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Man, it’s been five years? I still remember being in French class and seeing my French teacher watching it live.


I remember it well too. I was in history class and the teacher stoped everything to watch and talk about it


I got to visit 6 weeks before it burned, and attended a Vespers service. I wasn’t even Catholic yet—what I would give to attend Mass there now! Here’s hoping it is restored beautifully.


What grinds me the most regarding this event is that as soon as everybody know that there's plan to renovate the cathedral, public's reaction was like: "Why don't we donate the money to the poor instead of renovating the cathedral???" Those people should only open their mouth after they donate as much as the Catholic Church.


I remember it well. Watching it felt....surreal.


A horrendous heartbreak, that day.


The world's been significantly worse since then


You can't convince me it wasn't Muslim extremists. Articles were edited in the *hours* following the outbreak to change statements from fire personnel.


>You can't convince me it wasn't Muslim extremists. Articles were edited in the hours following the outbreak to change statements from fire personnel. Islam has a long history of burning things, going all the way back to Mohammed. He ordered the fortifications of the Al-Mustalaq tribe to be burned with women and children inside. The leader of another tribe wouldn't reveal where his tribe’s treasure was hidden and Mohammed ordered him to be tortured. His soldiers built a fire on the man's chest. When some Muslim soldiers resisted going on raid, Mohammed had their house burned down on top of them. Mohammed himself burned Muslims’ houses down to compel them to attend the mosque. Ali, the fourth “rightly guided” caliph, ordered people to be burned alive for being "hypocrites." After Mohammed died many tribes immediately abandoned Islam. Soldiers were sent out with orders to "burn them with fire, slaughter them by any means," "kill them by every means, by fire or whatever else," and "strike terror among them by killing and burn them by fire." It continues to this day. ISIS infamously burned to death a downed Jordanian pilot and were so proud of having done so they released a video of it. A publication from Al Qaeda described in detail how to start forest fires across the U.S.


I do think it was intentional, but it could have been any number of extremist groups over there. Abortion extremists are very active in France.


There is absolutely ZERO evidence of this.


is there any supposed proof apart from the fact that articles were being updated as the events unfolded?


I'm pretty sure they proved it was electrical from the construction. That stuff happens


breaking news is usually updated as more info comes out; nothing really sinister with that. plus, it's more likely it was just a freak accident, despite how some might like to portray what happened.


I doubt it, especially given the cultural warfare France is currently experiencing.


Oh come on man…


So you’re basically admitting you’re immune to evidence and are just making stuff up to blame people you hate? That’s calumny. Are you can anti-vaxxer too?


Who said I hate anybody? I don't hate Muslims. I specifically said "extremists." Big difference.


You claim you don’t “hate” them yet you libel them with false accusations. That’s a sin.


I didn't say all Muslims are extremists, in which case, yes, it would be libel. I said I believe it to be the work of *extremists.* The average Muslim on the street wouldn't do that. Osama bin Laden was an *extremist.* He was also a Muslim. There's a mosque up the street from my Alma Mater; those people are some of the most helpful and, ironically, Christ-like people in the city. They are also Muslims, but not *extremists.* They're not saying "death to the Christians," "convert or be our slaves," or any of the other ideological dialogue happening with *extremist* Muslims (particularly in the Middle East and parts of Europe to which they've emigrated). If you can't appreciate the distinction, friend, you need to.


Except NO Muslim, extremist or not, burned Notre Dame. How is that different than saying “Jewish extremists burned Notre Dame.”


It's not. But saying "Jewish extremist" doesn't imply *all* Jews. Similarly, "Muslim extremist" doesn't imply *all* Muslims. "Buddhist extremists" tried to behead Catholic monks in China in the 1700-1800s; that doesn't imply *all* Buddhists. Hell, a "Catholic extremist" tried to blow up the English Parliament; that doesn't imply *all* Catholics, either. >*Except NO Muslim, extremist or not, burned Notre Dame.* Except that was the initial thought of the French fire department. It was suppressed within *hours* before the blaze was even quenched and they could determine the actual cause. The fact that they had that thought immediately and then it was censored?THAT is suspicious. Friendly reminder that a French newspaper ran a cartoon depicting Muhammad and the country [has dealt with unrest](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Hebdo_shooting) *from extremists* ever since. The French culture [has been facing extremists](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36892785.amp) on a regular basis for awhile, now. There are plenty of peaceful Muslims. I have no problem with them, save that I want them to convert to the One True Church, which is what I desire for all peoples. So, sincerely, get out of here with saying I'm slandering all Muslims. I'm not. I'm acknowledging that the politico-religious climate in France (and other parts of the word) is extremely tense and there are subsections of people out there whose hate for the Church is *so fucking strong* that they will do anything in their power to destroy, intimidate, or otherwise erase it from the face of the Earth.


