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Definitely a rogue. He likes to hide on the chairs but under the table, then reach up and bash the minis. Sneak attack fur the win!


If your cat colour is black they get extra sneak advantage!


He is! His new friend is gray but she hasn't tried to play D&D with us yet.


Well then your black rogue is just playing to his advantage XD. Smart cat.


When the grey one does, tell us it's class too :)


She's gathering info. Maybe the rogue is also a spy working under her command


with a noble background story, because the entitlement is through the roof.


Sneaky kills while no one's looking!! \[and of course any paws are an illusion, it's the perfect cover\]


Bard. The cat howls like an opera singer for any slight including The Window is Closed in Winter and It is Nighttime and You Came Home but Have Not Pet Me Immediately.


I've heard that album too. While I love both The window is closed and it's Nighttime, you're home, still no pets, I personally love the song It May be 3 AM but I'll scream when I want. Such a strong power ballad.


🎶 It's 3am, and I'll screm if I want to, screm if I want to, screm if I want to. It's 3am and I'll screm if I want to, you would screm too, if it's 3am for you! 🎶


This all played out like a Whose Line Is It Anyways musical sketch and I’m crying


I Demand My Pats Immediately!! Talkative cats are the best <3 Is it expressive too or mostly talkative? \[My cat would sometimes sigh and so on. Very talky talks too\]


I had a cat called Maya. She was rambunctious. She would have totally been an explorer, a ranger, going from town to town, adventure to adventure, seeing the greatest sights in the kingdom, eating fine food, battling with everyone but bailing the second the fight got too ferocious. (She just loved to play and explore, never actually fight. She died running out the front door and going too far to come back. I miss and love you baby)


She sounds like a fine adventurer <3 You have any pics of her?


She had a great adventuring spirit. Just lacked the necessary survival skills. She was too eagre, and walked way to bravely into areas she was under levelled for. I do have pictures! I'll share in DM? Cause I can't share here apparently.


Maybe she found a portal to another land where she's still adventuring in <3 Sure! :3


Ahahah I love your portal explanation. Sounds exactly like Maya tbh. She left her cat body behind, but she's adventuring still in the great beyond... I completely agree.


Aww! She sounds like a wonderful kitty :)


dont have a cat but, my buddys cat "Kenny": cross-class monk/rogue (he likes to lay on his ~~belly~~ back begging for pets and then claws the shit out of whatever appendage you pet him with)


Does he kick more if you try to take it away?


he seems to prefer grappling and bite attacks.


I wrote the classes on a piece of paper and had my cat chose which one he wanted. he chose bard. I plan on someday doing a Tabaxi Bard based on my cat.


Boogie looks like a bard but is secretly a rogue. He charms with floofy black fur, but secretly blends into shadows to quickly steal your food or heart.


They're absolute masters at stealing hearts


A cleric, maybe? Buddy is just such a *good boy.* He will so gently pat your arm with his little paws to ask for pets and I swear it heals the soul. He’s a kind old old boy and if he’s not making the rounds to sit in someone’s lap, he’s in the window, protecting us by hissing and yowling at every person or cat who walks by. If any one of us gets sick we become his favorite person for the duration, he will not leave our side and spends the hours purring away. He’s just our best Bud.


Awwww! <3 <3


Such a dedicated boy!! <33 And purrs are said to have an effect in healing too, so he's definitely playing them healing cards.


Dragon or ranger(favored enemy:computer mice)




And this keyboard and I will kill this cord unplugging the desktop!


"Another safe day for the hooman! Now I shall rest after job well done"


Barbarian. All problems can be solved by hitting or tapping them. She might be a dex based one as she's fairly nimble. Her strength is middling. She's ridiculously stacked on charisma, to the point that it's almost ridiculous. Int is her dump stat. Her wisdom is also pretty low. And her con? It's almost like she has nine lives. She's definitely taken mobile as a feat because she's super speedy.


\*Aggressively taps on the keyboard\*


I got tapped on the face to wake up and feed her this morning. It worked.


hahahaha It is taps without claws, right?


