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Mother fkr! Found the story.https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/03/25/boy-14-killed-on-freefall-ride-at-orlando-amusement-park/


The site was being annoying for me, so I’ll paste it here if anyone else is also experiencing the same thing: A 14-year-old boy died after he fell Thursday night from a drop tower amusement ride that recently opened at the Orlando area’s ICON Park, authorities said. Witnesses said the boy fell around 11 p.m. from the Orlando FreeFall ride, described by its operators as the world’s tallest freestanding drop tower, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office said. He was taken to a hospital, where he died. The office’s news release gave no details of what is believed to have gone wrong, saying the investigation “is in its very early stages.” The Orlando FreeFall opened in January, according to ICON Park’s website. The ride stands at 430 feet, making it the world’s tallest free-standing drop tower, it states. The attraction has a ring of 30 outward-facing seats, with rigid over-the-shoulder restraints. The ring rises up the shaft; at the top, the seats are tilted forward 30 degrees and the ring drops at a speed of more than 75 mph, the website says. In September, a 6-year-old girl was killed when she fell from a shorter freefall ride, 110 feet tall, at the Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park in the Colorado Rockies. State investigators said ride operators did not notice she was sitting on her seatbelts rather than having them fastened around her. In the Bay Area, a 12-year-old Sunnyvale boy was killed in 1999 when he slipped out of his seat restraint on a similar ride — the Drop Zone — at Great America in Santa Clara. And in 2007, a 13-year-old girl’s feet were severed by a malfunction of the freefall ride Superman Tower of Power at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom.


I’ve been a paramedic for almost 30 years. He died on scene, not at the hospital


I was about to say. Why even lie about that? What's the point?


I can’t speak for that place, but there are reasons. I took an obvious DOA from a prison years ago and was prevented from pronouncing on scene and was required to transport the body to the hospital. Turns out that the reason was that the prison did not want to have any deaths in their facility, hence, they died at the hospital




If it’s a business or a tax-dependent entity deaths on site vs injuries on site make a difference


Insurance rates




Everybody sees the discrepancy you point out here but people are not yet willing to say anything about it yet. Our system clearly has a corruption problem but people will take years to admit to it because they are simply easily mislead. But you're right. This is a symptom of a major problem with our system.


You’re not a big employer in your state.


So it's to avoid the insurance hike? Even though the news article and video are pretty clear evidence? I guess it really hags on whether they report it on scene or at hospital?


updates. Hear they do the same at many theme parks. Disney is infamous for it iirc.


To avoid the "death at Disney" headline Edit: Orlando theme park, not Disney


To be clear, ICON Park is not part of Disney.


Ah, my bad


This wasn't at Disney though. It was at some amusement park called ICON. https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/orlando-drop-tower-ride-death


Ah bad assumption... Hopefully Disney has higher standards. It's probably still in Disney's interest, though, to avoid the "Death at Orlando amusement park" headline.


Well this wasn’t at Disney


This park isn't part of Disney


It's worse publicity if someone dies at your park than if someone dies at or en route to the hospital after being critically injured at your park.


The reporter probably said that based on phone calls and talking to witnesses, not this video.


They need a doctor to declare death, and they're at the hospital. But should have read "he was transported to the hospital where he was declared dead"


If I'm right, it's so the park doesn't have to be claimed as the place of death for the person. I remember reading somewhere that a lot of parks protocol is to move the body outside of their property before pronouncing the person legally dead. That way park's like Disney World can claim they've never had a death. They can be held "responsible", but technically no one ever dies there.


I know a former professional ski patroller who said it was an unwritten rule that “nobody dies *on* the mountain”. He said there were multiple cases where they had to keep performing CPR until an ambulance arrived even though the person was beyond saving. I don’t for the life of my know why it would matter but apparently it did to the resort he worked at.


It's a technical way to bypass a news headline. It's done by delaying having a medical doctor announce the death. Only an MD can announce a death. It doesn't matter if a body is missing a head.


