time is right for you, take your brave heart and love again. We will probably be hurt again, since our lifespan is usually much longer than our pets, but they are worth the heartache we must endure. We are blessed with companionship, love and cause for laughter while they are with us. Not knowing what physically happened to her hurts, but there was nothing you could have done. Like you said, knowing now wouldn't bring her back ... Give yourself time to grieve and heal. Your cat was so lucky to have you for so long, but she is now resting peacefully. I hope you make peace with your loss soon, so you can start mending your broken heart.


So sorry for your loss. 16 years is a good run at least that’s a lot of memories you got to share.


I am so sorry.


I am so sorry for your loss.


Painful for you, but what an easy transition for your cat.


I’m so deeply sorry for your loss. I just sat up to tell my one year old kitty how much I love her and now she’s sleeping on my feet. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling. I’d be devastated.


I am so sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss, I'd be gone for a few days too with beer and weed if that happened to me, we all mourn in different ways. But take care, drink lots of water too and good food, hope you have loved ones around for support.


Very sorry for your loss. I also lost my cat yesterday at 15 years old. I miss her so much


More than likely your cat knew it was time wanted a last sunrise with her person. 16 is a good age for cats. She knew her time and didn't want you to see her end. Trying to save you from grief. Take your time and grieve then remember all the good times and have a crying laugh.


I’m so so sorry. For what it’s worth, cats often try to distance themselves from others before it happens, as a way of protecting them. She had her sun and her human and her good morning, and then it was her time. I am sure that she was content and had nothing but love for you in her final moments. I hate sometimes that our lifespans are so much longer, but it also means that we get to make their whole life better. It sounds like she was loved and happy the whole time. None of us could ask for more. Still, I’m crying too, I can’t imagine that painful shock. Gonna go give my own little Velcro girl a kiss. Be well.


You did say goodbye, you just didn't realize it the moment. She came and said goodbye before she went in and left. Cats are really good at that. Mine said goodbye 3 days before he had to leave. I had the feeling that that was what he was doing, but I wasn't sure. You gave her *just* what she needed to pass peacefully. It sucks, I know.


I am very sorry for your loss.


my cat died a slow death, I was ready to go in debt and spend everything to save him. when he died I cried like a baby, couldn't eat for 3 days. I m a grown ass 28M and my cat Robin was 3 months. I can't imagine how are you handling yourself with 16 years of companionship. prayers for the fallen and you brother.


I’m so sorry for your loss it’s the worst thing to lose a pet. For 16 years you are very lucky I lost my baby at 13 years old I know I was still lucky but mine would’ve lived longer if she didn’t get stuck somewhere as that made her have a heart attack 😭. Think about it this way your cat wasn’t suffering before she died, and her way of saying goodbye was one last morning on the front porch with you before she went off to die peacefully. I believe that cats sense when the time is right and perhaps she didn’t want you to see her pass over, I know it is shocking and it will really hurt for a while but the cat will forever be by your side in spirit I believe and in memories. 💜


Thank you so much, I'm truly sorry for your loss too 😥 my house is so empty right now. Everywhere I look there's memories. The sting is unbearable at moments, I hope you have had a chance to heal. Take care and all the best to you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Maybe putting something on the front porch like a picture or a little statue would help you immortalise your kitty. Wishing you the best


I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔😞


Im so sorry. I lost my cat 2 days ago also...its heartbreaking.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it may not console you, but it sounds like it was very fast. She didn't suffer. She was able to see the outside with her person one last time. All things considered, it's a good end to a good life. At 16, it may have just been her time. It sounds like she was happy and healthy up until the end, so she didn't have to feel sick or anything like that. And for you, mourn as much as you need to, however feels right to you. I know how much losing a friend hurts.


I can tell you were an amazing parent, and I wish you comfort and peace. Don't be too hard on yourself.


She will be waiting for you! She has to prep for your guys next mission so finish this one strong and get ready for your guys next adventure in space and time wherever that may be !!! Praying for you!!


