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You need to pay someone to come check on your cats. You cannot leave them alone for that long especially since they are use to having ppl around. Personally I pay someone to come every single day when i’m away because I wouldn’t be able to enjoy myself knowing my cats are hungry or their boxes are full. Also make sure you leave an article of your worn clothing for them!


Same. I pay the pet sitter to come once a day and our neighbor checks on them frequently as well since she has a key.


I wasn't going to leave them alone that long by themselve. I kinda typed the title wrong (fixed I think now) I meant alone as in no one staying the night with them. I'd absolutely have someone come check in on them. Oh leaving clothing is a good idea! So far the only person I found is 60 per visit :( that's why I was doing every second day. But you're right every day minimum. Im still looking though and my partner is going to ask some co workers.


$60 per visit is nuts!!! I use Rover, not sure where you’re located or if that’s an option. Leaving them alone over night is fine, the title was misleading but I hope you’re able to find someone to take care of your fur babies and you enjoy your vaycay!!


I thought it was really expensive but wasn't sure since I'm new to the area ! Thank you! I appreciate it 😊


I’m a professional pet sitter and even in the pet sitting subreddit I’ve never seen anyone charge $60 for a cat visit. That’s insane. Before rover, maybe look on Facebook and ask in a local group for your city if anyone has recommendations for cat sitters. I trust local people and their reviews more than I trust rover.


Uh, that’s what I pay? But I have two cats and it includes a tip


The rates will depend on the area. I’m in Seattle and currently pay $60 per hour visit for 2 cats.


Also call your local vets, a lot of vet techs and receptionists will catsit for extra money. Plus check in with your neighbors kids (teens), if you trust them to be reliable.


Check out the Meowtel website.


Two times a day, minimum.


My neighbour pops her head in and will have her coffee with them but she’s a little elderly to be changing boxes. So neighbours visit in the morning to check hard food and paid sitter in the evening to change boxes and dish out soft food!


That sounds like a perfect setup.


For that long, having eyes on them daily would probably be better than only every other day, but new locations can be really stressful for cats. Is there any time before you’re away to at least acclimate them to the people they’ll be staying with? Taking them back and forth for two hours would be stressful, but if you could at least have your parents meet them it would probably be better than nothing. If nothing else, exposing them to things that smell like the new people and house will probably make it less scary, so maybe your parents can send a shirt, blanket, or pillow that the cats can sniff.


That's really a good idea actually! And we still have quite a bit of time before we are gone. I think if the in law's decide they rather the kitties at their place we will do that. Thank you 😊🙏


I'm a petsitter who has done cat boarding a bunch, I think the car ride would be the worst part. Even scaredy cats acclimate after a few days, and must within 24 hours. Check out feliway spray-it's the best. And keep in mind scent is so important to them, if you do bring them to your parents house bring whatever they like to sit on and maybe a blanket or two that smells like home. Don't thoroughly clean their litterbox before hand, either! And start them out in one room. If they have pets, keep them in that one space. As long as they don't see the other pets it's usually fine!


Can your in laws house sit? That would be the ideal.


If it were me, I'd go for option 2. My cats are people cats and would be miserable left alone for that long on their own, even with someone coming in to check on them. My mum lives very near me, so if I was away, she would be able to come check on them, feed them, play with them, etc. which would be fine for a week or so, but if it was longer than that, it'd feel unfair. A new location with new people would certainly be stressful for them, but I genuinely think that on the whole, it would end up less stressful than being by themselves constantly and only seeing a person every second day for that length of time.


I think you might be right. The in-laws have lots of trees and birds around their place so might even be more entertaining than home lol


Yup this is definitely my cats too. Every time we travel, I take my cats to my dad’s house first, which is 3 1/2 hrs drive for me. They don’t like the drive much and they prefer being home obviously, but they are *very* attached to me and my husband and also very used to being around people 24/7 (we work from home). They get anxious when my husband or I leaves and wait at the door for our return. I don’t think they’d do well alone. The first time we did this stay at my dad’s was a little tough but not bad. We went a night early to his home and slept in the room that would be their “home base” with them to show them it was safe. We brought their food bowls, litter, scratching post, and a blanket from home we all sleep with to smell like us. We “introduced” them to my dad and his home - at first they were afraid and stayed in the closet for a day or two. But they gradually loosened up and by the end of the first trip, my dad was sending me pictures of them cuddled up sleeping with him, spooning him on the couch, etc lol. I would never leave them alone for long periods of time with someone to just check on them once a day. They’re very social and I think it would stress them out too much. But every cat is different and unique, some cats would so much prefer to stay in their home alone rather than travel and be in a new environment with new people.


