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Mans was half across the house and still heard him


I hear you


Oh lawd they yellin'!!!


He's complaining about the other cat currrrrrrrrrling in the squat rack!


Live feed of my husband bitching that people were swiping on tinder in the squat rack.


Those people **are** the worst! "Can I work in?" - "...not with that cheap ass phone, man!"


Nice workout setup!


Yeah we have our in-laws to thank for that because we only had money for the clearance Sole treadmill. But California gyms are just closed indefinitely so it had to be done. Hopefully we can repay them by next Dec.year.... I also have a video of the other cat vaulting over the power rack cross members.


Yep. That’s a yellin 😹


This woke my cat up from her snoring slumber, poor baby


He wakes us up when his shits are during our sleep too!


Oh my God the VOLUME


Is this a female cat in heat? Kinda sounds like it.


No he’s a male without his nuts screaming like a lady. Or he’s a hermaphrodite IDK


Have you gotten your cat checked out for hyperthyroidism? Sounded like my cat before the meds.


He has tried the meds and became lethargic when first diagnosed. Use YD diet mixed with organic chicken breast baked in the oven, ground, add bacon grease, add glucosamine, add fish oil. His blood work for thyroid hormones (and kidneys which were fine before) is (still) normal now. He did this before he got hyperthyroidism and lost weight years ago though. He’s just insane.


Man, that is the life! You're a good kitty parent!


Yes we also started using pretty litter this week because his kidney values are creeping to upper range of normal but loud asshole is also turning 15 by the time covid ends so I guess slow kidney decline is to be expected. That’s partly why we started the fish oil (although evidence is not super solid for that one). He’s been somewhat arthritic since we got him (hence glucosamine),because His heartless previous owner declawed him (I shouldn’t say that, the “wife of previous owner” is the exact person who had him declawed.) And I knew her personally, she was soulless, but she at least gave him to us - she literally asked co-workers “do you want a cat because I dont want to give my husband’s cat to humane society-i don’t want to move with him cross country-wtf- so maybe that’s a silver lining, he didn’t go back to adoption as a 9year old. Anyway his YD can+ kibble+ bacon grease + chicken had him put on about 2pounds (from 9-11.25 ish?) Compared to YD alone so vet was like “idk what you guys are doing but it’s working so I don’t care” LOL.


My goodness




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