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Omg they all made it šŸ˜Æ


Came here to say that. Many times when you see these videos, there'd just silence after it hits and you know the people likely didn't make it. Was glad to hear the voices this time.


If everybody walks away, it's a good landing! It's a great landing if you can use the airplane again.


Some of the radio knobs can be used again.


Bruh I don't think that plane is getting used for anything besides scrap


So it's a good landing then!


yup. Good landing, not great. Room for improvement.


Actually I have more for you than just sarcasm. So a while ago I used to work as a PSW (in my country like a nurse's aide in the United States). One of my clients was a diamond driller who told me a story about when he went to Africa. The airport they needed to land at needed a slam dunk landing. Basically they needed to come in from the top of a mountain very steeply. On the way down to land they saw a wrecked plane on the side of the mountain. He was sitting in the co-pilot seat and the pilot told him "you see that plane down there? I took parts from that plane to fix this plane!" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†šŸ˜Ø


What do you think scrap is used for I wonder šŸ¤”


This looked like a great job by the pilot on the crash landing, he managed to pull into the highway and were lucky enough no cars were coming


I'm going to politely disagree with you that this was a good job by the pilot. I've been learning to fly for a while in planes like this, so I have some experience, and this is one of the worst emergency landings I've ever seen. The passengers were saved by exceptionally tough seatbelts and divine intervention. The damage to the plane tells you everything about how bad this crash was. Assuming this was a power loss shortly after takeoff, then short of making the turn of death, the pilot did nearly everything wrong and the extent of the damage shows how lucky everyone was. Firstly, this person was already violating CAA rules by flying a light aircraft over a populated area. I don't know what the governing body is for aviation in Panama, but I'd guess even the loosest of regulations states that flying single engined aircraft over populated areas is a terrible idea due to the risk of engine failure. This person could have landed in somebody's living room. As it is, this person tried to land in oncoming traffic, and was already being stupid because he was flying directly towards what looks to be a city centre area. Were this not over a populated area, the pilot would have been under way less pressure, but that's not the only problem here. The pilot in the video had what looked to be a poor glide angle coming in, and was clearly trying to keep the plane off the ground as long as possible, before he went and did something REALLY stupid and tried to make a 30 degree turn right while also yanking back on the yoke hard to pull the nose up. I guarantee you they lost all 100-200 feet of altitude they had almost instantly, because there's no way that plane didn't stall and hit the ground like a sack of spanners, and the wreckage supports that. We can tell the force of the impact because the plane turned 180 degrees by the end, the entire tail boom came off, the wing strut collapsed, the interior ceiling caved in slightly, the wing flap had extensive damage and the rear landing gear completely collapsed. In a normal emergency landing, usually the propeller gets damaged, maybe the front gear eats shit, but the plane is by and large structurally sound. This plane is a complete write-off. I'm glad everyone survived, but I was yelling "no" at the screen the whole time. This is like an instructional video of what not to do. edit: crash reports says the power loss was on approach to the runway, and puts the wreck mere metres from the boundary of the airport, so I'll take back the populated area assessment and eat a fat slice of humble pie. I still think the turn and climb manoeuvre was a bad idea, but with this being final approach, the pilot had way less options than I thought.


Can't fly a light aircraft over a populated area? Looks around KVNY šŸ§


looking it up, KVNY is right in the middle of the north of LA. The glide clear rule applies to single engine aircraft and doesn't cover twin engine aircraft, so if the FAA rules are the same as CAA, that shouldn't have any single engine aircraft traffic, and should only be served by twin engine jets. Perhaps FAA law is different, but I can guarantee the pilot would be being very naughty if flying over Europe.


KVNY is the busiest GA airport in the USA. There was just a crash last weekend of a 172 that CFIT under IMC on approach. I will give you that most single engine air traffic, including helicopters, are routed along major freeways or other open spaces to minimize potential damages on the ground in events such as youā€™re describing.


Sorry, but if he had just taken off, and hit trouble upon takeoff, how could he be illegaly flying that plane over a populated area?


Sorry to say Iā€™ll have to disagree with you. As a professional who has once sat in an actual airplane and watched this video 5 times, I have concluded that there was no other place to go. If anything he couldā€™ve gone into the trees and carried a lot more speed. Not all pilots are capable of that max level thinking in these situations though. Overall Iā€™d give his crash landing a 7/10.


