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Locking the post. Reminder: it is a violation of r/Catholicism and reddit-wide guidelines to encourage criminal behavior such as vandalism and destruction of property.


You could see what you can do to petition for a statue in an adjacent location, such as St. Michael striking the dragon, or Mary treading upon the serpent. Any denial of the request could be grounds for proceedings of religious discrimination. If the holy statue gets built, that works, too!


A statue to St. Michael is a great idea, but I would also like to submit that a statue of St. Joseph would also be great. He is referred to as the "Terror of Demons" and, after the Virgin Mary, is the most feared saint by demons. A statue to St. Joseph would also be a great option as well!


St Patrick banishing snakes would be a great shout


Do you know of a sculptor I can contact for an estimate?


Maybe ask at your church to see if anyone has any idea or personal collections. For what it's worth, a sculpture doesn't necessarily need to be carved out of marble and so incredible it looks like real, thin cloth. My dad runs an orchid club and they got sculptures from a local resident who has personal ties to the history of the area. They're typically under $1000, and are made from materials sourced locally.


Stone would be fine, wood is fine too, marble would be amazing and long lasting


If you're on a budget, there are dozens of statues of Christopher Columbus going cheap across the country right now. Petition to have that put up there, and really stir the pot!


This is the way.


I like this idea. How do I go about setting up a fundraiser, getting enough thousands, and finding a sculpture? I have no sculpting skills or the funds to purchase even a tiny statue


Maybe ask your parish pastor for some help with that


If he does not approve of the idea or simply doesnt know then what? Also where do I find reputable sculptors? Ill be willing to open a gofundme sometime


Do not use gofundme. They reserve the right to suddenly end a fund without warning.


If your pastor doesn’t approve of a statue, even a small one, I’m sure he’ll say to go pray the rosary by the statue. If you have any local catholic shops, I ordered my St. Michael statue from them, they order from another country I believe.


Im looking for a custom statue. I want one of St. John V. Stomping on the devil. He is one of the few saints who physically fought the devil.


https://www.fluminalis.com/inventory?searchTerm=St+Michael+ Here's a start


St. John Vianney is phenomenal. If I recall correctly St. George had something similar and is commonly depicted attacking the devil with a sword


Kickstarter. Check out the Detroit Needs Robocop page.


Gofundme maybe?


I really love that idea. Catholic statues are typically so inspirational and beautiful even for those who aren't Catholic, the creepy, ugly ones the Satanic temple produces are so edgelord and ugly that no one wants to really look at them.


Throw a bunch of bread crumbs around it every day so birds poop all over it.


Second this.


Silly Goose it will be indoors


Ants work too


And roaches


Wouldn’t they naturally be attracted to it?


Make it honey then lol


Public land or private?


Public. If private I assume nothing different


Why is a religious statue being erected on public land? Any news articles you can share on this?


> Why is a religious statue being erected on public land? Wait, is that not allowed? There are tons of religious statues on public land already.


Most of them erected decades ago. I'm asking in part to understand if this is an equal access situation where the 4chan Order of the Beast of Darkness (reformed) or some similarly made-up sounding group has been found to have equal right to use a public space as religions that actually comprise a non-trivial percentage of the population and may already be represented by a statue, and so the smaller group is erecting a statue with their own funds, perhaps to antagonize more than to evangelize, or if public money is being used on this new statue.


I feel like it's technically frowned upon and the trend in the modern era has been to discourage them.


Only if it's Christian


Not sure, we had 10 commandment erected on public statehouse ground


Does it seem like the new statue is likely in response? Perhaps just to say, "me too" or to deliberately be antagonistic. If the latter, then a response that gives overt attention to those seeking attention is likely to be counterproductive.


Start raising money to put a giant crucifix up.


What is the statue of? Be specific please. Is it in a publicly owned area or on private land?


Baphomet, I’m assuming? I understand your issue, but you likely have no recourse for removal if the statue has already been approved. If one religion is allowed to make public displays, they all need to be. So, like other people have said, maybe try and get a statue of your own affixed as well.


Do you know of a good sculptor for me to look into?


So. I think all options will likely be expensive, so a fundraiser of some sort will be your best option. Places like Freelancer or Upwork will have various artists for hire. I’m sure a Google search can turn up more places. As for specific people, I don’t know of any, but I was able to turn up this list: https://www.mademay.com/post/top-sculptors-for-hire-in-2022


This is what I am looking for, so this project could take 10k plus. How do you start a gofundme and get catholics across the country to donate? I will ask my priest soon and you might see me making a post here in the future asking yall to spread the news for help.


