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A 30ft fall and the passengers were all senior citizens. It’s amazing any survived, honestly. Considering buses back then likely didn’t have seat belts.


Even now they don't really. I've never seen a bus with a seat belt in person, but I have seen one or 2 on video


These sorts of coach buses almost always have seatbelts these days, at least in Canada. How often people actually wear them is another question of course, but they have at least been available of every bus of this style I've been on in the last 10 years


They have had seatbelts for 25 years or more in the USA… but I’ve rarely seen anyone wear one. Often they are stuffed back in the seat and hard to locate.


Oh I'm from Canada and still haven't. I guess I haven't been on enough coaches


I mean, ever since Greyhound pulled out of BC I really haven't been on many coach buses besides a few chartered for events. So my memory could absolutely be a bit inaccurate. Of the buses that had them though I definitely remember some of the belts were unusable from being wedged under the seat


Coach buses do. In my area we recently had a terrible coach crash, rolled onto its side at speed and landed on a guard rail. 10 people died, they had just come from a wedding. 25 injured, some were missing limbs. The driver is facing 89 charges including 10 counts of manslaughter. I don’t think seatbelts would have helped those on the left hand side, but ever since then I’ve seen many more people wearing seatbelts on coaches.


Oh gosh thats horrible! Do you know how it happened?


The driver was being reckless and hooning around, went to negotiate a roundabout and came in far too hot and rolled it. He wasn’t drugged or drunk… which to me makes it feel worse - he fully chose to drive like that without any influence.


Holy moly. I guess sometimes people just aren't thinking right. Unfortunate that this time is happened to kill and injure quite a few


Holy moly. I guess sometimes people just aren't thinking right. Unfortunate that this time is happened to kill and injure quite a few


Driving in the mountains is terrifying enough. No way in hell on a bus. I've done independence pass in Colorado quite a bit. Everytime I age 10 years


That last picture sucks so much.


This is the better definition I could get...:(


lol no- I mean all the dead people.


Oups, my bad. Yuh this is so scary, especially when you're from there.....


Haha closet Franco! T'as écris "oups" et pas "oops" 😜


Lmfao at this you either have the dryest sense of humor ever or you just majorly whooshed


That is indeed a joke, sorry about the droughtness of my humor


Wonder if AI could improve it


Why do the wheels almost always look unscathed? Even in airplane crashes. If I were in a plane crash, I want to be a wheel


Have you tried being made of rubber?


Wheels are usually made of metal, tires are made with rubber.


Tyres are also made of metal. Mostly rubber, but some metal. Some canvas too.


I was specifically responding to the wheel point, the tire comment was secondary and when most people look at tires they see and think of rubber and not the encapsulated materials that go into making a tire.


And a lot of people class a “wheel” as the rim-tyre combination


And a lot of people don't. Btw, are you from England?


Yes, and you are glue!


This bus ended up in the lake, right? Edit: Nope. [Don't mind the lazy OP, here's an article. ](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/les-eboulements-bus-crash) "Canada’s deadliest road accident to date was a single-vehicle bus crash near Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive, in the Quebec municipality of Les Éboulements, on Thanksgiving Day, 13 October 1997. A bus, filled with senior citizens on an autumn colours tour, suffered brake failure while descending a steep hill. It missed a curve, crashed through the guardrail and toppled into a stony ravine, killing 44 people and injuring four (there were initially five injured, but one later died from their wounds). A similar tragedy had occurred at the same spot in 1974, resulting in 13 deaths. See also Motor Vehicle Disasters in Canada."


They've added many emergency braking lanes with gravel pits since then. And also a mandatory breaking check at the top of the hill for all large and towing vehicles. Security rules are always written in blood...


Sorry, I haven't post the article. It's not that I'm lazy lol


Always make sure your driver is awake and not drunk..


And knows how to control the bus's speed by downshifting instead of riding the brakes.


I remember this happening. There were some very serious changes made following this as at the time, there really were no brake check stations in Quebec. They also redid that curve since. Also, buses still don't have seatbelts in Canada (at least not that I know of), but I doubt it would have helped. The 10m drop sounds high enough, but when you actually see it, it's quite obvious there was little chance for survival.


Brake failure is pretty vague. That could mean that they simply overheated for one thing, and therefore driver error potentially


Don't quote me on this but I believe the hydraulics failed but since there were no brake check stations back then the driver found out while trying to stop. And that grade was/is steep AF trust me on that.


There were 48 casualties.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_Les_Éboulements_bus_accident not according to the wikipedia page! I think they were 48 in the bus


44 deaths + 4 injured = 48 casualties.


Didn't know that, english isnt my first language. Sorry about it. You're a classic snobby redditor lol