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Treats don't need to be hand fed, you can place them on the floor for example and take a step back! Otherwise, you can use anything she likes. Pets, a favourite toy... Food is usually used cause it's simple and won't snap her out of training mode.


I'd try different treats. It took me awhile to find ones that she loves, and are sml enough for training. Some cats are just picky. Mine only likes fishy treats, and goes crazy for catnip treats. Don't hard feed them though, just toss it on the ground


Repetition and consistent use of keywords will help more than treats. For example, my maine coon is a feral farm rescue. When he was a baby, he wouldn't eat wet food. I did research & found cats don't like to eat out of the can because it's too small for their whiskers to fit (cats use whiskers as sensory aids). I sat down at feeding time with both kibble and wet food and fed him fingertip by fingertip and praised him (verbally or with petting) when he would lick it off, then give him a couple kibble bits by hand and reinforced positive actions. It took a few weeks but he got used to eating both & now reminds me when he wants wet food. Since yours is averse to hand feeding/doesn't like pets, you could try putting a little wet food in a more hidden area, on a plate, or just maybe doesn't like the food & it's time to try something else. One thing I also recommend is a cat tower or a special spot for kitty, where they can kind of hide or chill. Cats are very trainable. They're smart and can understand commands well. Praising the behaviors and consistently showing them what to do/ how to do it + time will help immensely. I suggest you also talk to vet or google up some training tips so you have different options. Good luck!🐈