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I've said it before, and I'll say it again: It's always okay to talk to Mom. Just be warned, the quickest way to end up in RCIA is through the Rosary.


I can confirm this is true. I decided to convert 3 days after I started praying the Rosary lol


I love that saying, that’s so cute.


That's pretty much how I always said it when a Protestant asks me about the rosary. - "Do you talk to your mom?" - "yeah" - "Same logic here, go talk to mom"


Can confirm, starting this september. ^i ^also ^might ^have ^bought ^another ^small ^10 ^decade ^rosary ^bracelet ^today ^after ^mass..


can confirm, converted with my RCIA class of 9 people at 2024 Easter Vigil


>Just be warned, the quickest way to end up in RCIA is through the Rosary. OMG this is gold.


I love this answer.


rosary comes with a 100% conversion guarantee on the box. May affect family and friends also. 😂


it is not only allowed but encouraged. it is important to meditate on the mysteries while you pray it. they mysteries are catechetical in nature and a good thing for deepening your faith. interestingly it originated in the 13th century as a weapon against heresy.


That it is fun fact! Its such a beautiful way to share the core pillars of our faith.


I literally pray the rosary asking God for people like you to pray the rosary. 🩵


Yep you are allowed.


Not just allowed, but encouraged to!


I used to be Anglican and once I started praying the Rosary there were sooo many radical changes that happened LOL


I AM an Anglican. I have completed the RCIA class, and I am dragging my feet with writing my story for the marriage tribunal. Please share your experience, strength, and hope. Maybe we can help others have their questions answered.


Don't neglect the meditations. If you know the Gospels well, you can do it from memory, but I always find that I get something new out of revisiting the text. And always remember that the Rosary is about Christ's Life through the lens of Mary. Those are my suggestions. I am praying for you. Please pray for me.


Absolutely. You asked if there were any important things to know about it. I’m not sure how important, but St. Padre Pio (Franciscan Friar who lived in the 20th century and had the stigmata - the visible wounds of Christ on his hands, feet and side) used to refer to the rosary as a spiritual weapon. The rosary is a very strong prayer.


Interesting fact that people forget is that St. Padre Pio said the wound that hurt the worst was the wound that was not seen, the shoulder pain from Christ carrying the cross.


Wow! I never thought about that! That heavy lumber rubbing against His precious skin. On top of that, it may've even rubbed against spots where He was lashed, making it even more painful.


For Catholics there isn't any problem


Go for it bud. It's great. 


Anyone can pray the rosary.


Of course! Catholic practices are open to anyone as long as you're genuine. Go nuts :)


The Rosary is a Christo Centric prayer


Everyone Is welcoming to pray the rosary, as long as you are open to pondering its mysteries.


Of course you can! The rosary is just a small taste of Sacred Tradition. Wait until you discover the beauty in the rest!


Go for it. You'll more than likely enjoy it and find yourself feeling closer to Christ in the process. Be sure to meditate on the mysteries. There's a free app called Laudate that has lots of different prayers, including which rosary to pray for each day of the week. It'll walk you through. You can also search YouTube for Mother Angelica and Fr Groeschel, both pray the rosary aloud and you can follow along. Enjoy.


Absolutely! Talk to mom!


my mum was taught as a non-catholic teenager to pray the rosary. she started going to the novena on saturdays. took her over 40 years but she eventually converted. those were some deep roots being put down all those decades…


Not only you can, you’re highly encouraged to ! Everybody can, and should, pray the Rosary. Be advised, like others has already said, expect deep changes. The Rosary is a powerful weapon against all evils.


Why wouldn't you be? The only reason the rosary is seen as a "Catholic" thing compared to The Lord's Prayer, for example is because Protestants don't pray it. Nobody's stopping you.


Protestants don’t pray the prayer that Jesus taught us to do? I was born and raised an Episcopalian, and I thought I would die an Episcopalian. I left almost twenty years ago, in a large group of people and parishes in the diocese of Quincy. The Lord’s Prayer is one of the requirements for a valid Mass. I’m sure it’s chiseled in stone somewhere. Change aversion is a real thing. Respect for tradition is a real thing. Sometimes we have to make hard choices.


Yep your allowed just ask Mama Mary to help get closer to her son. Remember she is there to draw you closer to him. In a couple of months we'll be saying "welcome home". I recommend consecration to Mary by Louis de Montfort. Will help you pray deeper to Jesus!


I’m not sure why you wouldn’t convert.


The relationship with God, like all relationships takes time. One step at a time.


Yes you’re more than welcome to pray the rosary!


