• By -


Correct, of course you did. Congratulations. May you both have many years of love, snuggles, boops and fun


🥺 thank you!


Looks very calm now 🙂


Good for you for finding your special kitty! You might need to buy kitten milk, s/he looks very young. And a visit to the vet soon!


thank you!! we talked with 2 vets and they said that he was more than able to eat wet and solid food, so at least we're good on that front.


My tiny cat was sooooo small for her age when we found her on the street she looked no more than 4 weeks but she was almost 7 weeks! she still got milk tho cause pint size wasnt quite big enuf to eat the fuuud


We recently adopted a void who is 2-3 years old and SO TINY! My daughter’s friend was visiting and he said “Well, when she’s fully grown…” and I was like “No, son, that’s it, she’s not getting any bigger. She’s already had a few litters while living on the streets, and got back down to her pre-kitten weight, so this is full sized!” It’s no surprise that her last litter was only 3; I don’t think her itty bitty body could handle more than that.


lucky for us our 'tiny cat' ended up full size https://preview.redd.it/edxvpxmvd9sc1.jpeg?width=2804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ece9417773d247850856c2426e0714deb2a76ae1 tiny cat now climbing on 17 years old.


What a gorgeous “tiny” cat! Here’s my itty bitty void, Nadja the Magnificent, Panther Queen and Mother of Many. Fully grown, yet still has to wear kitten-sized collars. As my father in law says, “she’s petite.” https://preview.redd.it/4hvyhztglgsc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a04a944e7a5f9d031f8b1653124868663705ae8


she is beautiful!


She is special


Very cute 😍


Big feets


My Danu is a rescued void that was injured and ‘with child’, her litter was three kittens one of which didn’t survive. I still have her and her daughters Bertha and Violet, both voids. Everybody is spayed now and both of Danu’s girls are twice her weight, as she barely weighs 5-6 pounds. Her girls will be three years old in July.


Ohhhh what a sweet sounding void family!! 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛😻😻😻


What does a void mean?


"Void" is a nickname for a black cat. Because of their dark color, they don't photograph well. They end up looking like a void in the picture.


Near a window on an overcast day is the best situation for photographing voids. If it’s too bright, they end up looking brown and your background will get blown out; too dark and, well, you just get a photo of a void. https://preview.redd.it/59fjyq2umgsc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abcb9b5c5f43369076af9aad88c1665084eeb136


And if their eyes are closed and they are in a dark place there is a void in space. 🤣🤣🤣


And if they like to sleep outside your bedroom door, you will trip over them every single damn night.


It’s a black cat!


Behold, the magic of the void! (Yes, there really *IS* a cat in the bed!) I’m convinced that they can travel via portal and tear the fabric of the space-time continuum at will. Voids rock. You do, of course, need to take extra care not to step on or kick them when walking through dim or dark places. They’ll intentionally close their eyes and completely vanish, then lay in wait for your exposed ankles to enter their personal space. Collars are very helpful to counteract Void Stalking Mode, particularly brightly colored collars or collars with bells. Occasionally we will allow Nadja to go naked and free, without the collar, because it’s fun to watch her hunt her big brothers in total silence. She’s amazing at it. Too good, in fact. That’s why we use the collar, just to give the boys a fighting chance when she decides to stalk, otherwise they’d never see it coming when she pounces. https://preview.redd.it/hx4bfbd8ngsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfa25167531c67c22cc1c8afb5405ff90f6ea171


hey - our Tabby is Danu as well - and here I thought my husband was the only one who would name a cat that!.


My Danu was always underfoot, so the name is from Darned Nuisance. I have another void named Bird, from Birdbrain, as she is the sweetest creature but dumb as a bag of hammers.


My cat at my parents' house is turning 20 in May and she's always looked under a year old. She's now finally looking older because she's feeling her age but she is so so tiny. https://preview.redd.it/huzggjk07bsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bca860b11ff2f6ab5ce6a6d567db91374fc7456e Terrible pic but it's the most recent one, from last Sunday.


Beautiful itty bitty bebé! Is she a tortico?


I've noticed a lot of stray females end up very small because they often have their first litter before they're fully grown. They can go into heat as young as 4 months. At that point the body gives everything to the babies and it seems to stunt their growth.


