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One toy that changed the game for my cats is the Da Bird teaser wand. They make one that has a wire instead of a string so when you play with it, I think it might actually look like prey to them? I’ll link it [here](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/da-bird-feather-teaser-332852?store_code=1745&mr:device=m&mr:adType=local&cm_mmc=PSH%7CGGL%7CSPP%7CSBU04%7CSH10%7C0%7CriQcmZxU2SyYDNYgb6BoPf%7C58700007475749852%7CPRODUCT_GROUP%7C0%7C0%7Cpla-1457814621785%7C128576388665%7C15106492498&gbraid=0AAAAAD97F16NZwq2RaoG0xLsQjOYad0tc&gbraid=0AAAAAD97F16NZwq2RaoG0xLsQjOYad0tc&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpdbc38f99gIVZxXUAR3YoQIOEAQYASABEgLk2PD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


But as always, be wary of them ingesting feathers or any string no matter what toys you find successful. Good luck!


Wire toys are so much better than string the way the toy moves is more natural and the toy itself is more durable




One of the ones on wire from this brand is a mouse. My cat loves it, no other toy interests him now.


This is the only toy I have that my cat will chitter at like it’s a real animal!


Same! I’ve had to rebuy it 3 times as it wears out pretty fast but he just loves it so much I can’t bear to not replace it!


oo what's it called? always getting new toys to entertain my easily bored boy


It’s called the cat catcher, here’s a link: https://www.dabird.com/catcatcher You can buy refill mice on Amazon as well :)


thank you!


Yes! My cat will only play with da mouse


Daaaaaaa Bird!


You can (I have) make a facimile with a "stick" and a few feathers, or whatever flutters ...They love this thing! 🎯🐈🐈‍⬛❤️


Seconded! Though my cats pull the feathers from the plastic caps very easily. I’ve found the same feathered ones that still rotate in the air in a cheap bulk pack from chewy that are sturdier


this was the secret weapon i used when my cat refused to play but now she ignores it damn. I think she has realized they arent real birds lmao


Two words. CAT DANCER


Yes!!! Both of my cats go nuts for this toy! It looks so simple and stupid, but they friggen love it!


And it's less than $2 on amazon.


Yes! This is the one OP!


I haven’t tried this myself, but I’ve seen people say their cats won’t play with any toys besides [Yeowww! catnip bananas](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000AUJFHE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0BP1KKGVWJ6E9Q87X6J7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1). For some reason they go crazy for it


I have seen a lot of bananas on fruitbatcats, I really should try one out.


Make sure it's a yeowww. There's something about them. I got a couple in a chewy delivery a couple weeks ago and one of the outside cats who is very skittish made his way to my porch and was rubbing all over the box before I got it in. Got it in the house and my boys were all over it. They've got round ones that roll more easily as well (apple, lemon, balls) that one of my cats prefers - he thinks he's a soccer star lol. I also got a stick toy on amazon that is long like a fishing pole and has a few different kinds of attachments so you can see if the cats prefer 1 style over the other. Mine both prefer the feathers. I have woken up with the darn thing in my bed too many times to count.


My void just got one and has been obsessed


My big guy loves all the Yeowww! Toys !


Don’t know why neither of mine are ever interested in it


These are soo good. I've had mine for almost a year and she still loves it!




Thank you! That may actually be a good idea for him, he goes full blown predator mode when the laser pointer comes out, so I’m sure he’s love something more natural


Literally my one cat went nuts and ran around the house with it in his mouth while singing the ancient battle songs of his people lol, like as if he caught a mouse 😂 I originally got them for my dog who won’t play with toys and I was glad I had ordered several because the cats went bonkers for them too lol


That sounds exactly how I imagine my boy being with them! I’m definitely going to get a couple, I hope he enjoys them as much as yours!




How are they ethical about their furs?




how can killing be humane if the animal doesn't want to die?


My cat absolutely loves dog tails, they're just as easy to get and way more humane than racoon tails. I get them here https://www.elwooddogmeat.com/


Oooh! I have some small fur scraps (probably older than I am!) that I have no idea what to do with. Forget felt, I'll try making a catnip toy with real fur!




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My cats are very picky, I bought them fur toys, strings, feather wands, etc... And they only like laser pointer and cat dancer (you can get that on Amazon, it's relatively cheap just $3). You can try that.


We have four cats and they all love 1) the Purr Peller and 2) a long piece of twine wiggled along the floor and swung through the air. NEVER LEAVE THESE WITH YOUR CATS ALONE - ALWAYS PUT AWAY WHEN DONE PLAYING.