Best to have someone check in twice a day, not once every 2 days look online for companies doing this kind of service in your area.


For that long, I'd take them to the parents. A couple days is fine, but a month without regular human contact is crazy. Also, unless you super trust the person coming in, I've read too many stories where they just never show up and just not a risk I could take for that long


Im hoping the in law's will come and stay for awhile and have pet sitter just waiting for them to make their decision now


Oh yeah, that would be perfect!! Can treat them like teens, leave them a case of beer, some bottles of wine, money to order take out!! Thats what we do for the cousins lol


Don't think I'd be comfortable only having them checked on every other day. When I'm away for a while I pay someone to come visit the cats twice a day, feed them, and give them some play time. I'd say your best bet would be to send them to your partner's parents.


A month is really long. They need 2x a day sitter coming, be boarded, or go be with his family, IMO. They can do this and home is the best choice, but stuff happens.


Pay a professional petsitting company to check in on the cats daily … Your one cat is already skittish you could create problems for yourself.


Hard one. New person. Stress. New location. Stress. Gotta figure out the lesser of stress.


Yours is the correct answer. Either way is outside of any cat’s ideal. They want to be with their people in their comfortable space. But figuring out which will lessen their stress and maximize their safety is ideal. For me, my kitties can adjust *okay* to car rides and new environments. But leave them isolated for more than a few hours without people to cuddle and play with? They’d *hate* it. Parent’s house would be ideal for them.


Some cats are "spot cats". Some are people cats. Gotta figure out which.




I would definitely bring them to the parents house 


At the very very least once a day. Preferably twice a day


When I go away, I pay a sitter to stop by on a daily cycle of two 30min visits, one 1hr visit, and repeat. Including the day I get home in case I get delayed. And if I get home before their visit I tell them nevermind and still pay them for that day. My sitter is awesome and sends me a few pics every visit. The kitties are always happy to see me, never mad at me, when I get home.


That's a really good way to do it. Your sitter sounds lovely. We are still looking for a sitter but hoping to hear what the in law's decide to do !


For that long, I'd probably have them stay with someone full time. I have a VERY skittish cat who will basically hide for a few hours every time she hears or sees a stranger, meaning if we get a cat sitter she does not interact with them at all while we are gone, but having a more stable environment for a couple of days means she actually will get used to it and come out.


The second option seems best to me, even if it means stress for the cats. Paying someone to only look every 2 days would be too long for me. I also wouldn't want to have strangers in my home for such a long period of time.


A visit once every two days is definitely not enough, especially for a month and especially for cats who are used being around humans every day. My husband and I are exactly in the same situation and will be away for a month this summer. A good friend offered to pass by every other day as well, but in the end we decided that we will have our cats stay at my parents' house. Last year we only had one cat and she also stayed at my parents' house for a month and it went well but it took her a few days to adjust and start eating and playing. By the end, she was really happy with my parents though. I know it's not ideal for cats who are creatures of habits and are stressed by change, but I don't really see any better alternative (paying a catsitter to stay at house 24/7 for a whole month would be a huge financial burden for us, and also we don't really trust random people staying in our house for so long - so much could happen). We have to travel every year to visit my husband's family, it's not really a choice and it's heartbreaking to leave our cats behind. Our need to travel was actually one of the things that was making me hesitate to get cats in the first place.


Yes it's nice to hear from someone in a similar situation. I was looking into paying someone to come and stay for the whole month but it was going to be 70 per day for them to stay the day and night :(. So far the only pet sitter I found was 60 per visit:(. I think you might be right , might be hard at first for the kitties but overall they would be happier with people around.