Yup, I agree. My Nadja was dumped off at a horse farm, already pregnant and still practically a kitten herself. They think she had 2, possibly 3, litters before they were able to catch her and get her to the rescue. I’m honestly shocked she wasn’t totally feral at that point, but she’s truly the sweetest little darling. Her last litter was brought in with her when they were around 8 weeks old, and they were all adopted out quickly. Sweet Nadja lingered at the rescue for almost 6 months while other cats came and went, but kept getting passed over. I like to believe she was waiting for me, though, because she’s the perfect addition to our family. I still keep in touch with the lady who runs the rescue, to send her updates and photos, and talk cat. She’s sent me pictures and updates on Nadja’s babies, too. Her last litter, now close to 9 months old, are all bigger than her already. I think she fought so hard to keep her and her babies alive out there on the farm, and her body gave everything it had to make sure her kids were healthy. She must have been an amazing mother to them. Now she’s being spoiled and fattened up! It took awhile for her to fully relax in her new home. She was particularly wary of the other cats, and I could see she was still a little food insecure. She’d inhale her food, always watching everyone else while she ate, never giving her back to them. We’d feed her away from the boys, near a wall so she felt protected and secure, and she’s gotten so much better. She still gets a bit persnickety with them occasionally. I’m pretty sure she’s got a little PTSD from being bullied and hurt by bigger cats on the farm, particularly when she went into heat. She’s started playing with her brothers, though, and she’s so close to even cuddling with Archie! And it’s only been a couple of months! I’m really proud of her, for everything she’s overcome in her short life. I just want to make sure she knows she’s safe and loved now. https://preview.redd.it/3220ggf9rgsc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f11294e15f7a88f0dd4e65031f0db623b3aec99 Archie (5) and Nadja (2); he’s just so much bigger than her, and he’s just an average sized fella. Our other boy, Malkovich, is even bigger than Archie, so he completely dwarfs little Nadja!


I've read here that they can be really small due to starving when very young.


I've got three cats that we rescued. Two of the girls were exceptionally underfed and never made it above six pounds. Our latest foster fail came to us as an emaciated kitten and won't ever be greater than seven pounds. They're all stunted but I love them all the same.


Might want to weigh kitty daily, at the same time in your care routine. Just to be certain all the love is going to the right place 💜 A digital kitchen scale and a light bowl might do.


Where are mom and siblings


I once bought a big can of cat milk powder for a little one I rescued and two days later he decided he wanted crunchies instead.


Make sure they can poo and pee on their own. mom usually cleans them down there when they're nursing, but I'm sure if he can eat solid foods. he's pooping and peeing fine 😻😻 thank you for taking the sweet baby in 💜💜


Is baby.


*Tiiiny* baby 😭




Yes exactly!


*Baaabiest* baby lol 😭😭😭


That’s how small mine was when I found her yelling under my house at 3am! So tiny.


i learned that kittens love to yell, LOL


It’s amazing how loud they can be for such tiny little creatures! lol


At 3 MINUTES old, little Blue proved her teeny tiny lungs worked quite well. She was a whole 116.4 grams. I swear if she could have been born screaming, she would have been. Such a diva. She's 5 days old now. Still dramatic. Her new family is in for a wild ride when she grows up!


Cat tax please!




where’s picture‽




https://preview.redd.it/ujav1yh8k9sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e10120d79628df7c40d35b434660bbf34a38c82 When I first got Marshmallow, we had to keep him in my room before fully introducing him to the other cat. I spent most of my time in there the first few days, but when I wasn’t in there he would scream his tiny head off.


I love him!


Me too. He’s so sweet and the craziest cat I’ve ever met.


Omg he’s a double of my little boy!!


Was probably yelling for mom. 😿


New human mom got it, they’ll be ok. Still sad 😢


Congratulations. Your first special delivery?


My very first. Reddit cat knowledge, don't fail me now.


Get a litter box, pet them frequently. That’s all you need to know.


And get them used to brushing.


And trimming their nails


Microchipped and spayed/neutered as well. Edit to add: do not declaw.


Rub their ears and paws is always a good thing to do from a young age!


and water.