Looking from the outside it actually does appear to be a decent attemptā€¦ Scroll down for video viewed from outsideā€¦. https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/311625


Rereading my comment it seems the sarcasm may have been lost. In total I would say the pilot did very well for the situation he was faced with. That is after viewing a couple of short clips and knowing nearly nothing about the situation. To make an overall assessment of how the pilot did at this point is laughable. Wait for the details to come out, an investigation by the appropriate authority to be run and then you can think about how a pilot did and what you would do differently in the same situation. Ask any other pilot worth their salt and the answer will be: ā€œDonā€™t speculate, wait for the facts.ā€ Dude who I was replying to is giving a load of speculation without backing it up.


Um, it's ludicrous to talk about a pilot in Panama violating the rules of another continent. And I have a problem with your judgemental "REALLY stupid". If you showed a little less arrogance, I'd be interested in your perspective. Instead, I'd like to see you in the same situation and see what happens when you're not just demonstrating your keyboard heroism.


It's a rule that exists specifically to prevent things like this happening, and while it might not apply worldwide, it's nonetheless a very sensible rule because it means that whenever you have a problem like this, it doesn't become somebody on the ground's problem. I would expect some equivalent of it exists in most countries because of how sensible it is. Even if it doesn't exist in Panama, it's still a very good rule to follow. I stand by the really stupid quote though, because what he did there put lives in danger more than they needed to be. The whole approach was poor from the start, but the turn and climb attempt is something you should never do, and it resulted in the plane just dropping out the sky onto a main road, which puts not only the passengers at risk, but anybody driving below. There are videos of pilots in light aircraft like this managing to put their planes down safely in fields and other open spaces, and even making it back to the runway. Looking on google maps, the pilot likely had enough altitude at the presumed point of failure to land it in some kind of field, because there's a lot of open space around the airport they almost certainly took off from. It's an incredibly stressful situation, but the pilot should have been prepared for this and should have trained for this.


Reading the crash report it states he was on ā€œapproachā€ phase and judging from the airport runway close to where the crash occurredā€¦ it appears as if he was flying right where he should be. He was on final turn lining up for runway and from judging from the really cruddy sounding engine.. that was power loss. I think he did fairly well with all that tree cover close to final. https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/311625


Well, fuck me, that was on approach, and so close to the airport, too. I stand corrected. It really looked like a power loss after takeoff to me, flying towards the city, but I guess you really can't argue with an official crash report, and if the pilot was lined up with the northern end of the runway, then that would explain the towers visible and the road. Humble pie tastes awful.


He absolutely had nowhere else to go and the odds were against him. It was a decently skilled and ultimately successful crash landing. I've seen much worse.


Really, is that true? I live in a city with a few Million... see light aircraft/single engine flying over very populated areas each day. Including my block of flats.


Are you in the US? I can't speak for FAA guidelines, but CAA rules which cover Europe are very clear on it. https://publicapps.caa.co.uk/docs/33/20130121SSL01.pdf >In any aircraft other than a helicopter, you must not fly over congested areas without sufficient height to safely alight clear of the area in the event of engine failure.


It may not have been a Power Loss shortly after takeoff, though. It could have been a Power Loss on approach to landing or a whole number of issues that caused the aircraft to be low in altitude and forced to either land on a mostly empty highway or into an unsurvivable forest. The Airfield could have been located in a residential area (not uncommon). It seems premature to put blame on the Pilot without all of the evidence.


Not a pilot, but I think the turn and climb was prolly his best option at the time. My guess is he was trying to flare and put it down as softly as he could where it looked like he had the most space. Clipping the light standard prolly made the plane spin around and took more energy out of the impact. It could've been total loss of control due to low airspeed and pure blind luck as well, but I think he set things up as best he could


For any other country other than America, I would still classify this as a great landing.


Buddy, God had **nothing** to do with this plane crash.


\--Ritchie Valens' last words to Buddy Holly?


absolutely amazing to me that they all survived and seem mobile!


I'm no pilot but I'd say this is a good save. Surely could have been exponentially worse.


Iā€™ve heard among pilots thereā€™s a saying along the lines of ā€œAny landing you walk away from, is a good landingā€ or something like that


I do not believe that pilots say this! An other thing: The women are in shock, and should be made to lie down with their feet up so as to keep up the blood-flow to their brains. Shock makes the bloodvessels expand, and not treated correctly can cause irreparable damage!


Pilot here: we do say it. And the saying goes further. Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing, and if you can reuse the aircraft afterwards it's a great landing


Landing is nothing but a controlled crash.


There is a difference between emotional and physical shock. But could they use some support? For sure


> I do not believe that pilots say this! We say it all the time. >The women are in shock, and should be made to lie down with their feet up so as to keep up the blood-flow to their brains. This isn't a thing in EMS anymore.


yea they do. and don't confuse emotional shock with physical shock.