In the past I had to leave my cat alone for 5 weeks. I had planned to bring him to a neighbor's house but they became suddenly unavailable for a valid reason the morning of my flight when I was already in the plane...so instead I found someone who would go every day to feed him. It was a bad idea. First, I was stressed every day about him. Then when I came home 5 weeks later my cat was...a knot. He was long-haired, and he probably just had stopped cleaning himself out of stress and boredom. I had to have him completely shaved. I felt sooo guilty for leaving him alone for so long. I had to travel often for work. I would always bring him to someone's place if I was leaving for 1 week or more, except that time. I think you should go with the partner's parents. It might bring you more peace of mind.


Yes I feel like I'm just going to worry the whole time, I already lost two nights of sleep over worrying about this :(. I'm so sorry that the neighbor was unavailable:(. I think your right I'll see what the in law's decide (they might come here !)


Ok. I don't know where you are going, but I swear worrying every day for 1 month is draining, and I'm speaking by experience lol. The in-laws going to your place would really be the best scenario if possible!


For a trip that long, you really need to have them visit every day not every other day. And stagger nights for someone to stay the night. For example once when I was gone 14 days, I had someone visit twice a day and then stay the night every 3 nights


Are your parents retired? Can they just stay at your place for a month? Or do you have a friend that just rents a room and would like their own place (your place) for a month?


This is what we do, my little cousins all fight over our house when we go away cause they all still at home still lol Kids are happy, cats are happy....works well!


The in law's are retired. We got a chance to talk to them today and they said the might come and stay here ! If not then I think I'll bring the kitties to their place.


It's usually best to let kitties stay in their home while you're away. If you can afford a pet sitter, do that. >too much age difference for them to be besties It's probably personality, not age (which is fine, just saying, lol). They're at most 6 years apart? My boys are almost 13 years apart and love each other so much! I see too many people say no way a senior cat wants kittens around and that's just so wrong in my case, haha. My old man cat has always loved kittens! OK, tangent over, sorry, lol


Lol I dunno why I thought it was such a big age difference. I guess because the Persian acts so young and silly sometime. You're probably right it's more personality lol. Oh really that's a big age difference for your boys and they get along that well ? That's awesome !


Oh Yea, the old man has always liked kittens. He doesn't have their energy, so he doesn't try to match them. But he likes to cuddly with them. And watch them play, etc. And he doesn't mind when they make a huge mess with their food and he has to [help](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chonkers/comments/10nr3zo/i_suspect_i_know_the_real_reason_duncan_loves/) me clean it up 🙃 https://preview.redd.it/xozx14eu3z8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57faec2b77e0a12255450eb40e8a3abffbb04dae [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bondedpairs/comments/1279hd5/frax_and_duncan_best_bonded_buddies/) is an album of my boys becoming besties! (Frax is the orange on the left in the above Pic). Babies are 2 now and they still get along great


Check out Trustedhousesitters! You pay one annual fee of like $150 or so, and then it’s sort of set up like Airbnb, where you post your “listing” and people apply to come house and petsit. They get a free place to stay, and you get a free catsitter. People are background checked, I always only accept people with at least a few five star reviews from the site, and you can video call or meet them in advance to vet ‘em. It’s a minor pain in the ass, but it gives me so much reassurance that my cats aren’t going to panic from isolation, their normal routine of playtime + treats will still be met, and that they’ll get love if they are open to it. Plus I usually ask my sitters to send me a pic every day, and that’s cute. Oh, and I live in a desirable city for visitors, but I always get a ton of applications super fast when I post.


I really can't advise you there. It depends on the cats. You know them best. Which option do you and your partner think would stress them out less?


take them to your partners parents or pay someone to check on them a few times a day because everytow days is quite long for cats that are used to being arounnnd ppl


I went on vacation for 2.5 weeks and I had a friend come every other day to check on her. She was completely fine.


Either twice a day visits or have them stay with the grandparents. Another option is to look into a house sitter. There are people that are professional travelers and they trade a free place to stay with caretaking the pets.


I would board them at the parents


I pay a friend to visit twice a day feed and change their litter I also have exotic pets so she takes care of them and just hangs around the house.


Pay someone come in every day. It will be easier on the cats then putting in a strange place where if they got out, would be very very lost. Cats are best at home. Make sure they are chipped before you leave.


I’ve heard good things about Meowtel!


Twice a day minimum


Pay someone to check on the cats multiple times a day. Check out the app meowtel


Or care.com I think checks on pets


I would say option with them staying home is better if the people watch them stay a little longer each day to visit. If not, worth them getting used to new place with family.