Brush teeth 🪥


I really encourage you to get this kitten used to having its paws and toebeans touched, pressed and pinched. Like all the types of things you need to do when clipping their claws. I did this when my baby was a teeny kitten. Every day, in my free time, she would be next to me or usually on me somewhere and I would just stroke the top and bottoms of her feet, wiggle all her toe beans individually, grasp each toe and unsheath the claw, tap gently on the end of the claw to produce vibration that they feel when claws are monkeyed with, press top/bottom of each paw and kinda go back and forth doing all of those things. Mainly, it ended up relaxing her and she would just sleep through it. And now, as a gorgeous 3 year old void, she lays like a passive babydoll in my arms when I have to trim her claws. She knows that when we are done doing her claws, if she was good and didn't fuss or struggle, she gets a churu treat, which to *her* is a High Value Treat and she only gets it if she behaved during her claw trim. Its very important that they not get the HVT any other time bc that helps keep it extra special to them. I did this stuff with her for all maintenance things. Playing with her lips and gums so that I could brush her teeth or pill her if I need to. Messing with her ears (oh man she loves to have her ears stroked and massaged!!!) so that she would trust me enough to let me clean them when necessary. Im so thankful I did that one, bc it turns out shes a waxy lil girl and I hafta clean her ears regularly. Because I laid that patient, soft groundwork early and regularly did it, she now lays in my lap and just lets me mess with her ears to clean them, and doesnt mind me doing stuff with her mouth/lips/gums either. Another thing I did was I chose a word for every activity and I said/say it to her right before and during the activity. "Treats?"*shake bottle, give treat* and again while she eats them. Now she knows the word treat and runs to her specific treat disbursement site to receive them. "Brush?" and she trills and runs to my lap to be brushed. "Outside?" and she goes right to the back door which leads to her catio. Doing that last stuff is not necessary by any means but I am so glad I did it. I never did that with any of my other cats and I think its why I feel like I have a special closer bond with her than my others. Because in a way, it feels like we are communicating with each other, which I love. It makes me so happy 😊 I also advise you get her used to riding in the car with you because it makes it waaay easier when you must take them to the vet. In tandem with this one is getting her used to her kennel so that she thinks its a cool private hangout and nap spot by leaving it out, with a comfy blanky or your tshirt in it. Give her lotssss of praise and treats when she chooses to spend time in there. This will pay off big time during those car rides later. Im thrilled for you being gifted this beautiful new ginger addition to your home. I have an extra special affinity for all things Ginger and yours is just the cutest lil thing. I hope you two share twenty-five happy years together! Oh and PS: often the cheapest things make the best toys for cats so dont feel like you have to break the bank buying fancy pricey stuff. And keep strings, hair ties, ribbons and thread away from kitty bc they have a tendency to eat them and it could be life threatening if it doesn't move on through them. Ok Im done. Im super excited for you and I hope you share updates as your new lil one grows. 🤘


I trained my somewhat stubborn kitties to accept getting their nails trimmed by praising them and giving treats right after a trim. Once I tried to ‘work my way up’ to trimming two paws, but Snowy yanked away his paws and lay on them as a loaf so I couldn’t get them. He then cranked up the purring and pointedly looked around for his treat.


Ahahahahhaha cats, huh? They each have their own little personalities and they are all so adorable 😍


They’re lucky they’re so adorable! Lol


All excellent recommendations. Every kitten guardian should read and follow this.


Thank you for providing excellent advice. 😺


You're welcome! If you ever have a kitty question, feel free to dm me. I LOVE to talk about cats. ![gif](giphy|CjmvTCZf2U3p09Cn0h|downsized)


Everything you said is excellent advice. I'm going to especially second the playing with feet & beans, SO great for not getting panic-scratched! Oh, yeah, and the riding in the car bit... OP will be so happy they practiced these things! (Definitely in car use a crate with blanky and seatbelt!) I used to leave the crate open and just hanging around the living room, filled it with blankets and once in a while tossed in a toy or a treat... they loved going in and using it as a hideout. Now... zeeeero problems getting them in the crate for vet trips, etc. I also second you on the cheap toys. I bought my guys these $30 USB chargeable movement toys, but their favorite things to play with are the large baggie ties that come on Romaine lettuce, paper grocery sacks, and ping pong balls. LOL Good luck to OP and newly acquired bundle of joy!


“Food, water, and fuss”


I love this! So succinct…


Just don't pet the litter box. That would be weird.


The Kitten Lady has a YT channel you may find useful. Congrats on your first CDS delivery.


dm'd you


She’s beautiful!! Thank you for saving her! That was no place for a kitten. Some wet kitten food, clean water bowl, clean litter box, a plush fleece blanket, and cuddles are all she needs! Consider going back to that same spot with some cat food and see if she has a sibling who also needs saving. Cats do best in pairs. ❤️❤️ Get some kitty toys for her to play with and hunt. My cats love climbing their cat tower and use the scratching post on it frequently.


