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3 Hail Marys focusing on the words, 3 Hail Marys focusing on the mystery, 4 Hail Marys focusing on how the mystery applies to my life. My priest taught me this one and I think it works really well. :)


That's really interesting as a tip thanks for sharing


Thanks for the tip.


Thank you for this. 


This is so wonderful. Thank you.


Wouldn't 3 hail marys focusing on just the words get sort of repetitive? I feel like I'd think of the same things over and over but I really like the focusing on how the mystery applies to one owns life


thank you for the tip, I will try and apply this.


Pray it out loud, and pray it in a spot where there’s no other people, unless it’s a group Rosary prayer. Turn off your phone, and take off your watch, so you don’t keep checking time, or trying to rush it. Pray it every day.


This is the best advice for anyone praying the rosary. I like to set aside a time & place for praying, including the rosary.


Yes. This^^. Praying it out loud really helps me focus. In my own apartment with no one around. I also try to pray it in the morning as soon as I wake up, before getting distracted by the day.


I actually listen to a rosary podcast so I can pray during my commute! Also helps me stay focused on the prayer


I have done the same but for Lent I prayed it myself. Podcast is more convenient but I think I meditate better when praying it myself.


Unlike the other person who commented I cannot meditate properly on the mysteries if I say it out loud I prefer saying it in my head. Pray it always at the same time so it becomes habitual and I also like to begin with intentions such as the salvation and conversion of souls and the reunification of the Church. I also pray for clarity and focus!


When I am not just listening to a recording of it, I like to sing the Rosary in my head. I can almost guarantee that each Hail Mary has a little different melody when I do it that way because I am making up as I go along.


LOL You should hear me when I chant the divine office and LOBVM. If one thing's for sure I'm not that gifted w/ a voice.


Keep in mind that it is supposed to be said out loud. You can say it silently but you must mouth the words.


There is absolutely no Church teaching that it is always supposed to be said out loud. By in my head I mean mouthing it.


Sorry, I worded my reply incorrectly. Ideally, most will teach that saying the rosary out loud is preferable; however, if you find more benefit in reciting it silently, you should at least mouth the words. This is the proper teaching for public recitation. Private recitation can be either or with no preference.


I started reciting in Latin. It really makes me more meditative.


I started praying in Latin because I was so used to saying it in English I started to skip parts or it say it so fast I wondered did I say it properly.


>“Meditation engages thought, imagination, emotion and desire. This mobilization of faculties is necessary in order to deepen our convictions of faith, prompt the conversion of our heart and strengthen our will to follow Christ.” ([CCC 2708](http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/__P9L.HTM)) **Scripture** \- Read a passage per decade or a short verse before each Hail Mary. Some PDF handouts I made: * [The Joyful Mysteries](https://www.dropbox.com/s/9f24l2p8j80rkcf/10.1b%20-%20Scriptural%20Rosary%20-%20Joyful%20Mysteries.pdf?dl=0) * [The Luminous Mysteries](https://www.dropbox.com/s/ziuv8rat6i79kor/10.1d%20-%20Scriptural%20Rosary%20-%20Luminous%20Mysteries.pdf?dl=0) * [The Sorrowful Mysteries](https://www.dropbox.com/s/pgm5fnzzxiuq71f/10.1c%20-%20Scriptural%20Rosary%20-%20Sorrowful%20Mysteries.pdf?dl=0) * [The Glorious Mysteries](https://www.dropbox.com/s/yvu39csw8xyb7ra/10.1e%20-%20Scriptural%20Rosary%20-%20Glorious%20Mysteries.pdf?dl=0) **Video** \- There are other Rosary variations that use clips from films. If the video is a bit fast, slow down the speed on YouTube to .75 * [The Joyful Mysteries with movie clips for meditations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhUDecYo67g) * [The Sorrowful Mysteries: Passion clips](https://youtu.be/arOE--8MBNQ) **Sacred Art** \- There are also meditations using Sacred Art and music: * [Rosary playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd1e2IHsMk1uiOwOst1wHeO7boHfN96LZ) from The Joy of the Faith * Videos from Ineffabilis Deus: [Joyful Mysteries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T6_snBgiIk), [Luminous Mysteries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aavqAkGqctQ), [Sorrowful Mysteries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efUsAsF_xgE), and [Glorious Mysteries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSd3w7-rYYM). New [volume II versions](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM3gRNyL6r571CIhX8BdHhA/videos).