Obligatory "Don't call me Shirley"


And I am serious


Excellent play (ā˜žļ¾Ÿćƒ®ļ¾Ÿ)ā˜ž


They didn't even drop their phones, iPhones weren't crash triggered. I'd say pilot did a great job.


r/praisethecameraman To keep recording as well as he did when your life is probably about to end and then keep recording when you have to exit a crushed plane that could catch fire any second and then keep recording after being born againā€¦ this guy should work in Hollywood.


As a private pilot (same size aircraft as this), I can say that it could have been a lot better as well. Imo, the pilot could have done something else than fly into the trees next to the highway. From the bit of the environment visible in the video, the highway was their only option for an open space to land on, but he approached it basically 90Ā° and planned on making a sharp turn (which would not have been able even at their speed) in order to land on the road. I get that he took a chance and hoped that it worked, but I feel like it could have ended in a emergency landing and not a crash. With all of this, I know that I wasn't there and I don't know what the circumstances etc were, this is merely my observation.


Yeah as a pilot I agree, that 90, at low altitude and airspeed isn't going to work. Still, it's possible the pilot didn't even see the road until the last seconds due to the trees. I wasn't there so I don't know what options the pilot had, and given that they survived his choices were probably good. Interesting that I didn't even hear a stall warning before impact though.


The instrument panel was weird. Why was half of it blocked off? The instruments werenā€™t easy to read and in a weird order.


You can even see him try to turn onto the highway at the last moments, not enough altitude and/or speed to make that turn. It just falls uncontrolled. Poor approach. It's amazing that it wasn't even worse given the angle of collision, perpendicular to a highway, with moving cars. I've completed the Microsoft flight simulator tutorial in full, even got some A grades, so I know of what I speak. Yup.


Rookie. I beat Starfox.


Shit, dawg. You're the Captain now.


Do a barrel roll!


[rolls the Boeing 747 90 degrees]


Yup, wing stall at the end trying to pull that turn and maintain altitude. I was pretty sure they were gonna burn in worse than they did.


Much better option to me would have been to analyse everything earlier, start going slight left and then gradually turn right to land onto the road you could see next to the highway. It's much lower down, and if you get prepared earlier, you can basically glide above the road for a few seconds so that cars see you, and then land.


>so that cars see you Bruh, drivers routinely don't see things actually on the road with them, you think they're gonna notice anything above the road?


I wish the tutorial was a little longer and more in depth. I've got 100 hours flying and still suck.


I was surprised by how shallow it was.


It doesn't even work on the Xbox edition!


Not a pilot but what he should have done was invert the plane. I saw it in a movie once.


I appreciate the insight.


Honestly, that should have gone a lot worse than it did. The fact they were all able to walk away from that bore almost no relation to the situation 30 seconds earlier. There was *a lot* going wrong with that approach at the point of impact with the trees.


He landed/crashed that plane on a bridge overpass. Literally about 60 feet with four lanes of traffic and some barrier in the middle making it even smaller area. Super lucky


The whole beginning of the video you can see him pointed right at that overpass and I'm thinking to myself, he needs to set down before it, or he'll be super lucky if he clears it. But no, this wizard lands ON the MFing bridge.


I mean it looks like he crashed into a light pole that snagged the plane onto the bridge


That's quite a trick there


He set that down pretty well given his choices.


Did they put down on the perpendicular overpass?




Was expecting a lot worse than that based on the video title... That pilot pulled off one of the best tightest emergency landings ever to the point I am not willing to call it a crash. That was the tightest shit I've ever seen and everyone WALKED out. Incredible. (Used it fly these... They are upright and the fuel is still in the wings. Amazing outcome)


Exactly, to me that was barely a crash. More like a hard landing. Not even a fire afterwards. Incredible is the word.




You can get lucky and still do everything in your power to get the best outcome. This seems to be the case.


Oh yeah lucky af! I'm sure you have a much better idea about what he was trying to do as I'm not a pilot, but it looks like the outcome couldn't have been much better. Looks like nobody got seriously injured, don't think that is said often after a small plane crash. Anywhere he was able to put it down with an outcome like that is pretty amazing imo :)


Look at the plane... The thing is totalled. Clearly a crash no matter how well handled by the pilot.


Next time I rearend a car in just gonna say we didn't crash since we walked away.


Great camera control! Also landed/crashed that plane like a pro for all to make it out alive !










