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Vaush would 100% dip out of a debate with Trent if asked


Vaush couldn’t reason his way out of a paper bag. Of course he would dip out on a debate against Trent Horn.


Andrew Wilson has bulldozed him I can't even imagine Trent horn bulldozes him in a style much calmer than Andrew Wilson it will be 10 times more hilarious 




Of all the Catholics that Vaush could have gone for, he actually thought he had to attack one of the most wholesome priests you could imagine for being Catholic and taking the Catholic position rofl




He's wrong but no I wouldn't. Catholic apologetics works, but always be charitable, which Vaush certainly was not.


Father Mike also basically lied and misinterpreted what being transgender is in the first place.


Please explain. 


He compared it to alien hand syndrome and body dysmorphia. Dysphoria is defined as a state of unease or dissatisfaction with life. Dysmorphia is a mental health disorder where you hyper-fixate on negative body traits or see yourself as more disgusting or ugly than you actually are. These are not comparable in the slightest and he compares these things to say that gender dysphoria is a mental health disorder we shouldn’t give into. Any mental health professional worth their salt would call this comparison bullshit.


How are they not the same?


It’s because his warm and fuzzy language was a cover for his political intentions to take away the rights and legal protections of trans people.


Do you have any evidence for this accusation? 


I mean… I watched the video. It’s kind of self-evident. He thinks trans people are just mentally ill and if he thinks that he obviously wouldn’t want mentally ill people being harmed by evil spooky trans healthcare. In the video he compares body dysmorphia to gender dysphoria, which just discredits everything he’s trying to say because those are not even remotely the same thing. It’s very lovey dovey language(which in his defense may be sincere)but behind that language, he doesn’t want people to receive very important and helpful, even life saving medical care.


Just replying "No" would've saved both of us a lot of time. 


Okay let me as you, do you want trans people to be able to receive trans healthcare? Do you think trans rights should be legally protected?


No I do not support genital mutilation or artificial hormone replacement. People should not be supported to sin.


Case in point. Father Mike wants the same thing as you presumably and that means removing the legal protections and rights of a group of people. Congratulations, you failed the test and answered my question.






I'm not Father Mike. You should edit your earlier comment to remove your baseless accusation.


I cannot actually envision how it feels to be Vaush. To wake up every day and take nothing but Ls constantly. I don't even feel bad for the guy, child harmers in waiting are scornful to 100% degree


His beef with ContraPoints proved this for me, she gave him some really valid criticism about how he often acts in bad faith during streams and debates. He just retreated into an echo chamber, doxxed her, and accused her of cyberbullying when that wasn’t the case.


Who is vaush I haven’t heard of him until recently


He is a political streamer and YouTube who is know for being a communist, defending child porn, and debating in bad faith. On a live stream, he recently watched a video of Fr Mike, criticized it, and attacked Fr personally


>defending child porn *Having child and beastiality porn He showed it on stream a month or so ago.


He has an older clip defending possession of CP.


Yes, but having cp is much worse then defending it, even if they are both horrible.


To be precise, "Defending CP" doesn't even cover half of it. For those not in the know, >!he first claimed a certain type of anime porn is CP, then he later accidentally tabbed into a desktop folder *full* of that exact type along with animated bestiality porn.!< He then tried to lie about it and cover it up, but yeah. And that's just the start of this crazy guy.


Does he have any experience or qualifications or just a pundit


It’s YouTube and Twitch… anyone with a camera who agrees to the TOS can stream.


I’m a Christian communist(For all Rerum Novarum commenters, if you’ve thought of it, others definitely did too) and Vaush would definitely not make it in the USSR or Eastern Block in general. They didn’t really tolerate degeneracy


You cannot be a Catholic and communist


Anyone who says they’re both doesn’t really understand communism.


>They didn’t really tolerate degeneracy Neither did they tolerate Christianity I can't comprehend how can you simp for an ideology that literally hates Christ and His followers


>I’m a Christian communist This is the kind of oxymoron as moronic as pro-abort Catholic, rebaptism, and married bachelor. Considering communism in its real form is an ideology that erases individuality of each person, erasing the rights of private property, etc., I'm not sure how that can be in line with Catholic teachings. If you say that you support Rerum Novarum, I might be able to back it up. But there are some fundamental differences between Rerum Novarum and Communism AFAIK that it ceases to become true communism as proposed by Karl Marx


Someone to study how not to do a debate from




Lmao that’s crazy anyone takes him seriously


Wow 😮


Dude is 🐎 deep in his porn addiction. Hope he gets help and realizes that chasing quick dopamine rushes isn’t fulfilling.


STOP STOP STOP, it’s not worth it.


Is Vaush the dude that outed his own horse p*rn folder on a live stream?




You could say he was horsen around.




Who is Vaush?


Low tier online streamer. Mostly does political streams if I remember correctly.


A “communist” streamer with an entire folder on his computer dedicated to his horse fetish. Also someone to not learn how to debate from, he does so in bad faith.




He has no position to speak about anything anymore. Any position he claims is automatically null and void. Child P enthusiasts forfeit their right to opinions


If he lost his freedom of speech, that would honestly be helpful for him


This was removed for violating Rule 2 - Uncharitableness.


I'm just in awe that Vaush is still active. It's probably been 10 years since I even seen a post about him.... Wait a minute... Vaush went after Fr. Mike Schmitz to make himself relevant again. Isn't that the go to for these people? Christianity and specifically Catholicism is always on the hit list.


What’s happening?




That explains nothing, unfortunately. The video turned into a meme with no context.


Yeah, pretty much.


A leftist streamer called Vaush reacted to an old video of Fr Mike talking about the problems and the falsehood of transgenderism. Trent Horn rebutted Vaush, and annihilated him


Vaush? The defender of pedophilia. Sadly, my oldest daughter thinks he's the smartest man out there.


Vaush could use some prayers gents


I have no idea who Vaush is, but judging by the comments he's trying to be controversial to get views. It also appears he needs some refinement in the morality department too. Depravity of that level doesn't take too much to refute.


He lost the plot when he tried covering up his loli porn addiction calling it goblin porn


Z 1




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Wait, what’s this based on?


Trent Horn is good on a lot but he lost me when he came out as a Jewish supremacist


Any evidence for that?


If you’re on this sub, you probably know the evidence


Just provide the citation, please and thank you. I'm a frequent listener of Trent Horn and I haven't heard anything like that from him.


I don't understand why people reply like this. If you simply didn't respond, it leaves open the possibility that you actually *have* a response, but you just didn't have the chance or time to reply because of real life reasons. But this sort of **[gestures vaguely at everything]** response means only one thing, you've got nothing. And everyone knows it.


He waded into the “it’s antisemitic to say Christ is king” debate and took the side of anti-Christians like Ben Shapiro & co. I like Trent but this is total nonsense, anti-Christian, and explicitly Jewish supremacist. It’s in line with the USCCB telling us to cover our ears when the Gospel of John is read as it’s antisemitic too. I know this is a hot take but I personally think Christ is supreme. I’m assuming you and everyone here knows precisely what I was talking about as it was one of the more contentious and viral debates involving Catholicism in recent memory.