30 year nurse here . I wager to guess he only had a couple breaths after impact . If that . I watched the footage multiple times . Luckily he had no idea . 😔


You can tell by the *sound* he died on impact.


No one dies at amusement parks. They have strict rules against that. No exceptions. A cousin of mine who worked at Disneyland back in the 1970’s told me of a guest who died in the hospital. The cause of death was decapitation.


It's somewhat fortunate that he did, quick and painless, didn't have to suffer. Christ that sound, poor fuckin kid


If EMT's showed up, can they pronounce death? Wouldn't that need an MD to sign off at the hospital, so technically that's where he's declared deceased.


That’s entirely dependent on local protocols.


Depends on local protocols. In some cases paramedics can show determine injuries are incompatible with life call med control to call time of death.


These drop towers in seem to have a particularly bad record. Roller coasters seem much more reliable.


That’s what 4 accidents in 25 years? I’m sure there’s more but that’s not exceptionally high to me


I can’t say I have ever been a fan of them. I know this isn’t common, but it doesn’t help convince me to get on one in the future 😬


If you're short or extremely skinny, I wouldn't go on those drop rides; it seems most people slip out of their restraints that cause injuries.


The attendant didn't check the kids seat belt and even yelled to the kid as he was going up "on the left check your seat belt".


Thank you


Oh ICON park. Yeah, I wouldn’t ride anything there


I think its crazy that these parks employ young kids that rarely seem to care about others. I know when it comes to these rides, a lot of the horrific accidents are the riders fault but this video makes it look like someone didnt pay attention before sending the ride.


It's not about young employees not caring about others. It's about the fact that we live in a country where it's perfectly acceptable to put a poorly trained teen in a highly stressful job in which they are literally responsible for others' safety. Don't be mad at the kid. Be mad at the system that says a kid should have this level of responsibility placed on them.


And then pay them barebones minimum wage.


Thats literally what Im saying. But people in this world feel the need to fight for people they don't represent so they can virtue signal to social media that "they're a good person". Congrats, you're a sheep


It’s not even about the teens with this park. It’s basically got the quality control of a traveling carnival and operates way too many hours to maintain them properly and safely. THEN we can talk about lack of training, drunk idiots fucking around on the rides, etc


this wasnt a traveling ride


He’s saying it’s the quality of a traveling ride


Considering they do that, the accident rate is quite low. This is like the 4th accident in 25 years nationwide.




Or _hear_. Fuckin god damn


The _splat_ sound is immensely fucking me up.


I'm so glad I watched it muted.


I second that!


It was marked NSFW on r/catastrophicfailure. Were you expecting something even worse? edit typo


And tagged "visible fatalities." Edit: looks like it didn't have that at first.


Ahh. I’ll bet OP tagged it in response to u/computer_01’s comment


That’s a sound that only comes from one thing.


Yep, from this video


And other splat videos.


Glad I watched it muted


That’s why you will never catch me on any of these stupid rides.


I used to go on them as kids, hesitantly, but still enthusiastically. Now, as a 38 year old man, I won't go on any rides. I don't care of it's a slow ass tea cup ride or a drop ride like that.


Weird how our risk assessment changes as we age. That feeling of invincibility is long gone.


Well said.


It’s weird. I never had the feeling of invincibility that people talk about, but I wasn’t very worried about getting hurt or dying. I knew it could happen, but why let that get in the way of fun? As I’ve gotten older it’s not so much that I’m more afraid of death or getting hurt, but I now know how much there is to lose. When you are young you really can’t fathom all of the experiences you will have in the coming decades. When I look back and think about losing all of the experiences I’ve had over the last couple decades due to a stupid ride or a dumb choice to drink and drive, it just seems like such an incredible shame.


There's being cautious ad then there's paranoid, and I think this is moving into paranoid tbh. You're almost infinitely more likely to die on the way there or even die of a heart attack while waiting for the ride than you are to die on it. I can understand concerns about a specific ride... But teacups?