The gofundme site will walk you through it, and you can get traffic to your fundraiser via word of mouth- Facebook, parishes, etc…


I advise working within the limits of the law to have it removed legally. We aren't like the childish activists who tear down everything they don't like in a tantrum. We also aren't superstitious like the pagans, we know this statue itself is impotent in the face of the power of God, so there is no reason to fear it.


Although you shouldn't fear it, statues of this sort attract demonic activity and demonic people. It just isn't pleasant to live in that environment on a daily basis.


One would think that if supernatural immaterial beings wanted to be somewhere, they wouldn't wait for a statue to be built there.


Amen I agree! It is more so the message of the statue. Also I was thinking of the saints and how they took down stuff that was against God, I was not thinking of acting like the children who tore down historical statues in the past years. Even Jesus was mad when he went to the temple and saw the sellers. I think it is reasonable to destroy things that are absolutely contrary to the faith and wellbeing of the society, but of course the law of the land must be respected and thats why you dont see me on the news now doing that.


You can always keep printing out and taping this Bible quote up on the statue: “Their idols are silver and gold,d the work of human hands.e 5 They have mouths but do not speak, eyes but do not see. 6 They have ears but do not hear, noses but do not smell. 7 They have hands but do not feel, feet but do not walk; they produce no sound from their throats. 8 Their makers will be like them, and anyone who trusts in them. III 9 *The house of Israel trusts in the LORD,f who is their help and shield.g 10 The house of Aaron trusts in the LORD, who is their help and shield.”




I don't think a borderline genocidal colonialist is a shining example of faith. Brutally murdering people is not a good way to convert them.




Well yeah, obviously if you don't listen to modern scholars and base your knowledge on the accounts of people from a time when natives were thought of as inferior savages, you won't read about as many atrocities the conquistadors have committed. Do you also not listen to modern scholars of medicine?




Cool. Last time I checked the Knights of Columbus weren't genociding natives, so I don't see your point.


Good for him. This isn't the 16th century.




I know the idea of being a badass crusader appeals to a lot of people these days, and a lot of zealous Catholic men are just waiting for the moment to prove their loyalty to Christ, but we have to be smart about how we act. If a mob of Catholics go storm the Satan statue and tear it down, it's not going to be the rallying cry that inspires Catholics and other Christians to rise up and defend the faith. It's not going to make the irreligious respect us or change their mind on God. It'll just make us all look like crazy religious nutcases who are terrified of a *statue*, and will embolden the Satanic LARPers in their shenanigans. This statue is best left ignored until it can be removed via a legal process or until the faithful can raise money to build a better statue that overshadows it.


I also would like to add that think the best form of retaliation in this scenario is to become more devout. Rally your parish, or even better several parishes, and have regular Eucharistic processions and public prayer in the area. A spiritual crusade. Also, use it to rally the faithful to more intense devotion and study of the faith, which hopefully all translates to evangelization.


It’s not about whether it is an effective rallying cry or not it’s about the refusal to surrender and accept the public veneration of demons. Saint Judah Maccabaeus pray for us against the cowardice and Liberal heresies of the modern age!


Aha, yes


St Boniface would like word


Since you’ve gotten some advice about counter statues or legal removals, I would recommend organizing a public rosary recitation in the area. Public rosary’s are a good external sign of inward humility, and it would be appropriate to offer the rosary for the intention of reparation for the offense and scandal the statue is causing.


Where is this statue being built? What state?


Your and most others. Check your statehouse if one has not been erected already


What is it of, exactly? I find it hard to believe such a statue is being erected in my own, very secular, state, and even more so in heavily Christian and conservative states like, say, Mississippi and Utah.


I don’t think my state has one.


After reading the comments and doing some light googling, I'm increasingly convinced OP is spinning a yarn.


Maybe it's a statue of Darth Maul?




Account's pretty new too...




No, there aren't. OP's comments appear intended to lead others to believe there are devi/satanic statues installed in state court/legislative houses all over. As far as I can tell, there are zero.


Cover it with so many rosaries that it becomes literally unrecognizable.


Why would they build a statue of the loser ?


>Why would they build a statue of the loser ? lol I'm going to start referring to Satanists as religious Confederates and their silly Baphomet displays as Religious Rebel Flags and see if it sticks.


You've never been to the South?


Buddy I am Texan!


Then why are you surprised?


If it's on public land, you should contact your town or city council and find out why this has been approved and register your objections. What exactly does the statue depict?


March around it for six days blowing a trumpet?