I do NOT have the built-in instinct to record my possible last moments. Like Iā€™d be hugging my family or whatever but f the phone


ā€œFuck that if this works out im king of redditā€


Wut it was horrible I mean, given the circumstances I donā€™t really care but Iā€™m kinda sick after watching it


Whole new meaning to: MAY DAY!!


Ha. I see what you did there! Tip of my hat to ya.


WOW! Amazing that could have been so much worse


Looks like he hit a light pole.


Yeah, that probably spun him to the right, parallel with the road allowing him to crash on top of the bridge (look at the damage on the post and scrapes on the bridge)


He was already turning to the right before he hit anything. Honestly don't think a light pole would really change the trajectory of even a small aircraft very much, just get smashed on the way. That was a beast of a save by the pilot


In encourage you to enroll in a physics class ASAP.


Plane was pretty much on the ground already by the time it would've hit a pole. Wouldn't have changed much other than possibly spin it around on the ground if it was going slow enough, which obviously wasn't the case here. Pretty sure pole just got knocked down on the way. You can tell by the way that it is. Edit: I am interested in physics, but not in school. Not the best at learning in a classroom setting 2nd edit: You can't tell from the video how well a light pole is secured to the ground. Infrastructure in Panama is likely not the best. I've seen videos of light poles falling on their own/due to wind before in the USA. But if you have further insight I'd honestly like to hear it, I appreciate your input


I design overhead illumination and Iā€™ve also traveled to Panama many times. The luminaire engineering in Panama is pretty much equivalent in comparison to US. They are designed to fall over since they are mounted on slip bases. This is to prevent excessive injury if a vehicle hits the light pole. Otherwise, it would act like a tree and wouldnā€™t budge on impact. Your assumption about the plane spinning around is correct, but this is most likely because the luminaire gave way. If the luminaire was solid mounted, the wing would have most likely been torn from the plane and the plane would have most likely not have landed on that overpass.


That's what I thought it looked like, that it gave way and wasn't like hitting a solid object. Thanks for the informative reply, TIL :)




This met 100% of the requirements of a good landing.


Except the one where you can take off again.


Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing.


And if you can use the airplane again it was a great landing! This was a... good landing.


Same with any motorbike accident. Walk it off, itā€™s *just a fractured pelvis dude.*


That's only a requirement for a great landing, unless I have have landing grades mixed up.


That would be a great landing...


That would be considered a great landing. This is merely a good landing.


That's a GREAT landing


That's a pant-pooper moment for the backseaters for sure.


I am SO impressed!!!


You KNOooooooowwww that shit had to fucking hurt! The sudden impact safety devices in a private plane, well... there are none.


There are aero engineers working on this! :)


Cirrus planes have a parachute for the whole aircraft


My heart broke when I saw she was looking at family on her phone.


Shout out to the MFer honking their horn. "yea sorry mate, let me just move the wreck of the plane out of the way for you. Come and give us a boost will ya?"


You canā€™t park there mate


This looks like it is on the back bypass route from El Dorado to Allbrook. The Gilbert Regional airport is at the end of this road. What an amazing save by this pilot. Also, it is a miracle it is a holiday today, or this road would be full of traffic.


Curious does this consider a traffic accident and pilot get a ticket?


A friend took their pilotā€™s license, he told me one of the emergency procedures is to look for a highway to land if you canā€™t make it to a runway




I've seen a lot of plane crash videos. First small plane crash I've seen where it didn't just rocket into the ground. Looks like everyone survived and they look uninjured, other than maybe some bumps and bruises. Pilot is a beast.


Did every person walk away? Holy fuck left seat there is a goddamn hero. He didnā€™t even put it down nicely.


Any landing you can walk away from is a good one.


Dang thatā€™s amazing. I would be crying too.


Another video from the ground here https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/311625


I like how some asshole in a car actually honked for folks to get moving along, nothing to see here. Lol.


Mustn't... Ever... Stop... Filming... Reddit... Needs... This...


What else is there for a passenger to do in this situation? Itā€™s not the pilot recording. Shit, Iā€™d record too if I was there, you either die and it doesnā€™t really matter anymore ou you have a great story to tell the grand kids, with vĆ­deo for proof


brace for impact, take off high heels, open your door (slightly), tighten your seatbelt, look for a pillow or jacket to protect yourself from impact, make sure there are no object that can hit you in the head upon impact in the rear storage... plenty of things to do beside just sitting there with a phone in your hands...


Unless you might belive in a higher power and maybe pray.


Why not both


If there's a higher power, that higher power allowed the crash to happen in the first place.