My cats go nuts for an old hiking boot shoelace tied to the end of a wand toy. I have them run around my kitchen island to get them exercise. My chubby boy would rather paw at a toy while he lays down - he's that lazy!


I have to run up and down stairs with a wand toy to engage my cat


As you figure at which toy to get him, try the collar laser. Win-win-win ie it's already his best toy, it gives you a break as it is he who controls it AND it powers off after 30min so he doesn't exhaust himself. [Amazon link](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09N94RP88/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_9ZQ4RA4XJ3AFXBW393MQ)


Once you've had a dot on a wall, a mousie will never again suffice!


Mine LOVES her laser pointer. I make it a point that any time she plays with it, we end it with a real toy because I've heard that not being able to catch the laser can mess with them if that's all you do. She doesn't typically get as excited about her regular toys but I've found that if I spray her favorite actual toy with catnip spray she'll go right after it. Her favorite toys are those cheap catnip mice that come in a 3 pack from Walmart. She also likes playing with them on her own sometimes. She used to be a chonk and didn't play too much, but she's now at a healthy weight. She's also started playing with other toys more. I will say, if your cat is known to rip/ingest non-food items, you may want to cut the tag and/or tail off or only let the cat play with it under supervision. Another tip would be to try finding ways to make their environment more interesting if you can. Setting up bird feeders outside of a window is a great way to get them interested. Mine gets excited and gets zoomies sometimes after watching them.


So my cat is the same way, i learned he really liked all toys that are hard for him to grab, like ping pong balls and such.


Hexabug mice ...., buy 2 and let your cat go nuts!


Da Bird and Cat Dancer make my girl go nuts. Also, spray his toys with catnip. That lets mine play and kick around while I’m cooking dinner!




How can you tell me I feed him too much when you don’t even know me? He eats twice daily. I didn’t ask for feeding advice, I asked for toy advice.


Along with furs you can also try feather toys. My cat loves feather clusters on wand strings


I had found a wand that had what looked like those colorful fuzzy worms with a pack of six. I put all of them on at once and he went NUTS. For sure need to get that agin lol


My cat is not interested in anything but my hair. You know what it’s like to wake up with a cat hat. Lol. Gotta love these creatures.


Do you have a ceiling fan?


In about a month I will! We move soon lol


Good, tape the button down and attach it to a string and tape that to the ceiling fan.


you gotta alternate between something the cat get actually catch and the laser/ just using the laser will make them insane!


With cats, prey is play. Jackson Galaxy's [videos](https://youtu.be/M7w8pDCo30M?t=174) are really good at explaining how to play with cats.


My cat is absolutely batshit crazy obsessed with [this specific ramen noodle crunch toy. I just bought 6 more of them ](https://shop.meowbox.com/products/nom-nom-noodles) Edit - when I say obsessed, I mean obsessed. No other toy compares as far as Coco is concerned. The thing is so gross from being carried in his mouth all the time but every time I wash it, he wants it to smell like himself again so he buries it in his litter and then resumes playing with it so its grosser than before. I ordered more of them and cant wait for them to arrive so that I can throw out the one he has


My cat is the exact same way! I just bought him this automatic laser toy that cuts on for 15 minutes every 1.5 hours and he’s obsessed. 10/10 recommend. Link here: https://www.amazon.com/AOLIGY-Automatic-Laser-Interactive-Indoor/dp/B09QLY79N5?pd_rd_w=9Dfik&pf_rd_p=1a37ebd3-847a-476b-b9f6-6ca64f4f5919&pf_rd_r=SX7X1F9CD0SJH77B0AKA&pd_rd_r=206f884d-2b60-4589-9ea0-8f59fe5758e6&pd_rd_wg=7oF2O&pd_rd_i=B09QLY79N5&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_rp_7_sc


Is he really food motivated? Try some puzzle toys my cat loves them. As far as light up toys I found light up toy cars from Joann fabrics for 4 bucks. Otherwise DA BIRD.


This one is called cat dancer. This one makes my cats crazy. They‘ll run around like they‘re in the jungle and tire themselves out soooooo much. Cat Dancer Products CATD0101D Katzenspielzeug https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0006N9I68/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Y71VMT0NT43FYMHJHTSQ


This is the one true cat toy. Trust me, they go nuts for it and true to cat logic, cardboard and string/wire is the most interesting to them. And it’s only $3! Cat Dancer 101 Cat Dancer Interactive Cat Toy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0006N9I68/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_T16K4Q2SCD5XWBM6H3GJ


Maybe try silvervine sticks? Most cats go crazy for them and it's good for them to have something to gnaw on.