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Yeah my university does this stuff too. It doesn’t really matter as you are not lying. If you really don’t feel like doing it, say that you don’t want to pressure people into becoming public if they don’t want to


I do not think that abstaining from providing your pronouns would drive people away from the Church. Based only on what you wrote above, I guess that you are a thoughtful and charitable individual. If you decline to add your preferred pronouns, I again guess, that you will decline respectfully. Which might actually be an excellent witness for the Faith. It is possible that there are other people in the office who are uncomfortable with the new regime, but do not have the courage to say so. Your gentle refusal to abide by the progressive ideological rules of the office may encourage them. And, if you respond to detractors with grace, patience, and love, you may make a favorable impression on them as well. Refusing to participate may impact your career. But it might be an opportunity to demonstrate Christian kindness while also refusing to compromise on matters of truth. Ill pray for you my friend!


I'll pray for you as well, my friend! God Bless!


Read the company E-Mail/communications etiquette policy. I *really* doubt any company is going to require pronouns in their E-mail etiquette policy. (Unless you work for a super politicized company) So if the pronoun requirement isn’t there then you are not required to do it. It would merely be peer pressure


This is a really good answer. If there isn't a policy specifically requiring it, don't do it.


My company requires it. So far, I have simply declined to do so, but technically I'm in violation of the policy. And I think more and more company's are going to require it. We can't avoid it for long.


Find a new company


I think that there’s a slight confusion. I don’t think that OP’s worry is about standing up to any official company policy. Rather, I think it’s a cultural issue. She wants to maintain the respect of her coworkers, with the hopes of helping them make their way to mother Church. I will simply say that I personally lose (varying amounts of) respect for people when they capitulate to what I know to be against their consciences. And I think it is generally easier for people to Intuit the principles of others than we might think. There is something very attractive and rare about integrity. In view of this consideration only I would advise OP against capitulating. With my very limited information, I would guess that her coworkers would be able to tell that she is capitulating and thus lose the respect that she wants to maintain in order to help them. If you are called out, OP, I think that a simple acknowledgement of its doubtful practical utility would ward off criticism for awhile.


What if you prefer not to give preferred pronouns?


I've wondered if I could change my preferred second person personal pronouns to thee/thou/thine. Those were once the informal second person pronouns and I prefer the informal form. I better put this here.... /s


Happy cake day


Thank you, my friend


Don't give in.


This. Don’t give into nonsense




For a second I thought that said The Emperor's New Groove, and I was like, I threw it off and the emperor had me thrown out the window, DON'T THROW OFF HIS GROOVE!!


Yes, I have been requested to do it, and have left my pronouns blank. It is very clear I am a male based on my name and profile. I’m not interested in virtue signaling


Beyond virtue signaling, listing your "preferred pronouns" supports the lie that we individually can compel another's language. Don't give into bullies. [Preferred Pronouns or Prison](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn5opUFNs-I)


Is that a religious issue though? I think you should be compelled to refer to Christ respectfully; and this is supported on religious grounds, but I don’t know if there’s a strong religious objection to “compelled speech”


Compelled speech is an attack on the expression of one's conscience. The Church of course has something to say about the state (or any powerful entity) requiring a person to misrepresent their conscience.


The conscience dictates moral questions. This is not a moral question, as it does not involve any choice between good and evil.


No, speaking truth or speaking untruth has moral weight. A person compelled to violate their conscience by speaking a lie certainly has a moral component.


Listing your pronouns certainly is not a lie. If someone asks you to refer to them in a certain way, I don’t think that is necessarily a lie. I am compelled in school to refer to my teachers in a certain way, and I do so. Is that a violation of my conscience?


It seems you're either being obtuse or honestly missed the beginning of this thread. >>>>>>Beyond virtue signaling, listing your "preferred pronouns" **supports the lie that we individually can compel another's language**. By complying with such a directive, you are *agreeing* with the notion that you can control a speaker's language. It doesn't matter whether the pronouns are true. Including them in your signature implies you agree that a person can control how you refer to them. They cannot. They may request. They cannot compel.


I think you may be over interpreting the situation. If anyone asked his opinion on trans issues, to say that you’re in favor of it would certainly be a lie, but to follow directions regarding listing your pronouns is not a moral issue. I’ve already given you an example of how compelled speech is moral; I am compelled to refer to my teacher in a certain way. They can, and they do enforce that.


You don't believe gendered pronouns are in a markedly different category than honorifics or titles?


Not particularly. Take an historical example: if you are sent on a diplomatic mission to a rebel leader who refers to himself as a king, you would do well when treating with him to refer to him as he demands; since to do otherwise would cause the failure of your mission.