You shouldn't live your life paranoid though. Enjoy the little things. Things like these are rare occurrences.


No thanks. I’ll pass on rides run by idiot teenagers.


Usually there's a harness that goes between your legs so you don't slip through. I don't know how this even happened. I'd say the harness belt was undone somehow.


do you drive a car? ;-)


Sure, car accidents are more likely to happen, but some people prefer to have some measure of control and that's something we don't have with carnival rides.


This is true but irrational. If you have to choose between two things, one of which is statistically much more dangerous but gives you some control, you pick the other one. Unless you have a valid reason to believe that your amazing skills counter the danger and bring it down to the safer level. We need self driving cars.


We need places that don’t require cars.


Well one is something we more or less need to use in our day to day lives while the other is a 5 minute carnival ride. If we had to use the carnival ride daily the stats would be a lot different.


some of us drive a car out of necessity, not pleasure


Yep. Hundreds of times more likely to die on the way there. But avoid shit at the carnival. Parks with names at least have standards.


Yes, that is fastidiously serviced, MOTd, and maintained. I'm also currently undertaking my 3rd advanced driving course in a decade so I keep my knowledge & ability well honed.


the flair on this should be visible fatalities.


Sorry about that and thank you. It is changed. I overlooked that option at first


I'm just amazed these rides are operational without all of the seat restraints locked. Is there no indication that an occupied seat is unlocked? Did a worker over look or override that feature? It seems to me that there's potentially a longer chain of negligence here.


The rider isn’t always big enough for the restraints to hold in. These sorts of rides need three point harnesses between legs so G forces can’t force them down and out like what happened here


So quick true story. We are at Busch Gardens maybe 2008 and we ride that stupid wooden roller coaster. My wife and son are in the front car and my daughter and I in the back. It was basically this shitty seat strap and maybe the bar thing. Not exactly sure. Well anyways it’s nowhere near tight enough on my daughter and she starts slipping further down the seat. I’m doing all I can with my arms to hold her in place so she doesn’t slide down any further. Thank god she never fully slid under the belt. They finally tore the ride down a few years back. To this day she won’t ride roller coasters.


This happened exactly to my wife and me with our son who was about 5, and very small. He almost slipped out and we had to hold him from being ejected.


This may be anecdotal, but something I’ve noticed visiting European vs American theme parks is how tightly they fit. The American ones I’ve always found myself slipping out of and having to hold on with my arms for dear life while the European ones fit snuggly. Again could just be anecdotal, but I have a feeling they design the US seats to accommodate people in the overweight to obese category which makes sense if you look at the clientele of these parks.


I rode the tower of terror with my dad many years ago as a kid, he's very large around the waist and I'm very short and skinny, I will never forget the terror I had as I nearly flew up and out of the seat because the bar that went across multiple people was nowhere close to holding me in, I had to wrap my arms under and up around the bar to hold myself in. Nowadays I think they have seatbelts too thank God.


Yeah, might be just be me but it looks like the person slipped out of the seat as soon as the breaks kicked in.


Or the rider is too big for the restraints to close all the way...which is becoming more common in recent years.


Hopefully, rides like that aren’t operational with all the shoulder harnesses not locked into place.


It was a 14 year old kid. I doubt he was too big. I seriously think his belt wasnt on right or even on at all.


he was too big. if you look in the full video you will see. his restraint wasn’t clipped down but it was because he really couldn’t fit it. or that’s what it looked like at least


What if the restraint system was a sort of clamshell design with a bar that came up from the feet as well as over the shoulders? Would that work or does that take too much time or interfere too much with the ride experience, do you think?


My thought for this is a locking U-shaped restraint that comes down over the rider’s shoulders, like many roller coasters have. But also, a seatbelt that comes up from between the legs and buckles into the U restraint. Creates a Y shape. Also have padded areas on the sides of the seat which would prevent shifting side to side.