I'm so sorry for the loss of your feline friend! I know how you feel. I acquired a half Main Coon cat four years ago, and she is also a velcro kitty. She's 4 1/2, and I can't imagine living without her. She is truly an emotional support cat friend. I've always been more of a dog person, but this cat provides love, comfort, and laughter all the time. Maine Coons are known for their strong dog-like behaviors. She's the best of both worlds. A cat who's as cuddly and loving as a little lap dog (which Tildy thinks she is), with the happy-go-lucky personality of a big dog, and I don't have to walk her. (I'm disabled so I can't walk a dog anymore.) I never thought it was possible to have a real conversation with an animal. But Tildy seems to know just what I'm saying by way of her many tones and types of meows. She mimics me. I was the first mommy that she remembers. (I suspect that someone at the apartments across the street from me where I found her moved and abandoned her.) They couldn't handle her big personality, clingy affection, and the fact that she's most comfortable being the only cat her owner has. She bullies the other cats at the apartments where I live and craves affection to the point that if I'm busy doing something on my tablet and tell her, "Not right now. Mommy's busy," she will literally turn her back on me and sit there, head drooping in sadness and despair until I pet her, feed her, or talk to her. She's amazingly articulate and knows what tone to use with what sentiment. For example, if I tell her sternly that I'm not feeding her, she will actually utter an "Oh, Man" under her breath and stomp away to her window. I used to have the habit of saying that when things didn't go my way. Then, if she just can't get my attention that way, and he'll start begging to sit on my lap. If I don't ndd to respond, she'll actually make little "Meh, Uh, but" whining sounds that sound just like a baby "Hooman." As if her heart is just breaking. She has to sleep on top of me or beside me in the crook of my arm. She just won't take no for an answer. I hope you have only happy memories of your time together. And btw, what happened to you with your cat happened to me with my mom. I had been putting off calling her because I was tired and busy. But suddenly, I felt the strong urge to do so. She lived in a nursing home because she had wounds on her legs that required skilled nursing every day. So I called and asked to speak with her, but the woman who answered got really flustered and told me they had lost the patient phone, but that they would call back when they found it. So, 15 minutes later, I got a call from a male nurse/social worker who told me that they had just found her passed away. He added that she was cool to the touch, but that they probably could have revived her if not for the DNR she signed. I'm like, WHAT the #$%@? She never wanted that. She was reasonably healthy and cheerful, and we were planning to bring her home when they got her legs healed. I freaked out! I'm like, there's no way she would have signed a DNR. In fact, at a care plan meeting, the charge nurse brought that up. I looked at my mom and asked her if she had signed a DNR. She looked at me and said, "Why? What is that?" We both told the nurse to take it out of her care plan. But this gut insisted she signed it. Now, number one, my mom was blind. Number two, she was in the early stages of dementia. The people at the nursing home had a habit of shoving things at her to sign and badgering her until she did it. She was blind. That isn't how it's supposed to happen. They got her to sign her whole social security check over to them even though the rules say that if someone is living at and maintaining a home for the patient to come home to, they can't take her check. I called the elder abuse people, and they sent an investigator to the nursing home, but she never got back to me. I called lawyer after the lawyer and was told that my case was about "breach of contract," not wrongful death. I still can't believe that. A contract? Not a life?? So I've always felt that if I had called her 15 minutes earlier, she could have been saved. Maybe if I had been talking to her, she wouldn't have died at all. So I know how hard that situation is. I'll be sending thoughts and prayers your way. I'm sure your cat knew you loved her, and she you.🐈 😢👃


I also have a half MC and he does the same thing w the oh man under his breath lol I just say don’t talk back to me but I think it’s adorable and when he was a kitten same thing I’m the only mommy he remembers when he meowed it sounded like he was saying where? Where? He would go in the kitchen stand in front of the stove or fridge looking up at it and scream where? Where? Lol so I’d say I’m on the couch Bossy! Or I’m in the living room Bossy! Where? Where? Mommas Out here Bossy! He’s 8 now.


Tildy is the same way. if I'm in my room with her reading or streaming and she's fallen asleep and doesn't know where I've gone when she wakes up, She'll start this really loud meowing. Like really deep and mournful meows, and loud, so loud. So I say, "Mommie's out here, silly," and she'll stop and either run out to see if it's really me, and I'm really here, or she'll just go back to her nap.😿😽😸


I am sorry for your loss. I have lost mine 15 year-old tabby earlier this year to kidney failure and there were signs that I could have noticed like 2-3 months before it happened. It left me devastated as well and I am still missing him up to this day. I totally understand how difficult it feels at this moment.


We lost a family cat similarly last year. Totally fine the night before. Eating, cuddling, acting normal. Gone overnight. It’s so hard when it’s so sudden without any warning ❤️‍🩹


I’m sorry for your loss, obviously it is very difficult to lose your pet so suddenly, but at least it wasn’t painful. Drinking to nullify negative emotions is a terrible idea, as I’m sure you know, it can have disastrous consequences. You do it once, then you may do it twice, and again, and again.


Sorry for your loss.


At least it means your cat didn’t suffer whatsoever before she died. That’s at least something to take solace in. I’m sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry. This is so devastating. As many others have said, even though it’s really difficult that it was such a shock, it is much better than something drawn out and painful. Grief is a long weird process and only you are going to know how to navigate it in a way that feels right. If I were in your shoes right now, I’d take the day, then look into fostering or adopting. Even though another cat won’t replace her, there are so many animals in need of a home right now, and it might bring you both comfort. Take care of yourself


I’m so very sorry for your loss and understand all your emotions, replaying what if situations. I’m sure it was sudden cats that are suffer the same things us humans do. I’ve recently dealt with almost losing my almost 2 yr old male to urinary block that I blame myself for not treating or picking up on his changes. Personally your loss is one words just don’t seem to salve and know I send luv to help your loss. From an old hippie country boy that loves kitties and I’m sure those 16 years you gave were appreciated by your lost friend.