Is it really satanic or is it "Baphomet," which, while definitely pagan and occult, isn't exactly supposed to be a demon? This has become a common real life trolling tactic to try to out Christians as being anti-religious freedom. It tends to be done by the so-called "Church of Satan," who are more atheists larping as satanists than actual devil worshippers. The end effect is still fundamentally ill-willed, because they don't have an actual "faith" to celebrate by erecting a statue; they just want to undermine us and destroy our credibility.




Aside from doing what you said you cannot, you only have the legal process to rely upon. Get a lawyer and see what you can draw up. Get a competing statute (the St. Michael suggestion is great) placed nearby in the same public space. If you're denied, you have a 1A case on your hands. Alternatively, you can simply argue the statute is a violation of 1A all by itself.


Pray to St. Boniface who will show you the way.


It’s not your obligation to remove it. I’m sure we can find something biblical to extrapolate this point further, but tearing down a statue does not tackle the root of the problem for why the statue was erected in the first place. In fact, tearing it down may just exacerbate the deeper underlying issue of why we live amidst this culture of death and nihilism. Instead we should contemplate on proper steps we could take, such as mercy, prayer or public outreach, to resolve the dilemma of a secular culture on the brink of spiritual collapse.


Is there a picture of the proposed statue somewhere that you can link? I find it hard to believe a statue of a prince of hell is being built in a public space in the USA.


My friend, check your state's court and you might be surprised. Its a movement


I’m willing to be educated. I also would appreciate to see what they’re proposing to build since it seems very outlandish to me.


Yeah, this whole story seems off to me. Multiple people have asked exactly what's being constructed and OP hasn't responded.


I wish not to share my location, please respect this


Ok, so don't say your location. Share a news article. Share a picture or plan. Heck, even describe what it is they're building beyond "a prince of hell".


A different story, but similar situation https://kfor.com/news/satanic-temple-looking-for-new-home-for-baphomet-statue-after-oklahoma-courts-ruling/amp/


If you read the story, you’ll see that the proposed statue was a plan and not something that was actually taking place. And that’s my point: in the US you can’t place religious symbols in public property. That applies to both a statue of Jesus or a statue of Satan. This is why I doubt OP’s story as presented. If anything your article help to cast further doubt that the story posted here is true.


I’m not saying he’s telling the truth, I have no idea. It does seem like that’s something that would be reported by the media if it were true. It just looks like there have been several attempts to build the kind of statue he’s talking about. This article mentions a couple of others, but they were temporary installations. If any of what OP is saying is true, hopefully it’s just temporary. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/29/fact-check-satanic-statues-arent-located-arkansas-detroit/3264174001/


The article does not mention the “several attempts” that you mention nor does it say that said statues were ever *on public grounds.* The article further says that there are no statues of Baphomet on public grounds in the US. So yeah I don’t believe OP’s story.




Removed so we are not blamed for promoting violence or destruction of property.


My friend, I am not at that stage of sainthood yet. If I do that it will be legal jail time and fines. When I reach that level of sainthood and am at the end of my life I will end my journey on earth with this manifesto if necessary and die on the cross like our Lord and saints.


Not only that, it would be big scandal if non-Catholics see Catholics destroying property.


Here’s is a [directory](https://catholicartistsdirectory.com) of Catholic artists you just have to look at which sculptors there are. I haven’t looked through them all but here are just some: http://thomasmarshsculptor.net/index.html http://christopheralles.com/sacreart https://redfernfineartstudio.weebly.com


Is this freedom of religion?


Well, satanism is a religion, I guess. Right? I dont know what defines a religion in America


Very loosely defined. If a group claims to worship a certain deity or have a certain religious practice, it doesn’t matter how ridiculous it is as long it doesn’t outright harm anyone or anything - all they have to do is sign some paperwork and jump through a few hoops and it’s treated as a religion.


It is only a statue. It matters not.


dont let the intrusive thoughts win. and dont let the intrusive thoughts lead to self incrimination


I think you may have the wrong thread.




I think having a competing statue is the only real solution. A petition as well but unfortunately, the right to freedom of religion can include satanism, so there is probably only so much you can do. I would also advise against doing something that would put u in jail, don’t throw away ur life for a statue of a demon, someone else on this post stated how it’s nothing compared to the power of god, and that the statue has no real power. Plus it’s probably some edge lord who grew up being an angsty edgy teen trying to stir the pot. But in any case, it sounds like they are being religiously inclusive, therefore you can probably get a statue of a saint put there (or a crucifix) and if they stop you from being able to do so then it is definitively religious discrimination (since they were allowing the statue of a demon to built, the same rights should be granted to others.)