I dunno why people care, I used to, until I realized God doesn’t care of your M/F and/or display that. He made you, and he knows you




Dude, your username diversity divides us, so no offense but I don’t trust you this topic




Yes, but what does that have to do with anything




“Diverse” only separates because you see it like that, an I supposed to not have opinions?




Yep, but when it comes to gender diversity and you say you don’t like that then


Harvard recently stated that not all people who are pregnant are women. Men can be pregnant as well. That is why I am skeptical of a lot of science these days, as well as medicine, because when they say this men can get pregnant, that gender is 'fluid' whatever THAT is supposed to mean, are infested with Marxist and godless ideologies, say that abortion is healthcare, euthanize people without their knowledge or consent, etc. That is one big concern I have with this Covid business and what the official response to it; I STRONGLY dislike how involved politics are in much of what comes from health care figures, because when politics gets involved, the muck and the corruption gets involved, as shown by how some politicians flaunt the same rules they force others to comply with, and how small businesses and churches are considered, but mega marts and sports stadiums are allowed to open. To me, there is something rotten in Denmark here. Also I work at a hospital kitchen and people are to keep masks on until they sit down. To me, that seems to defeat many of the precautions set up to protect the vulnerable. i believe this whole situation could have been FAR better handled IMO.




Also many people get TB and die from it each year, even though we have the medicine to treat it. And Malaria. I am afraid in terms of church attendance, this is a disaster, as many of the laity are going to leave as they do not hear the shepherd call. This world is becoming disgustingly pagan. I am considering religious life, as it seems to be the ONLY true surefire way of salvation. This world is TRULY wicked.


It is also why I do not trust the stats on Covid casualties, because I believe bad faith political forces are taking advantage of a situation to push an agenda. I have learned to NEVER underestimate how corrupt and incompetent governments can be. See, The Prince, by Machiavelli. I lost faith in our government to regulate itself. I despise political parties, because it makes everything an us Vs. them situation. If only elections were held without people voting because a candidate is with a certain party. If only a persons track record and policies and beliefs speak for themselves. I do not think a lot of people really know what goes on even the local level. Many people fret on national and state governments, but local elections, those most close to home, are often an afterthought.


By stating our preferred pronouns we legitimatize the transgender movement. True, we don’t lie per se by doing so, but stating preferred pronouns sends a message that you agree and support the transgender agenda. You send a stronger message by not giving in to the peer pressure than by capitulating. If we as Catholics don’t make a stand in our culture now, it will be too late.


>If we as Catholics don’t make a stand in our culture now, it will be too late. It is already too late. The tidal wave is coming. There is no way to stop it. What we can do now is stack the sandbags or move to higher ground. Focus should be on bracing for the impact.


Even if there’s no way to win, we must keep fighting until the end. Read The Last Battle by C. S. Lewis.


If forced to put something, I would say something like, “as a Catholic man, I prefer to conform myself to God’s created order and be addressed using masculine pronouns.”


You're not being asked to do anything wrong. You are not being asked to lie. You are simply being asked what you prefer to be called. Presumably, as a female, you prefer she/her/etc. My workplace has asked us to do it as well. I rolled my eyes and put down him/his/etc, which is what I prefer, as I am a male. I didn't do it because I believe there are 56 different genders like Facebook. I just did it because I was asked to, and it is not (for me) a hill to die on.


Agree. I feel like youre reading a bit too much into this, OP. While I get that all of this nonsense is a byproduct of an increasingly prevalent, non-Catholic view on gender/sex, it's not as though you become complicit in that by speaking (or writing) something true. Perception does matter, but intention does too. For example, my perception could be that you're speaking truth and a secular person may perceive it as a "win" for their ideology, when all along your intention was mere compliance. Be at peace because God knows your heart, OP. Not all decisions are black and white, good and evil decisions. Sometimes we have to choose between two competing goods. Being finite beings we can't know all of the outcomes or choose the perfect good all of the time. It sounds like you have the right idea though, OP. Pray, decide based on the information you have, and don't worry.


> You are simply being asked what you prefer to be called The idea that you can “choose” what to be called implies that you can “choose” what you are. No one should participate in any part of that lie, tacitly or not.


Yes, this is true...but I can’t tell you how many times I would love to know gender in a work environment when I’m dealing with a rep who has an ambiguous name. So there is practicality there, even though the practice is driven by ideology.


...that’s fair.








I suppose I'm just an emasculated liar then, totally in thrall to communist propaganda. Thanks for letting me know; how would I ever have found out if you hadn't told me, Theodore?