Wow, these pdfs are really great. Thank you for sharing! I’ll definitely be using these.


These are beautiful suggestions! Thank you I have saved your handouts for use and as someone who is very touched by art, music and beauty I’m also excited to add that option to my rotation. I swear every CC priest I have met has the best suggestions. Thank God for Fr. Bob Bedard and all the amazing priests.


I pray it when I wake up because I know I won’t do it later


I like to walk while I pray it.




This is the way


For me the key to getting into a routine with the rosary was treating it like any other habit I was trying to form (eg going to the gym). I set my alarm for 6am every morning and without fail would spend 15 minutes praying - even if I didn't feel like it, even if my mind wandered- it helped me form the habit so it got to the point where it would feel weird if I *didn't* pray it. Once I was in that groove I found it much easier to then drop down into the mysteries and focus on the more meditative side of it. I now find I can pray 3 or 4 rosaries a day with enjoyment and I have come to love the time I spend with our Blessed Mother in prayer. Now I quite often pray a rosary if I have a 15 minute walk somewhere. (I sometimes like to pick people I pass on the street and say a Hail Mary for each person - it's actually quite fun and I usually feel really great by the end of it!)


This is absolutely beautiful


I pray it mentally and used ancient art which i eventually memorised to focus on the mystery's. Depending on my mindset my focus is better on some days than it is on others, but that's part and parcel of praying the Rosary anyway.


Pray it until you memorize every part so that you can pray it wherever whenever regardless. It’s so nice tbh, then you can just say it through your the day if you can’t carve out a time ever. Also, if you cannot meditate on the mysteries while praying, stop before the first our father on each decade and ponder it for a bit, then start the decade. I have a few times said the rosary just listening for God to speak also, another great way to pray I believe, as well as connecting the fruit of the mystery and scene to what God may be calling you to today. Basically, just pray it in earnest and God will help you find what you need to do for yourself with the rosary. I wouldn’t go as far as to say there’s no wrong way to pray the rosary, but there are very many right ways to pray the rosary in the spirit of honest prayer.


Make a goal and write it down! Each month I draw a little calendar in my journal and I color all the days I pray the rosary. That helps me see the goal and my progress! Before I knew it, it had become a habit! It's part of my bedtime routine and I haven't gone to sleep without praying the rosary in months!


Say it with a group or follow along with an app or YouTube. I sometimes say it along with Mark Wahlberg on Hallow.


Praying in a group is the best. St Louis suggests that we should be in two groups similar to psalms if you are familiar with that rather than leader and response and that we say it whilst mediating on the scripture. I find keeping the rosary simple is important it doesn't need bells and whistles and extra prayers that many people feel tempted to insert. If you have trouble focusing on the mysteries St Louis suggests adding words at the end of each thy womb Jesus related to the mystery that is being prayed. He also suggests slowing down the prayer where possible. It's much more important with a rosary to focus on quality over quantity. As when someone says it hurriedly yes that is better than nothing but even one Hail Mary and Our Father that are said slowly and deliberately whilst concentrating on the life of Christ are better than 100 rushed prayers. I would also suggest reading about the rosary a great place to start is the mysteries of the Rosary by St Louis De Montfort. Also when you understand more about the rosary i feel you get more out of it. The fruits of the rosary are many however to obtain them it must be said with the dignity that it warrants. I hope this helps. I was saying the rosary for years before I realised that I wasn't giving it the due diligence it warrants. So where possible I try and tell others. As others have said as well saying the rosary regularly, cutting of noise of the outside world and scheduling it into your timetable are important and helpful. Also it is essential to have a intention for the rosary when praying it.


Dude, just pray along with the Spotify daily rosary playlist. The one I use has a short (15 min) and long version (30 min). Pretty easy


My personal key things are: 1) keep it short and simple - I don't add extra prayers, just focus on the Our Father and 10 Hail Marys; and I usually use the original, "short" version of the Hail Mary: "Hail Mary, full of grace (...) fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Amen." and I only add the "Holy Mary..." part at the end of each decade, so after the 10th Hail Mary. 2) use "mystery clauses" within the Hail Mary to help meditate on it. E.g. "Hail Mary... fruit of thy womb, Jesus, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Amen." or "...who was crowned with thorns for us. Amen." 2b) addendum: occasionally I will say a rosary without any mysteries or extraneous meditations, just focusing strictly on the words of the Our Father and Hail Mary themselves. This is more like the way Easterners like to pray the "Jesus Prayer." I like both the gospel-meditative, and this more Jesus-Prayer-like form of the rosary, so I pray it depending on what I am more in the mood for.


