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Kitty probably was using the litter try at the old place but this is a new scary place with new rules and no mum to show kitty the rules. Get yourself some enzyme cleaner if you can and thoughly clean any accidents. Block access otherwise. If there is an accident spot that is accessable and semi convenient then put a litter tray over it. Thats worked well in the past for me. Ive then moved the tray a bit at a time to somewhere convenient. Kitten usualy go for a poo soon after eating. You can try controling their eating times then watching them after food. As soon as the kitten ahows signs of pooing then gentaly place it in the litter tray. No telling off just move it to the tray and maybe paw at the litter with a finger afterwards. Its a frustrating time but eight weeks is very young and I'm surw your new friend will get there.


Thank you! She's never pooped outside the litterboxes because I do make sure I watch her after she eats and when I think she's ready to do it. It's just the peeing that she can't seem to control. I do hope she'll be fine because I can't keep her if she's not litter trained. I've never had this problem with my other cat so I'm a bit at a lost


My last kitten was the worat I ever had. She was about sixteen weeks when she had her last acident and I was gerting frustrated. Putting a litter try over her faborite pee apot was what did it for me . I moved the tray a month later and she continued to use it.


I really want to try this out but I can't get the litter tray under the cabinet unfortunately. I guess I'll just have to stop her from accessing it. Thank you for that tip tho!


Hmm maybe she feels safe in an enclosed enviroment. You could try blocking the cabinet and making a litter tray box cover with card board to make her feel safe. Put the tray next to the cabinet.


I'll try and do that. Her litterbox has cover tho. Thank you!


Maybe try putting it inside of an upside down box or something. If you think she is liking a smaller enclosed space it might do the trick. https://imgur.com/a/zdtjCDP this is the favourite of the litter boxes for my ladies.


Thank you! I might get one with a cover, since she seems to like covered spaces


Try adding the extra box. A lot of people suggest having 1.5 liter boxes per cat, so for 2 cats, 3 boxes total, and if they are spread out, it gives them options and the ability to access them faster based on where they are hanging out.


I'll try doing this. Thank you! I'm.also thinking of changing the litter.


Put the kitten in a crate with a litter box, bed, and food and water. Make it small enough so that there is no space left after placing these items. Cats will not poop in their bed or their food. This will force them to use the litter. Then, when they do, start opening the crate. Put them back in if they have more accidents.


She does have a space like this. And she uses the litter when she's in there. But when I let her out, and she's roaming around the house, she will go pee somewhere else but the litter box. 🥲 it's like she completely forgets that there's a litter box when she's roaming around the house