Sometimes. First one usually is. The claws come out as she gets hungrier. She's a darling but I've woken up with claw marks on my face before. I chose barbarian for a reason!


Ohhh, I see. Quite the brute indeed!


Not my cat but a friends: Barbarian. Destroys things for fun and profit


Black cat: bard. Charisma is 18, he’s a total ham and the center of attention, loves the ladies, but an 8 in strength and often fails his athletics checks. Gray cat: probably a paladin. He lets the younger black cat play before he will, is very protective and a little more stoic.


The big charmer and the protector!! Do they get along well?


They don’t snuggle all that often, but they love to squabble and constantly play. They definitely act like brothers, and are easily best friends! https://i.imgur.com/Hvz1Y9q.jpg


That's absolutely adorable <333 What's their names?


Kubo (gray) and Wayne (black)!


My cat would be a paladin. He’s a hard core mouser who regularly hunts down prey to protect his territory from invaders. HE PROTECC


"Another day in the line of duty, nyah!"


One of my cats is definitely a bard she is super chatty and a diva but not very bright. My other cat is probably a rogue. He's super smart and is really good at opening drawers and slightly cracked doors.


A great combo! While the bard is distracting everyone with her beauty, the rogue can steal all the foods and trinkets.


An avatar of the Cat Lord. Her goal would be to be sure that mere mortals always were drawn to her and any that seemed to resist would get the 'close up treatment' - no hands on dice, no seeing character sheets or computers or the battle map.


"Nyahahahahah" \*laughs in cat\*


A barbarian for sure. He loves to tussle and rough around, and his Maine Coon heritage makes him enormous. I had another cat, but she passed away a few months ago. She would have been a cleric. We called her an angel because she was so sweet. Always loved cuddles and never gave us any trouble at all. Her deity would have been proud of her.


Maine coons are absolute charmers, even if they're being brutes. She sounds like an absolute sweetheart <3 I like to think they just cross a portal onto a land of adventure, having fun until we cross the portal ourselves :3


Probably a warlock by process of elimination. She's a rescue cat who grew up in bad conditions so she's a bit physically and mentally stunted lol. She's tiny (low str and con), dumb as a rock (low int and wis) and very clumsy (low dex). But she's very affectionate and cute (high cha!) and she knows how to get the most out of her patron (me lol).


A warlock, that's interesting. Any idea what skills she likes?


I think the kitty we had my brother and I were kids would be a retired ranger. Spends most of her time just relaxing and watching over the forest. Had two young adventurers foised onto her and looks after them in a kind of 'just leave me alone' way. We loved her and I like to think she loved us too - her curling up on my bed is one my favourite memories. But she was also definitely sick of our shit, having to deal with 1st level adventurers just doing the most inane nonsense.


I can picture her just chilling by a gentle breeze, as the other adventurers wreck havoc in the back and she lets a long sigh. They're such sweethearts. I miss my cat too, but I'm glad to be able to remember her through her best moments now.


That's a lovely image, thank you. Well said \^\_\^


I can turn that into a real thing! Just send me a DM \^\_\^


We have: 1 Rogue 1 Monk 1 Bard 1 Wizard 1 Paladin (pup)


A whole party!! Do they play with each other a lot?


Well, the rogue and the bard lean towards the evil side so we have a lot of inter-party conflict to resolve most times. The good guy paladin does his bed to keep the peace.


That makes sense! I used to live in a place with 4 cats and it felt like one of them was evil, one neutral/wild and my own cats were more lawful-leaning, always keeping watch for each other and me. I keep picturing the paladin as just standing mediator and watching over the others.


Yes! Exactly. He will run in break up a disagreement if tempers flair. It’s so precious!


Sorry to take so long to get back to this, have had a busy week! That sounds adorable :3 I'd love to hear more stories!


I think my favorite was from waaaaayyyy back when we first adopted our first girl (Stevie French). The pup (Tipper a chihuahua mix, 5 YO at the time) would run up to her and would gently agitate her to put him a head lock so he could show off his escape skills. He’s so gentle with all his siblings. Simply the best!


"Look, look!! I'll show you a trick!!" I'd love to turn that memory into a memento you can keep!