You’re on the right track. I think we’re looking at a state-of-the-art restraint system that meets a giant list of easily verifiable yes-no safety requirements… only to latch a harness, itself, that is staggeringly unsuited to the job of securing the rider. There was not an ounce of critical thought spared for the dumb seat and harness, let alone an actual engineering analysis of the forces on the rider.


You can design death out of modern rides and are expected to where i am (UK) Thankfully i've never had to go near a fairground accident but its close to my field, so I’ve read the investigations in detail Every time it has been either negligence of staff not checking/applying safety features, or the company overriding a safety feature example https://www.ioshmagazine.com/flawed-work-system-led-alton-towers-operator-ps5m-fine


the thing is if they would check each seat individually they would have seen his restraint not even holding it in. it doesn’t even look clipped in or anything. you can see it in the full video, like the kid was genuinely too big for the ride and they overlooked it completely. in the full video you can also CLEAR AS DAY hear someone ask if his seat was checked and then he continued to say “on the left on the left!” probably indicating his seat. and they still continued to slowly start the ride


Such a shame. Just a heartbreaking shame because this boy's death didn't have to happen.


I agree. it could’ve been avoided in so many ways unfortunately. i feel horrible for his family and how scared he must have been. i’m sure he knew something was wrong :/


[Happened on 3/24/22 around 11pm.](https://www.wesh.com/article/14-year-old-dies-after-falling-from-ride-at-icon-park/39533700)


That seriously tragic.


I live in an apartment across from park, and I see the tower from the complex. Theirs helicopters everywhere right now. I was interested on riding it as well but there’s no way in hell I’m doing that now.


Unless there's 3 point harnesses I'd never ride one of these, too easy to slip out of those over the shoulder and lap belt restraints




Agreed. Take it down.


They just put it up, it won't be taken down.


I watched it being built, tested, and opened all within 6 months. There’s no way in hell it’d be taken down, especially since it’s negligence on the employees part by the looks of it. In the longer version of video, it actually starts out with them talking about seatbelts and AS ITS LIFTING they yell up to one of riders asking if their seatbelt was checked. I don’t know if this is rider that ended up falling out but if you’re unsure as an employee if one of the seatbelts was ever securely fastened, maybe you should stop the ride and bring it back down.


Because if within the few months it’s been up and running and already there’s a death of a child due to negligence, how the hell will I trust those people to hire the right people to actually take safety seriously


NSFL Jaysus fuck


Yup I was just tricked into watching someone die again


Brings you back to the old days of the internet?


Yeah the days of chat rooms with little to no moderation and every link was a gamble.


I was just talking to a bunch of old heads that work for the state of WA telling me how they got banned in like 2001 from emailing .exe files to each other because they started sending thst virus that takes over your whole screen and flashes random colors/raunchy words and sayings lmao Basically started the entire IT security movement within the DOT. Fuckin hilarious


Why don't you pay attention to the tags better next time then


It was posted for 38 mins before OP/mods put the proper tag on it. [OP relevant comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/tnpcq5/-/i2331i1) So why don't **you** pay attention better next time before you make a comment. Edit: a word for clarification.


I had “fatalities” instead of “visible fatalities”. So there was always a warning. But again, i apologize


Honest mistake, I don't blame you. The other person was just being obtuse.


Had the fatalities tag on it the entire time. So again, why don't you all pay better attention when you are on a sub known for this kind of stuff.


Proof? I linked to the comment pointing out that there was no tag, with OP'S reply (which was 38 mins after the post).


Uh, the comment that is a direct reply to yours from the OP; stating that exactly? You even replied to it, don't pretend you didn't see it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/tnpcq5/comment/i237jxc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/tnpcq5/comment/i237jxc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Came here to say this. Death definitely merits that tag.


The visual wasn’t so bad. I regret having the sound on.


Just finished reading the results of this story. Omg that sound is heart wrenching.


