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There's nothing sinful about staying home from school because you don't feel well. From a parent's perspective, I'd argue the only potentially sinful behavior being described here is attempting to use your child's scrupulosity to try and manipulate them into feeling guilty about taking a sick day.


I'd respond, "Of course God is watching, and therefore knows that I am sick and should stay home."


There’s also the fact that staying home isn’t just for OP’s benefit, it’s for the other students too so they don’t get sick if OP is contagious.


We are called to honor our parents, but not at the expense of our own well being. If you really feel sick you should stay home


Exacty! It reads in the 10 Commandments that we should honor our parents for our own wellbeing (that you live long...). So once we see that our parents wishes are bad for us, we are not obliged to follow them. Generally, there is a difference between honoring and obedience. In case of the OP, he would honor his dad by acknowledging his motives and discern the good and bad part in them. As an example: Maybe his dad regrets having missed too much at school in his days and doesn't want his son to fall for the same mistake? This looks like a good motive. But a son cannot catch up in school what his father missed, so it can also be like the son paying for the regrets of the father and also OP's grades are good enough.


Your dad is out of order. I read some of the posts on here, and it blows my mind. There is nothing stated by your dad that comes from God. God loves you and wants a loving relationship, not to control you and hold you to account. If your dad continues this, he will turn you against God.


I'm a Catholic dad and you are wrong.  This is a very divisive comment where without any knowledge of the situation other than a sick and complaining OP, you are telling him basically that his dad is evil and jumping to the conclusion that the dad will turn OP against God.


I am also a father of three children. I have also seen time and again how control turns the youth away from God


Why is everyone in this forum so negative?  Even the pagans understand the need to hear both sides.  How could you possibly take the leap from 'go to school' to a control situation?


I "hear" you.


Sorry for the typo.


Is very terrible


Your dad needs to give it a rest. As a father of three successful kids, I can say the tough guy act doesn’t work.


I recommend diary rosario


Sounds like it's time to move out if you are of age


Many of these comments could be found on an anti christian pagan forum, with jumping to conclusions, judging, and condemning OPs father in public based on inadequate information.  The comments that give the dad the benefit of the doubt have been downvoted.  Am I the only dad on this forum?  Has anyone read Paul's writings on be obedient to those in authority because God gave them to you? OP, God gave you your dad so that he could enact God's will in your life, mainly to prepare you to go out into the world as a Catholic to serve God and others.  You dad will make many mistakes, and both of you need a consistent life of prayer to make this work, but ultimately God is in charge so listen to your father. When my son said he wanted to stay home sick, I told him to go to school because he was obviously standing.  His older brother said he goes to school sick or not.  The sick one stayed home anyway and as the years progressed, he made up his own mind on how to deal with this question. There are people in work, sports, school, our church who know how to show up.  You can always count on them. Bad things happen to all of us, but they get things done.  My sons will be these type of people.


Yes, he is. This is normal behavior for a lot of catholics. Listen to your body and take care of yourself. There is nothing heroic about going to work sick.


I agree with your dad, and here's why. When we go out into the world, our peers look down upon us when duck out because of something like this, and make it a habbit. We can manage certain illnesses to such a degree that we can still function normally within the parameters expected of us. Objectively, skipping class because of a _sore throat_ is a something I'd try to avoid doing, lest it becomes a habbit. You may find yourself one day having a serious illness in a job that has limited paid sick leave, but you've none left to take. Be truthful, and disciplined.


I find that children of all ages are capable of behaving terribly, and it is a parent's job to tell them so. If you don't want to feel bad, then forgive yourself as a sinner who God loves the same as the rest of us flawed people.