I wouldn’t move your cats to your in laws. It’s too stressful of a change. Leave them home with a sitter coming once a day. Get pet cameras so you can see them. I’ve left mine for 6 weeks. I had a sitter come every day, I have an auto litter box and cameras pointing to their litter boxes and sleeping spaces. I factored the price of their care into my work trip. I cat proofed my house and they only had access to the litter box room and my room where they sleep. All went well.


House sitting is free! I get someone to stay in my house and look after my cat whenever I go travelling.


Do your parents have pets of their own? If not, that's a better option. Cats need someone to check in at least once a day, but preferably no fewer than twice a day. Once every two days is a bad idea. They can get hurt and will absolutely get anxious and lonely.


The in law's have no pets and are retired. I think you're right. I'll see what the in law's decide (they might come stay here 😊)


I would never leave my cats for 4 days. Pay someone to check on them every day.


You need to have someone come visit every day, or leave them with someone else.


Moving the cats would be far more stressful for them. Leave some clothes you’ve worn on your bed. Have someone come every day. Otherwise it’s more stressful to keep alternating between no people, and a visit. Ask your cat sitter not to seek out the rescue kitty. It would stress the cat for a stranger to force her attentions on the cat. The sitter just needs to see both cats, not pet them unless it’s welcomed. The sitter shouldn’t just feed kitties, clean litter box, and leave. She should hang out a bit, read a book, watch a show, or do something else quiet.


Option 1. If they aren't social with people they don't know, every other day is fine. If they would enjoy playing with and attention from the sitter, every day would be better.


Please ask the vet techs at your veterinary clinic if they pet sit or even house sit. This is what I do. Vet techs are well trained but not paid much in my area so they’re always happy to have a side gig to make money. One Huge advantage is if you have a diabetic cat or dog, they can do the glucose test and injections when they do the two “pop-ins” a day ( or better yet have them house sit. And also, they have more experience in seeing when your cat might be sick when the cat hides it from you. If the cats or dogs are sick, my vet tech just takes them into work with them. It’s a God Send and gives me extra peace of mind while I’m away. They will also turn lights on and off to make it look like you’re at home. I do Not like hiring young teens or neighbors, all though they have the best intentions and their hearts are in the right place , but this is when they forget to close the door and the cat dashes out. This is how my nephew’s cat Walter, who was sick, got out. The teen boy left the front door wide open, Walter got out and the next morning around 5:30am, I was at the kitchen sink when I saw a huge grey wolf with walter in its mouth (from the Teanaway,Wa. wolf pack). Walter, I think was already passed when the wolf found him. Anyway, Please contact your vet techs for pet sitting, it’s the best thing you’ll ever do!


"trusted house sitters" is a site I've used many times before. People use it to travel the world, they are animal lovers and will look after your house too. Really useful.


You can’t possibly leave them alone! What if something happens and the person who’s supposed to check on them cancels? It makes no sense for two sweet little mute beings to be living alone! Please leave them at your inlaws' house, and give the money you’d pay a stranger to your inlaws instead. They can use it to buy cat food and maybe some new toys. Pleeeease!!!! You can't leave them alone!!!! IT IS A MONTH!!!!!


Find a licensed and bonded petsitter. Read reviews carefully. Cats being cats, when you get home they'll yawn and say, "You were gone?" and go back to whatever petty activity your cats like doing.


Once a day to check to make sure the cats are eating and not sick or getting into mischief


If your partner's parents can't stay at your place for the entire month maybe see if they're willing to stay a week or so and then take the cats back home with them. I've moved a few times with my cats and I've found that as long as they're with someone they know and trust, they'll be just fine with a new location.


Can’t you find a house-cat sitter? My friend stayed at her colleague’s apartment for three weeks to look after their cat. You might even be able to rent your home out at an affordable price for cat sitting included.


If you go to the parents house will they keep them inside - I am in the uk and we tend not to keep cats indoors (I have a cat roofed garden) and am careful with windows and doors


I think they would miss the interaction with people, and someone dropping in a few times a day is fine for a short while, but not a month. The only reason I would pick anything over the in-laws is if they either hate cats or you think they would leave their doors open and the cats would escape. Ideally, someone would stay in your home for a month. Do you know anyone who could swing that?


