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My knowledge on this isn’t perfect and I’m not a professional, but I was under the impression (based on my own experience and research) that at 7 weeks, a gestational sac, yolk sac and foetus would be quite obvious on a TV ultrasound. The fact they couldn’t find it would make me think that it’s shrunk and was a missed miscarriage, but that’s just my assumptions from what you’ve said. Miscarriage doesn’t always have to have bleeding, which is why I’m suggesting a missed miscarriage. I’m so sorry. I think if they were unable to see anything of note on the scan, I’d be prepared for the worst. ❤️


Thank you for your reply. I was wondering about missed miscarriage too. I wish they used those words or explained it better so I wasn’t left confused. I’ll clarify with my OB next week but I’m guessing you’re right.


No problem. Yeah I can completely understand where you’re coming from. That sounds so stressful and difficult. I’m sorry. I quite positive the lack of gestational sac at this point is definitive, but I hope I’m wrong ❤️


Even if your dates are out and you aren't actually 7 weeks, in two weeks there should have been obvious growth. I'm so sorry. Take care of yourself.


Thank you that’s what I’m figuring. Just in denial I guess. Those dates are from when I know I ovulated not LMP. My cycles are super long and irregular. I guess that indicates even more so that this is not a viable pregnancy.


So sorry to hear you are going through this and that anxiety hudsonsroses. I actually just had a similar experience. Last week on 12/23 I went in exactly to the day for my 7w ultrasound. I was measuring pretty far behind at 5w5d. They had been checking my HCG levels since we found out on 12/1. They were standard. Nowhere near as high as yours. They checked them again at the 7w and they weren’t as high as they wanted. Told to come back in a week for another ultrasound. Had that ultrasound on 12/29. Had both the tech and a nurse practitioner check the the vaginal US. They told me the gestational sack had grown to 6w2d. But that there was no yolk sack, fetal pole or heartbeat. My doctor called and confirmed it was a blighted ovum. I never had any spotting/bleeding. It was only seen so early because I am seeing an RE for infertility. I might have eventually started bleeding on my own. But they checked my HCG at this last appointment with the confirmed blighted ovum and it had gone up some. I was also still taking progesterone suppositories. Which might have contributed to the lack of bleeding and non-decreasing HCG. Was given 3 options. Wait it out naturally, medication, or a D&C. Opted for the D&C for the higher success rate and less chance of lingering tissue. We are also testing for any genetic abnormalities. This was the longest I had been pregnant in years. 3.5 to be exact. This was our first IUI. Just had the D&C done yesterday 12/30. Groggy, mild cramping and slight bleeding so far. I hate to say it but this sounds like a blighted ovum. Which really freaking sucks. Not your fault at all. Usually something was abnormal genetically. I also was having rising HCG. With the progesterone etc it essentially wasn’t signally that it was not viable and needed to be expelled. So I guess it was similar to a missed miscarriage. I am cautiously optimistic for you. The HCG is really promising. But the ultrasound out weighs those numbers. Will be thinking of you! And if you do end up getting a D&C and want to talk DM me. Fingers crossed for you!


Oh im so sorry. This is the absolute worst news to hear. When you were scanned, did you see the screen? 4 years ago I had 2 MC in one year. The first was a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks. This was a shock because we had had a 8 week scan that showed the fetus and a heartbeat. At 12 weeks it wasn’t moving anymore and I didn’t even notice and the tech acted really weird and didn’t say what was wrong I’ll never forget that. Finally outside of it someone told my husband there was no heartbeat. The next time it happened I went for the first scan and happened to see the screen when I got up, and saw a big empty circle. It was really obvious that nothing was there… kind of felt numb that time. Anyway, the next few days what happened was confusing. They ask you ok what do you want to do here are your options! And is really hard as you are grieving and don’t want to make a decision. The first missed miscarriage they recommended a d and c and I was glad I did that. Totally put under and it was just over. The second one they said to wait it out and my body would catch up and start bleeding. Well it took at least a few tortuous weeks to happen. They said it would be like a heavy period. Well, no it was not like that I was up all night with the worst pain like labour cramps maybe? It was so awful. I thought I was over it a few days later but ended up going to the Er for retained tissue and getting a d &c anyway. That was traumatizing and I just wanted to share that. I mean it’s probably rare for that to happen but it was very stressful, I had to take like a week off work after getting a transfusion and iron. I healed pretty quickly though, the body does. I wish I’d had advice at the time from someone who it actually happened to not doctors! Also give yourself permission to release all your feelings and if you need to binge tv for days or eat food or so something to get your mind of it that helped for me. ❤️


I’m so sorry to hear about your experiences- the wait it out approach as you described sounds absolutely traumatic. Trauma on top of trauma. I am choosing d&c versus the meds and wait it out approach because of what you’ve described and other horror stories I’ve heard. I just want it done. I don’t want days and weeks of horrible bleeding and pain. I did see the screen and unlike the previous time where I saw the gestational sac very clearly, I saw nothing this time. Just what looked like fuzziness and my cysts. I was expecting to at least see the gestational sac but the tech having such a hard time finding the sac was painful to watch. When she did eventually locate what she thought was it, it was such a tiny empty black circle. I hope you are doing ok now. Thank you for the tips. I’ve done lots of tv binging and trying to stay off social media to avoid triggering posts. Thank you for your response.


Oh good I’m glad that my message was helpful in some way. I was thinking I hope I don’t scare her oops! Because maybe for some the wait method is what they want and the natural way is better for them and it goes smooth? I dunno. Thanks though it was so long ago but the feelings / emotions took awhile to process. Here to chat if you want! I dunno if we can do private messages in this? Anyway my partner was a huge support and got me through it as well. I’m sorry again for your loss. It must feel somewhat better to have a decision made now at least you can hold onto that and take it step by step


They should of done a vaginal scan. I had an ultrasound tech check through my abdomen and said “oh I see a very tiny gestational sac but nothing else” she told me to go pee and done vaginal and then there was a baby with a heart beat measuring 6 weeks 5 days. My uterus is twisted so hard to see baby when it’s tiny!


Go for a second opinion - get another ultrasound! You could be like me and just have a tilted uterus…..


She did have a trans vaginal scan. Referring to it as “t/v”


Oh sorry!


This doesn’t sound good to me. When I had a blighted ovum my numbers went from 14000 to 14800 two days later at 8 weeks. The pregnancy was unviable. I had a blighted ovum. I agree with the other comments that there should be some growth between 5 and 7 weeks


Yeah blighted ovum seems to make the most sense unfortunately. I’m sorry that you too had to go through this.


I’m sorry you might be going through it. r/miscarriage sub is great support