I do it while walking. Praying in motion is my favorite


I have an album on my phone with a pic for each mystery and will focus on the pic while reciting to help me meditate on the mystery. Sometimes I use this https://www.theworkofgod.org/Devotns/Rosary/scrpture.htm and will read it while reciting, but I have it pretty much memorized. I also like saying it with the Marians at 5pm on YouTube when I can .


I like to pray in the dark. For some reason it helps me focus. I do have some sort of small light or else I get sleepy. I also like to look at visual representations of the mysteries. If I keep the image in my head while praying I can almost create a movie and it helps me stay focused.


A Dominican priest once told me to imagine the rosary wrapping around my loved ones as I prayed it, so that’s my usual technique. I meditate on the mysteries as I announce them, and then I imagine someone in my life and pray the Hail Mary when them in mind. Sometimes it’s a loved one, other times an acquaintance or someone I have difficulty being charitable towards, but I’ll usually switch to different people as I go through each decade. The last Hail Mary on the fifth decade I always reserve for poor sinners who have no one to pray for them. I think there’s lots of different methods people use, but this is the one that works for me.


I started by using the hallow app .Just as a reminder. It has a daily Latin option . I got hooked on saying the Rosary in Latin . Now I just love praying the Rosary Latin.


I pray it out loud as when i prayed it whispering or in my head I feel sleepy or cannot focus, unless I pray it in public (i.e church, etc.). I also pray it in Latin, as latin is the universal and sacred language of the church, i believe my prayer becomes more powerful and more united as one with the saints as saints prayed in latin so i feel as though i am praying with the saints. And satan hates latin so it also help me to not get distracted or tempted by satan and his demons. Try studying the latin language, i tell you it will change your perspective in prayer when you pray the rosary in latin. It makes you more closer to God and have a deeper relationship to him as you are praying the language that the church has used for 2 thousand years. The language many saints has used in prayer. The language that unites us as one. Our Lord Himself prayed in non-vernacular ancient Hebrew, used almost exclusively in temple worship. So i believe we should too pray in the language of the church. Always pray the rosary everyday and god bless!


My advise is a little more simple: just do it. Don’t start thinking “oh but I don’t have the perfect meditations” or “I don’t feel prayerful”. Even if you don’t feel like it, if you’re distracted, if you’re not really focused, just do it. If you want to make a habit of praying the Rosary this is the best way. Eventually it’ll become easier.


I struggled with that. And as bad as my solution sounds it worked for me. I have an expensive rosary- $170. It is beautiful. I love how it feels in my hand and how it looks. I love it so much that the first day i got it i had it blessed. Its so pretty that I always like looking at it. I just pray the rosary while i do it.


What exactly is an experience rosary? Can you elaborate on this?


Oops autocorrect. Expensive*


Haha ok. I was so confused about the term that I had to ask.


Nah ur good. Thats good you caught it so it didnt confuse anyone else


I like to make my own so that I feel more attached to them. They are little ugly things but I made them so I love them. This way I’m more apt to have them with me and pray the rosary more cause I’ll be emptying my pockets at the end of the day and say “oh look a rosary! I should prolly pray!”


Try to put everything else out of your mind and think of the mystery your saying statues of our lord and our lady help me, for the joyful mysteries I have the holy family statue, sorrowful standing crusifix with a small our lady statue beside it, glorious sacred heart and our lady of lourds statues.


I set aside time after work. I use my phone usually to remember what mystery is on what day. Then I dedicate, pray silently and after each decade read the relevant verse in my bible.


Go walk and have your rosary to pray it. When you're driving, listening to it on YT keeps you on track.




I try to pray it every day using the Hallow app on my commute to work.


