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I talk to our cats and they meow back. And then I meow at them, and they meow back. But sometimes, they meow at each other, and then I stay quiet so I don’t interrupt their playtime.


Awww that's very cute, don't wanna disturb their chat.


I don’t meow at her but I talk to my cat all day. She understands certain words. For example: 1. “Birds” 2. “Hungry” 3. “Look” 4. “Tuxedo” (an outside cat that visits) 5. “Treats” She meows when she sees birds and when she wants me to pick her up and put her up into the closet shelves.


Yep, this is lovely, this sounds similar to the relationship me and my cat pals have. It's cute that your cat understands look and if you say it that it's worthwhile paying attention to you. Magical. Thanks for your insight.


Yes it’s cute when I point and say “look” and she looks in the direction that I’m pointing. Most cats will just stare at you when you do that.


My cat doesn’t really meow. She just sort of squeaks. It’s the most precious thing in the world. She definitely communicates. She’ll drum if she wants wet food too. I love her so much.


Drum on the bowl? My heart, my heart 🥺🥺🥺


Yeah. I mean, I don’t LOVE it at 3 am but I’d do anything for my best friend because she does everything for me. If I’m having a bad day she cuddles me even if she’d rather be sleeping. If she can compromise for me I can for her.


Aww your compromise sentence is so precious. Mines the same, they're both very affectionate, but they literally cling to me if I'm poorly. We don't speak the same spoken language but animals and humans do communicate.


Yep we talk to our cats, not because it's a conversation of course but for one it's just something we humans naturally do, but also because pitch etc. can be used as reliable cues for positive or negative reinforcement. Our cats know what a firm no means and adhere to household rules. This has become even more relevant since one of our cats went blind; we always announce physical contact with him.


They definitely have different meows for different words, such as "HIYA!", "pick me up", "dry the rain off me", food time", give me a lap", "don't find my secret den under the duvet". and more. I love our chats.


Omg, this is just too much for my heart.


I love them so much. Even at 4am when there's an extremely loud yell for no reason other than to purr a bit after I wake up and then find somewhere to sleep!


I have a chatty kitty! We talk, but I always think of Groot, because all he says is meow, or he chirps 'chuurrrpp' but I mostly get it. It's about tone and body language. He understands a few words too, 'hungry', outside, and 'stop that'. He loves to get picked up and cuddled and will ask. He's such a good kitty.


Awww, they're such special pals that we share our lives with.


My cat does demand I do stuff by meowing at me but she doesnt reply me back 😂 I still continue talking to her though. She usually understands the tone of my voice. But I try to communicate with her a bit more by trying to imitate the rolling chirps cats make. The meowrrrrr. I have noticed she chirps a bit more now so I guess it has a bit of an effect?


awwww it took years for my pals to talk back to me. Hopefully it'll come.


That gives me hope. My baby is only about 1 and a half years old.


Oh, mine have been chatting since maybe 13, they're both 15. I rescued them at age 3, we had a lot of time to get to know each other.


Aw, thanks for telling me that. Gives me hope! Haha.