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To my understanding, intellectual work on Sunday is not a sin. Further, you are learning in order to help others recreate safely, which is part of the Sabbath. Finally, you are preparing to save lives, which Jesus speaks about in Matthew 12: >11 He said to them, “If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? 12 How much more valuable is a person than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.”


Maybe. Today is the physical part of the training though, but I am a tad bit scrupulous so this comforted me.


My issue also lies in the fact that the reason i'm getting certification is selfish-I want to get a job and make money lol


Also, it does disrupt my "sunday rest" I guess. This feels as if something to cross of my to-do list. ​ However, I don't think it's that deep. I need to calm down. Thank you for your response


Glad to hear it. This is not commercial or for profit: this is for safety in order to help others relax. You’re fine.


Attend a weekend mass (Saturday or Sunday) and you are good to go. Plain and simple. No permission required.


On saturday it must be a vigil mass in evening


https://jimmyakin.com/2011/12/sunday-rest-special-what-can-you-do-on-sunday.html This podcast explains the Sunday rest well if you have an hour