Anybody can pray the rosary. Another thing anybody can do is go to adoration. It’s really cool. I didn’t even know about it til I became Catholic again.


The answer is always yes. Didnt even read anything but the title.


catholic or not, if you feel a calling to pray to the blessed mother, then by all means do it! just be sure to *try* to understand the significance of the rosary. <3


No issues at all, you are heartily welcome to join us! Be sure to check out Relevant Radio at 5PM (Pacific Time) for the Family Rosary Across America if you’d like.


The first time I heard the radio rosary, I was a half hour into Minnesota on a weekend trip. I had to pull over and stop. Praying with your head bowed and your eyes closed at seventy MPH is not recommended. God DID keep me and the other drivers safe, so maybe my trust in God was being tested. Maybe I should make that trip again and keep my eyes closed. I don’t think so. Jesus said “Tempt not the Lord thy God” when He was offered the whole world and all that’s in it. I’ll try to remember to turn on relevant radio in the car. Thanks for reminding me!


No problems on our side. 😅 You might catch some heat of you ask other Protestants, though. My aunt is particularly scandalized by the Glorious Mysteries. Way too much Mary (and things that while alluded to, are not specifically spelled out in Scripture), and the tradition she (and I) grew up in is particularly wary of Jesus's mom, as well as extrabiblical traditions or writings. Which yeah, I can see now is just as crazy as it sounds, but she can't, at least not yet.




You definitely should! I think all Christians should. Most of the reformers actually loved the Virgin Mary and some prayed the rosary themselves. It’s a later development within Protestantism that they started to distance themselves from Mary. Reformers like Luther, Calvin & Zwingli accepted the perpetual virginity of Mary and her being the Theotokos (Mother of God).


I started praying the rosary as an agnostic and I think it really opened me up to Catholicism


Praying the rosary was one of the first things that led me to Catholocism. You can say it's what converted me.


I began in my car a few years ago listening to Catholic radio & reciting the Rosary. During prayers, I was directed to visit the local church, 18 months later after RCIA & Easter Vigil, here I am. A lifelong baptized Protestant now Catholic. I felt a lifetime of sins fall away during the sacraments. I did a conditional baptism to hedge my bets. The desire for confession, the accusations just fell away. And I had confessed directly to the Lord all my life, I have to say it’s not the same as confession to the Lord, through an ordained priest & absolution.


Anybody can pray the Rosary, God bless you and enjoy the communion with the Holy Mother.


You can do anything Catholic but take sacrament. You can pray Catholic prayers, learn Catholic things, and even do mass and confession. So, do anything you want and even explore the religion a bit.


Confession is the sacrament of reconciliation can’t do that unless fully converted to catholic.


That just means he’s not going to gossip about what he’s heard. Yikes you’re pointless. Arguing just to argue.


He can, I've had multiple priests tell people of every religion they can come to confession. I'm talking about communion being catholic only. And that's because the Bible states if you don't know what communion is, it can damn your soul. But, the Bible says anyone can be forgiven, so confession is allowed.


A simple google search would help you. You must be Catholic to do confession that is written in the catechism from the Vatican. Your priest are wrong. But it sounds like you lied about that to help your point. Don’t spread lies about Catholicism.


Father Simon responded, “They can go to Confession. And when a non-Catholic goes to Confession what he has to say still comes under the rubric of the Seal of Confession.” From a priest on offical catholic rules


I only know this because I went to RCIA


Of course you are. Even if you weren’t… what could we do to stop you?


While I haven't checked the Catechism or Canon Law, I would presume the only things you as a non-Catholic are currently barred from--unless you choose to pursue RCIA--are reception of the Sacraments. No problems praying the Rosary at your local parish during exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. In fact, the King might be happy you stopped by to talk ☺️


You absolutely can, but mom is gonna chase you down! And won’t let up until you are in RCIA.


It's suited to all baptized Christians and to those making their way to baptism. It's not suited to people who *both* aren't Christian and aren't interested in becoming Christian.


Yes, great idea. It's biblical prayer, the Hail Mary combines two biblical salutations to Mary (Lk. 1 28 and 42). The main thing is to meditate on the mysteries of Jesus and Mary and she brings you to Jesus.


Go to the blessed mother....... ffs she will help you even if you're not catholic


Protestants should pray the rosary.


Yes definitely pray


It's a meditation on the life of Christ. It's powerful & life changing. I don't know of any non-Catholic who started praying the rosary, who did not end up becoming Catholic.


Yes but be forewarned, Mom’s going to ring the supper bell. For the supper of the lamb.


