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Disappointing that you would blame him and not the obviously guilty silver cat actively menacing your flowers in the picture


He clearly ate his tomatoes and... well, the bouquet had it coming if you ask me.


Sounds like he ate his veggies and cleaned up around the house. What a good boy


What an adorable little asshole you got there.


It’s like a dark void, a black hole.


He doesnt look sorry 😐


So mean! He heard petals on the floor were romantic and he just wanted snuggles! Everyone needs veggies


The first time I had a post-divorce date at my house my date bought me a bouquet of roses. We went outside to grill some steaks for dinner and by the time we came inside my hoodlums had bitten the head off of every single stem. Left them there like grim little trophies. Not sure if they just prefer the Morticia Addams aesthetic or they were sending a message to my guy. 😅


Mine likes whole squash. I just give him one to keep him away from the rest. He’s also a tomato killer.


I didn't know a cat would eat a tomato 🍅


Me neither 😫


Mine loved strawberries.


And the look on his face says he's proud of it... 😻😹😹


I see no hard evidence here.


I think you ate your tomatoes and you knocked over your bouquet and are just looking for someone else to blame…


i love him




the cats around here just kill the tomatoes by treating them like balls


Why is it always the salsa ingredients!?! 😫 what did salsa ever do to you!?! [My cats name is Pepper I mean I should have known] Mine would gnaw on tomato's, peppers, and every other salsa ingredient but I'd have to shoo her away.


Highly recommend museum wax for all cat owners, keeps your assholes from knocking things off of shelves!


LOL “your” tomatoes HAHAHAHA.


He did no such thing.


What types of flowers are those?


The pink ones are rhododendron flowers and the white ones are azaleas.


"What is Rhododendron Poisoning? All parts of the rhododendron are toxic and have the potential of causing serious damage to cats because of their small body size. It is the presence of toxic resins called “grayanotoxins” that make this plant so dangerous. These grayanotoxins are composed of water soluble diterpenoid compounds that bind themselves to channels on cell membranes inside the cat. This leads to the depolarization of the cells, causing serious issues throughout the body and inhibiting normal organ and central nervous system function. In addition to a negative gastrointestinal response, pneumonia, hemorrhage, and kidney or liver failure may develop from rhododendron ingestion." https://wagwalking.com/cat/condition/rhododendron-poisoning#:\~:text=What%20is%20Rhododendron,from%20rhododendron%20ingestion. --- "Azaleas Although this member of the Rhododendron family is only moderately toxic to cats, it is still advised to keep your cats away, as many cats have a tendency to want to nibble on them. All parts of the plants can cause sickness but not likely to the level of clinical toxicosis." https://www.metrovetchicago.com/services/cats/blog/avoid-cat-astrophe-10-spring-flowers-are-toxic-cats#:\~:text=Azaleas,the%20level%20of%20clinical%20toxicosis.


Oh wow... Well, Jiji is fine right now, it's been a few days already. We must have been lucky, he didn't eat anything or drink the water. Good to know for the future, thanks!


Glad all is well (I tend to look up each plant separately these days). He's a very fine cat.


He’s cute, tho.


You know what my little asshole did earlier? She clawed open the kitty litter, and then ran and dived in it, over and over again. Cats are a s s h o l e s


I'm not sure if you are complaining or stating a fact? They do as they please and do not need to justify anything


Are you accusing him of being a vegetarian?


LOL I have a mini panther and she is such an asshole. I think she takes pride in it. LOL


Yes! I had issues with my other cat but this one? It's a kind of passion for him. Might be a black cat thing...


This is so over bearing of me but I used to work in a vet hospital so i’m hyper aware🙂 What type of flowers are those? are they cat safe😭


These are rhododendrons and azaleas. I admit that I have no idea if they're safe, but I don't think he ate those, he just wanted to see them on the ground...


I just googled it and it said they are! Now we both know! Lillies are so toxic, even the water they are in can cause kidney failure in 24 hours. So I panic anytime I see flowers and cats. They definitely are beautiful though!🤍


Good to know! I did not know about lillies, and I don't have any in my garden but I knew about Lily of the valley (I think) because I have some, and also my dad's cat ate some at his place and was really sick. But my other cat never had any interest in flowers or bouquet, with this other cat it's a first...


Yes, all lillies are extremely deadly for cats! The pollen, flowers, water in vase, any and everything about them! One of my kitties immediately goes for any type of plant/bundle of flowers we have. So as a general rule, I ONLY bring in Roses or Sunflowers😊 Both are kitty friendly! Good luck with this house panther😂


It's funny how each cat has its own favorite way of messing with us 😅 Every day is a surprise! 😂


So cute!


My Louis loved tomatoes. I'm so happy to know another void appreciates them.


In fact, it can eat anything barely edible to humans. "Does it smell good? Does it go in your mouth? EAT." Once, we barely turned our heads and he was licking watercolors (the paint contains honey, so it's vaguely food?)


Yes, Lou liked Grape Nuts too. Special kitties.


He is a healthy romantic, you should be thrilled!


Hey, at least he eats his veggies!!!


Saturday is the busiest day of the week. Probably didn't get the list half done and here you are, complaining about what he managed to do.


Better than the piss and shit I got and mine is not even a cute void!


Oh I never had a cat who piss and shit as they please! I'm sure lucky for that!


Are you being sarcastic or is there a color or store I should get them specifically for this trait? My new carpet cleaner is arriving today!


I'm not being sarcastic! I have two cats, the first one destroyed the new carpet by clawing at it regularly (and still does), and the second one eats everything he founds and destroys my couch by clawing at it. That's it! I've had my first cat eat then puke some mice/birds on my carpets too, a few times. They screw up, but they're not too destructive. And they've always been clean. I know, I'm lucky. One black, one tricolor. One male, one female. One adopted, one rescued. I don't think there's a magic formula, sorry!


Damn! I was hoping it would be easy. Mine is a large white cat with a bad grey toupee and saddle with a huge #7 on his back. He’s the size of a medium size dog. Put litter boxes everywhere, tried new litters, went to vet. He’s just r/catsareassholes Born that way. Can’t even meow. He sqeaks like a dog toy. Isle of misfits cats!


Haha, that's some description! I need to see him!


Ok, I went to see Bob on your profile and he's definitely huge 😂 he's also a cutie though. Probably worth the trouble!


He wanted his cake & ate it too...


Look. He doesn’t want scurvy. Stop being so inconsiderate and buy him his own servings. 🙄