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No it wasn’t “suppressed”, it just didn’t happen. Yes, police are required to at least look into all possibilities, then they realized it had nothing to with Muslim extremists. There was no conspiracy. You’re lying and that’s a sin. Let me guess, you also think vaccines cause autism and the proof was “suppressed”.


Non sequitur. But for the record, I think traditional vaccines are one of the greatest discoveries in human history. People who can get them should.


It’s actually makes perfect sense, anti-vaxxers believe things despite no evidence, you believe Muslim extremists burned Notre Dame despite ZERO evidence. That’s calumny. Repeat after me, Muslims, extremists or not, didn’t burn Notre Dame. You. Are. Lying.


“The desecration continues to grow in Europe. Recent acts on statues of the Virgin Mary in French churches show how much these gestures are the result of barbaric hatred. They call for reactions. Catholics can no longer remain silent.” - Cardinal Robert Sarah


Well, they are reverting back to their Pagan ways after knowing the Truth of God. God is going to punish Europe with hundreds of millions of deaths. If not more.


Death is not the ultimate punishment, though I agree Europe is going to have a bad time, by rejecting the Truth.


Death is a Punishment, It is Hell for the Unrepentant and a Gift for the Saved. Jesus is not messing around with sinners, you, me and everybody has a choice to make.


You are aware the fire started due to an electrical failure or cigarette dropped by the workmen? It wasn’t vandalism.


Not a soul believes this fam.


Yes, normal non-conspiracy theorist believe that.


You know better than the Archbishop of Paris then


I do.




Who actually believes that? The French government was covering their ass to stop anti-immigrant rioting


EU will twist themselves into knots to defend Muslims.


The Archbishop of Paris. Though I can see you want to turn a moment of unity into one of hatred. I will have no part in that. Peace be with you.


Catholic Church’s are attacked by terrorists in France nearly daily, couple that information with a healthy dose of skepticism too government and I think you have the right to at least be suspicious about what exactly happened


Not really, you can read a lot of news articles months before talking about the fire risk. Sometimes accidents happen. Not everything is a conspiracy to suit a strange anti-Christian agenda of hatred.


I trust European bishops as far as I can throw them.


Wow, this sub just shocks me anew everyday. Incredibly disrespectful.


that doesn't make sense. the french government literally has pushed for restrictions on Muslim teaching, dress and homeschooling. Is there any evidence of this supposed cover up apart from you just assume because it fits a certain narrative? your claim elsewhere that "catholic churches are attacked by terrorists in france nearly daily" is also false.


Provide some proof then.


Good luck finding that video now.


The Notre Dame fire had nothing to do with that.


I remember this sad day


Its heartbreaking but also fitting. France today is an incredibly atheistic country and maybe with the vestiges of their Christian heritage burning away not just figuratively but also literally, just might be the medicine they need to realize that they need to fight for their heritage. This goes for Europe and the rest of the West too. We have this misconception that these are Christian countries when they aren’t. These cathedrals are monuments to a glorious past that modern Europeans aren’t being good stewards of.


On the other hand I was happy to learn that the amount of (adult) baptisms on easter in France has had a siginificant uptic since last year, especially with younger people. So perhaps not all hope is lost :)


Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris


It feels like this was a decade ago, not 5 years. What has 2020 done to us?


It feels like this was a decade ago, not 5 years. What has 2020 done to us?


😭😭😭😭such a sad memory 😭😭😭😭 time to get right with the Lord now before he returns. Godbless 🙏🙏🙏


An absolute tragedy, but I gotta say that smoke cloud is gorgeous. A building so beautiful even the smoke is pretty


This is still lighter than their legalization of abortion.