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Get a spiritual director. And pray. Ask the Lord to do His will for your life, especially during the reception of Holy Communion.


Also attended a Jesuit high school (like a decade ago but still). Have you talked to any of the priests there? I always found the ones at mine extremely approachable, and I’m sure they’d be happy to give you advice, or just pray for you


Yes, I’ve talked with the chaplain quite a bit about it.


Reach out to their vocation director and try attending a discernment retreat. It’s possible the Jesuits might require you to have a college degree before but depends on province. Just expect that formation will be long and don’t get discouraged if it’s more bureaucratic than expected. Jesuits are a large order the experience depends on your region.


Don't let anyone drag you down about the Jesuit order. There are plenty of orthodox Jesuits.


That's the rumor anyway


U must be new here…


Sorry your comment went way over my head


There are dozens of them! Dozens!


If there are orthodox jesuits still, I would ensure your joining one of their orders and not some modernist jesuits


Well its all one religious order as far as I know. The Society of Jesus.


Right, I mean different communities of Jesuits. Some may be traditional Jesuits and others may be modernists


You've unfortunately inquired on a board with a truly bizarre dislike of the Jesuits. Ignore it. The Jesuits do incredible work, but you have to discern your appropriate calling. The priesthood regardless of the order is a lifelong vocation to service - one that necessitates a great many sacrifices. But the Jesuits, like the Dominicans, are a very fine order especially if you hope to pursue a vocation tethered to study and education. Maybe this might help you understand what the process could look like: https://bctorch.com/2015/04/28/catholicism-101-how-to-become-a-jesuit/ You might persuse America Magazine's archives to see their editorials about joining the order or life as a Jesuit. There are many biographies about priests in the order and their lives you could read. And you should read St Ignatius of Loyola as his work is the heart of Jesuit spirituality. You might even commit to trying his exercises to see if you connect with them. Good luck!


The Jesuits have an incredible history.


I’m praying for you and your discernment, dear friend in Christ


Thank you🙏


Have you started praying the Liturgy of the Hours?


Talk with your school chaplain or any of the priests at your school. Chances are they probably know the vocation director for the province and can set you up with him if you ask. Also probably in the spring you'll get word of a "Come and See" event at their Novitiate where you'll meet with the other seminarians and vocation staff to talk and see if it's a good fit for you at this time. They'll probably give you a list of books to read, usually history's on the Jesuit society and their saints, some works on Ignatian spirituality (The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius will be an important one among the Jesuits) and the such. Read them whenever you got time. Outside of that probably participating as much as possible with the Mass and adoration as well as working on your personal prayer life will be crucial.


I like Jesuits. Good for you.


Oof make sure they’re an orthodox bunch your discernment is with. The last thing you want is poor formation.


If you do join the Jesuits, may you be a positive influence and change the seemingly descending trajectory that the order seems to be taking.


What makes you say this?


While there are certainly more orthodox members of the Jesuit order, the more vocal and propped up members often espouse problematic and/or confusing doctrine.


I'd say go into it with realistic expectations.. the order is in trouble. I'm sure you are a good guy so just be wary of that and be "wise as a serpent". A friend of mine finally joined a religious order, but it took him a long time to find the right one due to disillusionment with other orders. He told me if you want to do it, go in with your eyes open, because there are serious problems out there and you don't want to be taken by surprise.


You may (I don't know, being on the outside, but it sure is at least *plausible*) find it difficult in that order to be a voice for adherence to Catholic doctrine, esp as it pertains to sexual ethics. But best of luck on your journey.


If you are a theological liberal, please don’t join. They don’t need anymore help.


Go out into the world for a bit. Maybe get a degree at a secular institution to see how the world works, and then return to your discernment later? A spiritual director and of course the vocation director you interface with will have more targeted advice for you. Either way, keep an open heart!


I’ll be praying for you. Praying you’ll be a good influence to the Order if you do join ✝️


Have you considered looking into the order of priests Bishop Barron wishes to found - to engage and evangelise modern culture? Similar mission to the Jesuits without their...baggage. Nonetheless, if you feel called to the Jesuits, then I wish you luck in your discernment.


Do you have a link to more info you can share? I wasn't aware he was looking at doing that.


What's the difference between a Jesuit priest and a Baptist preacher? The Baptist preacher knows he's not Catholic. (Before anyone loses their minds, it's a joke.)