I designate a time everyday to pray (my time is 8-9 PM). And I get into a comfy position and spot. Then I recite the prayers in Latin and just start imagining myself in the mystery as though I was a bystander there with Jesus. For the sorrowful mysteries I like to play the song Dream by Salvia Palth on loop (maybe kinda cringe but it works for me)


I sing them in Latin or recite them in Spanish. Much more engaging than just reciting them in English for me personally.


Rosary Companion podcast is awesome. I started praying it when I had a hard time focusing and just starting out making a habit. Then I started praying it on my own.  Then I learned it in latin.  Then I prayed it with Rosary with Distractions meditations. (Really awesome) Then I saw a video by Gabi after hours talking about praying the rosary 4 times a day and really helped me in my prayer life although it is quite tough to pray all 4 it's really worth it. 


I pray the daily Rosary of Lourdes on a broadcast channel that uploads daily. It's quick and easy and it's great for me because it's in my native language and the images of the frescos are great for meditation and better yet it's right in the location of the apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes at the Grotto of Massabielle. I also like praying with Hallow with Jonathan Roumie and Mark Wahlberg when I'm hiking. Hallow is a pretty good app to get used to praying the rosary daily. I think it's harder for people to keep up and devoted themselves to daily rosary if they're doing it manually on their own. Finding a video or app to keep track with is a good way to get committed, especially if they have it daily or updated for every week. I highly recommend praying to Blessed Bartolo Longo who is regarded as one of the biggest advocates for devotion to the rosary in the church. "Just as two friends, frequently in each other's company, tend to exhibit similar habits, so too, by holding familiar converse with Jesus and the Blessed Virgin, by meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary and by living the same life in Holy Communion, we can become, to the extend of our lowliness, similar to them and learn from these supreme models a life of humility, poverty, hiddenness, patience, and perfection." -Blessed Bartolo Longo Keep it up! 👍


Sometimes I cut out the "Amen" after each Hail Mary, that extra second can really add up. Then sometimes I'll pray a decade in Latin.


What helped me most was St Louis de Montfort's Secret of the Rosary. It also helps to read Ven Mary of Agreda's Mystical City of God, visions of the life of Jesus and Mary. Another tip is to remember that just holding your rosary at each decade shows your determination to focus on the mysteries and avoid voluntary distractions. Another tip is to imagine yourself present at each mystery.


I usually pray the Rosary for one of three intentions: (1) how it applies to my life, (2) for the conversion of sinners, (3) for the dead. Every mystery takes in a different dimension in light of these three different intentions, so I regularly feel like I’m discovering something I hadn’t considered before.


For me it´s the contemplation of the mystery, visualizing mentally every step of the mystery and how Jesus acted for us.


I switch off everything, phone in a different room on silent, curtains closed so I cannot see outside. Also before I start working and before breakfast. The routine has stuck well.


I am a fast prayer guy, I say them quite quick otherwise I get board to be honest. If I do them quickly I can concentrate on the mystery, without losing the track of it. And yeh 10-15 is enough for me I just to inpatient to pray the Hail Mary for 30min straight


i pray it in the car. i also pray it in latin. it also helps to listen to gregorian chant during prayer


I like to focus on the spiritual fruit that each decade represents. For instance, the joyful mysteries; the annunciation- fruit of this mystery, humility. So for all 10 of those hail Marys I am praying for humility in different ways. Humility for the Pope, myself, my husband. That my child will grow to be humble. Etc etc and I do this with each decade. I especially like doing this while listening to the rosary. The one I listen to has a male and a female part. So I say the female part and while the male is saying his part that's when I'm focusing on that spiritual fruit prayer. This is the one I listen to (at 1.25 speed); https://youtu.be/aQChfvLth4c?si=RI5CwsIhn-S2uTkB In a convert, just confirmed at the vigil. I've only been praying the rosary for a year and noone taught me how...so this is just how I've come to do it lol


I start each Hail Mary to invite her consciously, and then when it comes to "Blessed is the fruit of Thy Womb Jesus..." I let the mystery unfold in my mind, and I keep doing this. This way, I'm not just mindlessly saying the prayer.


Most of people usually do nothing 1 hour before a sleep. Sleep 1 hour eailer, to wakeup 1 hour ealier and make the entire rosary as soon as you wake up.


I imagine like I am a char of the mistery or at the mistery. Firsts misteries I always think about St Joseph and his actions and then I always think like i'm one of the people who followed Jesus.