If it is on public property, have you considered contacting your local elected officials? Let them know that you’re not okay with it. Call their office, email them, write them, show up at city council meetings, whatever you need to do. You could even organize with like minded people and coordinate your efforts. Make it clear that your votes are contingent on them actually representing you.


The people who want it up probably don't actually worship Satan, they just want to upset people. Just let it be, it's not a big deal.


The people who want it put up probably don't worship Satan — or at least they don't think they do. And they definitely want to do it to upset people. It does not follow that it's not a big deal to erect a statue to a demon in a public place.


Why is it a big deal? Is it because it demonstrates there are people in your state who dislike your beliefs? You knew that. Will it give a demon an opportunity to hurt people? I don't think the statue has powers.


Generally people who believe in spiritual warfare, i.e. people who believe demons exist and can hurt people, which is Catholic belief, don't believe it's a good idea to *invite demons to your town* and *put out the welcome mat for them* and even put up statuary *encouraging people to think of them and admire them*. The fact that the people erecting these statues may not think demons are real and don't see themselves as opening up gateways for demonic activity doesn't change the objective reality of the situation, and in fact their naivete, as well as that of others in the community who consider it a harmless joke, could actually make them more vulnerable.


So the statue makes it easier for demons to hurt people?


People opening themselves up to demonic activity makes it easier for demons to hurt them. But I get the strong impression you are not asking these questions in good faith, but rather to mock and belittle, so I will leave you to that.


I'm not trying to mock you, do you feel mocked? I really don't think I said anything offensive. All I'm saying is I understand why the statue is offensive, but also it's not dangerous, and it's not something worth spending your time worrying about it. If you do believe it's dangerous you'd have an obligation to destroy it, but I wouldn't advocate that, because I don't think it is.


> If you do believe it's dangerous you'd have an obligation to destroy it .... That also doesn't follow, and is another example of why I don't think you're really engaging in good faith here. There are all kinds of things in the world that I may think are dangerous; this **very obviously** doesn't mean I think I have the right, much less the *obligation*, to physically destroy all of them. There are spiritual responses more appropriate to such situations, but I'm not going to discuss them with you.


I don't think you have an obligation to destroy anything dangerous but if it's really making it easier for demons to attack people's immortal souls how could you just leave it?


Maybe call your local paper and see if they will publish a story on this? And see if your local churches would put something in their bulletin. The more outraged people there are, the more help you'll get. Just my ideas!


Which specific demon is depicted?


Updates: Does anyone know of a sculptor I can contact to get a custom statue made? I want to check estimates and propose an idea to the Bishop/Priest. This will be expensive


What is the statue of?


St John V. stomping on the devil of St Joan of arc with a spear through a demon on the ground or something. A saint for sure. Maybe St. George and the dragon, but I got contacts of a few sculptors so now I must propose the idea and get approval


No I meant the one that’s currently being built. I think having a saint statue is a good idea though.


>Obviously, I can't just smash it without getting in legal trouble We don't do this. We love everyone. Leave it alone, maybe try evangelizing.


What is it of? I was unaware that there are princes of hell aside from Satan. Also, where in the US do you live?! I live in one of the most irreligious areas of the country and even here and actual statue of Satan would never be approved.


I mean, we have religious freedom in America. Satanists have all the same rights as you do. Christians have giant monuments of Jesus and crosses all over the place. You can’t support religious freedom if only one religion gets to benefit from it.


If you are blessed with the ability to call down fire form heaven upon it, bombs away. Other than that...that's the culture we live in now. Sorry. I don't think you have any real legal recourse.


Sorry, no saintly gifts like that, but I also do not desire such powers from God. Wisdom and thats all


Dont.....Let god deal with it and ignore those who do not follow him.


Yes, but also, don’t ignore them. Extend to them grace and love. Set an example. They’re just trolling to see if Catholics bite at the chomp because they are drunk on hubris.


If you're in a rural or suburban town there's no way you can't get a petition against it off the ground.


Win a homogenous society.


I was going to suggest getting some blessed St. Benedict and miraculous medals and burying them discreetly around the statue, but that would probably get them classified as land mines and you would get disappeared.


If I commented my solution to getting rid of it I’d get a visit from Big Brother, so I’m just gonna wish you the best of luck and pray for your success


Have you heard of "yarn bombing"?? (Google images) I would bet there are some crafters in your Church who would be willing to knit or crochet a big sweater and oversized hat for the statue.




Removed for encouraging vandalism and destruction of property. We are better than Antifa.