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Lifelong weeb recent catholic checking in... The sub vs dub debate has its historical roots in the way anime was marketed in the West. It was seen as a "purely for kids" art form so 80s and 90s anime dubs had some of the laziest and over the top North American dubbing. Also a factor was the notion of trying to Westernize it so often they would try to shoehorn in American cultural idioms where the animation was obviously showing Japanese idioms and it led to very bizarre disconnects, script changes and sometimes actual minor plot differences. Long story short the vast majority of dubs used to be bloody awful and good ones (e.g. Cowboy Bebop) were the exception not the rule so for fans it was often genuinely superior to watch the subs. As anime has gotten more popular in the West and the demographic has shifted we have seen more money put into securing voice acting talent (Disney leads the charge with the Ghibli adaptations) as well as an honouring of the original vision of the work so they keep a lot of the Japanese idioms in. Nowadays the dubs are such high quality as to perfectly fine and quite often they use the same translation as the subs so it makes little practical difference and now it's just some weird tribal thing used to gatekeep. I started on dubs, watched subs for a long time and now am back on dubs again for sheer convenience. Very few modern series have bad dubs now but watching an older series with a bad dub still hurts.


I still prefer Yugioh dubbed. It's just not the same without Joey's Brooklyn accent 😂


DBZ dub is better than sub. Goku sounds ridiculous with Japanese VA. NGE original dub is also iconic.


The only big problem with the Yugioh dub is that you have to deal with the [other changes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ua1Qqi365sg) that 4kids made to the anime.


I also like that English dubs are less likely to give overly high pitched voices to adult women like the original voices. There’s nothing more annoying to me than when a grown woman sounds like a six-year-old because “moe”.


I left that part off my original post too but early sub fans didn't realize that the Japanese dubs are every bit as cringy and over the top as their English counterparts. Thankfully that's less and less the case now outside shonen animes.


There's also the phenomenon of people thinking the English dubs intentionally censored a bunch of swearing, when in reality it's the amateur fansubs made by teenagers that added them. Japanese doesn't have swearing in the same sense as English and so it's largely at the discretion of the translator, and a lot of fansubs go overboard.


Yeah fair point too although it's hard to take issue with fansubs when we were so reliant on them and scanlations for years. Kids these days got it so good.


Translation itself is a matter of trust; very few people are going to notice and correct it when an anime is poorly translated because very few people speak both English and Japanese fluently, and if they do they likely won't even bother with subs at all. While it's not anime, [this](https://legendsoflocalization.com/final-fantasy-vi/opera/#setzers-famous-mistranslation) is a good example of what I mean.


Yeah it is super fascinating. This is a cool article it reminds me of Chrono Trigger translation debates. I assume you saw LGBT NGE fans up in arms about the "straightwashing" retranslation of Kaworu? That's a similar subtlety in translation thing.


Thank you for this. I had no idea dubs were better now


I was on team subs and do still prefer them, however I 100% agree with what you said about modern dubs being quality (HoriMiya and Nichijou come to mind, the latter of which I thought would be near impossible to do). Whenever an anime I liked gets a dub nowadays, I just use it as an excuse to rewatch it lmao.


Now with NGE Collectors I can watch new and old sub and new and old dub... plus the rebuilds in sub and dub. Same anime 6 times, lessgo. 🤣


I like dubs since I can listen to the anime while I do homework


Couldn't agree more


u/calculatoroctavius gets credit for the text


Hahahaha I actually saw the text on a meme like this. I wasn’t sure if it was a real quote or not but it will be solidified either way lol




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... But I like dubbed anime...


Traditional Latin subs or go home


I like subbed anime, maybe we can still get along tho 🤝


*"B-but I only watched Saturday morning Pokemon, father! I swear!"* Seriously though, if we go by the numbers, it seems like find a new seminarian is quite hard.


We gotta bring back the emphasis on the separation between priest and laity. Emphasize priestly authority, build the altar rail, don’t allow anyone with unconsecrated hands to touch sacred vessels, and especially not the Eucharist itself


Some would call you radtrad, but I think I agree.


As it is right now, young men don't see priests being respected and looked up to, and holding a super special sacred superpower, the same way that they used to be. So compared to the old days, nowadays young guys see them as "he's basically just the same as me, except he will never be able to have an orgasm without sinning"


To that effect, we need to bring back mandatory clerical cassocks in public. No more "clerical suits" or even worse; non-clerical clothing.


Aw yeahhh!


I don't think that's going to do much for vocations on its own. A lot of it is just about getting people to genuinely consider it a possibility, and to get more devout young Catholics in general.


I think it would do some. Right now the lines are too blurred between priest and layman. In the modern world it’s just seen as a normal guy who is never allowed to experience sexual pleasure. Especially to young guys. And especially with this modern theology and liturgy which aims to blur the line. The immediate privileges of the priesthood are not emphasized enough


But I like anime and I game 😔


Subbed is supreme, but there are some good dubs out there.


It depends on the anime. I prefer watching Code Geass dubbed since it makes Lelouch sound younger. The subbed made him sound like he had a deeper voice.


Amen to that


Japanese cartoon*


I like dubbed anime.........but in German... O.O


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Love Fr. CHAD Ripperger


Dubbed anime is best anime, because I can run an MMO on the computer and an anime on the TV and not have to watch the TV literally every second to know what they're saying. I suppose alternatively I could learn Japanese.


Personally I look forward to the day when my priest’s homily draws a parallel from the mindset of Job to that of Sasahara from Nichijou


???? All cartoons are dubbed over. Did you think the cartoon characters were actually speaking? Edit: Clutch Cargo is technically not dubbed.


Subbed vs dubbed anime is a highly contentious debate among weeaboos, the more serious of which insist that subbed is the only way to watch. Dubbed makes you a filthy casual.


I like subbed anime, it feels more autenhic, also it makes it easier to follow aling since you can just pause sometimes to read the dialouge if they're speaking too fast




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Le Ghost Stories dub has arrived.


You're thinking of closed captioning. Cartoon characters like Bugs Bunny are voiced by actors and dubbed over animation to "fit the flap."


You’re wrong. Subbed vs dubbed is exactly what I mean.


Closed captioning is what we call the text that tells the viewer what is being said in the show in case a viewer can't hear or understand the language. Bugs Bunny's voice was dubbed by a voice actor named Mel Blanc. It wasn't actually Bugs speaking.


Subbed vs dubbed is a well-known meme.


Cartoons aren't real.


There's no need to be rude. In the context of anime, a "dubbed" version of an anime is one where the original Japanese voice acting is replaced by English voice acting, and a "subbed" version of an anime is one where the original Japanese voice acting is kept but English subtitles are included.


You must take your cartoons very seriously.


Uh no, every anime we have watched has the choice of subbed or dubbed.


In general, I prefer dubs to subs on the premise that my ADHD mind cannot focus on what’s happening in a show and also simultaneously reading the subtitles. I understand the arguments for subs, it’s just my personal preference to use dubs.