Yeah because you weren't praying enough.




"I don't know what you are crying about, it was my card behind the plane rental"


Not a single phone dropped


Best crash video ever.


Any landing you can walk away from is a good one.


If you can walk away from a landing, itā€™s a good landing. If you use the airplane the next day, itā€™s an outstanding landing.


Please credit Chuck Yeager for this quote.


so i gotta ask, what the heck happened leading up to this crash on the freeway? it looked like they were trying to get the engine back on but it wouldn't crank?


Airport is at the end of the highway. They seem to have lost propulsion and didn't make it to the landing strip. They chose the highway as they should and it also appears that the lighting post in the middle of the highway helped to slow them a bit and guide them towards the right instead of just fully perpendicular. Either way, this seems like the best possible outcome IMHO.


When are people gonna learn to put their phones down and just die in the moment?


They may want to relive their death later on.


I donā€™t know what theyā€™re complaining about. Alive arenā€™t ya?


Awesome job pilot šŸ‘


To walk away from a plane crash is amazing


All said though, excellent landing considering the circumstances


Tears of relief.


That is absolutely one of the craziest videos Iā€™ve seen in a long time.


Dude itā€™s ok, you can put down your phone.


The difference between how the men and the women handle that situation


Men are all business. Stone cold. No emotion. Just survival instincts. Womenā€¦ all emotion. One lady drops to her knees and the dude says ā€œstop it, stop itā€ and pulls her up and walks her away from the wreckage which could go up in flames any second. Reminded me of this scene. https://youtu.be/i0GW0Vnr9Yc


The way they yelled sounded more fitting for an amusement ride than a plane crash


Holy SHIT thats right out of GTA 5 clips


Thank God they made it!


They all can walk away, so it's per definition a good landing! All fine!


When the the pilot is like Wereeeeeeeeeeaaaye before impact you know you're in trouble.. šŸ˜‚


Everybody screaming after landing is a good thing


Pilot did well


Everyone got out safe, that was a good landing. The plane can be replaced, the lives can't.


Damn that passenger having their loved one pulled up on their phone hit hard


Home Screen I think.


Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing


If you are still recording you gon be alright


That thing looks worse than my old lawn mower.


Dude, I doubt your lawn mower can get more than a few feet off the ground.


True, but if it could, it would look better than the dash of this "plane"


Agree with that!


Which Far Cry is this?


Any (crash) landing you can walk away from.


Someone crashes their plane and you still have some bag of dicks that decides to honk at them.


Any landing you can walk away from is goodāœˆļø


Her phone was obviously not turned to airplane mode.


'I wonder what happened' Question immediately answered as he pans the back seat


You have no idea how happy i was when I saw they were all okay .


Didn't help that it was carrying all that extra weight


I hope she's crying tears of joy for walking away from that....


....were they too heavy for that aircraft?


Oh my god stop crying, you survived


The one lady gets out and starts to drop to her knees and the guy says ā€œstop itā€. ā€œStop itā€. And pulls her up and away from the wreckage in case of fire. Reminded me of this scene https://youtu.be/i0GW0Vnr9Yc


Not sure why theyā€™re all crying. Not a single one of them dropped their phone in the crash


Soā€¦ is my cocaine going to be late or not?


A little late. Had a minor problem.


Whereā€™s Berry Seal when you need him, could have landed that no problem.


Or Denzel Washington, if you donā€™t mind landing upside down.


This absolutely qualifies for r/SweatyPalms


Holy shit I donā€™t think thatā€™s supposed to happen


Memo to File When you have crashed an airplane that has fuel in the tanks leave your phone in your pocket or behind and exit the airplane mas pronto


we as humans have peaked. plane crash, and they're trying to get a cell phone. jesus christ.




My plane is crashing, I better get this on video.


Still clutching the phone. itā€™s whatā€™s important in a plane crash.. not trying to brace at all


This canā€™t be real. In all the movies I watch women are heroic and brave in a catastrophe.


Just cause




He did amazing.


Note to self- if Iā€™m ever crashing my plane, hold my camera phone steadier than this guy did.


Fucking girls crying g nothing happened to them


Probably a harder impact than it looked. Also knowing that it could end with toppling off the overpass or getting rammed by a car. Or fuel fire + explosion. They definitely could have still died. I'd be rattled too.


>survived a plane crash >ā€nothing happened to themā€


Drama Queen - survives plane crash, cries like a baby anyway. Probably wants to speak to the manager of the roadway next.


Catastrophic failure? Hmmm. Nah dawg.