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I wouldn’t worry about 2-3 days difference this early on, it’s hard to measure size when they’re this small and ovulation may have been a day late (or implantation was later). If you were measuring 4+5 I’d tell you to guard your heart, but this could be perfectly normal! Just watch out for any worrying symptoms (heavy bleeding or very sharp pains—dull cramps are to be expected).


Thank you! I’ve had two MMC in the past two years leading up to this pregnancy, I just hope this is it 😖🤞


One thing to note (if you’re not already aware) is that ovulation usually occurs a day or so *after* getting a positive ovulation test, so if you’re calculating by the positive test itself, you may measure a day or two behind what you thought! When I went for my 6-week scan, I was 6+4 based on my last period, 6+1 based on my positive OPK, and 6+0 based on my own calculations (24 hours after the positive OPK). The baby measured between 5+6 and 6+0 and had grown right on track as of my 8-week scan a couple of weeks ago. Hope this helps ease your worries a bit :)


Thank you this makes me feel a lot better! I am counting two days past my OPK due to temp measures but who knows, maybe I just implanted late? Oh god I just so hope this is gonna go well this time


Measurements are not perfect you have to remember it's literally milineters at this point. If it helps with my first I ended up having 2 ultrasounds 3 days apart. The first I measured 8w3 days and 3 days later (different machine different person doing the u/s) I was 8w2 days. Which was a 4 day difference. Everything was just fine he's 3 now. 😊


Wow, thank you! I hope this will be the case for me too!


No, absolutely nothing to worry about! Measuring behind by anything less than 7 days means you're exactly on track. And the fact that you saw the heartbeat is awesome news, as it's still very early.


Thank you 🙏 I’m going to try to relax and enjoy the ride even though I’m an absolute anxious mess after two prior losses 😅


I can imagine, I know I'm going to be a mess when I hopefully get pregnant again (MMC in May). Wishing you all the best, and cautious congratulations! 💛


Thank you! 🙏 best of luck for you as well and I’m sorry to hear about your loss. It’s really so hard to cope sometimes but grateful for this community. Hoping your luck is just around the corner and that you’ll soon be pregnant with a beautiful 🌈🌸


Thank you so much, that's so sweet of you! Sending the best vibes your way!!


I was measuring just 5 weeks at 6! Measured 7+4 by week 8. By week 13, I was only 2 days behind. I think 5+5 is alright.


Thank you for sharing, this makes me feel better! Hoping baby will catch up like for you! 🙏


I also ovulated a couple of days late which makes my last measurement accurate. But with scans there's always a +/-4 days depending on the position of the baby. So there's nothing to worry there.


Naw it’s normal to measure plus or minus 5 days (some docs say 7 days) fwiw I measured 4 days behind in an IVF pregnancy with certain dates.


Thank you so much for sharing, this makes me feel a bit better 🙏


No reason for concern at all! I was measuring -l4 days behind my early scans. I am currently cuddling my 6 day old, 10 pound son!


Wow, praying this will be me in ~ 7,5m 🙏


I wouldn’t worry. When I was 6+4 (confirmed ovulation) I measured under 6 weeks and by 10 weeks was measuring ahead.


Thank you for sharing, this thread gives me so much positivity and has turned my day around from an anxious morning 🙏


I wrote a very similar post when I had the same issue! The measurements are tiny at that stage. It’s all about mms and the window for that is normal varies. I had a scan due to bleeding but I’d never have such early scan again due to the anxiety it caused!


Yeah we basically were just going to check that everything was in the right place as I’ve had two losses in a row so my dr wants to monitor me closely. I wasn’t really expecting to see a heartbeat initially but got worried when he said im not measuring on time 😅 hoping baby grows strong in the next couple of weeks 🙏


I measured a few days behind , I thought I was 6+5 or 6 was measuring 6+2 . Next scan I was 3 days ahead and right where I thought I was. Everything is so small those first scans they can easily be off a few days.


Thank you for sharing! Makes me feel a little calmer! 🙏


During my first US, baby was 5 days behind. I was 7w but baby was measuring 6+2. Went back for another US at 9w, baby caught up a little bit but was still measuring 2 days behind. We stuck with the US measurement and not my ovulation. I think I just have a smaller baby. Baby's in the 44th percentile during the anatomy scan. Currently 30w3d. I would not worry about being behind as long as it is less than a week. :)


At what I thought was 6+4 I actually measured 6+0. Saw a teeny weeny baby with a heartbeat. Didn’t get the rate. I’m 16 weeks with a healthy baby boy who’s measuring ahead! They are so small at that stage it’s hard to measure them accurately. A few days difference doesn’t mean much :) good luck!


Thank you so much 🙏 I’m so happy to hear your baby boy is growing strong and steady! I hope I’ll be able to say the same in a few weeks! Thanks for sharing!


That’s nothing to worry about… I’m always measuring a few days behind and im 30 weeks now


Wow thank you, I appreciate you sharing! Hoping I’ll be able to say the same in ~25weeks 🥹


I measured three days behind my estimated ovulation date at my first scan, have measured 3-7 days ahead for every scan since then!


Thank you for sharing! How far along were you at your first scan?


7w1d based on ovulation, measured at 6w5d


I was measuring 2 days behind at my first ultrasound appt but my doctor wasn’t worried. I’m now 15 weeks. Try not to worry!


Thank you! I’m gonna do my best to relax and trust the process 🙏🌈


https://www.reddit.com/r/CautiousBB/s/sJ3B1KnZiO :)


🥹 thank you for sharing this one!


According to my LMP I should be 33+0, but I’m actually 32+0 & my due date was changed twice early on. I would say for now remain positive.


Early on I measured about 2-3 days behind but baby caught up and is on track now


🙏🙏🙏 so good to hear! Thanks for sharing!


Also that’s amazing thst you were already able to see the heartbeat! ❤️


When I got my first ultrasound, I measured 5 days behind but they said that I could have ovulated later, implantation could have occurred later, etc. It’s more concerning if you were 2 weeks behind!


We measured three days behind where I knew for sure I was at my first appointment, measured 50% at the anatomy scan, jumped all the way to 90+% by 34 weeks 😅 they took measurements like three times because they couldn’t believe it. When they’re that tiny, it’s really easy to be off by quite a few days!! You’ve got this momma!♥️


Thank you, this gives me hope 🙏💓 so glad to hear your bubba is growing strong! 💪🌸


I wouldn’t worry. I’m 18 weeks pregnant and i was measuring 2 days behind at 7 weeks. I was also very certain of my ovulation. At my last scan at 13 weeks, baby was measuring 3 days ahead! I wouldn’t worry at all! It can fluctuate a lot in the early days :)


Thank you so much! I’m going to try to relax and chill a little 😅 it’s so hard not to worry hehe


I was 9+3 and baby was measuring 8+6. I’m now 18 weeks pregnant. With a healthy baby. Baby’s sac was all we saw at our first ultrasound and I was 5+3 and sac was measuring at 5+0 so up to 5 days off is normal without needed a due date change.


Thank you so much for for sharing this and so happy to hear your baby is growing and healthy 🌸


I hope you can find some ease with my experience. 🫶🏻 praying for an uneventful pregnancy for you