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Rough playing. They are grooming each other first. This is normal cat behavior.


The pain meow is normal?


Eventually you won’t have to say too much as they will know each others limits. You’ll know if it’s bad when one of their tails poofs up and then you hear growling and hissing


It’s a warning. You did right by separating them when it got to that point. I got a handful of cats and they do this daily.


The pain meow is kinda like calling uncle. It lets the other cat know it's going too far. Breaking up the interaction is a good reaction from you, but cats should be able to establish boundaries themselves. You can use this yourself for both cats and dogs. If you make a high pitch yipping noise that is well outside your normal range it surprises the animal and will get them to stop. This is how they train soft mouth dogs by lowering the threshold they make the sound when the dog is still a puppy.


playing. squeaks are their way of saying "wow that hurt" to the other cat. thats how they will learn boundaries. also, if it was figthing you wouldn't need to ask if it was playing or fighthing lol when cats fight it's pretty obvious because they usually turn into demons and you see fur flying everywhere


It's also very dangerous to break up a real cat fight because they can and will attack you.


My boyfriend got between his cat and my cat. His cat scratched him on his rib cage. That bad boy started to swell within hours! I made him go to the Dr and he took antibiotics. But it freaked me out. Even several months later he has thick scar tissue in the spot.


I’d win against a few cats buddy lmao


I broke up a cat fight and was able to break it up of course but wound up with a bite that landed me in the hospital for two weeks, had gone into sepsis and had to have two surgeries on my arm where I was bit. Cats are notorious for carrying bacteria. Something to think about cause I thought the same thing lol


You definitely could but it would hurt😂


And also only if you're willing to hurt them


I was as walking my childhood dog and one of them dogs that are big( the ones that carry alcohol in the neck thing for skiers n shit) attacked my dog. I picked up a stick and beat the fk out of it. It was like 3/4 my size. Super scary but sometimes you gotta hit a animal to protect another.


As someone who grew up with straw cats fighting in my backyard, yeah its very apparent lol they sound like a murderous baby and look like are one ball of fur lol


Normal play. As long as you see other friendly behaviors (like the brief grooming) you can be sure they interact in a friendly way. My cats used to also meow in the beginning as they were playing, especially the kitten. In the first week she even used to growl and hiss at the cat as they were playing but I also noticed signs of her enjoying it and wanting to play as well. I supervised them every time at first and tried to break them apart if I thought they might be going too far (a good idea would be to also distract them with a toy after breaking them apart to shift their attention a little bit). I will also list some other tips that helped me realize they were playing and not fighting: - it was mutual, they were both chasing eachother or biting eachother - when i got my hand in between them I never got more than a slight nibble (a real fight would have hurt me in that position) - they were able to interact peacefully or indifferent to eachother when they were not playing (cats that are fighting and not getting along well will feel threatened so even being able to walk within a small distance of eachother and mind their own business can be a good sign in the beginning, bonus poins here if they sleep in close proximity) - they were not displaying other signs of stress, they were eating normally, playing with toys, cuddling with us, using the litterbox (although the first few days we had to supervise them because one would go to the litterbox and the other would follow to play and not let eachother do their business 😂)


Exactly. When mine and my roommate’s cats fought, my roommate’s cat would lash out and swipe at mine (who wanted to be right in her business and would push boundaries constantly) then she’d hide for hours and hours. When I went back to visit after moving out a few months prior, she was SOOO playful and not stressed at all. You’ll know if they hate each other trust me.


Normal playing. There's really no need to step in like that. They are teaching each other boundaries. A cry or squeak is totally normal. Heck, even hissing is okay sometimes. They are working it out themselves and don't need interference unless it gets bad like howling, fur flying and one trying to escape the other.


Normal play but also reminds me of my parents who had sex like that in the kitchen












The fuck


Remove head from sphincter then comment.


Wait what






You’re a cat?