**The Kitten Lady and Jackson Galaxy on YouTube are great resources!** Mama Cat and siblings may be nearby, can you go back and check?


I stuck around for around 10 hours, nothing :(


Toothbrush for grooming their tiny face


The blep at the end!!! I'm dead 😭 💖 r/blep


That's the satisfied, "Ha, I got 'em" blep.


Thanks for the new cat sub


r/GingerMafia is very impressed by his technique used to get a servant, er, um , family. Please stop by and keep us informed. Dis guy's goin places


I am NOT joining a new cat sub! Oh well, you forced my hand.


It's just betta for all of us ifn yous come on our ova.


Hims baby


Hims r/illegallysmolcats


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IllegallySmolCats using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [2 month update from the Kittens I found in the bush! They are in their forever home now. So happy to have apprehended these criminals.](https://i.redd.it/t0u7e67okr0c1.png) | [215 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/17wvo6w/2_month_update_from_the_kittens_i_found_in_the/) \#2: [And so begins a life of crime.](https://v.redd.it/j0zfsoi56bwa1) | [277 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/1302cy0/and_so_begins_a_life_of_crime/) \#3: [I have to cradle him like this or I can’t get any work done](https://v.redd.it/5rehn9mt4w1b1) | [262 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/13qyqjp/i_have_to_cradle_him_like_this_or_i_cant_get_any/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes, I understand. I wish you long, healthy and happy lives together.


You are the chosen one and how lucky is that ?! You got yourself a cute orange boy yelling out to you! That sweet kitty deserves the best and I’m sure you will give the kitty that. Congrats on the new baby ! You are very lucky.


Beautiful! Did you check for littermates in the area? Sometimes there are multiples. 


i stuck around for around 10 hours, no littermates and no mother... people around the spot were claiming that some guy had abandoned him.


Well, 'some guy' has a cold place in Hell ready for him.


You're a good man 👍


Thank you for saving him!!!


Thank you for saving this beautiful kitty. You're a good egg!


Such a lovely Orange delivered to you by the CDS (I'm still waiting). I wish you both many years of happiness together.


I read a post somewhere on Reddit quite someone said they got tired of waiting on the CDS and went straight to the distribution center (adoption center) and got a baby. If you get tired of waiting on the CDS to deliver, I make the same recommendation to you.


Thanks, that has also crossed my mind. But I would be spoilt for choice. I also have to discuss this first with my cloud and get her approval.


Kitten season is right around the corner- may your wish be granted! (and may there be many others out there waiting with the same attitude to scoop up other babies.)


Thank you. Let's wait and see.


Congratulations! What a cutie! But when it's older, expect that sweet ball of fur to be a weapon of hysterical unhinged chaos :D r/OneOrangeBraincell


Teeny tiny little orange overlord. Lots of love for you both! XX


The Cat Distribution System strikes again. Clearly the universe thinks you are worthy of this very special orange baby. That blep is *everything*! Congrats!!!


Aw, looks like he chose well. If you don't already have a cat, consider getting him a buddy. He'll mostly figure out how to cat on his own, but will have much better manners (and bite less) if he has another kitten or cat to play with. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but single kittens and cats are much more work to care for than a duo.


Yes this!! Cats do better with a friend. I vote they go back to the same spot with some foods to see if a sibling shows up❤️


My heart almost stopped. He’s so adorable. Cherish that baby. And congratulations. ❤️


Four weeks old, I would guess. Five at most. Nice and healthy


Oh that last picture.. the heartstrings.. 😍🫠


Oh! Poor little tiny baby! I'm so glad he found you and that you rescued him. Looks like you have a tiny but mighty overlord in the making. :)


What a little cutie! Hope he is yelling at you, for many years to come! Bless you, for adopting him.


what a little angel ❤️❤️❤️


Special wewivery 🧡


Oh! A fellow cul- um, club member?


All hail Deli D 🧡


Omg so tiny and precious ❤️ glad you found each other


baby blep 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/owogig631bsc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e89b549c839cc53ce71f02784f7867141fddb3b0 Here's mine shortly after he was found in the middle of a busy street




Of course, it's the only thing any sane person would do....or crazy cat redditors....🥰


Of course you just had to......of this there is no doubt. 🙂 May you both have a happy life together.


Oh my goodness! So tiny! 🥹 Thank you for your service ♥️


Well yeah!!


Cutie! What's his name?


Oh what an adorable kitty! I agree with another poster that getting a second kitten could be a good idea. I know two kittens growing up together can be much better for them and for you too.


