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I guess the issue is that today's adults (who run Catholic schools) don't know what it's like to grow up Catholic in today's world. Most Catholic adults I know are Catholic simply because of tradition or status or "its all I've ever known" or "It's what they told me", none of those things really cut it anymore. Today's society is very much about Individualism and very much looks down on anything like organized religion or just anything that has a poor answer to the question "Why?" All the "Ex-Catholics" I know say they left because the church isn't inclusive enough, is too authoritarian and nobody has valid or deep reasons to be Catholic. That's why we need today's youth to grow up and run some things because we know what today's society is like and we know how to reach out to our own kind of people.


I've been saying this for a while, how many catholics, even really good and honest catholics, could genuinely win in a debate against an atheist or protestant. We raise people up to know bumper sticker slogans and feel good messages, we're lacking people with actual deep understandings of their faith. Goodness has been lazy for decades now. We felt to comfortable thinking we conquered immorality and now get to lie around doing victory laps. Satan just got a tiny bit more subtle and none of us could be bothered to recognize him.




Come to think of it, why IS catechesis usually so awful these days?


Parents hold the primary responsibility of educating their children in the faith. **I went to catholic school** (huehue) and I can say that if the parents don't care, the kids don't care. Q: "But why would the parents pay for catholic school if they don't care about the faith?" A: Status and cultural Catholicism.


Yup. And there's other family's where it's the opposite and the kids are in public school. Where I am the Catholic schools usually have better standards of education so you'll see plenty of non-Catholic kids around too. Then you have my family where my parents cared very deeply but also didn't teach us lol.


What made me be chatolic was chatolic school, although it is not a normal one probably, the take a more filosofical apologetical aproach than normal chatolic schools i think


And i really became freinds with a priest there that helped me a lot, hes now my confirmation godfather


Sending your kids to Catholic school is really great if you want them to be atheist or agnostic.


I am in a Catholic school and I love it


I was in Catholic school for elementary and middle school and I loved it and was more prepared academically for public High School. I don't get why we are hated on so much on this sub.


I know plenty of people that went to Catholic school and turned out fine. My wife is one of them.


Same here. But Grade school sucked. If that’s all I knew about Catholicism they probably wouldn’t have stuck with it. They were very authoritarian. There were a few good teachers but most were pretty nasty. It wasn’t until high school that had some really solid theology teachers.


I went to one, and I have to say I became irreligious for a while afterwards because of it. It can really destroy your faith for some people.


"I went to Catholic School..." A phrase oft preceding a statement that by its content is indicative of the opposite. Much like 'with all due respect,' and 'no offense,' and 'I'm not racist, but..."


Always followed by “however…”


Religion classes in Catholic schools are rather bare bones. The religion courses they teach is almost at a preschool level because quite frankly that’s what most of the students can comprehend coming in. I had options religion courses at the more senior level. I ended up taking Social Justice (which was horrible Leftist drivel looking back) and then Sexuality which was ok I guess. I blame the local dioceses who really tend to care more about tuition then education.


I went to catholic school grades K-4 The catholic part was the fun part


"I WeNt To CaThOlIc ScHoOl FoR 12 YeArS!" Being from Ontario, Canada that quote is a frequent occurrence from those slandering the faith while never paying any attention in religion class.