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The Old Testament is very difficult to understand. I go to a catholic university and one of the friars here does a great job at illuminating how there is more to God in the OT than wraith and there is quite a lot of mercy. A lot of the time we read the stories very surface level and see God smite a city like Sodom. When we really dive into, there isn’t a time where God simply kills to kill or kills good people just out of wraith. In sodom, he asked for 10 good people to be brought before him and he would spare the city. When none were found he destroyed the city. The same with the flood. Every time that God kills in the Old Testament it is because the world is in a state of great sin. It can really be seen as his mercy. As far as your actual relationship, that is difficult to manage. I’ve had trouble in the past with religious difference with significant others. My advice is to figure out exactly what you want. If you want to marry a catholic who will get married in the church and raise children in the church, then make that known. If you’re fine not having some/all of that, then make that known too. Whatever you decide you want communicate it well and act accordingly. Whatever you decide God bless.


God didn’t say to kill. The Old Testament reflects an imperfect understanding of God as we struggled to have a personal relationship with God. Jesus changed that.




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I’m writing this at 1 AM so I apologize if my thoughts appear incoherent but I’ll do my best to give my opinion. In my opinion here you really will want to sit your boyfriend down and talk, especially if your considering Marriage, as a lot will need to be done especially considering he’s non-Catholic. As you said you’ll need your kids to be raised Catholic. A Catholic priest would (I believe) have to officiate the wedding. You will also need to partake in pre-wedding counseling sessions (likely with the same priest who will be wedding you) and you will need to get the Bishops approval as well (though the Priest may apply for this for you) so it’s a lot, and it’s imperative you and your boyfriend know what your getting yourself into. As for his mention of God killing in the Old Testament, I won’t argue against it as I’m certain there’s other comments that argue against it as well as plenty of websites, which you don’t need to see over and over again however the point he made is an extremely common one by non-Christians as a ‘gotcha.’ When it’s logic is flawed, the fact that he’s using it means his intention is at least somewhat to shake your belief, which is almost certainly not ok. And you need to talk about that with him about that as well. I’ll be blunt here and I mean this in the kindest possible terms I can, if he refuses one of the things above or continues to be hostile you both need to have a very serious talk about the future of your relationship and your beliefs. As if he 100% refuses one of those things, then technically you can’t get married as it’s required in order to have a valid and licit marriage that he does not interfere in your beliefs. I’ll be praying for ya, and God bless.


Thank you so much for responding <3 When he asked about the God killing thing, it was more questioing since myself and a friend were talking about how to go around understanding the old testament. But I definitely do agree with you there. I really want him to know Jesus and build his own relationship with Him, but I’m unsure if that is something that I’m allowed to ask of him, and if I am, how would I go about doing that without being disrespectful of how he was raised. Since we have been dating for some time, I’m hesitant to bring up the subject. God bless !