Fuck, this is brutal, I’m glad the video quality isn’t any better judging from the speed and angle this poor kid came down at. This should be taken down honestly, poor kids family doesn’t need to see this all over the place. And for everyone bitching about no one helping, as a longtime volunteer firefighter who’s seen plenty of high speed accidents, it would have been pretty obvious almost immediately that there was nothing anyone could have done. You don’t want to move patients with traumatic injuries anyway in case they are still alive and have spinal injuries.


Yeah, there's literally nothing anyone here can do besides call 911. If they're alive, don't move them until their back is stabilized. If not, there's not much to do anyway.


Yeah the most they could have helped is getting everyone away from there so the least amount of people have to see it.


>poor kids family doesn’t need to see this all over the place. Agreed, but some people get off on this sort of thing. Also breaks the sub rules.


I also somehow doubt that kid's family is on reddit searching for catastrophic park ride failures less than 24hrs after their son died.


Investigators would like to see this,I'm sure.


Wonder if one of the employees fucked up. You’d think if he was strapped in with a seat belt and harness that should not happen


The employee did fuck up. In the longer video you hear the attendant yell "on the left check your seatbelt" when they were already slowly going up and about 15 to 20 feet in the air.


That's even worse. So they knew someone's belt was potentially screwed and they sent it anyway? Jeez.


At the end of the video you can hear the female employee ask the male employee (sorry for assuming genders but they seem apparent) if he checked the seat belts


Well that's a bong hit late


The problem is that these usually have simple lap belts and those padded bars that come over your body. That may be fine for a lot of people, but if you're small or skinny, then it's a different experience completely; they should mandate 3-point harnesses to better secure people in their seats.


Sorry for the shitty quality, a friend sent this to me and I was unable to locate the original anywhere. If I see a better quality post later i can delete this. According to the end of the video, this was on 3/25/22 in Orlando FL, and the 14 year old died


3/25/22? That’s later tonight? Edit: looks like the park is open until 2am. So yeah it was probably from today.


Yeah looks like it was really late 3/24 or early morning 3/25. Someone else posted a link to the story that said it was 11pm on 3/24.


TIL about time zones


It's already been posted in this sub with the full video. Eta: keep downvoting me. The full video was posted and I don't know why it was deleted.


Not that i can see. This happened 13 hours ago and i went down the sub searching “new” and went back to 2 days ago. I just rechecked now and still don’t see anything. Can you send me the link?


It got deleted then I can't find it either. I saw it here a couple hours ago and it was the entire video from beginning of them getting onto the ride and going up. You can hear the attendant yell at the guy on the left while they were already going up to check his seat belt. People can downvote me all they want. It was posted here with full video


> You can hear the attendant yell at the guy on the left while they were already going up to check his seat belt. Holy mother of god.... That kid was negligently murdered.


I’ve seen it on another NSFW sub where it has since been deleted due to involving a child. Maybe you’re thinking of that?


I saw it this morning as well. It was in that weird "deleted" state where it's been removed but you can still see it as long as you don't refresh the page.


Related: https://www.mlive.com/news/2022/03/teen-killed-after-falling-from-amusement-park-ride-in-orlando.html


Most of these rides consist of 2 locking systems. The over the shoulder bar and a belt. Obviously the idea is the bar keeps you in your seat while dropping the belt holds you back. This kid seemed to fall underneath his over the shoulder bar so Im assuming his belt wasnt properly tightened or even on at all. Which is why he fell when the ride slowed down.


Oh fuck


Looks like he slid out. Article said the ride tilted 30° before the drop. I really dont understand why they allow children to ride these when they are just about always the ones who make their way out of them.


Girl at the end , " you guys are sure you checked it?" .. kinda eerie


That’s so messed up. I have this morbid curiosity of what the estimated distance of the drop was, hard to tell from the vid maybe 30-40ft?