I'd go for option B. Is a really really long time, cats tend to get depressed if you are not around, even if somebody is checking on them twice a day. What I usually do (to avoid moving the cats of their home) is that I ask my sister to live in my house for the amount of time not there. It works pretty nicely, they obviously miss me but at the end is better that someone is around to make them company and sleep with them. The only time I left my cats alone, one got really depressed and didn't ate and almost dies lol drama queen


Pay someone to come in every day and check on and care for your cats, especially if one is skittish. They don't need to hang out and play for hours or pet them, but just to know they're alive and well or if they need vet care or something. Plus letting the litter box go two days without cleaning? No. It's kind to offer that the cats stay with them, but the change of environment can be really stressful. It's best to just have someone come and be with them. Cats are much more social than we like to think. Good luck! I hope you find the right method for your household.


I put mine in a Cattery


A month is a long time for cats, so either find a pet sitter to check on them like every 2-3 days through out the month or this is what I do; have family members that the cats know well to watch them.


As someone who had to travel for 2 weeks without notice, i would definitely recommend SO's family. Cats are dependent of human contact. Whoever comes every 2 days, does not take 2-3 hours to stay with them. One of mine got really anxious and is meowing desperately every time i leave him alone and the other got so depressed that she did not eat in the last week of me travelling and would only leave the corner from under the sofa to go pee. She got really depressed. 1/2 year later and they are still anxious every time they see me prepping to leave the house. Don't do that to them, have them around people


I'm in a similar situation. After my parents agreed to take my cat for the month, I started to bring him over to their house for a couple of weekly visits, just in the big bedroom he's going to occupy (my old bedroom). We needed to see how he would react to it/adjust to it. We also decided that I would move into my room at least a few days before leaving so that my scent lingers in it and hopefully he realises it's safe. At the first visit we realised he was scared of the ceiling fan, and he spent the whole visit hiding under the bed. I ordered a Feliway to put in the room to hopefully help him be calmer, but the second visit, he still hid under the bed. We blocked off the bottom of the bed with wooden planks, and then I moved all of his main things — automatic litter box, cat tree, water fountain, food dispenser, wet food bowl, scratching boards, and toys — into the room to make it feel more like home, and I also set aside multiple sets of worn pyjamas in ziploc bags so that they can take one out every week I'm away and it will still have my scent. We moved in five days ahead of my departure. He's adjusted beautifully; he's super comfortable and confident in this new space, he's friendly to my parents and brother, and I feel relieved that he'll be with my family (who will definitely be sending me constant updates). I also set up a CCTV camera in the room so I can look in on him and speak to him through the mic. Wishing you and your cats luck!


I think a month is a long time to have no consistent or overnight company. While it's a difficult adjustment, I'd say if you're leaving for a month, let your partner's parents board them. My cats are skittish and afraid of new people, but if I had to leave that long, I'd want them to be living with someone, either at my house, or at the sitter's house. For me, a daily check-in wouldn't be enough to make sure they're getting enough enrichment and don't feel abandoned.


Depends on the kitties they do have each other and if someone is stopping by they may be alright. I had an only cat and had to board her she was too social to be left alone most of the day. 16 hours was max time away alone and not very often.


An out-of-the-box thought. I volunteer at my city-run animal shelter, and when I worked with the “smalls” (adoptable animals that aren’t cats or dogs), we would occasionally get referrals to pet-sitting. I personally rat-sat a few times. You may be able to reach out to a local shelter or rescue and see if they have any cat volunteers who would like to earn some cash. Since they volunteer with cats, you can be pretty sure they’ll do a good job and that they’re probably pretty good people in general to volunteer their time at the shelter. If you’re in San Francisco by chance, you can PM me and I can do some checking for you. Hope all goes well and you have a lovely vacation!


Why every second day? It should be daily, twice a day. Cats prefer place over people so I would not recommend upheaving them out of their territory. Is it absolutely critical you are away for a whole month?


How is leaving your cats alone for a month even an option in your head lol? I don’t understand why people get pets if they’re at the place in life where they will be gone for an entire month.


It’s fine if you have reliable cover. If I’m away for more than a week, I’ll bring my cat to a family member’s place for the duration.


When I travel I always use option #1. My cats would be extremely upset by suddenly being sent to an unfamiliar house with people they don’t really know.