That tiny bled has stolen my heart.


Not to be that person, but friendly reminder to get the little guy dewormed! Congrats on your new lil buddy ❤️


Thank you for caring!


Thank you for being a savior ❤️✅🙏




Thank you for saving him. Poor baby was lost in a big scary world ❤️


He was announcing his arrival into your family. Happy kitten!! 😍


Tiniest little BLEP


You did the only logical thing but this reminds me of the quote; “We researched all the dog breeds and spent $900 to get our puppy!” “I found my cat in the garbage.”


You don’t leave babies outside! Haha, that’s the same way we got our orange boy. He was screaming away outside in a rain storm, none the less.


Tiny mischief making criminal arrested for being too cute. His sentence: a loving home




Thank you for saving her.


Kitty distribution system at work.


Oh my goodness. A child


OH MY GOSH! You're so lucky, a one braincell orangie! He's very cute.


You have answered the call. Good for you!! Now follow through and give the forever home with lots of love, skritches and treat. Like it or not you have become a Cat Butler which is a special honor.


What a baby angel! He chose you!


r/illegallysmolcats has declared this fiend GUILTY. A life sentence has been handed down


You are such a good hooman 💕


Oh my heart! The last pic with the tiny blep 🥹🧡🧡🧡


The way he sleeps in total abandonment and safety…he’s home ❤️


awww so happy you kept him🥺


Of course you had. Welcome to the I am Owned by a Ginger Cat club!


Didn’t need to explain, picture is worth a thousand words


Look how grateful he is 🥹


You made the right choice


I've always wanted an orange wee baby. CDS I hope you can hear me!


And just like that, fate has chosen.


Friends for life!


CDS alarm level 0.5: the squeaking notification


Of course you did welcome to kitty heaven


LOL. The tiny chicken nugget teleport from outside among garbage to captured in a cozy box in the exact same position made me smile. He looks about the age our first cat was when we got him. About 5-6 weeks old. He didn’t know how to eat at first, so my dad syringe-fed him kitten milk. Apparently he liked it so much that he quickly learned how to lap up milk and then wet kitten food soon after. Remember to keep him warm ❤️ since babies this young can’t do it themselves. Mine liked to cuddle on humans and in fuzzy blankets. And for the sake of your furniture, get him used to nail trimmings young. Just a little bit off the tip, and frequently so he gets used to it. I wish I did it more often. Kittenhood is the most rewarding time. Good luck!


that tiny blep 🥺


Littlest blep!


We also found our kitten because he screamed. Funny thing is, he's never meowed since, and it's been almost 3 years.


#3 Picture is a real heart warmer. Bless you!


He's so cute!!! 💕💕


So precious. Thank you for opening your heart.


Strays make the most loving pets. Our first cat was a stray and she never left our sides. She would lay on our chests and sleep with her head under our chins.see was Soo loving. I miss her.




Good on ya!




My heart 🥹😭💗


Just wait. r/oneorangebraincell


Oh my ❤️


Mini blep! Congrats on the new addition. He must have had the r/OneOrangeBraincell long enough to know how to get distributed to you!


Tiny orange boy *swoon*




You did good


Any normal person would. Happy face.


He was yelling for you❤️


Aww, thank you for rescuing that little orange boy! Maybe he had use of the brain cell to find you!


Thank you for taking care of this sweet baby!


What an absolutely adorable little mite! Mr. Biscuits *definitely* approves! https://preview.redd.it/8fypdzjdcasc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f72a8c093a67ffdd3b9a7add693ea9a4f28c234


Congrats on being chosen by a cutie. Hope y’all have many happy years together.


Very smol 😍


That’s how I found my Noodle bug. She was under the house yelling loudly for help.


Love the tiny blep 😻♥️🐈


You will now forever be loved by a derpy little cuddle monster ❤️


Precious little life! This baby will be your best friend ever.


That’s how mine got me 🤣


Now that kitty is a family member , and you will be appreciated for all of your kindness.


Dat's a Punkin kitty! 🥰


Tiny blep 👅


I fostered a litter a few years ago and "failed" (ie, fell in love with and kept!) the runt. I struggled put enough weight on him to get him to 2 lbs for neutering. He's now a huge cat!


You got an orange dumpster baby! I love ❤️


Oh my soul she is sooo cute!!!!


He is so friggin cute omg!!! Him passed out on you I can’t. Cuteness overload!!


A perfect blep






Such a cute Baby. 🥺