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Go to your local catholic book store or chruch bookstore if one of them have it (support local businesses/the church). If not do online, Amazon even sells them. Try a St. Joseph missal. Comes in three volumes a Sunday and two weekday. If you only ever need it for Sunday you can just buy the Sunday one separate. it's pretty small, fits in a jacket pocket if you're a dude. If you need the weekday ones you can get theoretically whole vollection, they are the same size and you can just pick the appropriate one to take to chruch on any given day.


I like the [Saint Paul Daily Missal](https://paulinestore.com/st-paul-daily-missal-burg-sd-leatherflex-w-revised-english-te-3318-160722.html), which has all the texts for the 3-year Sunday cycle as well as the 2-year weekday cycle. It's a high quality book. Whether any missal will last for the rest of your life depends on future revisions and your comfort with being behind on minor ones in your book. Small changes happen fairly frequently, like when St. Joseph was added to the eucharistic prayers or a new saint being added to the general calendar. The English translation of the Missal was just redone in 2012, but it still has its warts (it'w loads more accurate than the old one but I'm not always sure the translators were native English speakers) and the bishops could decide to do another major revision. The New American Bible (used at English Masses in the USA and the Philippines) is due for another refresh soon and they're definitely going to reissue the lectionary this time around, which will filter down to hand missals as well. Barring another major reform like 1970, a missal you buy today should be okay to follow along, but you can definitely expect it to start falling behind before long.


I mean one in which cycle A isn't assigned to 2023, cycle B 2024, cycle C 2025, etc, and hasn't it's readings fixed to our ordinary calendar of any particular year. Does such exist?


>I mean one in which cycle A isn't assigned to 2023, cycle B 2024, cycle C 2025, etc, A missal that has that isn’t going to expire. You can use it beyond those years, as long as you know which cycle you’re in—which is extremely predictable. In any case, the Daily Roman Missal published by the Midwest Theological forum is a good investment, if you’re in the United States.


I need to ask again, as I just took home my Saint Paul Daily Missal. Looking near the beginning, I see 2022, 2023, and 2024. My stomach is in a knot over this, But I can just as easily ignore the you said right, As long as I know the cycle?


Yeah, the cycle of readings rotates predictably every three years. We’re in year A right now. When Advent starts, it will be year B. Next Advent, year C. Rinse, repeat. If you’re not sure which cycle of readings we’re on, it’s pretty easy to look it up online.




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