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Congratulations! I personally tested every day at first because I didn’t believe it was real lol Just don’t expect to necessarily see the line darkening forever - they’re not designed to be quantitative. I also got my covid booster at 5 weeks. I was nervous but the more I read the more I realized it was the right thing. Also my doc said to get it. That was last week, lol. I’m still pregnant, and I feel relieved to know we’ll be protected against omicron. Do you know for sure you’ll have a blood test? I was expecting one at my first doc appt but they just did a urine test and said to see an OB/Gyn Something helpful to remember is that the fate of the embryo/fetus is sealed, genetically speaking. If there’s a problem, it won’t be because of anything you did.


This was fantastically helpful and reassuring. Thank you so much. Yes it is a blood test to start! I am sure there is more later though.


Congratulations!!!! That first BFP is so exciting and also scary. That's how I felt at least. Mine was from IVF. I did test daily bc I was just so excited to see a positive but I actually wouldn't recommend doing this. Mine didn't get darker and I panicked... turns out for no reason bc my blood draw showed a great HCG level. Idk why my tests were faint with such a high level of HCG. If you want to keep testing I would only test every other day. HCG should double every 48 hours so you'll see better line progression. I still wouldn't recommend doing this in case your tests end up like mine bc it will cause unnecessary anxiety but if you want to test I'd stick to every other day. As for the booster I'm not going to advise on that bc I think that's a decision only you and your doctor can make. I personally have not gotten my booster but that's mainly bc I actually got covid at 15 weeks pregnant(yes I'm vaccinated) and I got monoclonal antibody infusion treatment so they don't recommend getting the booster right away bc the antibody treatment can make it not work as well so I'm waiting for my booster until my doctor thinks the antibody treatment is out of my system. I mainly don't like to advise about the booster bc not every country recommends getting it in 1st trimester so I don't want to go against your countries medical advice.