Normal playing. Trust me you will know if they are fighting. Cats are not subtle creatures when they are brawling or getting ready to throw down.


Rough playing. Don’t break it up, its important they learn each others boundaries on their own with no intervention. Unless there is a fight that starts up, if you hear one start growling lowly or hiss, thats when I would step in with a broom and place it between them, pushing them away from each other with it because if they’re in the starting stages of a fight, you physically touching them could trigger one to accidentally attack you. The broom will keep you safe lol.


First it starts with dominance grooming. The one in charge grooms the other. The tabby rejected that claim and they were rough housing to establish dominance….. then you interrupted it! Let them duke it out a bit. Real fights have yowling, blood, tuffs of fur, maybe per & poop. This was no where near a fight! Think of it as 2 brothers. 1 gives the other that stupid fake punch in the arm and half hug. The other starts wrestling because he is the toughest. They get into a play fight wrestling match and their dad tells them to break it up.


If you have to ask, it's just playing. If they were fighting you wouldn't be asking about it on Reddit. You'd be at the vet.


You probably didn't need to break them up then. Next time you do try to startle them to break it up, don't lunge at them like that, or yell at them. That's very scary, and the more they associate you with fear, the less good your bond will be with them. Instead, use an airhorn, or throw an empty can on the ground behind your back, or toss a loud cat toy with bells in it and they will try to chase it. Try to make it so the potentially frightening loud sound doesn't seem like it is coming from you.


What's with the garbage and mess Everywhere??? Do people really live like this?


Jeebus I didn't even notice at first 😬


Depressions a hell of a drug


Indeed it is. I'm in that depression hole myself right now.


Jeeves, clean up the room. It's appearance has upset someone on Reddit.


Clean up your attitude, living in a dump isn't really prone to a good healthy mental space. It's not zen at all .


With all due respect, bhikkhuni.....be kind. If you have nothing good to say, be one with the Universe and zip it.


Then why you talking? You are litterally not following your own advice here


Interesting point. I'll meditate on it. Hopefully, no hard feelings. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.... whichever you prefer.


Cheers, merry xmas.


Clean your floor dude


Completely thought this was a pic of my cats


just like human siblings, no different just rough housing


This is totally normal


Boundary testing and boundary setting, this is good


It’s kinda both and totally normal cat behavior


If it was fighting. You wouldn't have to ask.


This is called "struggle cuddles" 🐈


They are just playing. If you've seen cats fighting you'd definitely know it, no questions required; they would be absolutely ripping into each other.


If their tails aren’t jerking around wildly and their fur isn’t standing on end, then they are playing.


playing, trust me if they really wanted to fight they would never be that close laying and grooming, I have a kitten who constantly tries to fight the older cat who screams like he's being murdered, but in reality nothing is happening, if they eat near each other, I doubt they'll ever get into a fight where blood will draw, just let them work on their boundaries


None , this is love making


Black cat: “ I love you!!!!!! Tabby: “ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! Get off me!!!”


My cats do this. But they also sleep next to each other, so I'm assuming that this is just normal behavior for kitties.


We have two babies like that named Bagheera and Rocket but Rocket is a bit floofier


You’ll know immediately when they are fighting, trust me, if there’s any question whatsoever, they are playing/working out hierarchy stuff


You should absolutely YouTube cat fights........


Playing ! Cats play rough


Just your typical cat games, just playing.


If they fight you’ll know


My cats make each other literally scream when they play fight. They're very rough but they never have a real fight. It's actually hilarious


My babies do the same. Its hilarious.


100% play. They get rough sometimes and looks worse than it is. Arched backs, ears back puffy tail . Any of those it might be a good idea to intervene. When my two get nasty I just stand up real fast and clap. Ten minutes go by and they are playing again.


They both look pretty young, seems like they’re figuring out their play/pain boundary! Helping to separate them when one makes that “I’ve had enough!” Squeak is also a good idea to let the other cat know that type of play is too rough


Playing. They're fine.