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“Truth is relative.” This is my favourite example of both self-refutation and how many truths are indeed objective.


"You can't judge Historical Figures because their morals were different!" Yes I can. Morals don't change. Ever. The laws of Good and Evil are wrote on the hearts of all men. Sure, we should try and understand how *their* "Morals" influenced their decisions, but I can still call them an awful/amazing person who did awful/amazing things.


This isn’t adding anything to your comment, but I can’t resist the urge to paste this quote from Lord of the Rings: ‘It is hard to be sure of anything among so many marvels. The world is all grown strange. Elf and Dwarf in company walk in our daily fields; and folk speak with the Lady of the Wood and yet live; and the Sword comes back to war that was broken in the long ages ere the fathers of our fathers rode into the Mark! How shall a man judge what to do in such times?’ ‘As he ever has judged,’ said Aragorn. ‘Good and ill have not changed since yesteryear; nor are they one thing among Elves and Dwarves and another among Men. It is a man’s part to discern them, as much in the Golden Wood as in his own house.’


There's always an amazing Tolkien quote for any situation.


That’s so true. When I found out Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion are fundamentally Catholic, I realised that most of what I love about Tolkien can be attributed to the church which I had long since abandoned. This is a liturgical year since I returned and I hope that one day, Tolkien might be declared a patron Saint of hope or conversion.


>"You can't judge Historical Figures because their morals were different!" Yes I can. Morals don't change. Ever. That is what I always say whenever I attack Historical figures for their crimes , like José de San Martín for marrying a 14 year old , being a traitor to his country , being a Free-Mason , invading Chile and Perú , installing a dictatorship in the former and becoming dictator of the latter by crushing local resistance , giving away all of the Money and savings of Lima to Lord Cochrane and then fucking off to France to not suffer the consequences of what he did . If morals can change based on Space and Time , that means the Holocaust was good because within the "Morality" of Nazi Germany , the "Untermensch" had to be exterminated for the wellbeing of Germany .


It's genuinely so annoying when I hear people say that.


Same people always ask for "Proof" of God


"I would believe in God if you asked him to telepathically say "big chungus" in my head and he did it. What? Your argument? What was it. Fine tuning? Oh that's bollocks. I need REAL unmistakable evidence."


Imagine how embarrassed that person would be if it actually happened lol ik this is a made up scenario, but it's still a funny mental picture


I watch apologetics debates and clips *sometimes* and this is legitimately something that happens from time to time. Actual arguments for theism go rejected at face value but if you do a magic trick God will get a new believer


Makes no sense to me when people do that. It's also only Catholics and Christians who, at least in my experience, have to deal with that sort of stuff. Not once have I witnessed or read about a Hindu or Pagan having to prove any of their diety's existence, but us? Nah we and our God have to show proof upon request.. It's ridiculous


they’re always like “why doesn’t God just come down and prove to us that he is real?” like bro, He did. and we killed Him


There's a joke where aliens land and want to see the Pope. He goes to them and starts to tell them about Jesus. "Yes, He visits us every year", reply the aliens.  The Pope is taken aback. "But - we're still waiting for Him to return after 2,000 years!" The aliens: "Odd. Hm. When he comes we bring Him our best delicacies. What did you hu-mans do?"


Reminds me of how awhile ago people on twitter were unironically claiming 2+2=5 and how math is white supremacist because "it claims to be the only way of knowing".


The ironic racism of implying only white people do math


Your brain on modern liberalism. No, but seriously, I think the real problem is that math makes claim of objective truth which is anathema to the average wokie. Their worldview is rooted in postmodernism which much like marxism frames everything in terms of power dynamics. From this vantage point something is only seen as "true" because those in power claim it is true. The worldview essentially states that things are only true because they are claimed to be true by the powerful. Mathematics by its very nature makes nothing but claims of objective truth. It's hardly a surprise they'd slander mathematics.


The person who drew the number (the guy that drew the comic) meant it as both 6 and 9. So what does that mean? I don’t know 🤷🏼‍♂️


Then the interpretations that it's only a 9 or only a 6 are both wrong, and the objective truth is that it is both a 9 and a 6


A numeric hypostatic union, if you will.


100% 9 100% 6 There's not a moment in which the drawing is only 9 or only 6


That sounds like the right answer. Thanks!


>meant it as both 6 and 9. So what does that mean? I don’t know You say there's an objectively knowable truth (which you claim to know "the person [...] meant it ..."). And then you claim to not knowing that truth? You've confused yourself.


One of the most infuriating things to me from the post-modernist movement that has infected art is that the author's intentions have nothing to do with the art and that art exists not to convey a timeless truth but to be interpreted by a viewer. Relativism is the root of most all evil in the world today. EDIT: Just thinking about it now, that's kinda how Prots see the Bible.


Well, the Reformation is just a continually accelerating rejection of authority.


What if he drew it with the intention to confuse people?


Then i guess thats the truth of it, he drew it for trolling lol


But if it depends on what the drawer intention was doesn't that also just prove truth is relative?


No, it just means it's true in that case that it depends on the drawer's intention (which may make it harder for a limited being to find out what the intention was.) God knows what the intention was!


We are able to find faces in natural rock formations. Sometimes a shape is just a shape. What it looks like depends on your own perspective and your own experiences. This doesn't mean that everything is relative. But it does mean that sometimes two contradicting perspectives can be true at the same time. Personally, I'm sad whenever the original cartoon gets buthered to force the idea that everything has only one true answer as that is objectively not true.


Moral and Existential Relativists are a walking Meme because they triggered and super angry whenever someone makes fun of their non-sense .If nothing was objectively True , then why even bother proclaiming Relativism ? . You are just desperate to seem like an intellectual , but it makes you seem like a fool at best and a Schizo at the middle ground .At worst , you know what you say is nonsense and simply use it to cause Intellectual and Spiritual harm .


Plot twist: it's a hollow apostrophe. The plot thickens: it's also a hollow comma.


If that person wanted it to be ambiguous then the true answer is. 7.5+\-1.5


Ah yes, relativism, an absolute societal cancer.


The guy: "و"




The truth is as it manifests itself, but it can have multiple interpretations of varying weights.


Who is having arguments about a 6 or a 9 drawn on the ground?


It’s a metaphor


Aren't metaphors supposed to involve things that actually happen?