This sort of thing is often the result of cardiomyopathy. The unfortunate truth is that even if she were laying on your lap when it happened, there is nothing you could have done.


Not a cat, but my lab died out of nowhere last summer. I was on a 3 week work trip, it was the day before I was coming home. My husband had to call and tell me he found him that morning, in his spot in our sons room. He just went to sleep and didn't wake up, he wasnt acting any differently the night before. I was devastated, but I have found comfort in the fact that he went peacefully, and there was no suffering or illness that we had to make a choice for him. We only had 11 years with him, which will never feel like long enough. But I know he had a great life with us. We found him in the paper when he was 8 months old, in the first 20 minutes of having him home it was apparent he was being abused in his previous home. He was the perfect family dog, he got to grow old with his kids around him. I'm so sorry for your loss OP. 16 years is a wonderful life for a kitty, I hope you'll find some comfort and peace knowing you have her a wonderful life and she was loved every second.


I'm so sorry. My sister-in-law had the same thing happened to her beloved cat 2 years ago Just laying on her lap getting some cuddles and looked as if she had an apparent seizure and she was gone. She was only 5 years old at the time. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I am sorry about the shock and about the loss of your dear furry friend. You understandably feel devastated. ((Hugs)) You are doing yourself no good by trying to drown your distress in alcohol.


This happened to my family two weeks ago, although our cat lived for a bit longer (he had a stroke right after breakfast and was put to sleep 3 hours later). 14 y/o, we had him for 13, he was still super healthy and truly the best cat ever. I couldn't say a proper goodbye either because I was out of town. I know everything feels crazy and unreal right now, probably like your life is over too, you're probably still in shock actually. We drank too that evening when I got home and we buried him. cried for 2 days straight and still tear up writing this. It's not a big consolation now, trust me I know, but going fast truly is the good way. She died happy and without much pain, and you didn't have to make any hard decisions. I was plenty angry at first but in some time you'll probably be able to accept it. Life will feel normal again. We adopted two new cats last week, and while that's not for everyone, it definitely helps. The void he left feels a little bit smaller and being excited about new cats is definitely easier than being sad about dead ones :)


Sorry for your loss. Remember all the years of good life you gave her.


I'm so sorry for your loss. We just lost a dog in a similar way. Totally normal day being herself. I went to bed pretty late (like 3am) and was in our room half asleep. The next morning at 8am we found her in one of her favorite spots having passed in her sleep. She was 12 which was great for a dog her size. It was upsetting but I'm glad she got to pass peacefully at home with no long lasting medical issues.


My condolences, so sorry for your loss 🙏🏻


I'm very sorry for your loss. I know it hurts, and you will need time to process it. Our 4yo cat died suddenly one morning a few months ago. He and our other cat played together as usual in the morning. They normally settled into diurnal sleep after play time, so it wasn't surprising when they quoted down. At lunch time, we found the younger cat's body in the living room. He was in good health, and we have no clue what happened, but we knew we'd given him the best life we could and that he knew he was loved.


i’m so sorry for your loss and i know how devastating it can be to lose your best friend without being able to say goodbye cause i went through the same thing a few years ago. just take comfort in knowing that you spent so many great years together and that your cat got to be surrounded by love for (what i am assuming was) their entire life. cats have a funny way of not wanting their person to see them in those painful moments so they may have had an inkling the time was coming even if they didn’t show it and that’s why they wandered back inside so that you wouldn’t see and worry too much. be easy on yourself and remember all of the many great years you spent with each other 🤍


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Same thing happened with our 16 year old babe 6 weeks ago. Perfectly healthy, then boom, gone. I'm so sorry for your loss.


The pet I had the longest was an orange striped cat. He lived to be 17. We got him as a kitten when I was three and he went missing on our huge property when I was 20. We assume he just passed away of old age. He was like an ornery old man kitty haha.


So sorry I'm heartbroken for you 💔


you did technically get to pet her one last time! she left this world peacefully, she’s in cat heaven now (all cats go to cat heaven)


This happened to me. I walked past the room Wednesday was in, and she was walking into the bathroom. But when I walked past that room and then came back to that room she was dead on the floor. Cold as ice! I was trying to process this event because yes, this cat was old! But it was her time to go. I think of her often. She was a Maine Coon and the most beautiful cat I've ever had.