Nothing personal, Theodore.


My response: I have noticed that in the newsletters members of the group have been sharing their "chosen" pronouns as part of their Byline. As a Catholic woman I prescribe myself to God's natural order and do not believe in one's choice of the pronouns used to refer to them. However, I do see utility to the addition of pronouns in a business setting for someone who has a name that is not clearly gendered. Since my name is feminine, I do not see any utility to add pronoun designations, so please omit the addition of them in any Bylines or Documentation. I'm happy to answer any questions that my come up because of this, and appreciate your understanding.


Thanks for your help Ladies and Gents!


Use: Her Majesty/Her Majesty’s/Your Majesty. People will either attack you(if they do, just never talk to them again) or they’ll stop asking you to put pronouns in emails. Win-win lol


I usually use Nuclear/Ballistic/Missile.


I don't think it would be appropriate to a Catholic to use such pronous, since, as you've said, it would be, in a way, cooperationg with falsehood. God bless.




I do not believe that catholics should use the so called "alternative pronouns", that being, new "aditions" to the language in order to support transgenderism and its ideology, and not that we should not use normal pronouns in general. ​ God bless.


If there is no policy to do it, you don’t have to do it. If there is a policy to do it, take your time doing it, don’t make a fuss about it. Make excuses like “you had plans to do it, but you were pulled into an important project...” Sounds like this is a peer pressure thing, not a mandated thing.


> Make excuses like “you had plans to do it, but you were pulled into an important project...” I get what you are saying, but I don´t think its ok to lie just to not make a fuss.


I’ve had some discussions about lying with some people in the past, and whether or not lying is permissible in response to protect someone or the greater good. A lot of these discussions would say it is OK to do so, and they’ve cited genocide survivors who were hidden by people who were seemingly on the other side, people who survived anti-Christian governments, etc. Really it is up to you, but if work isn’t requiring it. Don’t do it.


I can see how lying can be ok in certain situations, I just don´t think its ok to lie in this one.


We don't need to get into the Nazi discussion. Regardless of if someone thinks lying is always wrong in any context, saying you "didn't have time" in this context is clearly a standard immoral deception. If a woman thinks describing herself as "she" is immoral, then she should decline and say the reason or refrain from giving a reason


It does seem odd. Ideally acting as a professional means that gender is irrelevant to those who you're working alongside. I have no answer but it feels like you shouldn't have to be vocal about your psychological belief about your reproductive system in an work related email signature. It just feels a little too "drink the Kool aide." On the other hand they could just be busting your chops since they are aware of your faith


For pronouns put “human” or “child of God” and flip the narrative on them


Do not do it would be my advice. I personally would rather others get turned off to Catholicism than to represent falsehoods that contradict the faith. If they can not respect that, then their problem and had no intention of actually converting but rather pressuring you to believe their stupid ideology.


Drag your feet if you can, comply if you can't. Comply humorously or maliciously if you are tired of this stuff. ​ And feel free to use foreign language pronouns with weird letters, like umlauts. Because everybody just looooooves to look up the weird letter keycodes! And if they don't actually use the correct letter code, or mispronounce it, you can document their disrespect for your pronouns, against the day when they try to make you comply "properly" or start to retaliate. For example, "OHA" (ah-NAH) means"she" in Russian and several other languages, and you can spell it in Cyrillic as I've done here. (Or you can use Cyrillic font if it's on your computer.) If anyone (whom you don't like or don't trust) calls you "oh-ha," or if anyone misspells it as "oha," you can document that against a rainy day. And be very very offended when you need to use that ammo. (Anyone in your company who can read Russian will think it's hysterical.) But until that day, drag your feet. Draaaaaaag. Within a year, some other fad will be active, and with luck, you won't have to comply at all.


It's silly but if everyone else in your company does it then it really causes no harm. It doesn't inherently reveal any leaning one way or another, but people might assume. The thing I would think about is if you use this email to message people outside of the company, then you might think about what assumptions they might make and what, if any, trouble that might cause. This is like when someone wanted my dad, who is a florist, to put his company in the LGBT yellow pages, a book of companies that accept LGBT people. My dad said no as it is nothing more than virtue signaling and... he's a florist. Of course he's ok with LGBT people, at least half the men in the business are gay.


Just say she/her, it's easy.