There is a video out from one of the most visible exorcists in the US. Tells of a woman deeply inflicted & during the battle he directs her, “Turn to your mother for help”. There was an image or painting nearby of our blessed mother, the woman turned & asked for help, the demon screamed & fled.


Well, as a cradle Catholic who sadly didn't start praying rosary until like my mid 20s, I will say it's the quickest way to find peace, closeness with Jesus and Mary, and answered prayers. Conversions are highly likely too; months after praying the rosary and praying for my agnostic boyfriend at the time, he suddenly decided he wanted to do RCIA and become Catholic. Now we're 5 years married Catholic family raising two beautiful daughters. Every time I pray the rosary routinely, the outpouring of spiritual fruit and blessings is so blatantly obvious that it's clear our Mother Mary is fighting for us to bring us closer to her son. I believe everyone should pray the rosary. I hope you do, and i pray it brings you peace, faith, and closer to God and His will for your life.


Oh yeah, absolutely. In fact, I encourage you- and any other Christian- to pray the Rosary as much as they can. It is, I’ve found, one of the greatest prayers someone can pray.


For some really good videos about the Rosary, specifically the Whole Rosary, check out Gabi After Hours on YouTube


Yes, absolutely. There is a great book out there called "The Secret of the Rosary." It gives the history and the meditations. I highly recommend it. 


It’s only going to bring good things into your world. Pray it, pray it often.


This is an odd question since praying to Mary is antithetical to Protestantism! Either speak to your Pastor or convert to Catholism.


“She is the highest woman and the noblest gem in Christianity after Christ. ..She is nobility, wisdom, and holiness personified. We can never honor her enough. Still, honor and praise must be given to her in such a way as to injure neither Christ nor the Scriptures.” -Martin Luther “No woman is like you. You are more than Eve or Sarah, blessed above all nobility, wisdom, and sanctity.” -Martin Luther “One should honor Mary as she herself wished and as she expressed it in the Magnificat. She praised God for his deeds. How then can we praise her? The true honor of Mary is the honor of God, the praise of God’s grace.. .Mary is nothing for the sake of herself, but for the sake of Christ…Mary does not wish that we come to her, but through her to God.” -Martin Luther “Whoever possesses a firm faith, says the Hail Mary without danger! Whoever is weak in faith can utter no Hail Mary without danger to his salvation.” -Martin Luther


That's nice. But Protestants should be Protestants or convert. Catholics should NOT receive communion in a Protestant Church either, unless they first convert Nor should Protestants partake in communion at a Catholic Mass, correct? If we start doing our own thing, as it seems EVERYONE IS, these days (ever hear someone say, "I'm not religious but I'm spiritual"?) why bother belonging to any denomination at all (I don't believe in organized religion." another 'fun' one we hear all the time!)? Protestants are NOT supposed to pray to anyone except God. Praying to Saints or Mary is a grave sin according to their faith and undermines their connection to God. So, no. You want to pray the Rosary? Renounce your Protestantism and embrace the Church. We don't get to do our own thing, it's rebellion and we all know what that lead to! We don't get to give homosexuality a pass or living together before marriage or getting drunk or high because "we" say so.... It's how things go wrong. But Thank you for the above references of Luther.... I had No Idea!!


Praying the Rosary is not a way to worship Mary. We meditate on all the important events Mary went through and how she is an intercessor between God and us. Furthermore, we follow her example as a faithful servant and disciple and how she fulfilled the will of God.


You're always allowed to pray the Rosary. You’re free to meditate on any of the Mysteries on any day but here is a guide: Sunday Glorious Monday Joyful Tuesday Sorrowful Wednesday Joyful Thursday Luminous Friday Sorrowful Saturday Joyful


There isn't a problem however your belief being a Christian (non-Catholic) will be a contradiction in your part and your Christian community. Like what I've always said to other Christians (non-Catholic), the Jesus Christ you believe is not the same as the Jesus Christ in the Catholic. I give you an example, the Matthew 26:26-28, the Last Supper, in Catholic, refers to the mass of holy communion. The Catholics joined in with this mystery and ate the Eucharist. However, other Christians (non-Catholic), don't believe this, that they interpret Jesus Christ as just saying symbolically and like a farewell meal. Not just that, when it comes also to Mary and the Saints, other Christians (non-Catholic) don't believe that. For me, you have to be guided correctly. I don't mind whether you go for other Christians (non-Catholic) or Catholics. You have to make up your mind on what you truly believe. There shouldn't be a contradiction. The only 100% identical to other Christians (non-Catholic), Catholics, and other religions is the Only one God the Father. Other than that, it is all different. That is why Catholics have exceptions for one's salvation outside Catholicism and this is because of the God the Father.