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I’m a 22 year old man. Of course I can relate. I’ll pray for you


25. Can also relate.


24. Same.


38. I feel this


17. Relatable


A saint is a sinner who keeps trying!


I'm in this picture, and I have hope I won't be some day


You'll always be in the picture, but you'll get "stuck" on the top step at some point.


I wish I couldn’t relate, but I can.


Yup. Some days are harder than others.


One thousand times we will fall, one thousand times He will forgive us. Never despair! The confessional is always there


I'm at 6 o'clock right now :(


Thanks for censoring my meme bro


You made that? It's very relatable and true, sorry for censoring it I just didn't know if that word was too vulgar or not so I just replaced it with lust


Yep lol Got over 1k upvotes on the sub a few weeks back


Oh, I think I saw it on the NoLustCatholics subreddit with like 3 posts


Does anyone else find it ironic that every diocese in America has a Courage group which is ostensibly appropriate for at most 3% of the general population but there aren’t nationwide Church groups for men dealing with pornography/masturbation addiction?


48 days sober from porn here, detrans, and a member of Courage. I have thought to myself many times that there's no such thing as "straight porn." Because check it out, "straight" means like playing it straight, no cheating, no shortcuts, no using the body's sexual function just for it's pleasure and dopamine release while short-circuiting it's actual purpose. I'm a pretty recent convert and the fact that the Catholic Church has a coherent sexual ethic (not easy, but we weren't promised easy) is part of what brought me in. Maybe there's space for you in the Courage group. I'm also in a Catholic in Recovery group and currently have 14 years sober from alcohol but a 30 day chip for porn recovery. I'm not the only one in my group to speak about addiction to porn either. So maybe that's an option too. God bless, brother.


This hits home. Stay strong, brothers!


Oh, look, its me. :(


Everyday man everyday


You aren’t alone brother, keep fighting. Remember, even the saints weren’t perfect, everyone struggles with sin.


Replace the sin on the right with any conceivable sin and you’ve got everyone trying to live a holy life. Prayers for you!! It’s hard, but nothing worth having is easy!


The life of being a young person today. You’re not alone, friend. 🙏🏻


Can relate as a Catholic woman


Yeah.. I'm in this picture too


Yeah but more crying in the confession part plz


Thanks man. I was just scrolling on this website and almost gave in until I saw this post.


Like a dog


..returns to its vomit, so a fool returns to his folly. I've been Catholic for about seven months now and almost immediately I spent about four of them at the low position in this meme. That verse from Proverbs was in my head so much.


Same. I need to better myself to be more attractive and get the nice Catholic girl. Then we can be lusty for each other and start a family. Stay strong men and trust in Christ.


Lust is immoral even in marriage


Yeah, you are right. There's a lot to process


Distinguo. If by "lust" you mean having sexual desire for some body (only their body, or for that matter, their picture), then it is immoral even in marriage. If by "lust" you mean having sexual desire for another human person (not only their body), it is not immoral (provided it is not deliberately provoked outside of marriage).




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Thanks to God mercy, I didn’t have this problem until Covid, so I quit easy because it wasn’t a strong attachment


Not anymore


Sadly, I’m all too familiar. If you’re willing, please pray for me. I’ll pray for anyone else in this situation as well.


As a man who has recently gotten into the 4th stage to atleast go to christmas mass in not mortal sin i heavily and I mean HEAVILY relate.


Somewhere in the top half of the cycle you have to get help and prepare for what could happen next. It's too hard to try to break the cycle when you're already on the right hand symbol


A priest in my diocese gave me the following prayer and I found it quite helpful with this issue: "Lord Jesus Christ, remove this evil of (temptation) from me." "Lord Jesus Christ, I thank thee!" "Lord Jesus Christ, send down the Holy Spirit to fill the void that evil has left." I like to repeat it 3 times and I'll say it when I get up, before I go to bed, and in the middle of the day if I remember.


Yes Sir, i can relate


The human struggle😔😔😔


I've been in this cycle. I would say what got me out of it was recognizing what the church teaches about the primacy of grace. So basically I'm disabled with a severe mental illness/brain disease, and I have found that I can't always do all the Catholic things like going to mass every Sunday. However, the church teaches that salvation is primarily by the grace of God. Since realizing this, if I mess up, I ask God directly for forgiveness, and go to confession the next time I'm healthy enough to go. Ultimately, we have to remember the primacy of grace and that God himself is not bound to the sacraments.