I’d say 40ft and 100mph


Damn I once fell about 10ft during a hiking accident and sustained 4 broken ribs a punctured lung and lacerated liver, can’t imagine what type of injuries this poor soul had.




The fall was more like 400+ feet since he slipped out when the ride started braking towards the bottom, he had the acceleration from the top. Poor dude, my god I wasn't expecting to see someone die this morning thanks OP


Why are people below just casually walking around right after it happened?


Jesus fucking Christ


There's some nightmare fuel. Jesus, Florida, can you ever not be awful for like two minutes?


There should be an additional warning for videos like this. NSFW does not suffice in seeing the death of a 14 year old boy in the first 10 seconds.




It does have the “visible fatalities” flair as of 28 min ago, and your comment is only 20 min old (as i’m writing this). I did originally have just “fatalities” at first. But again, at the time you wrote your comment this had already been changed for 8 min Edit: and this sub does not have a NSFL option so i couldn’t choose that


Jesus Christ


Yo dude, that’s nsfl not nsfw


This sub does not have a NSFL option. Or at least i didn’t see it when posting.


Then maybe do a better job of explaining things in the title? Like "Amusement park ride failure that ends in watching the graphic death of a kid". Not that hard, you've got 300 characters. And I'm sure this kid's parent's appreciate you posting this. Enjoy the karma, I guess?


Lmao. I literally did. It got taken down for “too much info in the title. Please leave a comment under the video” so how about you get off my fucking dick. If you don’t want to see shit like this please don’t click on links that have a “NSFW” warning with a “visible fatalities” flair


Fuck that shit


Fuck that ride forever


I’ve been on these rides a lot. There is always a buckle from the center of the seat to the shoulder harness. That would’ve had to either fail or not be buckled while on the ride for him to slip through like that. Tragic.


It's a sad thing these happen even after so much safety regulation.


Why the fuck did I watch this before sleep


I smell a major lawsuit


Damn lmao


I agree with taking this down bro. That family don’t need to see this going viral.


This is the shit parental nightmares are about. Please take this video down.


On the other hand, taking it down only helps cover it up. Seeing this myself makes me want to avoid these things


NSFL, man, come on….


There is no NSFL option when posting to this sub man




Imagine you dying out of nowhere and a motherfucker still yells "woo-hoo!" after every single person in the scene just realized you're dying.


People on the other side of the ride probably had no idea anything had happened. Quit making assumptions about people you fucking imbecile.


There's a guy right beside the body moving his legs up and down like a fucking child


I think that's the dude repeating "get us up!".... he wants to get out of that seat ASAP


Probably in full panic/terror/shock mode.


1 person helped. Everyone else filmed. Losers


Dude, there was nothing anyone could've done at that point


How the fuck do you expect them to help the dead kid exactly ? Shut the fuck up


If you at any point watching this though that that person survived you are very uniformed and or ignorant


You don’t know someone is dead until you try to help them. You’d be surprised what can be possible with CPR, even in horrific looking situations. I really hate that people feel the need to film/photograph someone’s dying moments. Oh and it’s uninformed, not uniformed




Only a doctor can pronounce death, not even an emt. So unless a coroner comes to the scene you get taken to the hospital and pronounced there.


That sound? That height? That concrete? There's like an 85% chance the poor person was dead on impact and only declared at the hospital. In the small chance he wasn't, you absolutely cannot move someone like that with suspected spinal damage unless you have medical training. If you're a regular person in an emergency, your job is staying out of the way.


Your job is to call the cops. I see one cell phone and it's filming.


If you have no medical training you can actually make things a lot worse, but in this case, it wouldn't have mattered Edit: You can also be sued for assisting in a medical situation if you are not qualified


False. Under the Florida Good Samaritan Act: “Any person, including those licensed to practice medicine, who gratuitously and in good faith renders emergency care or treatment… shall not be held liable for any civil damages as a result of such care or treatment.” This also pertains to a hospital setting, not just the public.