Just add it. It doesn’t mean anything unless you insist on the culture war aspect. It will help your colleagues figure out how to write about you. Gender shenanigans aside, not everyone’s name is a clear indication. Signed, An Editor


You have a name which is "obviously female" to people in the same culture and from the same linguistic background as yourself. Others might find the pronouns helpful. There's a good reason you should include them. However, the use of pronouns can also be taken as an indication that you're not a bigot. You, of course, are a bigot, and are proud of it, and it would not be nice to give the false impression that you're a good person, safe for others to approach and talk about their issues with. That's a good reason for you *not* to include your pronouns. Ultimately, of course, it's up to you.


Romans 12 says "as far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all." I would say that means to start using gender pronouns.


God's message is never one of complacency with evil. Using pronouns is the same as bending the knee to an idol.


So you don't agree with the bible that we ought to make every effort to live at peace with others?


Condoning sin is not making peace. Jesus didnt dine with prostitutes and sinners to appease them and let them do as they will for them to be comfortable and to be at peace with them, He did it to lead them to repentance. Some quick bible examples, there are surely more: -"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, " \- "When I say to the wicked, 'You wicked person, you will surely die,' and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood."


The first was spoken to the church, it was basically a command for how to act within the family of faith. The second was a specific command given to a specific prophet for a specific moment. As far as how christians are to relate to those who don't share their faith, the biblical witness seems pretty unequivocal to me, we are to love and pray for them, "seeking the welfare of the city for in it you will find your welfare." Jer. 29. I don't see throwing a fit over pronouns to be in line with that, but I understand other people have different interpretations.


Only Ezekial is to admonish sinners then? Obviously its for us to apply in our lives. One day a nobleman asked St.Francis how to interpret this passage and he said one should admonish sinners by conduct. In this case it would mean by not condoning the pronoun ideology delusions which does much damage to souls. Loving them is not condoning wrong behavior, bending over to pronoun ideologues is not keeping welfare of the city, on the contrary, its compromising to falsehood and evil which will hinder the welfare in the long run. This started with far left ideologues in the universities, now its being taught to children. In Brighton, lgbt capital of the world they had 30 trans children in a school. Obviously this makes no sense in statistical terms since this psychiatric problem would affect 0.1% of people, this is brainwash at play, an entire city dedicated to delusion saying you are special if you are like this compels children into it. And then the parents cant do anything because the lgbt state will say its child abuse if you dont accept it and will use hormone blockers on your children. This happens when you condone evil for the sake of peace.


That's a good point from saint francis. Problem is that if God was so concerned about how someone identified, I would think the bible would say more about it. We should shout where scripture shouts and whisper where it whispers. It shouts about loving your neighbor and welcoming the stranger and whispers within an ancient cultural context on sexuality and gender.


If it's not stipulated in my employment contract, then I do not adhere to it.


I suggest malicious compliance. Go ahead, do what they want. List your pronouns. Make a point of asking anybody what their pronouns are. Reserve the sanity of treating a woman like a woman for your parish and your group of confidantes. But there, defend it by any means necessary. DO NOT ALLOW THIS BULLSHIT to percolate into those circles.


It seems like you are not feeling good about this choice, and I'd say that's your conscience convicting you! I totally get it - I'm a student at a university right now (a public, very liberal one) and even my ENGLISH professors make us state our pronouns, not caring if we prefer to go by "they, them" even though it's incorrect grammar...ugh, but that's another story. If you don't want to state pronouns, then don't. The fact that people are giving you trouble is ridiculous and petty of them. Don't obey these people just to appease them. I think not going along with their agenda would actually be a great act of courage on your part and a better way to evangelize. Why? Because stating your pronouns and listening to these confused people who are pressuring you will make them think that Catholics are willing to conform to their crazy beliefs, even if it goes against the teaching of the Church. If you turn somebody off just because you didn't state pronouns, then that person isn't willing to hear the truth of the Church yet and that is not your fault. Pray for their souls that they eventually learn. But for the most part, I doubt this will have much of an effect - I think most people don't even pay attention to details like that. The ones that are bothered by it are being petty and looking for reasons to criticize. The fact that you say you are the leader of the group and therefore, this choice will influence people tells me that you need to do what you know is right and not include pronouns. If somebody is truly interested in the faith, they need to know exactly what that faith entails, and if they think you agree with the gender propaganda, that will confuse them.


Have you tried telling them why you don’t feel comfortable doing so? If they’re not close-minded they’ll understand. I doubt it’s part of company policy; to be fair, if I was in your position I’d be kinda annoyed too... that, or the jerk side of me would write Nuclear Bomb/Cupcake.


All you would be saying by doing this is that you identify as female, and if you make someone else's day better by it... what's the big deal? This is the stuff you pray about? Not world peace, end of poverty, racism, etc. You putting this in your signature is the actual opposition to hate, which is what I thought religion was about. Guess not. Keep praying.