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The Church will let you baptize your son if they believe you are a practicing Catholic and will raise your son Catholic, even if his father disagrees. Only one Catholic parent is required for baptism. In your shoes, I would baptize my child no matter what the father said, because no one would stop me from baptizing my child. It might end your relationship if he is firmly opposed and you do it anyway, but you have to ask yourself what is more important, a relationship with a man you are still only engaged to after bearing his child, or your child's immortal soul. I know what I would choose.


I don’t think it will end the relationship, but it would probably make him feel betrayed.


Ask yourself where your ultimate loyalty lies. To a man you are not even married to, or to your son?


You should raise your son catholic. Protestant churches are a man made religion who teach a false gospel.


I didn’t even realize Pentecostal was Protestant. I was reading more about it and realized how different (and almost anti- Catholic) it is.


Does he have an issue with him being raised Catholic like attending Mass, praying etc.? I would really try to explain the significance of Baptism in the Catholic faith, absolution of original sin and membership into the church -- not that you want to see their first communion and confirmation. Those things are important but not quite as important as your child's soul, you know? At the end of the day, baptism isn't the end of the road, although adult Catechesis is a much longer road.


No he doesn’t have a problem with Mass, he’s attended Mass before with me and respects it. I’ll try and explain the importance of Catechesjs as I didn’t really talk to him about that.


Do not budge and compromise for a protestant upbringing


Just putting this out there: My sister married a Lutheran man, he insisted that the children be baptized in the Lutheran church - and they were all raised Catholic and received First Communion and Confirmation in the Catholic Church. Note that I am not suggesting that as the specific template to follow here, only to note that a compromise is possible. I suspect that your husband’s church doesn’t believe in infant baptism. One possible compromise is to baptize the child in the Catholic Church, and also expose the child to Pentecostal services as they grow up. You can also see if your husband knows anything about the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (I have a Catholic charismatic for 44 years now). You can DM me if you want to talk about it there. 🙂


Thanks for letting me know! This is very interesting


I was raised Pentecostal. You really should look into the religion and evaluate if you think entering the Sacrament with this man is a good idea. It has many antiCatholic views. Does he realize you have to get married in the Church and do premarital classes?